uses = (?i:uses|) # The skipper is a crucial sub-pattern # that is activated by any whitespace in the # grammar file skipper = \b([\ \t\n\r\b]|\#[^\n]*|\\[\r\n])* any = [^] name = (?i:[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*) accname = {-name}(::{-name})* steerable = (?i:never|always|recover) accumexpr = \( ([^()]+|{accumexpr}) \) # Note slop on shared access = (?i:global : |restricted : |private : |shares :([\ \t]*{name}|) ) #access = (?i: global : | restricted : | private : | shares : {name} ) quote = "(\\{any}|[^"])*" num = [+\-]?[0-9]+ intbound = (\* | {num} | ) intrange = ([\[\(]?{intbound} :(?!:) {intbound}[\]\)]? | {intbound} ) real = [+\-]?([0-9]+\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+\.|\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)([eEdD][+\-]?{num}|) realbound = (\*|{real}| ) realrange = [\(\[]?{realbound} :(?!:) {realbound}[\)\]]? | {realbound} boolraw = (?i:true|t|yes|y|false|f|no|n|1|0) bool = {-boolraw}|"{-boolraw}" string = {quote}|{name}|(\\[^]|[^\\ \t\r\n\b}])+ keyword = {name}|{quote} intguts = (?i: (CCTK_|)INT {name}( \[{num}\]|) ({quote}|) (as {name} |) (steerable = {steerable} |accumulator = {accumexpr} |accumulator-base = {accname} )* ) uses_or_extends = (?i:uses|extends) intpar = (?i: {uses_or_extends} {intguts} ( \{ ( {intrange} (:: {quote}|) )* \} |)| {intguts} ( \{ # some special slop here #( {intrange} (:: {quote}|:: [a-z][^\n]*|) )* ( {intrange} (:: {quote}|) )* \} {num}|) ) realguts = (?i: (CCTK_|)REAL {name}( \[{num}\]|) ({quote}|) (as {name} |) (steerable = {steerable}|) (accumulator = {accumexpr} |) (accumulator-base = {accname} |) ) realpar = (?i: {uses_or_extends} {realguts} (\{ ( {realrange} (:: {quote} |) )* \}|)| {realguts} (\{ # Note that we allow for lots of slop here #( {realrange} (:: {quote} | {quote} | :: [a-z][^\n]*) )* ( ("{realrange}"|{realrange}) (:: {quote}|) )* \} {real}|) ) keywordguts = (?i: (CCTK_|)KEYWORD {name}( \[{num}\]|) ({quote}|) (as {name} |) (steerable = {steerable}|) (accumulator = {accumexpr} |) (accumulator-base = {accname} |) ) keywordpar = (?i: (extends|uses) {keywordguts} (\{ ( {keyword} (, {keyword})* (:: {-quote}|) )* \}|)| {keywordguts} (\{ ( {keyword} (, {keyword})* (:: {-quote}|) )* \} {keyword}|) ) stringguts = (?i: (CCTK_|)STRING {name}( \[{num}\]|) ({quote}|) (as {name} |) (steerable = {steerable} |accumulator = {accumexpr} |accumulator-base = {accname} )* ) stringpar = (?i: {uses_or_extends} {stringguts} (\{ ( {string} (, {string})* (:: {quote}|) )* \}|)| {stringguts} (\{ # first option is weird ( :: {quote} |{string} (, {string})* (:: {quote}|) )* #({string} (, {string})* (:: {quote}|) )* # no default is permitted! \} ({string}|$)|) ) boolguts = (?i: (CCTK_|)BOOLEAN {name}( \[{num}\]|) ({quote}|) (as {name} |) (steerable = {steerable}|) (accumulator = {accumexpr} |) (accumulator-base = {accname} |) ) boolpar = (?i: {uses_or_extends} {boolguts} (\{ ({bool} (:: {quote} |))* \}|)| {boolguts} (\{ # Note the weird slop here #({bool} (:: {quote} |)|: :: {quote}|:: {quote})* (:: {quote}|{bool} (:: {quote} |) )* ( : :: {quote} )* \} {bool}|) ) pars = ^ ( {access}|{intpar}|{realpar}|{keywordpar}|{stringpar}|{boolpar})* $