# Interface definition for thorn CarpetInterp IMPLEMENTS: interp2 INCLUDE HEADER: fasterp.hh IN carpetinterp2.hh USES INCLUDE HEADER: defs.hh USES INCLUDE HEADER: typeprops.hh USES INCLUDE HEADER: vect.hh USES INCLUDE HEADER: carpet.hh # Get access to communicators CCTK_POINTER_TO_CONST FUNCTION \ GetMPICommWorld (CCTK_POINTER_TO_CONST IN cctkGH) REQUIRES FUNCTION GetMPICommWorld # Access coordinate information (on the coarse level) CCTK_INT FUNCTION \ GetCoordRange \ (CCTK_POINTER_TO_CONST IN cctkGH, \ CCTK_INT IN m, \ CCTK_INT IN ml, \ CCTK_INT IN size, \ CCTK_INT ARRAY OUT gsh, \ CCTK_REAL ARRAY OUT lower, \ CCTK_REAL ARRAY OUT upper, \ CCTK_REAL ARRAY OUT delta) REQUIRES FUNCTION GetCoordRange CCTK_INT FUNCTION \ MultiPatch_GlobalToLocal \ (CCTK_POINTER_TO_CONST IN cctkGH, \ CCTK_INT IN ndims, \ CCTK_INT IN npoints, \ CCTK_POINTER_TO_CONST IN globalcoords, \ CCTK_INT ARRAY OUT patch, \ CCTK_POINTER IN localcoords, \ CCTK_POINTER IN dadx, \ CCTK_POINTER IN ddadxdx) USES FUNCTION MultiPatch_GlobalToLocal CCTK_INT FUNCTION \ InterpGridArrays \ (CCTK_POINTER_TO_CONST IN cctkGH, \ CCTK_INT IN N_dims, \ CCTK_INT IN order, \ CCTK_INT IN N_interp_points, \ CCTK_POINTER_TO_CONST IN interp_coords, \ CCTK_INT IN N_input_arrays, \ CCTK_INT ARRAY IN input_array_indices, \ CCTK_INT IN N_output_arrays, \ CCTK_POINTER IN output_arrays) PROVIDES FUNCTION InterpGridArrays \ WITH CarpetInterp2_InterpGridArrays \ LANGUAGE C