#include #include #include #include #include "cctk.h" #include "cctk_Arguments.h" #include "cctk_Parameters.h" // IRIX wants this before #if HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H # include #endif #if TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME # include # include #else # if HAVE_SYS_TIME_H # include # elif HAVE_TIME_H # include # endif #endif #if HAVE_UNISTD_H # include #endif #include "defs.hh" #include "dist.hh" #include "carpet.hh" namespace Carpet { using namespace std; // Small number to avoid division by zero CCTK_REAL const eps = 1.0e-15; // Return the current wall time static CCTK_REAL get_walltime () { #ifdef HAVE_TIME_GETTIMEOFDAY // get the current time struct timeval tv; gettimeofday (& tv, 0); return tv.tv_sec + tv.tv_usec / CCTK_REAL (1.0e6); #else return CCTK_REAL (0.0); #endif } // Calculate the number of updates for the current level static void current_level_updates (cGH const * const cctkGH, CCTK_REAL & local_updates, CCTK_REAL & global_updates) { DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS; // Count the weighted number of grid points // (int is not good enough for this calculation) CCTK_REAL local_num_grid_points = 0; CCTK_REAL global_num_grid_points = 0; for (int m = 0; m < maps; ++ m) { assert (reflevel >= 0); int const rl = reflevel; for (int c = 0; c < vhh.at(m)->components(rl); ++ c) { assert (mglevel >= 0); int const ml = mglevel; // Base region ibbox const ext = vhh.at(m)->extent(ml,rl,c); // Count the grid points CCTK_REAL const domainsize = ext.size(); if (vhh.at(m)->is_local (rl, c)) { local_num_grid_points += domainsize; } global_num_grid_points += domainsize; } // for c } // for m // Take number of RHS evaluations per time step into account static int int_steps = -1; if (int_steps == -1) { if (num_integrator_substeps != -1) { // if the user parameter is set, use it int_steps = num_integrator_substeps; } else if (CCTK_IsFunctionAliased ("MoLNumIntegratorSubsteps")) { // if there is an aliased function, use it int_steps = MoLNumIntegratorSubsteps (); } else { // use a sensible default, even if it is wrong -- it is better // to have timing information which is wrong by a constant // factor than to abort the code int_steps = 1; } } local_updates = local_num_grid_points * int_steps; global_updates = global_num_grid_points * int_steps; } // Time at which the evolution started CCTK_REAL initial_walltime; // in seconds CCTK_REAL initial_phystime; // Last starting time enum timing_state_t { state_computing, state_communicating, state_io }; timing_state_t timing_state = state_computing; CCTK_REAL time_start; // Initialise the timing variables (to be called before basegrid) void InitTimingStats (cGH const * const cctkGH) { DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS; initial_walltime = get_walltime(); initial_phystime = cctkGH->cctk_time; * physical_time_per_hour = 0.0; * time_total = 0.0; * time_computing = 0.0; * time_communicating = 0.0; * time_io = 0.0; * local_grid_points_per_second = 0.0; * total_grid_points_per_second = 0.0; * local_grid_point_updates_count = 0.0; * total_grid_point_updates_count = 0.0; * io_per_second = 0.0; * io_bytes_per_second = 0.0; * io_bytes_ascii_per_second = 0.0; * io_bytes_binary_per_second = 0.0; * io_count = 0.0; * io_bytes_count = 0.0; * io_bytes_ascii_count = 0.0; * io_bytes_binary_count = 0.0; * comm_per_second = 0.0; * comm_bytes_per_second = 0.0; * comm_count = 0.0; * comm_bytes_count = 0.0; * grid_points_per_second = 0.0; * grid_point_updates_count = 0.0; } // Take a step on the current refinement and multigrid level (to be // called when EVOL is scheduled) void StepTiming (cGH const * const cctkGH) { DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS; assert (timing_state == state_computing); CCTK_REAL local_updates, global_updates; current_level_updates (cctkGH, local_updates, global_updates); * local_grid_point_updates_count += local_updates; * total_grid_point_updates_count += global_updates; * grid_point_updates_count = * local_grid_point_updates_count; } // Count some I/O (to be called from the I/O routine) void BeginTimingIO (cGH const * const cctkGH) { assert (timing_state == state_computing); timing_state = state_io; time_start = get_walltime(); } void EndTimingIO (cGH const * const cctkGH, CCTK_REAL const files, CCTK_REAL const bytes, bool const is_binary) { DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS; assert (timing_state == state_io); timing_state = state_computing; CCTK_REAL const time_end = get_walltime(); * time_io += time_end - time_start; * io_count += files; * io_bytes_count += bytes; * (is_binary ? io_bytes_binary_count : io_bytes_ascii_count) += bytes; } // Count some communication (to be called from the communication routine) void BeginTimingCommunication (cGH const * const cctkGH) { assert (timing_state == state_computing); timing_state = state_communicating; time_start = get_walltime(); } void EndTimingCommunication (cGH const * const cctkGH, CCTK_REAL const messages, CCTK_REAL const bytes) { DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS; assert (timing_state == state_communicating); timing_state = state_computing; CCTK_REAL const time_end = get_walltime(); * time_communicating += time_end - time_start; * comm_count += messages; * comm_bytes_count += bytes; } static void UpdateTimes (cGH const * const cctkGH) { DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS; assert (timing_state == state_computing); // Measure the elapsed time * time_total = get_walltime() - initial_walltime; * time_computing = * time_total - (* time_communicating + * time_io); } static void UpdateUpdatesPerSecond (cGH const * const cctkGH) { DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS; // Calculate updates per second * local_grid_points_per_second = * local_grid_point_updates_count / max (* time_computing, eps); * total_grid_points_per_second = * total_grid_point_updates_count / max (* time_computing, eps); * grid_points_per_second = * local_grid_points_per_second; } static void UpdateIOStats (cGH const * const cctkGH) { DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS; * io_per_second = * io_count / max (* time_io, eps); * io_bytes_per_second = * io_bytes_count / max (* time_io, eps); * io_bytes_ascii_per_second = * io_bytes_ascii_count / max (* time_io, eps); * io_bytes_binary_per_second = * io_bytes_binary_count / max (* time_io, eps); } static void UpdateCommunicationStats (cGH const * const cctkGH) { DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS; * comm_per_second = * comm_count / max (* time_communicating, eps); * comm_bytes_per_second = * comm_bytes_count / max (* time_communicating, eps); } static void UpdatePhysicalTimePerHour (cGH const * const cctkGH) { DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS; // Calculate elapsed physical time CCTK_REAL const physical_time = cctkGH->cctk_time - initial_phystime; // Calculate physical time per hour * physical_time_per_hour = 3600.0 * physical_time / max (* time_total, eps); } // Calculate timing statistics (to be called before output) void UpdateTimingStats (cGH const * const cctkGH) { UpdateTimes (cctkGH); UpdateUpdatesPerSecond (cctkGH); UpdateIOStats (cctkGH); UpdateCommunicationStats (cctkGH); UpdatePhysicalTimePerHour (cctkGH); } static void PrintTimes (cGH const * const cctkGH) { DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS; CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "Total run time: %g h", double (* time_total / 3600.0)); CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "(Comp, Comm, I/O) fractions = (%3.1f%%, %3.1f%%, %3.1f%%)", double (100.0 * * time_computing / max (* time_total, eps)), double (100.0 * * time_communicating / max (* time_total, eps)), double (100.0 * * time_io / max (* time_total, eps))); } static void PrintUpdatesPerSecond (cGH const * const cctkGH) { DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS; DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS; CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "This processor's grid point updates per second (local): %g", double (* local_grid_points_per_second)); CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "Overall grid point updates per second (total) : %g", double (* total_grid_points_per_second)); #if 0 CCTK_REAL const updates_per_second_2 = ipow (updates_per_second, 2); struct { CCTK_REAL ups, ups2; } local, global; local.ups = updates_per_second; local.ups2 = updates_per_second_2; MPI_Allreduce (& local, & global, 2, dist::datatype (global.ups), MPI_SUM, dist::comm()); int const count = dist::size(); CCTK_REAL const avg = global.ups / count; CCTK_REAL const stddev = sqrt (abs (global.ups2 - ipow (avg,2)) / count); CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "Local updates per second: %g", double (updates_per_second)); CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "Global updates per second: %g", double (global.ups)); if (verbose) { CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "Average updates per second: %g", double (avg)); CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "Standard deviation: %g", double (stddev)); } #endif } static void PrintIOStats (cGH const * const cctkGH) { DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS; CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "I/O operations per second: %g", double (* io_per_second)); CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "I/O bytes per second: %g", double (* io_bytes_per_second)); CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "I/O bytes per second (ASCII): %g", double (* io_bytes_ascii_per_second)); CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "I/O bytes per second (binary): %g", double (* io_bytes_binary_per_second)); } static void PrintCommunicationStats (cGH const * const cctkGH) { DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS; CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "Communication operations per second: %g", double (* comm_per_second)); CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "Communicated bytes per second: %g", double (* comm_bytes_per_second)); } static void PrintPhysicalTimePerHour (cGH const * const cctkGH) { DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS; CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "Physical time per hour: %g", double (* physical_time_per_hour)); } #define PRINTMEM(x) (memoryof(x) / 1.0e+6) << " MB" static void PrintMemoryStats (cGH const * const cctkGH) { DECLARE_CCTK_ARGUMENTS; cout << eol << "Memory statistics:" << eol << " Grid hierarchy:" << eol; for (int m = 0; m < Carpet::maps; ++ m) { cout << " gh[" << m << "]: " << PRINTMEM(*vhh.at(m)) << eol << " dh[" << m << "]: " << PRINTMEM(*vdd.at(m)) << eol << " th[" << m << "]: " << PRINTMEM(*vtt.at(m)) << eol; } #if 0 for (int g = 0; g < (int)arrdata.size(); ++ g) { if (CCTK_GroupTypeI(g) != CCTK_GF) { char * const groupname = CCTK_GroupName(g); for (int m = 0; m < (int)arrdata.at(g).size(); ++ m) { cout << " Group " << groupname << ":" << eol << " gh[" << m << "]: " << PRINTMEM(*arrdata.at(g).at(m).hh) << eol << " dh[" << m << "]: " << PRINTMEM(*arrdata.at(g).at(m).dd) << eol << " th[" << m << "]: " << PRINTMEM(*arrdata.at(g).at(m).tt) << eol; for (int v = 0; v < (int)arrdata.at(g).at(m).data.size(); ++ v) { char * const fullname = CCTK_FullName(CCTK_FirstVarIndexI(g)+v); cout << " Variable " << fullname << ":" << eol << " ggf[" << m << "]: "; if (arrdata.at(g).at(m).data.at(v)) { cout << PRINTMEM(*arrdata.at(g).at(m).data.at(v)); } else { cout << ""; } cout << eol; free (fullname); } } free (groupname); } } #endif cout << endl; } // Calculate and print some timing statistics (to be called at any // time) void PrintTimingStats (cGH const * const cctkGH) { DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS; if (print_timestats_every > 0 and cctkGH->cctk_iteration % print_timestats_every == 0) { PrintTimes (cctkGH); PrintUpdatesPerSecond (cctkGH); PrintIOStats (cctkGH); PrintCommunicationStats (cctkGH); PrintPhysicalTimePerHour (cctkGH); PrintMemoryStats (cctkGH); } } } // namespace Carpet