#ifndef DH_HH #define DH_HH #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "bbox.hh" #include "bboxset.hh" #include "defs.hh" #include "gh.hh" #include "region.hh" #include "vect.hh" using namespace std; #define CARPET_HAVE_BUFFER_WIDTH // Forward declaration class ggf; class dh; // A data hierarchy (grid hierarchy plus ghost zones) class dh { // Types public: typedef list iblist; typedef vector iblistvect; // vector of lists typedef vector pvect; typedef vector srpvect; struct dboxes { // Region description: ibbox exterior; // whole region (including boundaries) b2vect is_outer_boundary; ibset outer_boundaries; // outer boundary ibbox communicated; // exterior without outer boundary ibset boundaries; // ghost zones ibbox owned; // evolved in time ibset buffers; // buffer zones ibset active; // owned minus buffers ibset sync; // filled by synchronisation ibset bndref; // filled by boundary prolongation // For Cactus: (these are like boundary or owned, but include the // outer boundary) ibset ghosts; // ghost zones, as seen from Cactus ibbox interior; // interior (without ghost zones) size_t memory () const; ostream & output (ostream & os) const; }; struct fast_dboxes { // Communication schedule: srpvect fast_mg_rest_sendrecv; srpvect fast_mg_prol_sendrecv; srpvect fast_ref_prol_sendrecv; srpvect fast_ref_rest_sendrecv; srpvect fast_sync_sendrecv; srpvect fast_ref_bnd_prol_sendrecv; // Regridding schedule: srpvect fast_old2new_sync_sendrecv; srpvect fast_old2new_ref_prol_sendrecv; size_t memory () const; ostream & output (ostream & os) const; }; private: typedef vector cboxes; // ... for each component typedef vector rboxes; // ... for each refinement level typedef vector mboxes; // ... for each multigrid level typedef vector fast_cboxes; // ... for each component typedef vector fast_rboxes; // ... for each refinement level typedef vector fast_mboxes; // ... for each multigrid level void setup_bboxes (); public: // should be readonly // Fields gh & h; // hierarchy i2vect ghost_width; // number of ghost zones i2vect buffer_width; // number of buffer zones int prolongation_order_space; // order of spatial prolongation operator mboxes boxes; // grid hierarchy mboxes oldboxes; // old grid hierarchy, used during regridding fast_mboxes fast_boxes; // grid hierarchy fast_mboxes fast_oldboxes; list gfs; // list of all grid functions public: // Constructors dh (gh & h, i2vect const & ghosts, i2vect const & buffers, int prolongation_order_space); // Destructors ~dh (); // Helpers int prolongation_stencil_size () const; // Modifiers void regrid (); void recompose (int rl, bool do_prolongate); private: int this_proc (int rl, int c) const; bool on_this_proc (int rl, int c) const; bool on_this_proc (int rl, int c, int cc) const; int this_oldproc (int rl, int c) const; bool on_this_oldproc (int rl, int c) const; public: // Grid function management void add (ggf * f); void remove (ggf * f); // Output size_t memory () const; ostream & output (ostream & os) const; }; inline size_t memoryof (dh::dboxes const & b) { return b.memory (); } inline size_t memoryof (dh::fast_dboxes const & b) { return b.memory (); } inline size_t memoryof (dh const & d) { return d.memory (); } inline ostream & operator<< (ostream & os, dh::dboxes const & b) { return b.output (os); } inline ostream & operator<< (ostream & os, dh::fast_dboxes const & b) { return b.output (os); } inline ostream & operator<< (ostream & os, dh const & d) { return d.output (os); } #endif // DH_HH