/*@@ @file StoreKeyedData.c @date Tue Sep 1 09:57:57 1998 @author Tom Goodale @desc Contains routines to store pointers to miscellaneous keyed data and to search for a particular piece of data. @enddesc @version $ID$ @@*/ #include #include #include "StoreKeyedData.h" static char *rcsid = "$Header$"; /*@@ @routine StoreKeyedData @date Tue Sep 1 09:59:09 1998 @author Tom Goodale @desc Stores a piece of data. @enddesc @calls @calledby @history @endhistory @var list @vdesc A pointer to the list to store the data in @vtype pKeyedData ** @vio inout @vcomment This should be a pointer to NULL to create a new list. @endvar @var key @vdesc An integer containing the key of the data item @vtype int @vio in @vcomment @endvar @var data @vdesc The data to store @vtype void * @vio in @vcomment This is a void pointer to any sort of data. @endvar @returntype int @returndesc This routine returns 0 on success 1 if memory allocation failed @endreturndesc @@*/ int StoreKeyedData(pKeyedData **storage, int key, void *data) { int return_code; pKeyedData *new; /* Allocate memory for the new element on the list. */ new = (pKeyedData *)malloc(sizeof(pKeyedData)); if(new) { /* Store the key */ new->key = key; /* Store the data. */ new->data = data; /* Link it into the list. */ new->next = (*storage); new->last = NULL; if(new->next) new->next->last = new; (*storage) = new; return_code = 0; } else { return_code = 1; }; return return_code; } /*@@ @routine GetKeyedData @date Tue Sep 1 10:11:10 1998 @author Tom Goodale @desc Searches for a keyed data item and returns the appropriate data. @enddesc @calls @calledby @history @endhistory @var list @vdesc The keyed data storage the data in @vtype pKeyedData * @vio in @vcomment If this is a pointer to NULL, the routine returns immediately. @endvar @var key @vdesc An integer containing the key of the data item @vtype int @vio in @vcomment @endvar @returntype void * @returndesc This routine returns a pointer to the data on success NULL if the list is NULL or the key was not found. @endreturndesc @@*/ void *GetKeyedData(pKeyedData *storage, int key) { void *return_val; pKeyedData *current; return_val = NULL; if(storage) { /* Traverse the list */ for(current = storage; current ; current = current->next) { /* Compare the key */ if(current->key == key) { return_val = current->data; break; }; }; }; return return_val; } /*@@ @routine DestroyKeyedData @date Tue Sep 1 10:40:49 1998 @author Tom Goodale @desc Frees the memory allocated for keyed data storage. @enddesc @calls @calledby @history @endhistory @var storage @vdesc The storage to destroy. @vtype pKeyedData * @vio in @vcomment If this is a pointer to NULL, the routine returns immediately. @endvar @@*/ void DestroyKeyedData(pKeyedData *storage) { pKeyedData *current; pKeyedData *next; /* Traverse the list freeing memory. */ for(current = storage; current; current = next) { next = current->next; free(current); }; } /*#define TEST_StoreKeyedData*/ #ifdef TEST_StoreKeyedData /* Test routine to allow the above code to be tested independently of * other code. */ static int first_key = 1; static char first_data[] = "First Data"; static int second_key = 2; static char second_data[] = "Second Data"; static int third_key = 3; static char third_data[] = "Third Data"; #define DETECT_ERROR(error) if(error) {printf("Error on line %d\n", __LINE__); exit(1);} int main(void) { pKeyedData *list; char *data; list = NULL; /* Test creation of the list. */ DETECT_ERROR(StoreKeyedData(&list, first_key, first_data)); DETECT_ERROR(StoreKeyedData(&list, second_key, second_data)); DETECT_ERROR(StoreKeyedData(&list, third_key, third_data)); /* Test accessing the data. */ if((data = GetKeyedData(list, first_key))) { printf("Key %d has data %s\n", first_key, data); }; if((data = GetKeyedData(list, second_key))) { printf("Key %d has data %s\n", second_key, data); }; if((data = GetKeyedData(list, third_key))) { printf("Key %d has data %s\n", third_key, data); }; /* test destroying the list. */ DestroyKeyedData(list); list = NULL; return 0; } #endif