/*@@ @file FortranWrappers.c @date Sat Sep 18 00:42:12 1999 @author Tom Goodale @desc File for dealing with fortran wrapper functions. @enddesc @@*/ static char *rcsid = "$Header$"; #include #include "cctki_FortranWrappers.h" #include "StoreNamedData.h" static pNamedData *registry = NULL; /*@@ @routine CCTKi_RegisterFortranWrapper @date Sat Sep 18 00:51:21 1999 @author Tom Goodale @desc Registers a Fortran wrapper function. @enddesc @calls @calledby @history @endhistory @@*/ int CCTKi_RegisterFortranWrapper(const char *name, int (*function)(void *, void *)) { int retcode; retcode = StoreNamedData(®istry, name, (void *)function); return retcode; } /*@@ @routine CCTKi_FortranWrapper @date Sat Sep 18 00:51:57 1999 @author Tom Goodale @desc Gets a Fortran wrapper function. (A function taking (void *,void *), and returning an int. ) @enddesc @calls @calledby @history @endhistory @@*/ int (*CCTKi_FortranWrapper(const char *name))(void *, void *) { return (int (*)(void *,void *))GetNamedData(registry, name); }