import h5py import numpy as np import pylab import scipy.ndimage.interpolation import scipy.interpolate import scipy.integrate import scipy.optimize import collections import os import os.path import re axis_prop = { 'x' : 0, 'y' : 1, 'z' : 2 } axis_data = { 'x' : 2, 'y' : 1, 'z' : 0 } EPSILON = 1e-3 def ndinterpolate(in_coords, values, out_coords): """ A wrapper around scipy.image.interpolation.map_coordinates() providing more convenient API. Given the values of a function on an N-dimensional regular grid, interpolate its value on given coordinates. @param in_coords An N+1-dimensional array of the coordinates of the input values. The first axis goes over the dimensions (i.e. in_coords[0] is an N-dimensional array that gives the x-coordinate for each value). @param values An N-dimensional array of the values (at in_coords) of the function to be interpolated @param out_coords A 2-dimensional array of the coordinates at which the output is desired. The first axis goes over the dimensions (i.e. out_coords[0] is a 1-dimensional array of length N of the x-coordinates for every desired interpolation point). """ N = len(values.shape) if len(in_coords.shape) != N + 1 or in_coords.shape[0] != N: raise ValueError('Invalid coords/values shapes: ' + str(in_coords.shape) + str(values.shape)) out_coords = np.copy(out_coords) for i in xrange(N): max = np.max(in_coords[i]) min = np.min(in_coords[i]) out_coords[i] -= min out_coords[i] *= values.shape[i] / (max - min) return scipy.ndimage.interpolation.map_coordinates(values, out_coords) def get_default_gridfunc(datafile): """ Get the name of the default grid function from a given data file """ funcs = datafile['Parameters and Global Attributes']['Datasets'] if funcs.dtype.type != np.string_: funcs_str = ''.join(map(chr, funcs)) else: funcs_str = funcs.value return funcs_str.strip().split('\n')[0] def _get_iteration_from_time(datafile, time): """ Get the simulation iteration with the given time. """ for item in datafile.values(): try: if item.attrs['time'] == time: return item.attrs['timestep'] except KeyError: pass raise ValueError("No timelevel with time %d" % (time)) def _get_last_iteration(datafile, name, rl = 0): """ Get the last iteration for which the data for the given gridfunction on the given refinement level exists in the data file. """ last_it = -1 for item in datafile.values(): try: if (item.attrs['name'] == name and item.attrs['level'] == rl): last_it = max(last_it, item.attrs['timestep']) except KeyError: pass if last_it < 0: raise KeyError("No compatible datafile in the file") return last_it def _extract_paren(string): """ From a string starting with a parentheses-like pairwise construct -- '(,[,{,<', extract the part inside it, taking into account nesting. """ if string[0] == '[': parens = ('[', ']') elif string[0] == '(': parens = ('(', ')') elif string[0] == '{': parens = ('{', '}') elif string[0] == '<': parens = ('<', '>') else: raise ValueError("String '%s' does not start with a recognized pairwise delimiter" % string) cnt = 0 for i in xrange(len(string)): if string[i] == parens[0]: cnt += 1 elif string[i] == parens[1]: cnt -= 1 if cnt == 0: return string[:i + 1] raise ValueError("Unbalanced parentheses") def _parse_grid_struct(string): """ Parse the grid structure v5 string into a dict. """ ret = {} s = string while len(s) > 0: try: key, tail = s.split(':', 1) except ValueError: if len(ret) > 0: return ret else: return string val = _extract_paren(tail) ret[key] = val s = tail[len(val) + 1:] return ret def _get_timestep(datafile): """ Get the time step on the coarsest grid. """ gridstruct = datafile['Parameters and Global Attributes']['Grid Structure v5'] if gridstruct.dtype.type != np.string_: s = ''.join(map(chr, gridstruct)) else: s = gridstruct.value match ='grid_delta_times:\[(.*?)\],', s) if match is None: raise ValueError("Invalid grid structure entry") deltas = eval('list(%s)' % ( return deltas[0] def _get_grid_spacing(datafile): """ Get the numbers of grid points (not counting ghosts) in each direction. """ gridstruct = datafile['Parameters and Global Attributes']['Grid Structure v5'] if gridstruct.dtype.type != np.string_: s = ''.join(map(chr, gridstruct)) else: s = gridstruct.value struct = _parse_grid_struct(s) match ='\[([0-9]*),([0-9]*),([0-9]*)\]/[0-9]*\)', struct['grid_structure']) gridpoints = np.array(map(int, (,, match ='\[([0-9]*),([0-9]*),([0-9]*)\]', struct['grid_ghosts']) ghosts = np.array(map(int, (,, gridpoints -= 2 * ghosts return gridpoints def _get_data_axis(dataset, axis, axvalue): """ Get a tuple of (coordinates, data) along the specified axis ('x', 'y', or 'z'). axvalue is the value of the other two axes, it may be a number for the same value on both or an iterable with at least two elements for distinct values. """ slicelist = [None] * 3 try: if len(axvalue) > 2: raise ValueError("Need at most two axis values") elif len(axvalue) == 1: axvalue = [axvalue] * 2 except TypeError: axvalue = [axvalue] * 2 # data is stored in [z, y, x] order, properties are in normal [x, y, z] order axes = collections.OrderedDict([["x", {"data_idx" : 2, "idx" : 0 }], ["y", {"data_idx" : 1, "idx" : 1 }], ["z", {"data_idx" : 0, "idx" : 2 }]]) # for the requested axis, just remove the ghost zones ax = axes.pop(axis) ghosts = dataset.attrs["cctk_nghostzones"][ax["idx"]] delta = dataset.attrs["delta"][ax["idx"]] origin = dataset.attrs["origin"][ax["idx"]] slicelist[ax["data_idx"]] = slice(ghosts, -ghosts) # for the other two axes, locate the proper values while len(axes): axname, ax = axes.popitem(last = False) o = dataset.attrs["origin"][ax["idx"]] d = dataset.attrs["delta"][ax["idx"]] idx = int((axvalue.pop(0) - o) / d) if idx >= dataset.shape[ax["data_idx"]]: raise ValueError("Axis %s is outside the domain [%f, %f]" % (axname, o, o + d * dataset.shape[ax["data_idx"]])) slicelist[ax["data_idx"]] = idx data = dataset[tuple(slicelist)] # now compute the corresponding distances from coordinate origin r = np.array([(origin + ghosts * delta + n * delta) for n in xrange(data.shape[0])]) return r, data def plot(datafile, axis = "x", axisvalue = 0.0, iteration = "last", time = -1, gridfunc = None, rl = 0, c = -1, mod = None, label = None): """ Draw a 2D plot. """ # guess dataset name if gridfunc is None: gridfunc = get_default_gridfunc(datafile) if time >= 0: iteration = _get_iteration_from_time(datafile, time) elif iteration == "last": iteration = _get_last_iteration(datafile, gridfunc, rl) dataset = datafile['%s it=%d tl=0 rl=%d%s' % (gridfunc, iteration, rl, " c=%d" % c if c >= 0 else "")] if axis == "x" or axis == "y" or axis == "z": r, data = _get_data_axis(dataset, axis, axisvalue) # elif len(axis) == 2 and re.match("[xyz]{2}", axis): # r, data = get_data_diagonal(dataset, axis) else: raise ValueError("Invalid axis specifier %s" % axis) if mod: data = mod(data) if not label: label = "%s time=%f level=%d" % (gridfunc, dataset.attrs['time'], rl) pylab.plot(r, data, label = label) pylab.legend() def plot_diff(datafile, axis = "x", axisvalue = 0.0, it1 = 0, it2 = "last", time1 = -1, time2 = -1, gridfunc = None, rl = 0, absdiff = 0): """ Plot a difference between two times or iterations. """ # guess dataset name if gridfunc is None: gridfunc = get_default_gridfunc(datafile) if time1 >= 0: it1 = _get_iteration_from_time(datafile, time1) elif it1 == "last": it1 = _get_last_iteration(datafile, gridfunc, rl) if time2 >= 0: it2 = _get_iteration_from_time(datafile, time2) elif it2 == "last": it2 = _get_last_iteration(datafile, gridfunc, rl) dataset1 = datafile['%s it=%d tl=0 rl=%d' % (gridfunc, it1, rl)] dataset2 = datafile['%s it=%d tl=0 rl=%d' % (gridfunc, it2, rl)] if axis == "x" or axis == "y" or axis == "z": r, data1 = _get_data_axis(dataset1, axis, axisvalue) r, data2 = _get_data_axis(dataset2, axis, axisvalue) # elif len(axis) == 2 and re.match("[xyz]{2}", axis): # r, data = get_data_diagonal(dataset, axis) else: raise ValueError("Invalid axis specifier %s" % axis) data = data1 - data2 if absdiff: data = np.abs(data) pylab.plot(r, data, label = "%s" % (gridfunc)) pylab.legend() def plot_convergence_time(datafiles, axis, gridfunc, rl): pass def plot_convergence_space(datafiles, axis, gridfunc, rl): pass def plot_convergence(datafiles, axis = "x", gridfunc = None, rl = 0, time = "last", mode = "selfconsistent"): if mode == "selfconsistent" and len(datafiles) < 3: raise ValueError("At least three data sets needed for self-consistent convergence plot") elif len(datafiles) < 2: raise ValueError("At least two data sets needed for convergence plot") if gridfunc is None: gridfunc = get_default_gridfunc(datafiles[0]) # check if the datafiles have changing time steps prev_timestep = 0 timestep_changing = 0 for df in datafiles: timestep = _get_timestep(df) if prev_timestep == 0: prev_timestep = timestep elif prev_timestep != timestep: timestep_changing = 1 break datasets = [f['%s it=0 tl=0 rl=%d' % (gridfunc, rl)] for f in datafiles] # check if our chosen datasets have different grid spacings prev_spacing = None spacing_changing = 0 for ds in datasets: spacing = ds.attrs['delta'] if prev_spacing is None: prev_spacing = spacing elif not np.all(spacing == prev_spacing): spacing_changing = 1 break del datasets if timestep_changing and spacing_changing: raise ValueError("Both the time step and grid spacing change between files.") if not timestep_changing and not spacing_changing: raise ValueError("Neither the time step nor grid spacing change between files.") if timestep_changing: plot_convergence_time(datafiles, axis, gridfunc, rl) else: plot_convergence_space(datafiles, axis, gridfunc, rl) def dminus(arr, dir, dx): """ Fourth order centered derivative in the given direction. Second order centered derivatives are used for the points next to the border ones and first order for the border points. """ ret = np.empty_like(arr) slicelist_ret = [slice(None)] * len(arr.shape) slicelist_ret[dir] = slice(1, None) slicelist_m1 = [slice(None)] * len(arr.shape) slicelist_m1[dir] = slice(0, -1) slicelist_0 = [slice(None)] * len(arr.shape) slicelist_0[dir] = slice(1, None) ret[tuple(slicelist_ret)] = (arr[tuple(slicelist_0)] - arr[tuple(slicelist_m1)]) / dx slicelist_ret[dir] = slice(0, 1) slicelist_m1[dir] = slice(1, 2) slicelist_0[dir] = slice(0, 1) ret[tuple(slicelist_ret)] = (arr[tuple(slicelist_m1)] - arr[tuple(slicelist_0)]) / dx return ret def dplus(arr, dir, dx): """ Fourth order centered derivative in the given direction. Second order centered derivatives are used for the points next to the border ones and first order for the border points. """ ret = np.empty_like(arr) slicelist_ret = [slice(None)] * len(arr.shape) slicelist_ret[dir] = slice(0, -1) slicelist_p1 = [slice(None)] * len(arr.shape) slicelist_p1[dir] = slice(1, None) slicelist_0 = [slice(None)] * len(arr.shape) slicelist_0[dir] = slice(0, -1) ret[tuple(slicelist_ret)] = (arr[tuple(slicelist_p1)] - arr[tuple(slicelist_0)]) / dx slicelist_ret[dir] = slice(-1, None) slicelist_p1[dir] = slice(-2, -1) slicelist_0[dir] = slice(-1, None) ret[tuple(slicelist_ret)] = (arr[tuple(slicelist_0)] - arr[tuple(slicelist_p1)]) / dx return ret def diff4(arr, dir, dx, coeff = None, div = 12.): """ Fourth order centered derivative in the given direction. Second order centered derivatives are used for the points next to the border ones and first order for the border points. """ ret = np.zeros_like(arr) slicelist_ret = [slice(None)] * len(arr.shape) slicelist_ret[dir] = slice(2, -2) slicelist_0 = [slice(None)] * len(arr.shape) slicelist_0[dir] = slice(2, -2) slicelist_p1 = [slice(None)] * len(arr.shape) slicelist_p1[dir] = slice(3, -1) slicelist_p2 = [slice(None)] * len(arr.shape) slicelist_p2[dir] = slice(4, None) slicelist_m1 = [slice(None)] * len(arr.shape) slicelist_m1[dir] = slice(1, -3) slicelist_m2 = [slice(None)] * len(arr.shape) slicelist_m2[dir] = slice(0, -4) sl = (slicelist_p2, slicelist_p1, slicelist_0, slicelist_m1, slicelist_m2) if coeff is None: coeff = (-1, 8, 0, -8, 1) for s, c in zip(sl, coeff): ret[tuple(slicelist_ret)] += c * arr[tuple(s)] ret[tuple(slicelist_ret)] /= (div * dx) slicelist_ret[dir] = slice(0, 1) slicelist_p1[dir] = slice(1, 2) slicelist_m1[dir] = slice(0, 1) ret[tuple(slicelist_ret)] = (arr[tuple(slicelist_p1)] - arr[tuple(slicelist_m1)]) / dx slicelist_ret[dir] = slice(-1, None) slicelist_p1[dir] = slice(-1, None) slicelist_m1[dir] = slice(-2, -1) ret[tuple(slicelist_ret)] = (arr[tuple(slicelist_p1)] - arr[tuple(slicelist_m1)]) / dx slicelist_ret[dir] = slice(1, 2) slicelist_p1[dir] = slice(2, 3) slicelist_m1[dir] = slice(0, 1) ret[tuple(slicelist_ret)] = (arr[tuple(slicelist_p1)] - arr[tuple(slicelist_m1)]) / (2 * dx) slicelist_ret[dir] = slice(-2, -1) slicelist_p1[dir] = slice(-1, None) slicelist_m1[dir] = slice(-3, -2) ret[tuple(slicelist_ret)] = (arr[tuple(slicelist_p1)] - arr[tuple(slicelist_m1)]) / (2 * dx) return ret def get_meshgrid(datafile, gridfunc = None, rl = 0, c = -1, axis = "z"): """ Get a tuple of coordinate mesh grids for the given data file. """ if not gridfunc: gridfunc = get_default_gridfunc(datafile) dataset = datafile['%s it=0 tl=0 rl=%d%s' % (gridfunc, rl, " c=%d" % c if c >= 0 else "")] o = dataset.attrs['origin'] d = dataset.attrs['delta'] if axis == 'z': idx = (0, 1) elif axis == 'y': idx = (0, 2) elif axis == 'x': idx = (1, 2) else: raise ValueError('Invalid axis %s' % axis) shape = (dataset.shape[2], dataset.shape[1], dataset.shape[0]) return np.meshgrid(np.array([o[idx[0]] + n * d[idx[0]] for n in xrange(shape[idx[0]])]), np.array([o[idx[1]] + n * d[idx[1]] for n in xrange(shape[idx[1]])])) def _get_extrema(ar, rad = 3): """ Find local extrema of a 1-D array. Returned is a tuple (maxima, minima) of the (coordinate, value) of the extrema. rad determines the number of points in each direction over which the data must be monotonous for the center to be classified as an extremum. """ maxima = [] minima = [] dar = diff4(ar, 0, 1) spl = scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline(range(ar.shape[0]), ar) for i in xrange(rad, len(ar) - rad): maximum = minimum = True for j in xrange(1, rad): for dir in (1, -1): idx = i + j * dir if ar[idx] > ar[idx - dir]: maximum = False elif ar[idx] < ar[idx - dir]: minimum = False if maximum or minimum: x = np.array(range(2 * rad + 1)) y = dar[i - rad : i + rad + 1] roots = scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline(x, y).roots() if len(roots) > 0: root = roots[0] + i - rad (maxima if maximum else minima).append((root, spl(root))) return maxima, minima def _get_movement(coord_old, val_old, ex_new): """ Return the number of points an extremum i in val_old moves in val_new or None if no movement could be detected. """ dist = None for coord_new, val_new in ex_new: ratio = val_new / val_old dist_new = coord_new - coord_old if ratio < 1.1 and ratio > 0.9 and (dist is None or abs(dist_new) < abs(dist)): dist = dist_new return dist def calc_movement(ar1, ar2): """ Find all local extrema in ar1 and calculate how much the move in ar2. Return the list of matched movements, in points. """ maxima1, minima1 = _get_extrema(ar1) maxima2, minima2 = _get_extrema(ar2) ret = [] for coord, val in maxima1: diff = _get_movement(coord, val, maxima2) if diff is not None: ret.append(diff) for coord, val in minima1: diff = _get_movement(coord, val, minima2) if diff is not None: ret.append(diff) return ret def gf_itertime(datafile, rl = 0): """ Find all iterations that are stored in the given datafile. Return an ordered list of (iteration, time) tuples. """ ret = set() rl = ' rl=%d' % rl for key in datafile.keys(): if not rl in key: continue match ='it=([0-9]*)', key) if match: ret.add((int(, datafile[key].attrs['time'])) return sorted(ret) def gf_iter(gridfunc, rl = 0): """ Find all iterations that are stored in the given datafile. Return an ordered list of iterations. """ return zip(*gf_itertime(gridfunc, rl))[0] def gf_time(gridfunc, rl = 0): """ Find all iterations that are stored in the given datafile. Return an ordered list of times. """ return zip(*gf_itertime(gridfunc, rl))[1] def trumpet_r(R, M = 1.0): fac1 = ((2 * R + M + np.sqrt(4 * (R ** 2) + 4 * M * R + 3 * (M ** 2))) / 4) fac2 = ((4 + 3 * np.sqrt(2)) * (2 * R - 3 * M)) / (8 * R + 6 * M + 3 * np.sqrt(8 * (R ** 2) + 8 * M * R + 6 * (M ** 2))) return fac1 * (fac2 ** (1. / np.sqrt(2))) def trumpet_log1_C2(n): s = np.sqrt(4 + 9 * (n ** 2)) a_c = np.sqrt((s - 3 * n) / (s + 3 * n)) C2 = ((3 * n + s) ** 3) / (128 * (n ** 3)) * np.exp(-2 * a_c / n) return C2 def _trumpet_log1_alphabar(alpha, R, M, n): num = 3 * M - 2 * R + 2 * R * (alpha ** 2) den = (R - 2 * M + n * R * alpha - R * (alpha ** 2)) ret = - n * num / (R * den) return ret def _trumpet_log1_alpha_implicit(alpha, R, M, n): C2 = trumpet_log1_C2(n) return alpha ** 2 - 1 + 2 * M / R - C2 * np.exp(2 * alpha / n) / (R ** 4) def trumpet_log1_lapse(R, M = 1.0, n = 2.0): R_c = (3 * (n ** 2) * M + np.sqrt((2 * n * M) ** 2 + (3 * (n ** 2) * M) ** 2)) / (4 * (n ** 2)) s = np.sqrt(4 + 9 * (n ** 2)) a_c = np.sqrt((s - 3 * n) / (s + 3 * n)) for i in xrange(R.shape[0]): if R[i] > R_c: break tmp = scipy.integrate.odeint(_trumpet_log1_alphabar, a_c, [R_c, R[i - 1]], args = (M, n))[1] ret1 = scipy.integrate.odeint(_trumpet_log1_alphabar, tmp, R[:i][::-1], args = (M, n))[::-1] ret1 = ret1.reshape(ret1.shape[0]) tmp = scipy.integrate.odeint(_trumpet_log1_alphabar, a_c, [R_c, R[i]], args = (M, n))[1] ret2 = scipy.integrate.odeint(_trumpet_log1_alphabar, tmp, R[i:], args = (M, n)) ret2 = ret2.reshape(ret2.shape[0]) return np.concatenate((ret1, ret2)) def trumpet_log1_trk(R, M = 1.0, n = 2.0): a = trumpet_log1_lapse(R, M, n) b = np.sqrt((a ** 2) - (1 - 2 * M / R)) bbar = diff4(b, 0, R[1] - R[0]) K = 2 * b / R + bbar return K def trumpet_lapse(R, M = 1.0): C2 = 27. * (M ** 4) / 16 return np.sqrt(1 - 2 * M / R + C2 / (R ** 4)) def trumpet_log1_r(R, M = 1.0, n = 2.0): R_aux = np.linspace(1.32, 100, 10000) alpha_aux = trumpet_log1_lapse(R_aux) R_alpha_aux = scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline(alpha_aux, R_aux, s = 0) alpha_s = alpha_aux[20] coeff = R_alpha_aux(alpha_s) ** (1. / alpha_s) def integrand_aux(a, R_alpha = R_alpha_aux, alpha = alpha_aux): if a > alpha[-1]: RR = 2 / (1 - a ** 2) else: RR = R_alpha(a) ret = np.log(RR) / (a ** 2) return ret C0, err = scipy.integrate.quad(integrand_aux, alpha_s, 1) alpha = trumpet_log1_lapse(R, M, n) R_alpha = scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline(alpha, R, s = 0) Rbar_alpha = scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline(alpha[1:-1], (R[2:] - R[:-2]) / (2 * (R[1] - R[0])), s = 0) def integrand(a, R_alpha = R_alpha, alpha = alpha): if a > alpha[-1]: RR = 2 / (1 - a ** 2) else: RR = R_alpha(a) ret = np.log(RR) / (a ** 2) return ret def integrand2(a, R_alpha = R_alpha, alpha = alpha): if a > alpha[-1]: RR = 2 / (1 - a) Rbar = - 4 * a / ((1 - a ** 2) ** 2) else: RR = R_alpha(a) Rbar = Rbar_alpha(a) return Rbar / (RR * a) r1 = [] r2 = [] if alpha[0] >= alpha_s: i = 0 else: for i in xrange(alpha.shape[0]): if alpha[i] >= alpha_s: break for j in xrange(i): a = alpha[j] integral, err, = scipy.integrate.quad(integrand2, a, alpha_s) r1.append(np.exp(-integral - C0) * coeff) int_prev = 0 alpha_prev = alpha_s for j in xrange(i, alpha.shape[0]): a = alpha[j] integral, err, = scipy.integrate.quad(integrand, alpha_prev, a) integral += int_prev alpha_prev = a int_prev = integral r2.append(np.exp(integral - C0) * R_alpha(a) ** (1. / a)) return np.array(r1 + r2) def calc_kretschmann(s, axis = 2, xoffset = 0): rl = s.rl sliceidx = [slice(0, 7), slice(0, 7), slice(xoffset, xoffset + 7)] sliceidx[axis] = slice(None) sliceidx = tuple(sliceidx) offsetidx = [3] * 3 offsetidx[axis] = slice(None) offsetidx = tuple(offsetidx) #sliceidx = [slice(None)]*3 #sliceidx = tuple(sliceidx) #offsetidx = [slice(None)]*3 #offsetidx = tuple(offsetidx) # load grid functions phi = s['phi'][sliceidx] trK = s['trK'][sliceidx] gt = np.array([[s['gt33'][sliceidx], s['gt23'][sliceidx], s['gt13'][sliceidx]], [s['gt23'][sliceidx], s['gt22'][sliceidx], s['gt12'][sliceidx]], [s['gt13'][sliceidx], s['gt12'][sliceidx], s['gt11'][sliceidx]]]) At = np.array([[s['At33'][sliceidx], s['At23'][sliceidx], s['At13'][sliceidx]], [s['At23'][sliceidx], s['At22'][sliceidx], s['At12'][sliceidx]], [s['At13'][sliceidx], s['At12'][sliceidx], s['At11'][sliceidx]]]) # compute derivatives needed later dphi = np.array([diff4(phi, i, rl.dx[0]) for i in 0, 1, 2]) d2phi = np.array([diff4(dphi, i, rl.dx[0]) for i in 1, 2, 3]) dgt = np.array([diff4(gt, i, rl.dx[0]) for i in 2, 3, 4]) d2gt = np.array([diff4(dgt, i, rl.dx[0]) for i in 3, 4, 5]) dAt = np.array([diff4(At, i, rl.dx[0]) for i in 2, 3, 4]) dtrK = np.array([diff4(trK, i, rl.dx[0]) for i in 0, 1, 2]) phi = phi[offsetidx] trK = trK[offsetidx] gt = gt[(slice(None),) * 2 + offsetidx] At = At[(slice(None),) * 2 + offsetidx] dphi = dphi [(slice(None),) + offsetidx] d2phi = d2phi[(slice(None),) * 2 + offsetidx] dgt = dgt [(slice(None),) * 3 + offsetidx] d2gt = d2gt [(slice(None),) * 4 + offsetidx] dAt = dAt [(slice(None),) * 3 + offsetidx] dtrK = dtrK [(slice(None),) + offsetidx] e4phi = 1. / phi ** 2 gtu = np.zeros_like(gt) for i in xrange(gt.shape[2]): gtu[:, :, i] = np.linalg.inv(gt[:, :, i]) #for i in xrange(gt.shape[2]): # for j in xrange(gt.shape[3]): # for k in xrange(gt.shape[4]): # gtu[:, :, i, j, k] = np.linalg.inv(gt[:, :, i, j, k]) g = e4phi * gt gu = gtu / e4phi K = e4phi * At + (1. / 3.) * trK * g Dphi = -0.5 * dphi / phi D2phi = - 0.5 * (d2phi - np.einsum('i...,j...->ij...', dphi, dphi) / phi) / phi Dg = e4phi * (4 * np.einsum('i...,jk...->ijk...', Dphi, gt) + dgt) D2g = e4phi * (4 * np.einsum('ij...,kl...->ijkl...', D2phi + 4 * np.einsum('i...,j...->ij...', Dphi, Dphi), gt) + 4 * np.einsum('i...,jkl...->ijkl...', Dphi, dgt) + 4 * np.einsum('i...,jkl...->jikl...', Dphi, dgt) + d2gt) Gl = 0.5 * (np.einsum('cab...->abc...', Dg) + np.einsum('bac...->abc...', Dg) - Dg) G = np.einsum('ij...,jkl...->ikl...', gu, Gl) R = (0.5 * (np.einsum('adbc...->abcd...', D2g) + np.einsum('bcad...->abcd...', D2g) - np.einsum('bdac...->abcd...', D2g) - np.einsum('acbd...->abcd...', D2g)) + np.einsum('ead...,ebc...->abcd...', Gl, G) - np.einsum('eac...,ebd...->abcd...', Gl, G)) A = R + np.einsum('ik...,jl...->ijkl...', K, K) - np.einsum('il...,jk...->ijkl...', K, K) trA = np.einsum('kl...,kilj...->ij...', gu, A) term1 = (np.einsum('ai...,bj...,ck...,dl...,abcd...,ijkl...', gu, gu, gu, gu, A, A)) term3 = 4 * np.einsum('ai...,bj...,ab...,ij...', gu, gu, trA, trA) t1 = e4phi * (4 * np.einsum('i...,jk...->ijk...', Dphi, At) + dAt) t2 = (1. / 3.) * (np.einsum('i...,jk...->ijk...', dtrK, g) + trK * Dg) t3 = - np.einsum('iab...,ic...->bac...', G, K) - np.einsum('icb...,ia...->bac...', G, K) CDK = t1 + t2 + t3 CDKu = np.einsum('ai...,bj...,ck...,ijk...->abc...', gu, gu, gu, CDK) term2 = 8 * (np.einsum('abc...,bac...', CDK, CDKu) - np.einsum('abc...,abc...', CDK, CDKu)) return term1 + term2 + term3 def calc_kretschmann2(s): rl = s.rl sliceidx = [slice(0, 7), slice(None), slice(None)] sliceidx = tuple(sliceidx) offsetidx = [3, slice(None), slice(None)] offsetidx = tuple(offsetidx) #sliceidx = [slice(None)]*3 #sliceidx = tuple(sliceidx) #offsetidx = [slice(None)]*3 #offsetidx = tuple(offsetidx) # load grid functions phi = s['phi'][sliceidx] trK = s['trK'][sliceidx] gt = np.array([[s['gt33'][sliceidx], s['gt23'][sliceidx], s['gt13'][sliceidx]], [s['gt23'][sliceidx], s['gt22'][sliceidx], s['gt12'][sliceidx]], [s['gt13'][sliceidx], s['gt12'][sliceidx], s['gt11'][sliceidx]]]) At = np.array([[s['At33'][sliceidx], s['At23'][sliceidx], s['At13'][sliceidx]], [s['At23'][sliceidx], s['At22'][sliceidx], s['At12'][sliceidx]], [s['At13'][sliceidx], s['At12'][sliceidx], s['At11'][sliceidx]]]) # compute derivatives needed later dphi = np.array([diff4(phi, i, rl.dx[0]) for i in 0, 1, 2]) d2phi = np.array([diff4(dphi, i, rl.dx[0]) for i in 1, 2, 3]) dgt = np.array([diff4(gt, i, rl.dx[0]) for i in 2, 3, 4]) d2gt = np.array([diff4(dgt, i, rl.dx[0]) for i in 3, 4, 5]) dAt = np.array([diff4(At, i, rl.dx[0]) for i in 2, 3, 4]) dtrK = np.array([diff4(trK, i, rl.dx[0]) for i in 0, 1, 2]) phi = phi[offsetidx] trK = trK[offsetidx] gt = gt[(slice(None),) * 2 + offsetidx] At = At[(slice(None),) * 2 + offsetidx] dphi = dphi [(slice(None),) + offsetidx] d2phi = d2phi[(slice(None),) * 2 + offsetidx] dgt = dgt [(slice(None),) * 3 + offsetidx] d2gt = d2gt [(slice(None),) * 4 + offsetidx] dAt = dAt [(slice(None),) * 3 + offsetidx] dtrK = dtrK [(slice(None),) + offsetidx] e4phi = 1. / phi ** 2 gtu = np.zeros_like(gt) for i in xrange(gt.shape[2]): for j in xrange(gt.shape[3]): gtu[:, :, i, j] = np.linalg.inv(gt[:, :, i, j]) #for i in xrange(gt.shape[2]): # for j in xrange(gt.shape[3]): # for k in xrange(gt.shape[4]): # gtu[:, :, i, j, k] = np.linalg.inv(gt[:, :, i, j, k]) g = e4phi * gt gu = gtu / e4phi K = e4phi * At + (1. / 3.) * trK * g Dphi = -0.5 * dphi / phi D2phi = - 0.5 * (d2phi - np.einsum('i...,j...->ij...', dphi, dphi) / phi) / phi Dg = e4phi * (4 * np.einsum('i...,jk...->ijk...', Dphi, gt) + dgt) D2g = e4phi * (4 * np.einsum('ij...,kl...->ijkl...', D2phi + 4 * np.einsum('i...,j...->ij...', Dphi, Dphi), gt) + 4 * np.einsum('i...,jkl...->ijkl...', Dphi, dgt) + 4 * np.einsum('i...,jkl...->jikl...', Dphi, dgt) + d2gt) Gl = 0.5 * (np.einsum('cab...->abc...', Dg) + np.einsum('bac...->abc...', Dg) - Dg) G = np.einsum('ij...,jkl...->ikl...', gu, Gl) R = (0.5 * (np.einsum('adbc...->abcd...', D2g) + np.einsum('bcad...->abcd...', D2g) - np.einsum('bdac...->abcd...', D2g) - np.einsum('acbd...->abcd...', D2g)) + np.einsum('ead...,ebc...->abcd...', Gl, G) - np.einsum('eac...,ebd...->abcd...', Gl, G)) A = R + np.einsum('ik...,jl...->ijkl...', K, K) - np.einsum('il...,jk...->ijkl...', K, K) trA = np.einsum('kl...,kilj...->ij...', gu, A) term1 = (np.einsum('ai...,bj...,ck...,dl...,abcd...,ijkl...', gu, gu, gu, gu, A, A)) term3 = 4 * np.einsum('ai...,bj...,ab...,ij...', gu, gu, trA, trA) t1 = e4phi * (4 * np.einsum('i...,jk...->ijk...', Dphi, At) + dAt) t2 = (1. / 3.) * (np.einsum('i...,jk...->ijk...', dtrK, g) + trK * Dg) t3 = - np.einsum('iab...,ic...->bac...', G, K) - np.einsum('icb...,ia...->bac...', G, K) CDK = t1 + t2 + t3 CDKu = np.einsum('ai...,bj...,ck...,ijk...->abc...', gu, gu, gu, CDK) term2 = 8 * (np.einsum('abc...,bac...', CDK, CDKu) - np.einsum('abc...,abc...', CDK, CDKu)) return term1 + term2 + term3 def l2norm(sd, it, gf, maxrl = None, minrl = None): results = [] if maxrl is None: maxrl = len(sd.rl) - 1 if minrl is None: minrl = 0 prev_bounds_low = [] prev_bounds_high = [] for rl in sd.rl[maxrl:minrl:-1]: s = rl.slice(it) trim = tuple([slice(rl.ghosts[i], -rl.ghosts[i]) for i in xrange(3)]) data = s[gf][trim] ** 2 x = s.x[trim[0]] y = s.y[trim[1]] z = s.z[trim[2]] if not prev_bounds_low: while len(data.shape) > 0: data = scipy.integrate.simps(data, dx = rl.dx[0]) results.append(data) else: res = 0.0 if prev_bounds_low[0] > x[0]: for i, xx in enumerate(x): if prev_bounds_low[0] <= xx: break tmp = scipy.integrate.simps(data[:, :, :i], dx = rl.dx[0]) while len(tmp.shape) > 0: tmp = scipy.integrate.simps(tmp, dx = rl.dx[0]) res += tmp if prev_bounds_low[1] > y[0]: for i, yy in enumerate(y): if prev_bounds_low[1] <= yy: break tmp = scipy.integrate.simps(data[:, :i], axis = 1, dx = rl.dx[0]) while len(tmp.shape) > 0: tmp = scipy.integrate.simps(tmp, dx = rl.dx[0]) res += tmp if prev_bounds_low[2] > z[0]: for i, zz in enumerate(z): if prev_bounds_low[2] <= zz: break tmp = scipy.integrate.simps(data[:i], axis = 0, dx = rl.dx[0]) while len(tmp.shape) > 0: tmp = scipy.integrate.simps(tmp, dx = rl.dx[0]) res += tmp if prev_bounds_high[0] < x[-1]: for i, xx in enumerate(x): if prev_bounds_high[0] >= xx: i -= 1 break tmp = scipy.integrate.simps(data[:, :, i:], dx = rl.dx[0]) while len(tmp.shape) > 0: tmp = scipy.integrate.simps(tmp, dx = rl.dx[0]) res += tmp if prev_bounds_high[1] < y[-1]: for i, yy in enumerate(y): if prev_bounds_high[1] >= yy: i -= 1 break tmp = scipy.integrate.simps(data[:, i:], axis = 1, dx = rl.dx[0]) while len(tmp.shape) > 0: tmp = scipy.integrate.simps(tmp, dx = rl.dx[0]) res += tmp if prev_bounds_high[2] < z[-1]: for i, zz in enumerate(z): if prev_bounds_high[2] >= zz: i -= 1 break tmp = scipy.integrate.simps(data[i:], axis = 0, dx = rl.dx[0]) while len(tmp.shape) > 0: tmp = scipy.integrate.simps(tmp, dx = rl.dx[0]) res += tmp results.append(res) prev_bounds_low = [x[0], y[0], z[0]] prev_bounds_high = [x[-1], y[-1], z[-1]] return sum(results) class Dataset: """ A wrapper around the h5py Dataset that holds a reference to the underlying file and closes it on destruct. """ ### private ### # the wrapped dataset _dataset = None # the underlying File object _file = None def __init__(self, dataset, file): self.__dict__['_dataset'] = dataset self.__dict__['_file'] = file def __getattr__(self, name): attr = self._dataset.__getattribute__(name) if callable(attr): def call_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): return attr(*args, **kwargs) return call_wrapper else: return attr def __del__(self): if self._file is not None: self._file.close() class RefinedSlice: # simulation time on this slice time = -1 # simulation iteration on this slice it = -1 # [x, y, z] coordinates of the origin of the grid on this slice o = None # a list of arrays of coordinate points along each direction [x, y, z] c = None # arrays of coordinate points along each direction x = None y = None z = None rl = None # private _sd = None _rl = None def __init__(self, sd, rl, time = -1, iteration = -1): self._sd = sd self._rl = rl self.rl = rl if iteration == 'last': iteration = rl.itertimes[-1][0] if time >= 0: for it, t in rl.itertimes: if abs(t - time) < EPSILON: self.time = time = it break if self.time < 0: raise IndexError('No such time: ' + str(time)) elif iteration >= 0: for it, t in rl.itertimes: if it == iteration: self.time = t = it break if < 0: raise IndexError('No such iteration: ' + str(iteration)) else: raise TypeError('Neither time nor iteration provided') # pick a representative datafile and get the grid properties from it if 'H' in self._sd.df: df = self._sd.df['H'] else: df = self._sd.df.values()[0] gf = get_default_gridfunc(df) ds = df['%s it=%d tl=0 rl=%d' % (gf,, rl.n)] self.o = ds.attrs['origin'] self.c = [np.linspace(self.o[axis_prop[i]], self.o[axis_prop[i]] + rl.dx[axis_prop[i]] * ds.shape[axis_data[i]], ds.shape[axis_data[i]], endpoint = False) for i in ('x', 'y', 'z')] self.x, self.y, self.z = self.c def __getitem__(self, key): if key in self._sd.df: gf = get_default_gridfunc(self._sd.df[key]) return self._sd.df[key]['%s it=%d tl=0 rl=%d' % (gf,, self._rl.n)] elif key in df =[key] return df['%s it=%d tl=0 rl=%d' % (key,, self._rl.n)] raise IndexError class RefinementLevel: # refinement level number n = -1 # [dx, dy, dz] grid spacings dx = None # number of ghost gridpoints in [x, y, z] dimensions ghosts = None # the time step dt = 0.0 # a sorted tuple of all the (iteration, time) pairs for which the data # is present on this refinement level itertimes = None # private _sd = None def __init__(self, sd, n): self._sd = sd self.n = n def slice(self, iteration = -1, time = -1): return RefinedSlice(self._sd, self, time, iteration) class GridFunction: """ A wrapper around a grid function """ # name of the function (without the thorn prefix) name = None # the thorn this function belongs to thorn = None # A list of all the refinement levels on which this # gridfunction has values, starting with reflevel 0. # Each entry is a list of (iteration, time) tuples sorted in chronological # order. reflevels = None ### private ### # the data file this function is located in _df = None # Keys into the data file used for extracting the data. # The value is a list running over reflevels, each list entry is a dict with # keys being iterations (as integers) and values are the strings for # indexing the datafile with _keys = None def __init__(self, datafile, fileobj, name): self._df = datafile self.thorn, = name.split('::') reflevels = {} # extract identifiers of all the slices on which this function has # values for key in fileobj: val = fileobj[key] if not 'name' in val.attrs or val.attrs['name'] != name: continue level = val.attrs['level'] if not level in reflevels: reflevels[level] = {} reflevels[level][val.attrs['timestep']] = (val.attrs['time'], key) # parse the extracted data nb_reflevels = max(reflevels.keys()) + 1 self.reflevels = [None] * nb_reflevels self._keys = [None] * nb_reflevels for i in xrange(nb_reflevels): self.reflevels[i] = [] self._keys[i] = {} rl = reflevels[i] for iteration in sorted(rl.keys()): time, key = rl[iteration] self.reflevels[i].append((iteration, time)) self._keys[i][iteration] = key def __repr__(self): return '' % '::'.join((self.thorn, def _iteration_from_time(self, reflevel, time): rl = self.reflevels[reflevel] for it, t in rl: if t == time: return it raise IndexError("No iteration for time %g" % time) def data(self, reflevel, iteration = None, time = None): """ Get the data for this gridfunction on the specified refinement level and iteration or time. """ if iteration is None and time is None: raise ValueError("Neither time nor iteration specified") rl = self.reflevels[reflevel] if time is not None: iteration = self._iteration_from_time(reflevel, time) elif iteration == "last": iteration = rl[-1][0] elif iteration == "first": iteration = rl[0][0] key = self._keys[reflevel][iteration] return self._df[key] class GridFunctionDict(dict): """ A thin wrapper around a dict allowing to match gridfunctions by name only (without the thorn prefix) """ def __getitem__(self, key): try: return super(GridFunctionDict, self).__getitem__(key) except KeyError: for gf in self.values(): if == key: return gf raise KeyError(key) def __contains__(self, key): try: self[key] return True except KeyError: return False class DataFile: """ A wrapper around a single HDF data file. """ # a dict of all gridfunctions, indexed by the full gridfunction name # (including the thorn prefix) gridfunctions = None ### private ### # full path to the file _path = None _PARPREFIX = 'Parameters and Global Attributes' def __init__(self, path): self._path = path self.gridfunctions = GridFunctionDict() with h5py.File(path, 'r') as f: for gf in f[self._PARPREFIX]['Datasets'].value.split(): self.gridfunctions[gf] = GridFunction(self, f, gf) def __getitem__(self, key): f = None try: f = h5py.File(self._path, 'r') return Dataset(f[key], f) except: if f is not None: f.close() raise def __repr__(self): return '%s.DataFile(\'%s\')' % (self.__module__, self._path) class SimulationData: # directory name dirname = None # datafiles df = None # a dictionary of all the { gridfunction : datafile it is located in } # pairs for this set of data gf = None # courant factor of the time integration (dx / dt) courant = 0 # per-refinement level parameters rl = None def __init__(self, dirname): self.dirname = os.path.abspath(dirname) self.df = {} = {} # open all the hdf5 files in the dir for f in os.listdir(dirname): if not f.endswith('.h5') or f.startswith('checkpoint'): continue self.df[f[:-3]] = h5py.File('%s/%s' % (dirname, f), 'r') if len(self.df) == 0: raise ValueError('No HDF5 data files in the directory.') for df in self.df.values(): funcs = df['Parameters and Global Attributes']['Datasets'] if funcs.dtype.type != np.string_: funcs_str = ''.join(map(chr, funcs)).strip('\x00') else: funcs_str = funcs.value for ds in funcs_str.strip().split(): if ds in raise ValueError('Gridfunction %s present in more than one datafile: %s and %s' % (ds,[ds].filename, df.filename))[ds] = df # pick a representative datafile and get the grid properties from it if 'H' in self.df: df = self.df['H'] else: df = self.df.values()[0] gf = get_default_gridfunc(df) # get the refinement levels, iterations and times self.rl = [] while True: cur_rl = len(self.rl) try: ds = df['%s it=0 tl=0 rl=%d' % (gf, cur_rl)] except KeyError: break self.rl.append(RefinementLevel(self, len(self.rl))) rl = self.rl[-1] rl.itertimes = gf_itertime(df, cur_rl) rl.dx = ds.attrs['delta'] rl.ghosts = ds.attrs["cctk_nghostzones"] rl.dt = _get_timestep(df) / (1 << (len(self.rl) - 1)) self.courant = self.rl[0].dx[0] / self.rl[0].dt def __del__(self): if self.df: map(h5py.File.close, self.df.values()) def calc_velocities(self, get_data, rl = 0, t_start = 0, t_end = float('inf'), offsets = None): rl = self.rl[rl] dt = rl.itertimes[1][1] - rl.itertimes[0][1] ret = [] for idx, (iter, t) in enumerate(rl.itertimes): if t < t_start: continue if t > t_end: break data1 = get_data(self, iter) if offsets is None: step = int(self.courant) offsets = xrange(step, 10 * step, step) for offset in offsets: diff_t = offset * dt try: data2 = get_data(self, rl.itertimes[idx + offset][0]) except IndexError: break mov = calc_movement(data1, data2) for it in mov: ret.append(it * rl.dx[0] / diff_t) return ret