#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef CCTK_MPI # include #else # include "nompi.h" #endif #include #include namespace Carpet { using namespace std; vector model_names; // Model id to model name std::map model_map; // Model name to model id vector model_ids; // Process to model id vector > model_procs; // Model id to processes vector const & ModelNames () { return model_names; } std::map const & ModelMap () { return model_map; } vector const & ModelIds () { return model_ids; } vector > const & ModelProcs () { return model_procs; } string ModelName (int const id) { return model_names.AT(id); } int ModelId (string const name) { if (model_map.find (name) != model_map.end()) { return model_map[name]; } else { return -1; } } int ModelId (int const proc) { return model_ids.AT(proc); } vector const & ModelProcs (int const id) { return model_procs.AT(id); } void SplitUniverse (MPI_Comm const world, string const model, MPI_Comm & comm, bool const verbose) { // Get the total number of processes int num_procs; MPI_Comm_size (world, & num_procs); int my_proc; MPI_Comm_rank (world, & my_proc); // Gather all model names vector const models (allgather_string (world, model)); // Map model strings to small integers int num_models = 0; model_ids.resize (num_procs); model_map.clear (); for (int n = 0; n < num_procs; ++ n) { if (model_map.find (models.AT(n)) != model_map.end()) { model_ids.AT(n) = model_map[models.AT(n)]; } else { model_map[models.AT(n)] = num_models; model_ids.AT(n) = num_models; ++ num_models; } } // Determine processes per model vector num_model_procs (num_models, 0); for (int n = 0; n < num_procs; ++ n) { ++ num_model_procs.AT(model_ids.AT(n)); } model_names.resize (num_models); model_procs.resize (num_models); for (int m = 0; m < num_models; ++ m) { model_procs.AT(m).reserve (num_model_procs.AT(m)); } for (int n = 0; n < num_procs; ++ n) { model_names.AT(model_ids.AT(n)) = models.AT(n); model_procs.AT(model_ids.AT(n)).push_back (n); } for (int m = 0; m < num_models; ++ m) { assert (static_cast (model_procs.AT(m).size()) == num_model_procs.AT(m)); } // Create a new communicator for each model MPI_Comm_split (world, model_ids.AT(my_proc), my_proc, & comm); if (verbose) { CCTK_INFO ("Multi-Model listing:"); for (int m = 0; m < num_models; ++ m) { cout << " model " << m << ": \"" << model_names.AT(m) << "\"" << endl; } CCTK_INFO ("Multi-Model process distribution:"); for (int n = 0; n < num_procs; ++ n) { int const m = model_ids.AT(n); bool const same_model_as_prev = n-1 >= 0 and model_ids.AT(n-1) == m; bool const same_model_as_next = n+1 < num_procs and model_ids.AT(n+1) == m; if (same_model_as_next) { if (same_model_as_prev) { // Output nothing } else { // This process has the same model as the next one: // output only a partial line cout << " processes " << n << "-"; } } else { if (same_model_as_prev) { // This process has the same model as the previous one: // finish a partial line cout << n << ": " << "model " << m << " \"" << model_names.AT(m) << "\"" << endl; } else { cout << " process " << n << ": " << "model " << m << " \"" << model_names.AT(m) << "\"" << endl; } } } int const my_model = model_ids.AT(my_proc); CCTK_VInfo (CCTK_THORNSTRING, "Multi-Model: This is process %d, model %d \"%s\"", my_proc, my_model, model.c_str()); } } } // namespace Carpet