/*@@ @file Expression.c @date Tue Sep 19 13:25:39 2000 @author Tom Goodale @desc Expression evaluator. Can cope with arithmetic expressions and ones involving the standard C library mathematical functions (or those taking only one argument). @enddesc @version $Header$ @@*/ #ifndef TEST_EXPRESSION_PARSER #include "cctk.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include "utili_Expression.h" #include "util_Expression.h" static const char *rcsid = "$Header$"; #ifndef TEST_EXPRESSION_PARSER #include "util_String.h" CCTK_FILEVERSION(util_Expression_c); #ifdef strdup #undef strdup #endif #define strdup(a) Util_Strdup(a) #endif /******************************************************************** ********************* Local Data Types *********************** ********************************************************************/ typedef struct PToken { struct PToken *last; struct PToken *next; char *token; } pToken; /******************************************************************** ********************* Local Routine Prototypes ********************* ********************************************************************/ static pToken *Tokenise(const char *expression); static int RPParse(pToken **current,uExpressionInternals *buffer); static int VerifyParsedExpression(const uExpressionInternals *buffer); static int EvaluateBinary(uExpressionValue *retval, const uExpressionValue *val1, uExpressionOpcode opcode, const uExpressionValue *val2); static int EvaluateUnary(uExpressionValue *retval, uExpressionOpcode opcode, const uExpressionValue *value); static int isoperator(const char *token); static int cmpprecendence(const char *op1, const char *op2); static int opencode(const char *operator, uExpressionType *type, uExpressionOpcode *opcode); static int StoreVar(uExpressionInternals *buffer, const char *var); static pToken *newtoken(const char *tokenstart, const char *tokenend); static void FreeTokens(pToken *list); static void insertafter(pToken *base, pToken *this); #ifdef TEST_EXPRESSION_PARSER static const char *opname(uExpressionOpcode opcode); static void printtokens(pToken *start); #endif /******************************************************************** ********************* Other Routine Prototypes ********************* ********************************************************************/ /******************************************************************** ********************* Local Data ***************************** ********************************************************************/ #define MAX_OPS 100 #define MAX_STACK_SIZE 256 static struct { const char *operator; uExpressionType type; int precedence; uExpressionOpcode opcode; } operators[] = { /* Binary operators. */ {"=", binary, 1,OP_EQUALS}, {"<", binary, 1,OP_LESS_THAN}, {">", binary, 1,OP_GREATER_THAN}, {"<=", binary, 1,OP_LEQUALS}, {">=", binary, 1,OP_GEQUALS}, {"&&", binary, 2,OP_AND}, {"||", binary, 2,OP_OR}, {"+", binary, 3,OP_PLUS}, {"-", binary, 3,OP_MINUS}, {"/", binary, 4,OP_DIV}, {"*", binary, 4,OP_TIMES}, {"^", binary, 5,OP_POWER}, /* Unary Operators - these must have the highest precedence. */ {"!", unary, 6, OP_NOT}, {"acos", unary, 6, OP_ACOS}, {"asin", unary, 6, OP_ASIN}, {"atan", unary, 6, OP_ATAN}, {"ceil", unary, 6, OP_CEIL}, {"cos" , unary, 6, OP_COS}, {"cosh", unary, 6, OP_COSH}, {"exp", unary, 6, OP_EXP}, {"fabs", unary, 6, OP_FABS}, {"floor", unary, 6, OP_FLOOR}, {"log", unary, 6, OP_LOG}, {"log10", unary, 6, OP_LOG10}, {"sin", unary, 6, OP_SIN}, {"sinh", unary, 6, OP_SINH}, {"sqrt", unary, 6, OP_SQRT}, {"tan", unary, 6, OP_TAN}, {"tanh", unary, 6, OP_TANH}, {NULL, binary, -1,OP_NONE} }; /******************************************************************** ********************* External Routines ********************** ********************************************************************/ /*@@ @routine Util_ExpressionParse @date Tue Sep 19 21:23:08 2000 @author Tom Goodale @desc Parses an expression returning a predigested representation suitable for passing to ExpressionEvaluate. @enddesc @calls @calledby @history @endhistory @var expression @vdesc Expression to parse @vtype const char * @vio in @vcomment @endvar @returntype uExpression @returndesc The parsed form of the expression or NULL on error. @endreturndesc @@*/ uExpression Util_ExpressionParse(const char *expression) { pToken *list; pToken *temp; uExpressionInternals *buffer; buffer = (uExpressionInternals *)malloc(sizeof(uExpressionInternals)); if(buffer) { /* Initialise the buffer */ buffer->ntokens = 0; buffer->tokens = NULL; buffer->nvars = 0; buffer->vars = NULL; /* FIXME: Don't really need a two pass algorithm here - * it can all be done in one step. */ /* Split the list into tokens */ list = Tokenise(expression); #ifdef TEST_EXPRESSION_PARSER printtokens(list); #endif temp = list; /* Convert the list into a string in RPN order */ if(!RPParse(&temp, buffer)) { /* Check if it is a valid expression */ if(!VerifyParsedExpression(buffer)) { Util_ExpressionFree(buffer); buffer = NULL; } } else { Util_ExpressionFree(buffer); buffer = NULL; } FreeTokens(list); } return buffer; } /*@@ @routine Util_ExpressionEvaluate @date Tue Sep 19 21:23:40 2000 @author Tom Goodale @desc Evaluates a parsed expression created by Util_ExpressionParse. The user passes in a function which is used to evaluate all operands. @enddesc @calls @calledby @history @endhistory @var buffer @vdesc The parsed expression @vtype const uExpression @vio in @vcomment This expression should have been created by Util_ExpressionParse @endvar @var retval @vdesc The return value @vtype uExpressionValue * @vio out @vcomment On exit contains the answer if there were no errors @endvar @var eval @vdesc Variable evaluation function @vtype int (*eval)(int, const char * const *, uExpressionValue *, void *), @vio in @vcomment This function is called with an array of variables to determine the values of and should return the corresponding values. @endvar @var data @vdesc Arbitrary data to be passed to user supplied function. @vtype void * @vio in @vcomment This cna be anything the user needs to evaluate things. @endvar @returntype int @returndesc 0 - success -1 - memory allocation failure @endreturndesc @@*/ int Util_ExpressionEvaluate(const uExpression buffer, uExpressionValue *retval, int (*eval)(int, const char * const *, uExpressionValue *, void *), void *data) { int retcode; uExpressionValue stack[MAX_STACK_SIZE]; int stackpointer; int position; uExpressionValue *varvals; retcode = 0; stackpointer = 0; /* Assign memory for array to contain all variable values */ varvals = (uExpressionValue *)malloc(buffer->nvars*sizeof(uExpressionValue)); if(varvals || ! buffer->nvars) { /* Evaluate the variables in one go to help people doing parallel ops. */ eval(buffer->nvars, (const char * const *) buffer->vars, varvals, data); /* Tokens are seperated by @ signs */ for(position = 0; position < buffer->ntokens; position++) { if(buffer->tokens[position].type == val) { /* Put value on stack */ stack[stackpointer] = varvals[buffer->tokens[position].token.varnum]; stackpointer++; } else { #ifdef TEST_EXPRESSION_PARSER printf("Stackpointer is %d, ", stackpointer); if(buffer->tokens[position].type == binary) { switch(stack[stackpointer-2].type) { case ival: printf("%d " ,stack[stackpointer-2].value.ival); break; case rval: printf("%f " ,stack[stackpointer-2].value.rval); break; default: ; } } printf("%s ", opname(buffer->tokens[position].token.opcode)); switch(stack[stackpointer-1].type) { case ival: printf("%d " ,stack[stackpointer-1].value.ival); break; case rval: printf("%f " ,stack[stackpointer-1].value.rval); break; default: ; } printf(" = "); fflush(stdout); #endif /* Evaluate operation, clear operands from stack and add the result to the stack. */ switch(buffer->tokens[position].type) { case binary: EvaluateBinary(&(stack[stackpointer-2]), &(stack[stackpointer-2]), buffer->tokens[position].token.opcode, &(stack[stackpointer-1])); stackpointer--; break; case unary: EvaluateUnary(&(stack[stackpointer-1]), buffer->tokens[position].token.opcode, &(stack[stackpointer-1])); break; default : ; } #ifdef TEST_EXPRESSION_PARSER switch(stack[stackpointer-1].type) { case ival: printf("%d\n" ,stack[stackpointer-1].value.ival); break; case rval: printf("%f\n" ,stack[stackpointer-1].value.rval); break; default: ; } #endif } } if(varvals) { free(varvals); } *retval=stack[0]; /* stackpointer should be 1 at this point if VerifyExpression * was called on the expression. */ retcode = stackpointer-1; } else { /* memory failure */ retcode = -1; } return retcode; } /*@@ @routine Util_ExpressionFree @date Sat Nov 3 11:56:04 2001 @author Tom Goodale @desc Frees an expression buffer @enddesc @calls @calledby @history @endhistory @var buffer @vdesc Expression buffer to be freed. @vtype uExpression @vio inout @vcomment @endvar @@*/ void Util_ExpressionFree(uExpression buffer) { int i; if(buffer) { free(buffer->tokens); for(i = 0; i < buffer->nvars; i++) { free(buffer->vars[i]); } free(buffer->vars); } free(buffer); } /******************************************************************** ********************* Local Routines ************************* ********************************************************************/ /*@@ @routine Tokenise @date Tue Sep 19 21:25:18 2000 @author Tom Goodale @desc Split an expression into tokens @enddesc @calls @calledby @history @endhistory @var expression @vdesc Expression to be tokenised. @vtype const char * @vio in @vcomment @endvar @returntype pToken * @returndesc Linked list of tokens. @endreturndesc @@*/ static pToken *Tokenise(const char *expression) { pToken *start; pToken *current; pToken *new; const char *tokenstart; const char *tokenend; const char *position; start = NULL; current = NULL; tokenstart = expression; while(*tokenstart) { /* Remove leading whitespace */ for(; *tokenstart == ' ' || *tokenstart == '\t'; tokenstart++); tokenend = NULL; position = tokenstart; for(position=tokenstart; *position && *(position+1); position++) { switch(*(position+1)) { case '+' : case '-' : case '/' : case '*' : case '^' : case '(' : case ')' : case '<' : case '>' : tokenend = position; break; case '=' : if(*position != '<' && *position != '>') { tokenend = position; } break; case '&' : if(*position != '&') { tokenend = position; } break; case '|' : if(*position != '|') { tokenend = position; } break; default : switch(*(position)) { case '+' : case '-' : case '/' : case '*' : case '^' : case '(' : case ')' : case '=' : case '&' : case '|' : tokenend = position; break; case '<' : case '>' : if(*(position+1) && *(position+1) != '=') { tokenend = position; } break; default : ; } } if(tokenend) { break; } } /* Have we reached the end of the string ? */ if(!tokenend) { tokenend = position; } /* Create a new token */ new = newtoken(tokenstart, tokenend); if(new) { /* Insert on list */ if(current) { insertafter(current, new); } current = new; if(!start) { start = current; } if(*tokenend) { tokenstart = tokenend+1; } else { break; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate memory for new token !\n"); abort(); } } return start; } /*@@ @routine RPParse @date Tue Sep 19 21:28:36 2000 @author Tom Goodale @desc Parses a token list into Reverse Polish Notation (RPN). @enddesc @calls @calledby @history @endhistory @var current @vdesc Current token @vtype pToken ** @vio inout @vcomment This is the current token on input, and the new current token on output. @endvar @var buffer @vdesc Expression buffer @vtype uExpressionInternals * @vio inout @vcomment This is the buffer in which to store the parse results. @endvar @returntype int @returndesc 0 - success @endreturndesc @@*/ #define RESIZE_STACK(stack) \ (stack)->ntokens++; \ (stack)->tokens = (uExpressionToken *)realloc((stack)->tokens, \ (stack)->ntokens*sizeof(uExpressionToken));\ #define PUSHOP(stack, xtype, value) do \ { \ RESIZE_STACK(stack) \ (stack)->tokens[(stack)->ntokens-1].type = xtype; \ (stack)->tokens[(stack)->ntokens-1].token.opcode = value; \ } while(0) #define PUSHTOK(stack, xtype, value) do \ { \ RESIZE_STACK(stack) \ (stack)->tokens[(stack)->ntokens-1].type = xtype; \ (stack)->tokens[(stack)->ntokens-1].token.varnum = value; break; \ } while(0) static int RPParse(pToken **current, uExpressionInternals *buffer) { int retcode; pToken *this; char *operator; char *opstack[MAX_OPS]; int numops; int precedence; int varnum; uExpressionType optype; uExpressionOpcode opcode; numops = 0; this = *current; retcode = 0; operator = NULL; for(this = *current; this && strcmp(this->token,")"); this = this->next) { if(!strcmp(this->token, "(") && this->next) { /* This is a sub-group, so parse recursively */ this = this->next; retcode = RPParse(&this, buffer); if(retcode || ! this || strcmp(this->token,")")) { retcode = -1; break; } } else if(!isoperator(this->token)) { varnum = StoreVar(buffer, this->token); PUSHTOK(buffer, val, varnum); } else { /* It's an operator */ if(operator) { /* We already have an operator */ precedence = cmpprecendence(operator, this->token); if(precedence > 0) { /* Higher precedence than previous one so store previous one */ numops++; opstack[numops-1] = operator; operator = this->token; } else { /* Lower or equal precedence */ opencode(operator, &optype, &opcode); PUSHOP(buffer, optype, opcode); operator = this->token; while(numops > 0) { if(cmpprecendence(opstack[numops-1], operator) <=0) { numops--; opencode(opstack[numops], &optype, &opcode); PUSHOP(buffer, optype, opcode); } else { break; } } } } else { operator = this->token; } } } if(operator) { opencode(operator, &optype, &opcode); PUSHOP(buffer, optype, opcode); while(numops > 0) { numops--; opencode(opstack[numops], &optype, &opcode); PUSHOP(buffer, optype, opcode); } } *current=this; return retcode; } /*@@ @routine VerifyParsedExpression @date Tue Nov 6 10:53:12 2001 @author Tom Goodale @desc Verifies that an expression would complete successfully. @enddesc @calls @calledby @history @endhistory @var buffer @vdesc An expression buffer @vtype const uExpressionInternals * @vio in @vcomment @endvar @returntype int @returndesc 1 - success 0 - invalid expression @endreturndesc @@*/ static int VerifyParsedExpression(const uExpressionInternals *buffer) { int retcode; int stackpointer; int position; stackpointer = 0; retcode = 0; for(position = 0; position < buffer->ntokens; position++) { if(buffer->tokens[position].type == val) { stackpointer++; } else { /* Evaluate operation, clear operands from stack and add the result to the stack. */ switch(buffer->tokens[position].type) { case binary: if(stackpointer > 1) { stackpointer--; } else { retcode = -1; } break; case unary: if(stackpointer == 0) { retcode = -1; } break; default: ; } } if(stackpointer < 0 || stackpointer > MAX_STACK_SIZE || retcode ) { retcode = -1; break; } } if(! retcode) { if(stackpointer == 1) { retcode = 1; } else { retcode = 0; } } else { retcode = 0; } return retcode; } /*@@ @routine EvaluateBinary @date Tue Sep 19 21:35:34 2000 @author Tom Goodale @desc Evaluates the binary operation val1 op val2 @enddesc @calls @calledby @history @endhistory @var retval @vdesc The result @vtype uExpressionValue * @vio out @vcomment @endvar @var val1 @vdesc The first operand @vtype const uExpressionValue * @vio in @vcomment @endvar @var opcode @vdesc The opcode of the operator. @vtype uExpressionOpcode @vio in @vcomment @endvar @var val2 @vdesc The second operand @vtype const uExpressionValue * @vio in @vcomment @endvar @returntype int @returndesc 0 - success @endreturndesc @@*/ static int EvaluateBinary(uExpressionValue *retval, const uExpressionValue *val1, uExpressionOpcode opcode, const uExpressionValue *val2) { /* Define a macro so only have to do this once * irrespective of operand types. */ #define EVALUATEBINARY(retval,val1,val2) \ switch(opcode) \ { \ case OP_PLUS : \ (retval) = ((val1)+(val2)); \ break; \ case OP_MINUS : \ (retval) = ((val1)-(val2)); \ break; \ case OP_DIV : \ (retval) = ((val1)/(val2)); \ break; \ case OP_TIMES : \ (retval) = ((val1)*(val2)); \ break; \ case OP_POWER : \ (retval) = pow(val1,val2); \ break; \ case OP_AND : \ (retval) = ((val1) && (val2)); \ break; \ case OP_OR : \ (retval) = ((val1) || (val2)); \ break; \ case OP_EQUALS : \ (retval) = ( (val1) == (val2)); \ break; \ case OP_LESS_THAN : \ (retval) = ((val1) < (val2)); \ break; \ case OP_LEQUALS : \ (retval) = ((val1) <= (val2)); \ break; \ case OP_GREATER_THAN : \ (retval) = ((val1) > (val2)); \ break; \ case OP_GEQUALS : \ (retval) = ((val1) >= (val2)); \ break; \ default : \ fprintf(stderr, "Unknown operation %d", opcode); \ (retval) = 0; \ } /* Need to decide where to get operands from and where to put them. */ if(val1->type==ival && val2->type==ival) { retval->type=ival; EVALUATEBINARY(retval->value.ival,val1->value.ival,val2->value.ival); } else if(val1->type==rval && val2->type==ival) { retval->type=rval; EVALUATEBINARY(retval->value.rval,val1->value.rval,val2->value.ival); } else if(val1->type==ival && val2->type==rval) { retval->type=rval; EVALUATEBINARY(retval->value.rval,val1->value.ival,val2->value.rval); } else /* if(val1->type==rval && val2->type==rval) */ { retval->type=rval; EVALUATEBINARY(retval->value.rval,val1->value.rval,val2->value.rval); } return 0; } /*@@ @routine EvaluateUnary @date Sun Nov 4 22:18:50 2001 @author Tom Goodale @desc Evaluates a unary operation on value @enddesc @calls @calledby @history @endhistory @var retval @vdesc The result @vtype uExpressionValue * @vio out @vcomment @endvar @endvar @var opcode @vdesc The opcode of the operator. @vtype uExpressionOpcode @vio in @vcomment @endvar @var value @vdesc The operand @vtype const uExpressionValue * @vio in @vcomment @returntype int @returndesc 0 - success @endreturndesc @@*/ static int EvaluateUnary(uExpressionValue *retval, uExpressionOpcode opcode, const uExpressionValue *value) { #define UNARYMATHOPERATE(a) \ case OP_##a : \ (retval) = a(val); \ break; #define EVALUATEUNARY(retval, val) \ switch(opcode) \ { \ case OP_NOT : \ (retval) = !(val); \ break; \ case OP_ACOS : \ (retval) = acos(val); \ break; \ case OP_ASIN : \ (retval) = asin(val); \ break; \ case OP_ATAN : \ (retval) = atan(val); \ break; \ case OP_CEIL : \ (retval) = ceil(val); \ break; \ case OP_COS : \ (retval) = cos(val); \ break; \ case OP_COSH : \ (retval) = cosh(val); \ break; \ case OP_EXP : \ (retval) = exp(val); \ break; \ case OP_FABS : \ (retval) = fabs(val); \ break; \ case OP_FLOOR : \ (retval) = floor(val); \ break; \ case OP_LOG : \ (retval) = log(val); \ break; \ case OP_LOG10 : \ (retval) = log10(val); \ break; \ case OP_SIN : \ (retval) = sin(val); \ break; \ case OP_SINH : \ (retval) = sinh(val); \ break; \ case OP_SQRT : \ (retval) = sqrt(val); \ break; \ case OP_TAN : \ (retval) = tan(val); \ break; \ case OP_TANH : \ (retval) = tanh(val); \ break; \ default : \ fprintf(stderr, "Unknown operation %d", opcode); \ (retval) = 0; \ } if(value->type==ival) { retval->type=rval; EVALUATEUNARY(retval->value.rval,value->value.ival); } else /* if(val->type==rval) */ { retval->type=rval; EVALUATEUNARY(retval->value.rval,value->value.rval); } return 0; } /*@@ @routine isoperator @date Tue Sep 19 21:30:20 2000 @author Tom Goodale @desc Tests if a string is an operator or not. @enddesc @calls @calledby @history @endhistory @var token @vdesc Token to test. @vtype const char * @vio in @vcomment @endvar @returntype int @returndesc 1 - is an operator 0 - is not an operator @endreturndesc @@*/ static int isoperator(const char *token) { int retval; int i; retval = 0; for(i=0; operators[i].operator; i++) { if(!strcmp(operators[i].operator,token)) { retval = 1; break; } } return retval; } /*@@ @routine cmpprecendence @date Wed Sep 20 09:05:59 2000 @author Tom Goodale @desc Compare the precedence of two operators. @enddesc @calls @calledby @history @endhistory @var op1 @vdesc First operator @vtype const char * @vio in @vcomment @endvar @var op2 @vdesc Second operator @vtype const char * @vio in @vcomment @endvar @returntype int @returndesc +ve - op1 is higher precedence than op2 0 - op1 and op2 are of equal precedence -ve - op2 is higher precedence than op1 @endreturndesc @@*/ static int cmpprecendence(const char *op1, const char *op2) { int retval; int i; int op1prec; int op2prec; op1prec = -1; op2prec = -1; for(i=0; operators[i].operator; i++) { if(!strcmp(operators[i].operator,op1)) { op1prec = operators[i].precedence; } if(!strcmp(operators[i].operator,op2)) { op2prec = operators[i].precedence; } if(op1prec != -1 && op2prec != -1) { break; } } /* Now see which has the higher precedence */ retval = op2prec-op1prec; return retval; } /*@@ @routine opencode @date Sun Nov 4 22:05:36 2001 @author Tom Goodale @desc Finds the encoding for a given operator. @enddesc @calls @calledby @history @endhistory @var operator @vdesc The operator to get info on. @vtype const char * @vio in @vcomment @endvar @var type @vdesc Operator type @vtype uExpressionType * @vio out @vcomment @endvar @var opcode @vdesc The operator's opcode @vtype uExpressionOpcode @vio out @vcomment @endvar @returntype int @returndesc 0 - success -1 - operator doesn't exist @endreturndesc @@*/ static int opencode(const char *operator, uExpressionType *type, uExpressionOpcode *opcode) { int retcode; int i; retcode = -1; for(i=0; operators[i].operator; i++) { if(!strcmp(operators[i].operator,operator)) { retcode = 0; *type = operators[i].type; *opcode = operators[i].opcode; break; } } return retcode; } /*@@ @routine StoreVar @date Sun Nov 4 22:09:34 2001 @author Tom Goodale @desc Stores a variable name in an expression buffer. If the variable already exists, it returns the old number, otherwise it saves the variable and returns its new number. @enddesc @calls @calledby @history @endhistory @var buffer @vdesc Buffer in which to store the name @vtype uExpressionInternals * @vio inout @vcomment @endvar @var var @vdesc The variable to be stored. @vtype const char * @vio in @vcomment @endvar @returntype int @returndesc The assigned variable number @endreturndesc @@*/ static int StoreVar(uExpressionInternals *buffer, const char *var) { int retval; int i; retval = -1; /* Look for old value. */ for(i = 0; i < buffer->nvars; i++) { if(!strcmp(buffer->vars[i],var)) { retval = i; break; } } /* If the variable is new, resize list and add it. */ if(retval == -1) { buffer->nvars++; buffer->vars = (char **)realloc(buffer->vars,sizeof(char *)*buffer->nvars); buffer->vars[buffer->nvars-1] = strdup(var); retval = buffer->nvars-1; } return retval; } /*@@ @routine newtoken @date Tue Sep 19 21:30:42 2000 @author Tom Goodale @desc Creates a new token item given the beginning and end of the string containing the token. @enddesc @calls @calledby @history @endhistory @var tokenstart @vdesc pointer to first charater in token @vtype const char * @vio in @vcomment @endvar @var tokenend @vdesc pointer to last charater in token @vtype const char * @vio in @vcomment @endvar @returntype pToken * @returndesc The new token object @endreturndesc @@*/ static pToken *newtoken(const char *tokenstart, const char *tokenend) { pToken *this; const char *position; char *newpos; this = (pToken *)malloc(sizeof(pToken)); if(this) { this->last = NULL; this->next = NULL; this->token = (char *)malloc(tokenend-tokenstart+2); if(this->token) { for(position=tokenstart, newpos=this->token; position <= tokenend; position++, newpos++) { *newpos = *position; } /* Just in case not already null terminated */ *newpos = 0; /* Strip off any trailing spaces */ for(; newpos >= this->token && (*newpos == 0 || *newpos == ' ' || *newpos == '\t'); newpos--) { *newpos = 0; } } } return this; } /*@@ @routine FreeTokens @date Tue Sep 19 21:39:07 2000 @author Tom Goodale @desc Frees a list of tokens. @enddesc @calls @calledby @history @endhistory @@*/ void FreeTokens(pToken *list) { pToken *token; pToken *next; for(token = list; token; token = next) { next = token->next; free(token->token); free(token); } } /*@@ @routine insertafter @date Tue Sep 19 21:34:02 2000 @author Tom Goodale @desc Inserts a token after another one in a list. @enddesc @calls @calledby @history @endhistory @var base @vdesc The base of the list @vtype pToken * @vio inout @vcomment @endvar @var this @vdesc Token to add to list. @vtype pToken * @vio inout @vcomment @endvar @@*/ static void insertafter(pToken *base, pToken *this) { if(base && this) { this->last = base; this->next = base->next; base->next = this; if(this->next) { this->next->last = this; } } } #if TEST_EXPRESSION_PARSER /*@@ @routine opname @date Sun Nov 4 22:08:10 2001 @author Tom Goodale @desc Finds the name of an operator. @enddesc @calls @calledby @history @endhistory @var opcode @vdesc The operator's opcode @vtype uExpressionOpcode @vio in @vcomment @endvar @returntype const char * @returndesc The operator's name or NULL if it doesn't exist. @endreturndesc @@*/ static const char *opname(uExpressionOpcode opcode) { const char *retval; int i; retval = NULL; for(i=0; operators[i].operator; i++) { if(operators[i].opcode == opcode) { retval = operators[i].operator; break; } } return retval; } /*@@ @routine printtokens @date Tue Sep 19 21:34:24 2000 @author Tom Goodale @desc Debugging function to print out the tokens. @enddesc @calls @calledby @history @endhistory @var start @vdesc First token in list @vtype pToken * @vio in @vcomment @endvar @@*/ static void printtokens(pToken *start) { pToken *token; for(token = start; token; token = token->next) { printf("->%s", token->token); } printf("\n"); } #endif /* TEST_EXPRESSION_PARSER */ /******************************************************************** ********************* TEST FUNCTIONS ************************* ********************************************************************/ #ifdef TEST_EXPRESSION_PARSER int evaluator(int nvars, const char * const *vars, uExpressionValue *vals, void *data) { int i; for(i = 0; i < nvars; i++) { if(strchr(vars[i],'.')) { vals[i].type = rval; vals[i].value.rval = strtod(vars[i], NULL); } else { vals[i].type = ival; vals[i].value.ival = strtol(vars[i], NULL,0); } } return 0; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { uExpression buffer; uExpressionValue value; value.type = ival; if(argc < 2) { printf("Usage: %s \"string\"\n", argv[0]); exit(0); } buffer = Util_ExpressionParse(argv[1]); if(buffer) { Util_ExpressionEvaluate(buffer, &value,evaluator,NULL); if(value.type==ival) { printf("Value is %d\n", value.value.ival); } else { printf("Value is %f\n", value.value.rval); } Util_ExpressionFree(buffer); } else { printf("Invalid expression : '%s'\n", argv[1]); } return 0; } #endif /* TEST_EXPRESSION_PARSER */