#include #include #include #include "defs.hh" #include "region.hh" #include "fulltree.hh" // Create an empty tree template fulltree::fulltree () : type (type_empty) { assert (invariant()); // This is unused assert (0); } // Create a tree branch from a list of bounds and subtrees template fulltree::fulltree (int const dir_, vector const & bounds_, vector const & subtrees_) : type (type_branch), dir (dir_), bounds (bounds_), subtrees (subtrees_) { assert (dir>=0 and dir fulltree::fulltree (P const & p_) : type (type_leaf), p (p_) { assert (invariant()); } // Create a tree as copy from another tree template fulltree::fulltree (fulltree const & t) : type (t.type) { switch (type) { case type_empty: // do nothing break; case type_branch: dir = t.dir; bounds = t.bounds; subtrees.resize (t.subtrees.size()); for (size_t i=0; i fulltree & fulltree::operator= (fulltree const & t) { assert (invariant()); if (is_branch()) { for (size_t i=0; i fulltree::~fulltree () { assert (invariant()); if (is_branch()) { for (size_t i=0; i bool fulltree::operator== (fulltree const & t) const { assert (invariant()); assert (t.invariant()); if (type != t.type) return false; switch (type) { case type_empty: break; case type_branch: if (dir != t.dir) return false; if (bounds != t.bounds) return false; if (subtrees != t.subtrees) return false; break; case type_leaf: return p == t.p; default: assert (0); } return true; } // Invariant template bool fulltree::invariant () const { return empty() + is_branch() + is_leaf() == 1; } // Find the leaf payload corresponding to a position template P const * fulltree::search (tvect const & ipos) const { assert (not empty()); // cout << "fulltree::search ipos=" << ipos << endl; if (is_leaf()) return & p; int const i = ::asearch (ipos[dir], bounds); // cout << "fulltree::search i=" << i << " size=" << subtrees.size() << endl; if (i<0 or i>=int(subtrees.size())) return NULL; // not found return subtrees.AT(i)->search(ipos); } template P * fulltree::search (tvect const & ipos) { assert (not empty()); // cout << "fulltree::search ipos=" << ipos << endl; if (is_leaf()) return & p; int const i = ::asearch (ipos[dir], bounds); // cout << "fulltree::search i=" << i << " size=" << subtrees.size() << endl; if (i<0 or i>=int(subtrees.size())) return NULL; // not found return subtrees.AT(i)->search(ipos); } // Const iterator template fulltree::const_iterator::const_iterator (fulltree const & f_) : f(f_), i(0), it(0) { if (f.is_branch()) { assert (f.subtrees.size() > 0); it = new const_iterator (* f.subtrees.AT(i)); while ((*it).done()) { delete it; it = 0; ++ i; if (done()) break; // to do: use a new function "reset iterator" instead it = new const_iterator (* f.subtrees.AT(i)); } assert (done() or not (*it).done()); } } template fulltree::const_iterator::const_iterator (fulltree const & f_, int) : f(f_), it(0) { if (f.empty()) { i = 0; } else if (f.is_leaf()) { i = 1; } else { i = f.subtrees.size(); } } template fulltree::const_iterator::~const_iterator () { if (it) { delete it; } } template fulltree const & fulltree::const_iterator::operator* () const { assert (not done()); assert (not f.empty()); if (f.is_leaf()) { return f; } else { assert (it); return **it; } } template bool fulltree::const_iterator::operator== (const_iterator const & it2) const { // assert (f == it2.f); assert (&f == &it2.f); if (i != it2.i) return false; if (it == 0 and it2.it == 0) return true; if (it == 0 or it2.it == 0) return false; return *it == *it2.it; } template typename fulltree::const_iterator & fulltree::const_iterator::operator++ () { assert (not done()); assert (not f.empty()); if (f.is_leaf()) { ++ i; } else { ++ *it; #if 0 if ((*it).done()) { delete it; it = 0; ++ i; if (not done()) { // to do: use a new function "reset iterator" instead it = new const_iterator (* f.subtrees.AT(i)); assert (not (*it).done()); } } #endif while ((*it).done()) { delete it; it = 0; ++ i; if (done()) break; // to do: use a new function "reset iterator" instead it = new const_iterator (* f.subtrees.AT(i)); } assert (done() or not (*it).done()); } return *this; } template bool fulltree::const_iterator::done () const { if (f.empty()) { return true; } else if (f.is_leaf()) { return i > 0; } else { return i == f.subtrees.size(); } } // Non-const iterator template fulltree::iterator::iterator (fulltree & f_) : f(f_), i(0), it(0) { if (f.is_branch()) { assert (f.subtrees.size() > 0); it = new iterator (* f.subtrees.AT(i)); while ((*it).done()) { delete it; it = 0; ++ i; if (done()) break; // to do: use a new function "reset iterator" instead it = new iterator (* f.subtrees.AT(i)); } assert (done() or not (*it).done()); } } template fulltree::iterator::iterator (fulltree & f_, int) : f(f_), it(0) { if (f.empty()) { i = 0; } else if (f.is_leaf()) { i = 1; } else { i = f.subtrees.size(); } } template fulltree::iterator::~iterator () { if (it) { delete it; } } template fulltree & fulltree::iterator::operator* () const { assert (not done()); assert (not f.empty()); if (f.is_leaf()) { return f; } else { assert (it); return **it; } } template bool fulltree::iterator::operator== (iterator const & it2) const { // assert (f == it2.f); assert (&f == &it2.f); if (i != it2.i) return false; if (it == 0 and it2.it == 0) return true; if (it == 0 or it2.it == 0) return false; return *it == *it2.it; } template typename fulltree::iterator & fulltree::iterator::operator++ () { assert (not done()); assert (not f.empty()); if (f.is_leaf()) { ++ i; } else { ++ *it; #if 0 if ((*it).done()) { delete it; it = 0; ++ i; if (not done()) { // to do: use a new function "reset iterator" instead it = new iterator (* f.subtrees.AT(i)); assert (not (*it).done()); } } #endif while ((*it).done()) { delete it; it = 0; ++ i; if (done()) break; // to do: use a new function "reset iterator" instead it = new iterator (* f.subtrees.AT(i)); } assert (done() or not (*it).done()); } return *this; } template bool fulltree::iterator::done () const { if (f.empty()) { return true; } else if (f.is_leaf()) { return i > 0; } else { return i == f.subtrees.size(); } } // Memory usage template size_t fulltree::memory () const { size_t size = sizeof *this; if (is_branch()) { size += memoryof (bounds) + memoryof (subtrees); for (typename vector ::const_iterator i = subtrees.begin(); i != subtrees.end(); ++ i) { size += memoryof(**i); } } return size; } // Output helper template void fulltree::output (ostream & os) const { os << "fulltree{"; if (empty()) { os << "empty"; } else if (is_branch()) { os << "branch:" << "dir=" << dir << "," << "subtrees=["; for (size_t i=0; i static int asearch (T const t, vector const & ts) { // cout << "fulltree::asearch t=" << t << " ts=" << ts << endl; int imin = 0; int imax = int(ts.size()) - 1; if (imax <= imin) { // cout << "fulltree::asearch: no values" << endl; return imin; } T tmin = ts.AT(imin); // cout << "fulltree::asearch: imin=" << imin << " tmin=" << tmin << endl; if (t < tmin) { // cout << "fulltree::asearch: below minimum" << endl; return -1; } T tmax = ts.AT(imax); // cout << "fulltree::asearch: imax=" << imax << " tmax=" << tmax << endl; if (t >= tmax) { // cout << "fulltree::asearch: above maximum" << endl; return imax; } int isize = imax - imin; for (;;) { // check loop invariants assert (imin < imax); assert (t >= tmin); assert (t < tmax); // cout << "fulltree::asearch t=" << t << " imin=" << imin << " imax=" << imax << endl; if (imax == imin+1) { // cout << "fulltree::asearch: found value" << endl; return imin; } assert (tmax > tmin); // require that ts is strictly ordered CCTK_REAL const rguess = (imax - imin) * CCTK_REAL(t - tmin) / (tmax - tmin); int const iguess = imin + max (1, int(floor(rguess))); // handle round-off errors if (iguess == imax) { // cout << "fulltree::asearch: accidental hit after roundoff error" << endl; return imax - 1; } assert (iguess > imin and iguess < imax); T const tguess = ts.AT(iguess); // cout << "fulltree::asearch: intersecting at iguess=" << iguess << " tguess=" << tguess << endl; if (t < tguess) { imax = iguess; tmax = tguess; // cout << "fulltree::asearch: new imax=" << imax << " tmax=" << tmax << endl; } else { imin = iguess; tmin = tguess; // cout << "fulltree::asearch: new imin=" << imin << " tmin=" << tmin << endl; } // check loop variant int const newisize = imax - imin; assert (newisize < isize); isize = newisize; } } template class fulltree ; template size_t memoryof (fulltree const & f); template ostream & operator<< (ostream & os, fulltree const & f);