/*@@ @file flesh.cc @date Fri Sep 18 14:17:08 1998 @author Tom Goodale @desc Main program file for cactus. @enddesc @version $Header$ @@*/ #include #include "cctk_Flesh.h" #include "CactusMainFunctions.h" static const char *rcsid = "$Header$"; CCTK_FILEVERSION(main_flesh_cc); extern "C" int cctki_onlyprintschedule; /*@@ @routine main @date Fri Sep 18 14:17:37 1998 @author Tom Goodale @desc Main program for cactus. This has to be c++ as on some architectures you need the main program in c++ if there's going to be any c++ at all in your program. @enddesc @calls CCTKi_InitialiseCactus CCTKi_ShutdownCactus @calledby @history @endhistory @var argc @vdesc The number of command line arguments @vtype int @vio in @vcomment @endvar @var argv @vdesc The command line arguments @vtype char *[] @vio in @vcomment @endvar @returntype int @returndesc 0 -- success @endreturndesc @@*/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { tFleshConfig ConfigData; /* Initialise any cactus specific stuff. */ CCTKi_InitialiseCactus(&argc, &argv, &ConfigData); /* Abort if only the schedule tree should be printed. */ if (cctki_onlyprintschedule) { printf ("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf ("Stopping now because the option '-S' was given.\n"); printf ("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf ("Done.\n"); } else { /* This is a (c-linkage) routine which has been registered by a thorn. */ CCTK_Initialise(&ConfigData); /* This is a (c-linkage) routine which has been registered by a thorn. */ CCTK_Evolve(&ConfigData); /* This is a (c-linkage) routine which has been registered by a thorn. */ CCTK_Shutdown(&ConfigData); /* Shut down any cactus specific stuff. */ CCTKi_ShutdownCactus(&ConfigData); } return 0; }