# Parameter definitions for thorn CarpetIOHDF5 shares: IO USES STRING out_dir AS io_out_dir USES KEYWORD out_criterion AS io_out_criterion USES INT out_every AS io_out_every USES REAL out_dt AS io_out_dt USES BOOLEAN out_unchunked AS io_out_unchunked USES KEYWORD verbose USES BOOLEAN out_single_precision USES KEYWORD out_mode USES KEYWORD out_save_parameters USES INT checkpoint_every USES INT checkpoint_keep USES BOOLEAN checkpoint_ID USES BOOLEAN recover_and_remove USES BOOLEAN checkpoint_on_terminate USES BOOLEAN strict_io_parameter_check USES KEYWORD recover USES STRING checkpoint_dir USES STRING checkpoint_ID_file USES STRING checkpoint_file USES STRING recover_dir USES STRING recover_file USES STRING filereader_ID_dir shares: Cactus USES REAL cctk_initial_time private: STRING out_dir "Name of CarpetIOHDF5 output directory, overrides 'IO::out_dir'" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { "^$" :: "Empty: use IO::out_dir" ".+" :: "Not empty: directory name" } "" STRING out_vars "Variables to output in CarpetIOHDF5 file format" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { .* :: "List of group or variable names" } "" STRING out_extension "File extension to use for CarpetIOHDF5 output" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { ".*" :: "File extension (including a leading dot, if desired)" } ".h5" KEYWORD out_criterion "Criterion to select CarpetIOHDF5 output intervals, overrides out_every" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { "default" :: "Use 'IO::out_criterion'" "never" :: "Never output" "iteration" :: "Output every so many iterations" "divisor" :: "Output if (iteration % out_every) == 0." "time" :: "Output every that much coordinate time" } "default" INT out_every "How often to do CarpetIOHDF5 output, overrides out_every" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { 1:* :: "Output every so many time steps" -1:0 :: "No output" -2 :: "Use 'IO::out_every'" } -2 REAL out_dt "How often to do CarpetIOHDF5 output, overrides 'IO::out_dt'" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { (0:* :: "In intervals of that much coordinate time" 0 :: "As often as possible" -1 :: "Disable output" -2 :: "Default to 'IO::out_dt'" } -2 BOOLEAN checkpoint "Do checkpointing with CarpetIOHDF5 ?" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { } "no" BOOLEAN checkpoint_next "Checkpoint at next iteration ?" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { } "no" BOOLEAN use_reflevels_from_checkpoint "Use 'CarpetRegrid::refinement_levels' from the checkpoint file rather than from the parameter file ?" STEERABLE = ALWAYS { } "no"