#include #include #include #include "Piraha.hpp" #include #include #include "cctk_core.h" #include "cctk_Parameter.h" #include #include #include namespace piraha { #define VAR(X) " " #X "=" << X extern "C" int CCTK_ParameterFilename(int len, char *filename); /** * This holds the structure required for parsing * a Cactus par file. */ static smart_ptr par_file_grammar = new Grammar(); static std::string mklower(std::string& in) { std::string s = in; std::transform(s.begin(), s.end(), s.begin(), ::tolower); return s; } enum ValueType { PIR_STRING,PIR_INT,PIR_REAL,PIR_BOOL,PIR_VOID }; std::string get_parfile() { char path[500]; CCTK_ParameterFilename(500, path); char *value = strrchr (path, '/'); if (value == NULL) { value = path; } else { value++; } int n = strlen(value); if(n > 4 && strcmp(value+n-4,".par")==0) { value[n-4] = '\0'; } std::string s = value; return s; } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o,const ValueType& vt) { if(vt == PIR_STRING) o << "STRING"; else if(vt == PIR_INT) o << "INT"; else if(vt == PIR_REAL) o << "REAL"; else if(vt == PIR_BOOL) o << "BOOL"; else if(vt == PIR_VOID) o << "VOID"; else o << "UNDEF"; return o; } std::string current_thorn; /** * The Value class is something like a union. It holds * integer, real, and string data and has a type field * that identifies which field is currently valid. */ struct Value { /** This field holds the parse tree element associated with this Value. */ smart_ptr hold; double ddata; int idata; std::string sdata; ValueType type; Value(smart_ptr g) : hold(g), ddata(0), idata(0), sdata(), type(PIR_VOID) {} ~Value() {} /** * Create a string representation of the Value. */ std::string copy() { assert(type != PIR_VOID); if(type == PIR_STRING) { return sdata; } else if(type == PIR_BOOL) { std::string s = idata ? "yes" : "no"; return s; } else { std::ostringstream o; if(type == PIR_REAL) { o << std::setprecision(15) << ddata; } else { o << idata; } return o.str(); } } /** * Check to see if something is a bool and throw an error * if it's not. */ void checkBool() { if(type != PIR_BOOL) { std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Does not evaluate to a boolean: " << hold->substring(); std::string par = get_parfile(); CCTK_Error(hold->line(),par.c_str(),current_thorn.c_str(),msg.str().c_str()); } } /** * Compares with another Value, and throws a CCTK_Error * if the comparison doesn't make sense. */ bool equals(smart_ptr v) { if(type == PIR_BOOL && v->type == PIR_BOOL) { return idata == v->idata; } else if(type == PIR_INT && v->type == PIR_INT) { return idata == v->idata; } else if(type == PIR_INT && v->type == PIR_REAL) { return idata == v->ddata; } else if(type == PIR_REAL && v->type == PIR_INT) { return ddata == v->idata; } else if(type == PIR_REAL && v->type == PIR_REAL) { return ddata == v->ddata; } else if(type == PIR_STRING && v->type == PIR_STRING) { return sdata == v->sdata; } std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Cannot compare " << type << " and " << v->type << std::endl; std::string par = get_parfile(); CCTK_Error(hold->line(),par.c_str(),current_thorn.c_str(),msg.str().c_str()); } /** * Return a double value, whether the underlying * quantity is integer or real. */ double doubleValue() { if(type == PIR_REAL) return ddata; else if(type == PIR_INT) return idata; std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Cannot convert " << type << " to double." << std::endl; std::string par = get_parfile(); CCTK_Error(hold->line(),par.c_str(),current_thorn.c_str(),msg.str().c_str()); return 0; } bool intOrDouble() { return type == PIR_INT || type == PIR_REAL; } /** * This function converts a double to a real, but * only if this can be done without loss of precision. */ void integerize() { if(type == PIR_REAL) { idata = ddata; if(idata == ddata) { type = PIR_INT; } } } void booleanize(smart_ptr gr) { if(type == PIR_STRING) { std::string s = mklower(sdata); if(s == "yes" || s == "true") { idata = 1; type = PIR_BOOL; } else if(s == "no" || s == "false") { idata = 0; type = PIR_BOOL; } } else if(type == PIR_INT) { /// Steven R. Brandt would like to remove this /// particular auto-conversion if(idata == 1 || idata == 0) { type = PIR_BOOL; std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Boolean variable is set with integer: " << gr->substring() << std::endl; std::string par = get_parfile(); CCTK_Warn(1,gr->line(),par.c_str(),current_thorn.c_str(),msg.str().c_str()); } } } }; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o,const smart_ptr& val) { if(!val.valid()) { return o << "NULL"; } o << "(" << val->type << ")"; if(val->type == PIR_REAL) { o << val->ddata; } else if(val->type == PIR_INT) { o << val->idata; } else if(val->type == PIR_BOOL) { o << (val->idata ? "true" : "false"); } else if(val->type == PIR_STRING) { o << "\"" << val->sdata << "\""; } else { o << val->hold->substring(); } return o; } std::map > > values; typedef std::map > >::iterator th_iter; typedef std::map >::iterator nm_iter; smart_ptr eval_expr(std::string inp); // If the value was already defined in this parameter file, look // it up in the map. Otherwise, get it from Cactus. smart_ptr find_val(std::string thorn,std::string name) { smart_ptr ret; th_iter th = values.find(thorn); if(th != values.end()) { nm_iter nm = th->second.find(name); if(nm != th->second.end()) { ret = nm->second; return ret; } } const cParamData *data = CCTK_ParameterData(name.c_str(),thorn.c_str()); if(data != NULL) { std::string expr = data->defval; ret = eval_expr(expr); } return ret; } smart_ptr lookup_var(smart_ptr gr) { smart_ptr ret; if(gr->group(0)->getPatternName() == "env") { const char *env = getenv(gr->group(0)->group(0)->substring().c_str()); if(env != NULL) { ret = new Value(gr); ret->type = PIR_STRING; ret->sdata = env; } } else if(gr->group(0)->substring() == "parfile") { ret = new Value(gr); ret->type = PIR_STRING; ret->sdata = get_parfile(); } else if(gr->group(0)->substring() == "pi") { ret = new Value(gr); ret->type = PIR_REAL; ret->ddata = 4.0*atan2(1.0,1.0); } if(!ret.valid()) { std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Unknown variable: " << gr->substring() << std::endl; std::string par = get_parfile(); CCTK_Error(gr->line(),par.c_str(),current_thorn.c_str(),msg.str().c_str()); } return ret; } /** * The meval() function takes any node within * the parse tree and creates a Value object * from it. It is, therefore, designed to be * used recursively. **/ smart_ptr meval(smart_ptr gr) { assert(gr.valid()); std::string pn = gr->getPatternName(); smart_ptr ret = new Value(gr); if(pn == "num") { std::string s = gr->substring(); ret->ddata = atof(s.c_str()); ret->idata = ret->ddata; if(ret->idata == ret->ddata && (s.find('.') == std::string::npos)) ret->type = PIR_INT; else ret->type = PIR_REAL; } else if(pn == "paren" || pn == "parindex") { return meval(gr->group(0)); } else if(pn == "func") { std::string fn = gr->group(0)->substring(); fn = mklower(fn); smart_ptr val = meval(gr->group(1)); if(val->type == PIR_REAL || val->type == PIR_INT) { if(fn == "trunc") { val->ddata = trunc(val->doubleValue()); val->type = PIR_REAL; return val; } else if(fn == "floor") { val->ddata = floor(val->doubleValue()); val->type = PIR_REAL; return val; } else if(fn == "ceil") { val->ddata = ceil(val->doubleValue()); val->type = PIR_REAL; return val; } else if(fn == "sqrt") { val->ddata = sqrt(val->doubleValue()); val->type = PIR_REAL; return val; } else if(fn == "atan") { val->ddata = atan(val->doubleValue()); val->type = PIR_REAL; return val; } else if(fn == "sin") { val->ddata = sin(val->doubleValue()); val->type = PIR_REAL; return val; } else if(fn == "cos") { val->ddata = cos(val->doubleValue()); val->type = PIR_REAL; return val; } else if(fn == "tan") { val->ddata = tan(val->doubleValue()); val->type = PIR_REAL; return val; } else if(fn == "exp") { val->ddata = exp(val->doubleValue()); val->type = PIR_REAL; return val; } else if(fn == "log") { val->ddata = log(val->doubleValue()); val->type = PIR_REAL; return val; } else if(fn == "abs") { val->ddata = fabs(val->doubleValue()); val->type = PIR_REAL; return val; } else if(fn == "acos") { val->ddata = acos(val->doubleValue()); val->type = PIR_REAL; return val; } else if(fn == "asin") { val->ddata = asin(val->doubleValue()); val->type = PIR_REAL; return val; } else if(fn == "bool") { if(val->type == PIR_REAL) { val->idata = val->ddata; } val->type = PIR_BOOL; return val; } else if(fn == "int") { if(val->type == PIR_REAL) { val->idata = val->ddata; val->type = PIR_INT; } return val; } else if(fn == "real") { if(val->type == PIR_INT) { val->ddata = val->idata; val->type = PIR_REAL; } return val; } } else if(val->type == PIR_BOOL) { if(fn == "int") { val->type = PIR_INT; return val; } else if(fn == "real") { val->type = PIR_REAL; val->ddata = val->idata; return val; } } std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Unknown func: " << fn << "(" << val->type << ")" << std::endl; std::string par = get_parfile(); CCTK_Error(gr->line(),par.c_str(),current_thorn.c_str(),msg.str().c_str()); } else if(pn == "name") { std::string s = gr->substring(); s = mklower(s); if(s == "no" || s == "false") { ret->type = PIR_BOOL; ret->idata = 0; } else if(s == "yes" || s == "true") { ret->type = PIR_BOOL; ret->idata = 1; } else { ret->type = PIR_STRING; ret->sdata = gr->substring(); } return ret; } else if(pn == "par") { std::string thorn = gr->group(0)->substring(); std::string name = gr->group(1)->substring(); if(gr->groupCount() == 3) { std::ostringstream vn; smart_ptr index = meval(gr->group(2)); if(index->type == PIR_INT) { std::stringstream o; o << name << "[" << index->idata << "]"; o << std::flush; std::string keyi = o.str(); ret = find_val(thorn,keyi); return ret; } } else { ret = find_val(thorn,name); return ret; } std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Unknown par: " << thorn << "::" << name << std::endl; std::string par = get_parfile(); CCTK_Error(gr->line(),par.c_str(),current_thorn.c_str(),msg.str().c_str()); } else if(pn == "var") { ret = lookup_var(gr); } else if(pn == "value") { if(gr->groupCount()==2) { std::string unop = gr->group(0)->substring(); ret = meval(gr->group(1)); if(unop == "-") { if(ret->type == PIR_INT) { ret->idata = -ret->idata; } else if(ret->type == PIR_REAL) { ret->ddata = -ret->ddata; } else { std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Unknown operation: " << unop << ret->type << std::endl; std::string par = get_parfile(); CCTK_Error(gr->line(),par.c_str(),current_thorn.c_str(),msg.str().c_str()); } } else if(unop == "!") { if(ret->type == PIR_BOOL) { ret->idata = !ret->idata; } else { std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Unknown operation: " << unop << ret->type << std::endl; std::string par = get_parfile(); CCTK_Error(gr->line(),par.c_str(),current_thorn.c_str(),msg.str().c_str()); } } else { std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Unknown operation: " << unop << ret->type << std::endl; std::string par = get_parfile(); CCTK_Error(gr->line(),par.c_str(),current_thorn.c_str(),msg.str().c_str()); } } else { return meval(gr->group(0)); } } else if(pn == "quot") { ret->type = PIR_STRING; ret->sdata = gr->group(0)->substring(); } else if(pn == "inquot") { ret->type = PIR_STRING; ret->sdata = gr->substring(); } else if(pn == "expr") { if(gr->groupCount()==1) return meval(gr->group(0)); smart_ptr v1 = meval(gr->group(0)); smart_ptr v2 = meval(gr->group(1)); v1->checkBool(); v2->checkBool(); ret->type = PIR_BOOL; ret->idata = v1->idata || v2->idata; } else if(pn == "powexpr") { if(gr->groupCount()==1) return meval(gr->group(0)); smart_ptr v1 = meval(gr->group(0)); smart_ptr v2 = meval(gr->group(1)); ret->type = PIR_REAL; ret->ddata = pow(v1->doubleValue(),v2->doubleValue()); } else if(pn == "andexpr") { if(gr->groupCount()==1) return meval(gr->group(0)); smart_ptr v1 = meval(gr->group(0)); smart_ptr v2 = meval(gr->group(1)); v1->checkBool(); v2->checkBool(); ret->type = PIR_BOOL; ret->idata = v1->idata && v2->idata; } else if(pn == "eqexpr") { if(gr->groupCount()==1) return meval(gr->group(0)); smart_ptr v1 = meval(gr->group(0)); std::string eqop = gr->group(1)->substring(); smart_ptr v2 = meval(gr->group(2)); ret->type = PIR_BOOL; if(eqop == "==") { ret->idata = v1->equals(v2); } else if(eqop == "!=") { ret->idata = !v1->equals(v2); } else { std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Unknown equality operator: " << eqop << std::endl; std::string par = get_parfile(); CCTK_Error(gr->line(),par.c_str(),current_thorn.c_str(),msg.str().c_str()); } } else if(pn == "compexpr") { if(gr->groupCount()==1) return meval(gr->group(0)); smart_ptr v1 = meval(gr->group(0)); if(gr->groupCount()>0) { std::string compop = gr->group(1)->substring(); smart_ptr v2 = meval(gr->group(2)); double d1 = v1->doubleValue(); double d2 = v2->doubleValue(); ret->type = PIR_BOOL; if(compop == "<") { ret->idata = (d1 < d2); return ret; } else if(compop == ">") { ret->idata = (d1 > d2); return ret; } else if(compop == "<=") { ret->idata = (d1 <= d2); return ret; } else if(compop == ">=") { ret->idata = (d1 >= d2); return ret; } std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Unknown comparison operator: " << compop << std::endl; std::string par = get_parfile(); CCTK_Error(gr->line(),par.c_str(),current_thorn.c_str(),msg.str().c_str()); } } else if(pn == "aexpr") { if(gr->groupCount()==1) return meval(gr->group(0)); smart_ptr v1 = meval(gr->group(0)); for(int i=1;i+1groupCount();i+=2) { std::string addop = gr->group(i)->substring(); smart_ptr v2 = meval(gr->group(i+1)); assert(v2.valid()); if(v1->type == PIR_INT && v2->type == PIR_INT) { ret->type = PIR_INT; if(addop == "+") { ret->idata = v1->idata + v2->idata; } else if(addop == "-") { ret->idata = v1->idata - v2->idata; } else { std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Unknown add operator: " << addop << std::endl; std::string par = get_parfile(); CCTK_Error(gr->line(),par.c_str(),current_thorn.c_str(),msg.str().c_str()); } } else if(v1->type == PIR_STRING && v2->type == PIR_STRING) { ret->type = PIR_STRING; if(addop == "+") { ret->sdata = v1->sdata + v2->sdata; } else { std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Unknown add operator: " << addop << std::endl; std::string par = get_parfile(); CCTK_Error(gr->line(),par.c_str(),current_thorn.c_str(),msg.str().c_str()); } } else if(v1->intOrDouble() && v2->intOrDouble()) { ret->type = PIR_REAL; if(addop == "+") { ret->ddata = v1->doubleValue()+v2->doubleValue(); } else if(addop == "-") { ret->ddata = v1->doubleValue()-v2->doubleValue(); } else { std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Unknown add operator: " << addop << std::endl; std::string par = get_parfile(); CCTK_Error(gr->line(),par.c_str(),current_thorn.c_str(),msg.str().c_str()); } } else { std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Unknown operation: " << v1->type; msg << " " << addop << v2->type << std::endl; std::string par = get_parfile(); CCTK_Error(gr->line(),par.c_str(),current_thorn.c_str(),msg.str().c_str()); } v1 = ret; } } else if(pn == "mexpr") { if(gr->groupCount()==1) return meval(gr->group(0)); smart_ptr v1 = meval(gr->group(0)); for(int i=1;i+1groupCount();i+=2) { std::string mulop = gr->group(i)->substring(); smart_ptr v2 = meval(gr->group(i+1)); if(v1->type == PIR_INT && v2->type == PIR_INT) { ret->type = PIR_INT; if(mulop == "*") { ret->idata = v1->idata * v2->idata; } else if(mulop == "/") { ret->idata = v1->idata / v2->idata; } else if(mulop == "%") { ret->idata = v1->idata % v2->idata; } else { std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Unknown mul operator: " << v1->type << mulop << v2->type << std::endl; std::string par = get_parfile(); CCTK_Error(gr->line(),par.c_str(),current_thorn.c_str(),msg.str().c_str()); } } else if(v1->type == PIR_STRING && v2->type == PIR_INT) { ret->type = PIR_STRING; if(mulop == "*") { ret->sdata = v1->sdata + v2->sdata; } else { std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Unknown mul operator: " << v1->type << mulop << v2->type << std::endl; std::string par = get_parfile(); CCTK_Error(gr->line(),par.c_str(),current_thorn.c_str(),msg.str().c_str()); } } else if(v1->intOrDouble() && v2->intOrDouble()) { ret->type = PIR_REAL; if(mulop == "*") { ret->ddata = v1->doubleValue()*v2->doubleValue(); } else if(mulop == "/") { ret->ddata = v1->doubleValue()/v2->doubleValue(); } else { std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Unknown mul operator: " << v1->type << mulop << v2->type << std::endl; std::string par = get_parfile(); CCTK_Error(gr->line(),par.c_str(),current_thorn.c_str(),msg.str().c_str()); } } else { std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Unknown operation: " << v1->type << " " << mulop << v2->type << std::endl; std::string par = get_parfile(); CCTK_Error(gr->line(),par.c_str(),current_thorn.c_str(),msg.str().c_str()); } v1 = ret; } } else { std::ostringstream msg; std::string par = get_parfile(); msg << "Pattern not handled[" << gr->getPatternName() << "]=" << gr->substring() << " at " << gr->line() << " in " << par << std::endl; CCTK_Error(__LINE__,__FILE__,"piraha",msg.str().c_str()); } return ret; } smart_ptr eval_expr(std::string input) { smart_ptr m = new Matcher(par_file_grammar,"eval",input.c_str()); smart_ptr ret; if(m->matches()) { ret = meval(m->group(0)); } return ret; } void check_types(const char *thorn,int line,ValueType v,int t) { bool ok = false; if(v == PIR_STRING && (t == PARAMETER_STRING || t == PARAMETER_KEYWORD)) ok = true; else if(v == PIR_INT && t == PARAMETER_INT) ok = true; else if(v == PIR_BOOL && t == PARAMETER_BOOLEAN) ok = true; else if((v == PIR_INT || v == PIR_REAL) && t == PARAMETER_REAL) ok = true; if(!ok) { std::string par = get_parfile(); std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Parameter type mismatch "; switch(t) { case PARAMETER_BOOLEAN: msg << "BOOL"; break; case PARAMETER_INT: msg << "INT"; break; case PARAMETER_KEYWORD: msg << "KEYWORD"; break; case PARAMETER_STRING: msg << "STRING"; break; case PARAMETER_REAL: msg << "REAL"; break; default: msg << "type(" << t << ")"; break; } msg << " != " << v << std::endl; CCTK_Error(line,par.c_str(),thorn,msg.str().c_str()); } } extern "C" int cctk_PirahaParser(const char *buffer,unsigned long buffersize,int (*set_function)(const char *, const char *, int)) { const char *par_file_src = "skipper = ([ \\t\\r\\n]|\\#.*)*\n" "skipeol = ([ \\t\\r]|\\#.*)*\\n\n" "# Note that / occurs in some par files. It is my\n" "# feeling that this should require quote marks.\n" "name = [@a-zA-Z_][@/a-zA-Z0-9_-]*\n" "inquot = ({var}|\\\\.|[^\\\\\"])*\n" "fname = \\.?/[-\\./0-9a-zA-Z_]+\n" "quot = \"{inquot}\"|{fname}\n" "num = (inf|([0-9]+(\\.[0-9]*|)|\\.[0-9]+)(e[+-]?[0-9]+|))\n" "env = ENV\\{{name}\\}\n" "var = \\$({env}|{name}|\\{{name}\\})\n" "powexpr = {value}( \\*\\* {value})?\n" "mulop = [*/%]\n" "mexpr = {powexpr}( {mulop} {powexpr})*\n" "addop = [+-]\n" "aexpr = {mexpr}( {addop} {mexpr})*\n" "compop = [<>]=?\n" "compexpr = {aexpr}( {compop} {aexpr})?\n" "eqop = [!=]=\n" "eqexpr = {compexpr}( {eqop} {eqexpr})?\n" "andexpr = {eqexpr}( && {eqexpr})?\n" "expr = {andexpr}( \\|\\| {andexpr})?\n" "eval = {expr}\n" "paren = \\( {expr} \\)\n" "par = {name} :: {name}( {parindex})?\n" "func = {name} \\( {expr} \\)\n" "array = \\[ {expr}( , {expr})* \\]\n" "value = {unop}?({par}|{func}|{paren}|{num}|{quot}|{name}|{var})\n" "unop = [-!]\n" "int = [0-9]+\n" "index = \\[ {int} \\]\n" "parindex = \\[ {expr} \\]\n" "active = (?i:ActiveThorns)\n" "set = ({active} = ({quot}|{name})|{par}( {index}|) = ({array}|\\+?{expr})){-skipeol}\n" "file = ^( !DESC {quot}|)( ({set}|{active}) )*$\n"; compileFile(par_file_grammar,par_file_src,strlen(par_file_src)); std::string active; smart_ptr m2 = new Matcher(par_file_grammar,"file",buffer,buffersize); if(m2->matches()) { int line = -1; for(int i=0;igroupCount();i++) { smart_ptr gr = m2->group(i); if(gr->group(0)->getPatternName() == "active") { smart_ptr smv = meval(gr->group(1)); std::string val = smv->copy(); active += val; active += ' '; line = gr->line(); } } set_function("ActiveThorns",active.c_str(),line); for(int i=0;igroupCount();i++) { smart_ptr gr = m2->group(i); if(gr->getPatternName() != "set") continue; smart_ptr par = gr->group("par"); if(par.valid()) { // add value->quot->inquot std::string key; std::string thorn = par->group("name",0)->substring(); std::string name = par->group("name",1)->substring(); key += thorn; key += "::"; key += name; const cParamData *data = CCTK_ParameterData(name.c_str(),thorn.c_str()); smart_ptr index = par->group("parindex"); if(index.valid()) { key += '['; smart_ptr vv = meval(index); if(vv->type != PIR_INT) { std::ostringstream msg; std::string par = get_parfile(); msg << "bad index " << vv << std::endl; CCTK_Error(index->line(),par.c_str(),thorn.c_str(),msg.str().c_str()); } std::string vvstr = vv->copy(); key += vvstr; key += ']'; } std::string val; smart_ptr aexpr = gr->group("expr"); if(aexpr.valid()) { current_thorn = thorn; smart_ptr smv = meval(aexpr); val = smv->copy(); assert(smv.valid()); values[thorn][key] = smv; std::cout << "set_function(" << key << "," << val << ")" << std::endl; smv->integerize(); if(data != NULL) { if(data->type == PARAMETER_REAL) smv->integerize(); if(data->type == PARAMETER_BOOLEAN) smv->booleanize(gr); check_types(thorn.c_str(),aexpr->line(),smv->type,data->type); } set_function( strdup(key.c_str()), strdup(val.c_str()), gr->group(0)->line()); } else { smart_ptr arr = gr->group("array"); for(int i=0;igroupCount();i++) { aexpr = arr->group(i); std::ostringstream keyi; keyi << key << '[' << i << ']'; smart_ptr smv = meval(aexpr); val = smv->copy(); values[thorn][keyi.str()] = smv; std::cout << "set_function_array(" << keyi.str() << "," << val << ")" << std::endl; if(data != NULL) { if(data->type == PARAMETER_REAL) smv->integerize(); if(data->type == PARAMETER_BOOLEAN) smv->booleanize(gr); check_types(thorn.c_str(),aexpr->line(),smv->type,data->type); } set_function( strdup(keyi.str().c_str()), strdup(val.c_str()), aexpr->line()); } } } } } else { std::cout << "ERROR IN PARAMETER FILE:" << std::endl; m2->showError(); return 1; } return 0; } }