#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "cctk.h" #include "cctk_Parameters.h" #include "util_ErrorCodes.h" #include "util_Table.h" #include "bbox.hh" #include "commstate.hh" #include "defs.hh" #include "dist.hh" #include "timestat.hh" #include "vect.hh" #include "gdata.hh" using namespace std; using namespace CarpetLib; list gdata::allgdata; // Constructors gdata::gdata (const int varindex_, const centering cent_, const operator_type transport_operator_) : _storage(NULL), varindex(varindex_), cent(cent_), transport_operator(transport_operator_), _has_storage(false), comm_active(false) { DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS; allgdatai = allgdata.insert(allgdata.end(), this); if (barriers) { MPI_Barrier (dist::comm()); } } // Destructors gdata::~gdata () { DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS; allgdata.erase(allgdatai); if (barriers) { MPI_Barrier (dist::comm()); } } // Storage management ivect gdata:: allocated_memory_shape (ibbox const& extent) { DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS; ivect shape = max (ivect(0), extent.shape() / extent.stride()); // Enlarge shape to avoid multiples of cache line colours if (avoid_arraysize_bytes > 0) { for (int d=0; d 0 and shape[d] * sizeof(CCTK_REAL) % avoid_arraysize_bytes == 0) { ++shape[d]; } } } return shape; } // Data manipulators void gdata:: copy_from (comm_state & state, gdata const * const src, ibbox const & box, int const dstproc, int const srcproc) { vector const srcs (1, src); CCTK_REAL const time = 0.0; vector const times (1, time); transfer_from (state, srcs, times, box, box, dstproc, srcproc, time, 0, 0); } void gdata:: transfer_from (comm_state & state, vector const & srcs, vector const & times, ibbox const & dstbox, ibbox const & srcbox, int const dstproc, int const srcproc, CCTK_REAL const time, int const order_space, int const order_time) { bool const is_dst = dist::rank() == dstproc; bool const is_src = dist::rank() == srcproc; // Return early if this communication does not concern us assert (is_dst or is_src); // why should we be here? if (not is_dst and not is_src) return; if (is_dst) { assert (proc() == dstproc); assert (has_storage()); assert (not dstbox.empty()); assert (all(dstbox.lower() >= extent().lower())); assert (all(dstbox.upper() <= extent().upper())); assert (all(dstbox.stride() == extent().stride())); assert (all((dstbox.lower() - extent().lower()) % dstbox.stride() == 0)); } if (is_src) { assert (not srcbox.empty()); assert (srcs.size() == times.size() and srcs.size() > 0); for (int t=0; t<(int)srcs.size(); ++t) { assert (srcs.AT(t)->proc() == srcproc); assert (srcs.AT(t)->has_storage()); assert (all(srcbox.lower() >= srcs.AT(t)->extent().lower())); assert (all(srcbox.upper() <= srcs.AT(t)->extent().upper())); } } gdata const * const src = is_src ? srcs.AT(0) : NULL; operator_type const my_transport_operator = is_dst ? transport_operator : src->transport_operator; assert (my_transport_operator != op_error); assert (my_transport_operator != op_none); // why should we be here? if (my_transport_operator == op_none) return; // Interpolate either on the source or on the destination processor, // depending on whether this increases or reduces the amount of data int timelevel0, ntimelevels; find_source_timelevel (times, time, order_time, my_transport_operator, timelevel0, ntimelevels); if (is_src) assert (int (srcs.size()) >= ntimelevels); int const dstpoints = dstbox.size(); int const srcpoints = srcbox.size() * ntimelevels; bool const interp_on_src = dstpoints <= srcpoints; int const npoints = interp_on_src ? dstpoints : srcpoints; switch (state.thestate) { case state_get_buffer_sizes: // don't count processor-local copies if (not (is_dst and is_src)) { if (is_dst) { // increment the recv buffer size state.reserve_recv_space (c_datatype(), srcproc, npoints); } if (is_src) { // increment the send buffer size state.reserve_send_space (src->c_datatype(), dstproc, npoints); } } break; case state_fill_send_buffers: if (not (is_dst and is_src)) { if (is_src) { // copy the data into the send buffer if (interp_on_src) { size_t const sendbufsize = src->c_datatype_size() * dstbox.size(); void * const sendbuf = state.send_buffer (src->c_datatype(), dstproc, dstbox.size()); gdata * const buf = src->make_typed (src->varindex, src->cent, src->transport_operator); buf->allocate (dstbox, srcproc, sendbuf, sendbufsize); buf->transfer_from_innerloop (srcs, times, dstbox, time, order_space, order_time); delete buf; state.commit_send_space (src->c_datatype(), dstproc, dstbox.size()); } else { for (int tl = timelevel0; tl < timelevel0 + ntimelevels; ++ tl) { size_t const sendbufsize = src->c_datatype_size() * srcbox.size(); void * const sendbuf = state.send_buffer (src->c_datatype(), dstproc, srcbox.size()); gdata * const buf = src->make_typed (src->varindex, src->cent, src->transport_operator); buf->allocate (srcbox, srcproc, sendbuf, sendbufsize); buf->copy_from_innerloop (srcs.AT(tl), srcbox); delete buf; state.commit_send_space (src->c_datatype(), dstproc, srcbox.size()); } } } } break; case state_do_some_work: // handle the processor-local case if (is_dst and is_src) { transfer_from_innerloop (srcs, times, dstbox, time, order_space, order_time); } break; case state_empty_recv_buffers: if (not (is_dst and is_src)) { if (is_dst) { // copy from the recv buffer if (interp_on_src) { size_t const recvbufsize = c_datatype_size() * dstbox.size(); void * const recvbuf = state.recv_buffer (c_datatype(), srcproc, dstbox.size()); gdata * const buf = make_typed (varindex, cent, transport_operator); buf->allocate (dstbox, dstproc, recvbuf, recvbufsize); state.commit_recv_space (c_datatype(), srcproc, dstbox.size()); copy_from_innerloop (buf, dstbox); delete buf; } else { gdata const * const null = NULL; vector bufs (ntimelevels, null); vector timebuf (ntimelevels); for (int tl = 0; tl < ntimelevels; ++ tl) { size_t const recvbufsize = c_datatype_size() * srcbox.size(); void * const recvbuf = state.recv_buffer (c_datatype(), srcproc, srcbox.size()); gdata * const buf = make_typed (varindex, cent, transport_operator); buf->allocate (srcbox, dstproc, recvbuf, recvbufsize); state.commit_recv_space (c_datatype(), srcproc, srcbox.size()); bufs.AT(tl) = buf; timebuf.AT(tl) = times.AT(timelevel0 + tl); } transfer_from_innerloop (bufs, timebuf, dstbox, time, order_space, order_time); for (int tl = 0; tl < ntimelevels; ++ tl) { delete bufs.AT(tl); } } } } break; default: assert (0); abort(); } } void gdata:: find_source_timelevel (vector const & times, CCTK_REAL const time, int const order_time, operator_type const transport_operator, int & timelevel0, int & ntimelevels) { // Ensure that the times are consistent assert (times.size() > 0); assert (order_time >= 0); CCTK_REAL const eps = 1.0e-12; CCTK_REAL const min_time = * min_element (times.begin(), times.end()); CCTK_REAL const max_time = * max_element (times.begin(), times.end()); // TODO: Use a real delta-time from somewhere instead of 1.0 CCTK_REAL const some_time = abs (min_time) + abs (max_time) + 1.0; if (transport_operator != op_copy) { if (time < min_time - eps * some_time or time > max_time + eps * some_time) { ostringstream buf; buf << setprecision (17) << "Internal error: extrapolation in time." << " time=" << time << " times=" << times; CCTK_WARN (0, buf.str().c_str()); } } // Use this timelevel, or interpolate in time if set to -1 int timelevel = -1; // Try to avoid time interpolation if possible if (timelevel == -1) { if (times.size() == 1) { timelevel = 0; } } if (timelevel == -1) { if (transport_operator == op_copy) { timelevel = 0; } } if (timelevel == -1) { for (size_t tl=0; tl 0, "Function CarpetLib::abs has wrong signature"); if (abs (times.AT(tl) - time) < eps * some_time) { timelevel = tl; break; } } } if (timelevel >= 0) { timelevel0 = timelevel; ntimelevels = 1; } else { timelevel0 = 0; ntimelevels = order_time + 1; } assert (timelevel0 >= 0 and timelevel0 < (int)times.size()); assert (ntimelevels > 0); } size_t gdata:: allmemory () { size_t mem = memoryof(allgdata); for (list::const_iterator gdatai = allgdata.begin(); gdatai != allgdata.end(); ++ gdatai) { mem += memoryof(**gdatai); } return mem; }