/*@@ @file WarnLevel.c @date Wed Feb 17 00:30:09 1999 @author Tom Goodale @desc Routines to deal with warning levels. @enddesc @version $Id$ @@*/ #include "cctk_Config.h" #include #include #include #include #if HAVE_UNISTD_H # include #endif #if TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME # include # include #else # if HAVE_SYS_TIME_H # include # elif HAVE_TIME_H # include # endif #endif #include "StoreKeyedData.h" #include "cctk_Comm.h" #include "cctk_Parameter.h" #include "cctk_FortranString.h" #include "cctk_WarnLevel.h" #include "cctki_WarnLevel.h" #include "util_String.h" #include "util_Network.h" static const char *rcsid = "$Header$"; CCTK_FILEVERSION(main_WarnLevel_c); /******************************************************************** ********************* Macros ********************** ********************************************************************/ /* Escape sequences to highlight warning messages. */ #ifndef WIN32 #define BOLD_ON "\033[1m" #define BOLD_OFF "\033[0m" #else #define BOLD_ON "" #define BOLD_OFF "" #endif typedef enum { ON = 0, OFF = 1 } BOLDING; static void bold_stdout (BOLDING on) { const char *val = (on == ON) ? BOLD_ON : BOLD_OFF; if (!isatty (STDOUT_FILENO)) val = ""; fprintf (stdout, "%s", val); } static void bold_stderr (BOLDING on) { const char *val = (on == ON) ? BOLD_ON : BOLD_OFF; if (!isatty (STDERR_FILENO)) val = ""; fprintf (stderr, "%s", val); } /* maximum buffer length to hold the hostname */ #define MAXNAMELEN 255 /******************************************************************** ********************* External Routines ********************** ********************************************************************/ /* prototypes for external C routines are declared in headers cctk_WarnLevel.h and cctki_WarnLevel.h here only follow the fortran wrapper prototypes */ void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME (CCTK_Info) (TWO_FORTSTRING_ARG); void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME (CCTK_Warn) (const int *level, const int *line, THREE_FORTSTRING_ARG); void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME (CCTK_ParamWarn) (TWO_FORTSTRING_ARG); int CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME (CCTK_MessageFormat) (ONE_FORTSTRING_ARG); void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME (CCTKi_NotYetImplemented) (ONE_FORTSTRING_ARG); /******************************************************************** ******************** Internal Typedefs ************************ ********************************************************************/ /* structure holding a callback function pointer together with other * information to warn/info*/ typedef struct warncallback { struct warncallback *next; cctk_warnfunc function; void *data; int minlevel; int maxlevel; } t_warncallback; typedef struct infocallback { struct infocallback *next; cctk_infofunc function; void *data; } t_infocallback; /******************************************************************** ******************** Internal Functions ************************ ********************************************************************/ static void CCTKi_WarnCallbacksCall(int level, int line, const char *file, const char *thorn, const char *message); static void CCTKi_InfoCallbacksCall(const char *thorn, const char *message); /******************************************************************** ********************* Static Data ***************************** ********************************************************************/ /* Store the parameter checking level */ static int parameter_level = CCTK_PARAMETER_STRICT; /* Store the number of parameter errors */ static int param_errors = 0; /* Store the logging level - warnings of this severity or worse will * be reported on stdout */ static int logging_level = 0; /* Store the warning level - warnings of this severity or worse will * be reported on stderr */ static int warning_level = 1; /* Store the error level - warnings of this severity or worse will stop * the code. */ static int error_level = 0; /* Store a list of format strings */ static int n_formats = 0; static pKeyedData *formatlist = NULL; /* Store registered warn and info methods */ static t_warncallback *warncallbacks = NULL; static t_infocallback *infocallbacks = NULL; /*@@ @routine CCTK_Info @date Tue Mar 30 1999 @author Gabrielle Allen @desc Print an information message to stdout @enddesc @var thorn @vdesc Name of originating thorn @vtype const char * @vio in @endvar @var message @vdesc the warning message to output @vtype const char * @vio in @endvar @returntype int @returndesc return code of @seeroutine CCTK_VInfo @endreturndesc @@*/ int CCTK_Info (const char *thorn, const char *message) { return (CCTK_VInfo (thorn, "%s", message)); } void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME (CCTK_Info) (TWO_FORTSTRING_ARG) { TWO_FORTSTRING_CREATE (thorn, message) CCTK_Info (thorn, message); free (thorn); free (message); } /*@@ @routine CCTK_VInfo @date Mon Apr 10 @author Thomas Radke @desc Info output routine with variable argument list @enddesc @history @date Mon Aug 4 17:56:06 CEST 2003 @author Jonathan Thornburg @hdesc add cactus::info_format parameter @endhistory @var thorn @vdesc Name of originating thorn @vtype const char * @vio in @endvar @var format @vdesc format string for message @vtype const char * @vio in @endvar @var ... @vdesc variable argument list for format string @vtype multiple arguments @vio in @endvar @returntype int @returndesc 0 - success @endreturndesc @@*/ int CCTK_VInfo (const char *thorn, const char *format, ...) { va_list ap; static int info_format_decoded = 0; /* are the following two flags valid? */ /* Boolean flags decoded from cactus::info_format */ static int info_format_numeric = 0; /* print a numeric timestamp? */ static int info_format_human_readable = 0; /* print a human-readable timestamp? */ /* necessary for wrapping up the final message */ int msg_size; char *message = NULL; /* Start generating message only if the infocallback list is not NULL */ if(infocallbacks) { /* one way to get the final string size */ va_start(ap,format); msg_size = Util_vsnprintf(NULL, 0, format, ap); va_end(ap); /* Empty string is ok */ if(msg_size >= 0) { message = (char *)malloc(msg_size+1); } /* Try to print in the allocated space. */ if(message) { va_start(ap,format); Util_vsnprintf(message,msg_size+1,format,ap); va_end(ap); } /* call the callback function */ CCTKi_InfoCallbacksCall(thorn,message); /* free the memory allocated for temp messsage */ free (message); } /* * if we haven't already decoded cactus::info_format into the * Boolean flags, do so */ if (! info_format_decoded) { /* get cactus::info_format and decode it into Boolean flags */ const char* const info_format = * ( (const char*const *) CCTK_ParameterGet("info_format", "Cactus", NULL) ); if (CCTK_Equals(info_format, "basic")) { /* "basic" :: "INFO (ThornName): message" */ info_format_numeric = 0; info_format_human_readable = 0; } else if (CCTK_Equals(info_format, "numeric time stamp")) { /* "numeric time stamp" :: "numeric_timestamp\tINFO (ThornName): message" */ info_format_numeric = 1; info_format_human_readable = 0; } else if (CCTK_Equals(info_format, "human-readable time stamp")) { /* "human-readable time stamp" :: "human readable timestamp: INFO (ThornName): message" */ info_format_numeric = 0; info_format_human_readable = 1; } else if (CCTK_Equals(info_format, "full time stamp")) { /* "full time stamp" :: "numeric_timestamp\thuman readable timestamp: INFO (ThornName): message" */ info_format_numeric = 1; info_format_human_readable = 1; } info_format_decoded = 1; } /* * print any time stamps desired */ if (info_format_numeric || info_format_human_readable) { double numeric_time; /* get the timing info */ #ifdef HAVE_TIME_GETTIMEOFDAY /* use gettimeofday() to get (up to) microsecond-level timing info */ #define NUMERIC_TIME_FORMAT "%.6f" struct timeval timeval; gettimeofday(&timeval, NULL); numeric_time = timeval.tv_sec + 1.0e-6*timeval.tv_usec; #else /* fall back to time() ; this is ISO C, so everyone should have it */ #define NUMERIC_TIME_FORMAT "%.0f" numeric_time = (double) time(NULL); #endif if (info_format_numeric) { fprintf(stdout, NUMERIC_TIME_FORMAT "\t", numeric_time); } if (info_format_human_readable) { /* 123456789 123456789 1234 */ /* time_buffer --> a string like "Thu Nov 24 18:22:48 1986\n" */ const time_t time_t_numeric_time = (time_t) numeric_time; const char* const time_buffer = ctime(& time_t_numeric_time); fprintf(stdout, "%.24s: ", time_buffer); } } /* * print the INFO message itself */ fprintf (stdout, "INFO (%s): ", thorn); va_start (ap, format); vfprintf (stdout, format, ap); va_end (ap); fprintf (stdout, "\n"); return 0; } /*@@ @routine CCTK_Warn @date Wed Feb 17 00:45:07 1999 @author Tom Goodale @desc Warn the user of something if the warning level is suitable. @enddesc @calls CCTK_VWarn @var level @vdesc The warning level @vtype int @vio in @endvar @var line @vdesc Line number of warning in originating file @vtype int @vio in @endvar @var file @vdesc Name of originating file @vtype const char * @vio in @endvar @var thorn @vdesc Name of originating thorn @vtype const char * @vio in @endvar @var message @vdesc warning message to output to stderr @vtype const char * @vio in @endvar @returntype int @returndesc return code of @seeroutine CCTK_VWarn @endreturndesc @@*/ int CCTK_Warn (int level, int line, const char *file, const char *thorn, const char *message) { return (CCTK_VWarn (level, line, file, thorn, "%s", message)); } void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME (CCTK_Warn) (const int *level, const int *line, THREE_FORTSTRING_ARG) { THREE_FORTSTRING_CREATE (file, thorn, message) CCTK_Warn (*level, *line, file, thorn, message); free (thorn); free (message); free (file); } /*@@ @routine CCTK_VWarn @date Sun Nov 14 00:23:29 1999 @author Tom Goodale @desc Warning routine with variable argument list If the given warning level is less or equal to the current one, it will print the given warning message to stderr. On processors other than 0 it will also print it to stdout. @enddesc @calls CCTK_ParameterGet @var level @vdesc The warning level @vtype int @vio in @endvar @var line @vdesc Line number of warning in originating file @vtype int @vio in @endvar @var file @vdesc Name of originating file @vtype const char * @vio in @endvar @var thorn @vdesc Name of originating thorn @vtype const char * @vio in @endvar @var format @vdesc Format string for following arguments @vtype const char * @vio in @endvar @var ... @vdesc variable argument list for format string @vtype multiple arguments @vio in @endvar @returntype int @returndesc 0 - success @endreturndesc @@*/ int CCTK_VWarn (int level, int line, const char *file, const char *thorn, const char *format, ...) { const CCTK_INT *cctk_full_warnings_ptr, *highlight_warning_messages_ptr; CCTK_INT cctk_full_warnings, highlight_warning_messages; int param_type; int myproc; va_list ap; /* Necessary for wrapping up the final message */ int msg_size; char *message = NULL; char hostname[MAXNAMELEN+1]; /* Start generating message only if the warbcallback list is not NULL */ if(warncallbacks) { va_start(ap,format); msg_size = Util_vsnprintf(NULL, 0, format, ap); va_end(ap); /* Empty string is ok */ if(msg_size >= 0) { message = (char *)malloc(msg_size+1); } /* Try to print in the allocated space. */ if(message) { va_start(ap,format); Util_vsnprintf(message,msg_size+1,format,ap); va_end(ap); } /* call the callback function */ CCTKi_WarnCallbacksCall(level,line,file,thorn,message); /* free the memory allocated for temp messsage */ free (message); } if (level <= warning_level || level <= logging_level) { myproc = CCTK_MyProc(NULL); Util_GetHostName (hostname, MAXNAMELEN); cctk_full_warnings_ptr = CCTK_ParameterGet ("cctk_full_warnings", "Cactus", ¶m_type); /* Default to yes */ cctk_full_warnings = cctk_full_warnings_ptr && *cctk_full_warnings_ptr; highlight_warning_messages_ptr = CCTK_ParameterGet ("highlight_warning_messages", "Cactus", ¶m_type); /* Default to no */ highlight_warning_messages = ! highlight_warning_messages_ptr || *highlight_warning_messages_ptr; /* print to stderr if necessary */ if (level <= warning_level) { if (highlight_warning_messages) { bold_stderr(ON); } if (level <= error_level || cctk_full_warnings) { fprintf (stderr, "WARNING level %d in thorn %s processor %d host %s\n" " (line %d of %s): \n" " ->", level, thorn, myproc, hostname, line, file); } else { fprintf (stderr, "WARNING[L%d,P%d] (%s):", level, myproc, thorn); } if (highlight_warning_messages) { bold_stderr (OFF); } fprintf (stderr, " "); va_start (ap, format); vfprintf (stderr, format, ap); va_end (ap); fprintf (stderr, "\n"); } /* print to stdout if necessary */ if (level <= logging_level || (myproc && level <= warning_level)) { if (highlight_warning_messages) { bold_stdout(ON); } if (level <= error_level || cctk_full_warnings) { fprintf (stdout, "WARNING level %d in thorn %s processor %d host %s\n" " (line %d of %s): \n" " ->", level, thorn, myproc, hostname, line, file); } else { fprintf (stdout, "WARNING[L%d,P%d] (%s):", level, myproc, thorn); } if (highlight_warning_messages) { bold_stdout(OFF); } fprintf (stdout, " "); va_start (ap, format); vfprintf (stdout, format, ap); va_end (ap); fprintf (stdout, "\n"); } } if (level <= error_level) { CCTK_Abort (NULL, 0); } return 0; } /*@@ @routine CCTK_ParameterLevel @date Wed Feb 21 2001 @author Gabrielle Allen @desc Returns the parameter checking level @enddesc @returntype int @returndesc parameter checking level now being used @endreturndesc @@*/ int CCTK_ParameterLevel (void) { return (parameter_level); } /*@@ @routine CCTK_ParamWarn @date Wed Feb 17 00:45:07 1999 @author Tom Goodale @desc Warn the user if a parameter error is found @enddesc @calls CCTK_ParameterGet @var thorn @vdesc Name of originating thorn @vtype const char * @vio in @endvar @var message @vdesc Warning message to output @vtype const char * @vio in @endvar @returntype int @returndesc 0 - success @endreturndesc @@*/ int CCTK_ParamWarn (const char *thorn, const char *message) { return (CCTK_VParamWarn (thorn, "%s", message)); } void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME (CCTK_ParamWarn) (TWO_FORTSTRING_ARG) { TWO_FORTSTRING_CREATE (thorn, message) CCTK_ParamWarn (thorn, message); free (thorn); free (message); } /*@@ @routine CCTK_VParamWarn @date Mon May 20 2002 @author Gabrielle Allen @desc Warn the user if a parameter error is found using a variable argument list (extends CCTK_ParamWarn) @enddesc @calls CCTK_ParameterGet @var thorn @vdesc Name of originating thorn @vtype const char * @vio in @endvar @var format @vdesc Format for variable argument list @vtype const char * @vio in @endvar @var ... @vdesc Variable argument list @vtype @vio @endvar @returntype int @returndesc 0 - success @endreturndesc @@*/ int CCTK_VParamWarn (const char *thorn, const char *format, ...) { va_list ap; const CCTK_INT *cctk_strong_param_check_ptr, *highlight_warning_messages_ptr; CCTK_INT cctk_strong_param_check, highlight_warning_messages; int param_type; cctk_strong_param_check_ptr = CCTK_ParameterGet ("cctk_strong_param_check", "Cactus", ¶m_type); /* Default to yes */ cctk_strong_param_check = cctk_strong_param_check_ptr && *cctk_strong_param_check_ptr; highlight_warning_messages_ptr = CCTK_ParameterGet ("highlight_warning_messages", "Cactus", ¶m_type); /* Default to no */ highlight_warning_messages = ! highlight_warning_messages_ptr || *highlight_warning_messages_ptr; /* print to stderr */ if (highlight_warning_messages) { bold_stderr (ON); } fprintf (stderr, "PARAMETER %s (%s): ", cctk_strong_param_check ? "ERROR" : "WARNING", thorn); va_start (ap, format); vfprintf (stderr, format, ap); va_end (ap); fprintf (stderr, "\n"); if (highlight_warning_messages) { bold_stderr (OFF); } /* print to stdout */ if (highlight_warning_messages) { bold_stdout (ON); } fprintf (stdout, "PARAMETER %s (%s): ", cctk_strong_param_check ? "ERROR" : "WARNING", thorn); va_start (ap, format); vfprintf (stdout, format, ap); va_end (ap); fprintf (stdout, "\n"); if (highlight_warning_messages) { bold_stdout (OFF); } param_errors++; return (0); } /*@@ @routine CCTK_WarnCallbackRegister @date 05/17/2005 @author Jian Tao @desc Register warn callback function @enddesc @endvar @var minlevel @vdesc minimum warning level @vtype int @vio in @endvar @var maxlevel @vdesc maximum warning level @vtype int @vio in @endvar @var data @vdesc @vtype int* @vio in @endvar @var function @vdesc Callback function (see cctk_WarnLevel.h) @vtype cctk_warnfunc @vio in @endvar @@*/ int CCTK_WarnCallbackRegister(int minlevel, int maxlevel, void *data, cctk_warnfunc callback) { int retval; t_warncallback *newcallback; newcallback = (t_warncallback *)malloc(sizeof(t_warncallback)); /* Create a one way chain for all registered callbacks */ if(newcallback) { newcallback->next = warncallbacks; warncallbacks = newcallback; newcallback->function = callback; newcallback->data = data; newcallback->minlevel = minlevel; newcallback->maxlevel = maxlevel; retval = 0; } else { retval = -1; } return retval; } /*@@ @routine CCTK_InfoCallbackRegister @date 05/17/2005 @author Jian Tao @desc Register info callback function @enddesc @endvar @var minlevel @vdesc minimum warning level @vtype int @vio in @endvar @var maxlevel @vdesc maximum warning level @vtype int @vio in @endvar @var data @vdesc @vtype int* @vio in @endvar @var function @vdesc Callback function (see cctk_WarnLevel.h) @vtype cctk_infofunc @vio in @endvar @@*/ int CCTK_InfoCallbackRegister(void *data, cctk_infofunc callback) { int retval; t_infocallback *newcallback; newcallback = (t_infocallback *)malloc(sizeof(t_infocallback)); /* Create a one way chain for all registered callbacks */ if(newcallback) { newcallback->next = infocallbacks; infocallbacks = newcallback; newcallback->function = callback; newcallback->data = data; retval = 0; } else { retval = -1; } return retval; } /*@@ @routine CCTK_MessageFormat @date Mon Jul 26 19:51:26 1999 @author Tom Goodale @desc Stores a format for messages from Fortran. @enddesc @calls StoreKeyedData @var format @vdesc Format string @vtype Fortran string macro @vio in @endvar @returntype int @returndesc number of previous formats @endreturndesc @@*/ int CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME (CCTK_MessageFormat) (ONE_FORTSTRING_ARG) { ONE_FORTSTRING_CREATE (format) StoreKeyedData (&formatlist, n_formats , format); return (n_formats++); } /******************************************************************** ********************* CCTKi Routines ************************* ********************************************************************/ /*@@ @routine CCTKi_SetParameterLevel @date Wed Feb 21 2001 @author Gabrielle Allen @desc Sets the parameter checking level @enddesc @calls CCTK_VWarn @var level @vdesc level to set @vtype int @vio in @endvar @returntype int @returndesc parameter checking level now being used @endreturndesc @@*/ int CCTKi_SetParameterLevel (int level) { if (level == CCTK_PARAMETER_STRICT || level == CCTK_PARAMETER_NORMAL || level == CCTK_PARAMETER_RELAXED) { parameter_level = level; } else { CCTK_VWarn (1, __LINE__, __FILE__, "Cactus", "CCTKi_SetParameterLevel: " "Parameter checking level %d not recognised, level unchanged", level); } return (parameter_level); } /*@@ @routine CCTKi_SetLogLevel @date Thu Dec 30 2004 @author Erik Schnetter @desc Sets the logging level @enddesc @calls CCTK_VWarn CCTK_VInfo @var level @vdesc logging level to set @vtype int @vio in @endvar @returntype int @returndesc 1 - increased logging level
0 - logging level unchanged
-1 - decreased logging level @endreturndesc @@*/ int CCTKi_SetLogLevel (int level) { int retval; if (logging_level != level) { retval = level > logging_level ? +1 : -1; CCTK_VInfo ("Cactus", "%s logging level from %d to %d", retval > 0 ? "Increasing" : "Decreasing", logging_level, level); logging_level = level; } else { CCTK_VInfo ("Cactus", "Logging level is already %d", level); retval = 0; } return (retval); } /*@@ @routine CCTKi_SetWarnLevel @date Wed Feb 17 00:42:16 1999 @author Tom Goodale @desc Sets the warning level @enddesc @calls CCTK_VWarn CCTK_VInfo @var level @vdesc warning level to set @vtype int @vio in @endvar @returntype int @returndesc 1 - increased warning level
0 - warning level unchanged
-1 - decreased warning level @endreturndesc @@*/ int CCTKi_SetWarnLevel (int level) { int retval; if (warning_level != level) { retval = level > warning_level ? +1 : -1; CCTK_VInfo ("Cactus", "%s warning level from %d to %d", retval > 0 ? "Increasing" : "Decreasing", warning_level, level); warning_level = level; } else { CCTK_VInfo ("Cactus", "Warning level is already %d", level); retval = 0; } if (warning_level < error_level) { error_level = warning_level; CCTK_VWarn (2, __LINE__, __FILE__, "Cactus", "Decreasing error level to new warning level %d",warning_level); } return (retval); } /*@@ @routine CCTKi_SetErrorLevel @date Wed Feb 17 00:48:02 1999 @author Tom Goodale @desc Sets the error level @enddesc @calls CCTK_VWarn CCTK_VInfo @var level @vdesc error level to set @vtype int @vio in @endvar @returntype int @returndesc 1 - increased error level
0 - error level unchanged
-1 - decreased error level @endreturndesc @@*/ int CCTKi_SetErrorLevel (int level) { int retval; if (level <= warning_level) { if (error_level != level) { retval = level > error_level ? +1 : -1; CCTK_VInfo ("Cactus", "%s error level from %d to %d", retval > 0 ? "Increasing" : "Decreasing", error_level, level); error_level = level; } else { CCTK_VWarn (3, __LINE__, __FILE__, "Cactus", "Error level is already %d", level); retval = 0; } } else { retval = level > error_level ? +1 : -1; error_level = level; CCTK_VInfo ("Cactus", "Increasing warning level from %d to match error level %d", warning_level,error_level); warning_level = level; retval = 0; } return (retval); } /*@@ @routine CCTKi_FinaliseParamWarn @date June 1999 @author Gabrielle Allen @desc Die if errors were encountered during param check @enddesc @calls CCTK_ParameterGet @@*/ void CCTKi_FinaliseParamWarn (void) { int param_type; const CCTK_INT *cctk_strong_param_check_ptr; CCTK_INT cctk_strong_param_check; /* * Let all processors catch up before continuing. * * In case of parameter errors this should avoid racing problems * in parallel simulations using a certain MPI implementation where * the run would die prematurely because some processors called CCTK_Abort() * earlier than others, and in the logfile one couldn't easily find the real * reason for the abort anymore. * * (see http://www.cactuscode.org/old/pipermail/developers/2007-December/005480.html) */ CCTK_Barrier(NULL); if (param_errors) { cctk_strong_param_check_ptr = CCTK_ParameterGet ("cctk_strong_param_check", "Cactus", ¶m_type); /* Default to yes */ cctk_strong_param_check = cctk_strong_param_check_ptr && *cctk_strong_param_check_ptr; if (cctk_strong_param_check) { fprintf (stderr, "\nFailed parameter check (%d errors)\n\n", param_errors); CCTK_Abort (NULL, 99); } else { if (param_errors==1) { fprintf (stderr, "\nThere was 1 parameter warning\n\n"); } else { fprintf (stderr, "\nThere were %d parameter warnings\n\n", param_errors); } } } } /*@@ @routine CCTKi_NotYetImplemented @date July 1999 @author Gabrielle Allen @desc Report on features not yet added to code @enddesc @var message @vdesc message to be printed @vtype const char * @vio in @endvar @@*/ void CCTKi_NotYetImplemented (const char *message) { #if 0 CCTK_VWarn (0, __LINE__, __FILE__, "Cactus", "%s: this planned feature is not yet implemented in the code.\n" "If you need this feature please contact the " "Cactus maintainers.", message); #endif CCTK_VWarn (0, __LINE__, __FILE__, "Cactus", "%s: feature not implemented", message); } void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME (CCTKi_NotYetImplemented) (ONE_FORTSTRING_ARG) { ONE_FORTSTRING_CREATE (message) CCTKi_NotYetImplemented (message); free (message); } #if 0 /*@@ @routine CCTK_VINFO @date Wed Oct 4 21:03:08 2000 @author Tom Goodale @desc Fortran version of CCTK_VInfo @enddesc @calls @calledby @history @endhistory @var format_number @vdesc format string handle @vtype int @vio in @vcomment @endvar @var ... @vdesc arguments for format string @vtype multiple arguments @vio in @vcomment @endvar @returntype int @returndesc FIXME - UNFINISHED @endreturndesc @@*/ void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME (CCTK_VInfo) (int format_number, ...) { char *format_string; char *message; int message_length; int current_place; if (format_number < n_formats) { format_string = (char *)GetKeyedData (formatlist, format_number); /* Pick an arbitrary starting length for the message */ message_length=5*strlen (format_string); message = (char *)malloc (message_length); /* Loop through the format string */ for (current_place=0; format_string; format_string++) { if (*format_string != '%') { message[current_place] = *format_string; current_place++; if (current_place >= message_length) { message = (char *)realloc (message, message_length*2); message_length *=2; } } else { /* FIXME */ } } } } #endif /*@@ @routine CCTKi_WarnCallbacksCall @date 05/17/2005 @author Jian Tao @desc Call callback functions @enddesc @var level @vdesc Warning level @vtype int @vio in @endvar @var line @vdesc Line number of warning in originating file @vtype int @vio in @endvar @var file @vdesc Name of originating file @vtype const char * @vio in @endvar @var thorn @vdesc Name of originating thorn @vtype const char * @vio in @endvar @var message @vdesc warning message to output to stderr @vtype const char * @vio in @endvar @@*/ static void CCTKi_WarnCallbacksCall(int level, int line, const char *file, const char *thorn, const char *message) { t_warncallback *current; /* * Go through all the registered call back functions * static variable warncallbacks has already been checked to be not empty */ for(current=warncallbacks; current; current=current->next) { /* Check valid level */ if(level >= current->minlevel && level <= current->maxlevel) { current->function(level,line,file,thorn,message,current->data); } } return; } /*@@ @routine CCTKi_InfoCallbacksCall @date 05/17/2005 @author Jian Tao @desc Call callback functions @enddesc @var thorn @vdesc Name of originating thorn @vtype const char * @vio in @endvar @var message @vdesc warning message to output to stderr @vtype const char * @vio in @endvar @@*/ static void CCTKi_InfoCallbacksCall(const char *thorn, const char *message) { t_infocallback *current; /* * Go through all the registered call back functions * static variable infocallbacks has already been checked to be not empty */ for(current=infocallbacks; current; current=current->next) { current->function(thorn,message,current->data); } return; }