/*@@ @file StoreHandledData.c @date Mon Feb 1 17:54:26 1999 @author Tom Goodale @desc Stores data referenced by a handle @enddesc @@*/ #include #include #include #include "cctk_Flesh.h" #include "StoreHandledData.h" static const char *rcsid="$Header$"; CCTK_FILEVERSION(util_StoreHandledData_c); /* Purely internal definitions. */ #ifndef TRUE #define TRUE 1 #endif #ifndef FALSE #define FALSE 0 #endif static int FindNextUnused(cHandledData *storage, int first); /*@@ @routine Util_NewHandle @date Fri May 8 12:56:43 1998 @author Tom Goodale @desc Adds an data object to the array. Resizes the array if necessary. @enddesc @calls @calledby @history @endhistory @@*/ int Util_NewHandle(cHandledData **storage, const char *name, void *data) { int return_code; void *temp; if(*storage == NULL) { *storage = (cHandledData *)malloc(sizeof(cHandledData)); if(*storage) { (*storage)->array = NULL; (*storage)->array_size = 0; (*storage)->first_unused = 0; } else { return_code = -1; } } if(*storage) { /* Check if the array needs to be resized. */ if((*storage)->first_unused <= (*storage)->array_size) { if(!(temp = (void *)realloc((*storage)->array, ((*storage)->array_size+1)*sizeof(cHandleStorage)))) { /* Failed to allocate memory for new array element. */ return_code = -2; } else { (*storage)->array = temp; /* Fill in data in array. */ (*storage)->array[(*storage)->array_size].in_use = TRUE; (*storage)->array[(*storage)->array_size].data = data; (*storage)->array[(*storage)->array_size].name = (char *)malloc((strlen(name)+1)*sizeof(char)); if((*storage)->array[(*storage)->array_size].name) { strcpy((*storage)->array[(*storage)->array_size].name, name); } return_code = (*storage)->array_size; /* Increase array size counter. */ (*storage)->array_size++; /* Record position of first unused array element. */ (*storage)->first_unused = (*storage)->array_size; } } else { /* There's an available element in the array. */ if((*storage)->array[(*storage)->first_unused].in_use == TRUE) { /* The pointers have become corrupted in some fashion. * * Could write a repair function, but probably safer to just * produce an error. */ return_code = -2; } else { /* Fill in data in array. */ (*storage)->array[(*storage)->first_unused].in_use = TRUE; (*storage)->array[(*storage)->first_unused].data = data; return_code = (*storage)->first_unused; /* Change pointer to first unused array element. */ (*storage)->first_unused = FindNextUnused(*storage, (*storage)->first_unused); } } } else { return_code = -1; } return return_code; } /*@@ @routine Util_DeleteHandle @date Fri May 8 14:13:16 1998 @author Tom Goodale @desc Removes a data object from the array. @enddesc @calls @calledby @history @endhistory @@*/ int Util_DeleteHandle(cHandledData *storage, int handle) { int return_code; if((handle >= 0)&&((unsigned int)handle < storage->array_size)) { /* It's a valid handle. */ storage->array[handle].in_use = FALSE; storage->array[handle].data = NULL; free(storage->array[handle].name); storage->array[handle].name = NULL; if((unsigned int)handle < storage->first_unused) { storage->first_unused = handle; }; return_code = 0; } else { /* The handle does not exist. */ return_code = 1; }; return return_code; } /*@@ @routine FindNextUnused @date Fri May 8 14:09:13 1998 @author Tom Goodale @desc Finds the next unused element in the handle array. Returns the size of the array if all are in use. Assumes there are no unused ones before the value of the `first' parameter. @enddesc @calls @calledby @history @endhistory @@*/ static int FindNextUnused(cHandledData *storage, int first) { unsigned int current; current = first+1; /* Loop until the end of the array. */ while(current < storage->array_size) { if(storage->array[current].in_use==FALSE) break; current++; } return current; } /*@@ @routine Util_GetHandledData @date Fri May 8 17:36:33 1998 @author Tom Goodale @desc Gets a pointer to the data corresponding to the give handle. @enddesc @calls @calledby @history @endhistory @@*/ void *Util_GetHandledData(cHandledData *storage, int handle) { void *data; if(storage) { if((handle >= 0)&& ((unsigned int)handle < storage->array_size)&& (storage->array[handle].in_use == TRUE)) { /* The data exists */ data = storage->array[handle].data; } else { /* The data is non-existant. */ data = NULL; } } else { /* There is no data registered. */ data = NULL; } return data; } /*@@ @routine Util_GetHandle @date Tue Feb 2 10:55:34 1999 @author Tom Goodale @desc Gets the handle associated with a piece of data. Also returns the data associated with the handle for speed. @enddesc @calls @calledby @history @endhistory @@*/ int Util_GetHandle(cHandledData *storage, const char *name, void **data) { int handle; unsigned int current; handle = -1; if(data) { *data = NULL; } if(storage) { for(current = 0; current < storage->array_size; current++) { if(storage->array[current].in_use == TRUE) { if(!strcmp(name, storage->array[current].name)) { handle = current; /* Return the associated data if required. */ if(data) { *data = storage->array[current].data; }; break; } } } } else { handle = -2; } return handle; } /*@@ @routine Util_GetHandleName @date Wed Feb 3 12:52:53 1999 @author Tom Goodale @desc Gets the name associated with a handle. @enddesc @calls @calledby @history @endhistory @@*/ const char *Util_GetHandleName(cHandledData *storage, int handle) { const char *name; if(storage) { if((handle >= 0)&& ((unsigned int)handle < storage->array_size)&& (storage->array[handle].in_use == TRUE)) { /* The data exists */ name = storage->array[handle].name; } else { /* The data is non-existant. */ name = NULL; } } else { /* There is no data registered. */ name = NULL; } return name; } /*#define TEST_STOREHANDLEDDATA */ #ifdef TEST_STOREHANDLEDDATA /* Test routine to allow the above code to be tested independently of * other code. */ static char first_name[] = "First Item"; static char first_data[] = "First Data"; static char second_name[] = "Second Item"; static char second_data[] = "Second Data"; static char third_name[] = "Third Item"; static char third_data[] = "Third Data"; int main(void) { cHandledData *handledata; char *data; int handle, handle1, handle2, handle3; handledata = NULL; /* Test creation of the data. */ handle1 = Util_NewHandle(&handledata, first_name, first_data); handle2 = Util_NewHandle(&handledata, second_name, second_data); handle3 = Util_NewHandle(&handledata, third_name, third_data); /* Test accessing the data. */ if((data = Util_GetHandledData(handledata, handle1))) { printf("Name %s (%d) has data %s\n", first_name, handle1, data); }; if((data = Util_GetHandledData(handledata, handle2))) { printf("Name %s (%d) has data %s\n", second_name, handle2, data); }; if((data = Util_GetHandledData(handledata, handle3))) { printf("Name %s (%d) has data %s\n", third_name, handle3, data); }; /* Test getting by name */ if((handle = Util_GetHandle(handledata, first_name, (void **)&data)) > -1) { printf("Name %s (%d, was %d) has data %s\n", first_name, handle, handle1, data); }; if((handle = Util_GetHandle(handledata, second_name, (void **)&data)) > -1) { printf("Name %s (%d, was %d) has data %s\n", second_name, handle, handle2, data); }; if((handle = Util_GetHandle(handledata, third_name, (void **)&data)) > -1) { printf("Name %s (%d, was %d) has data %s\n", third_name, handle, handle3, data); }; return 0; } #endif