#! /usr/bin/perl #%implementations = ("flesh", "flesh", "test1", "test1", "test2", "test2"); #%parameter_database = create_parameter_database(%implementations); #&print_parameter_database(%parameter_database); #/*@@ # @routine create_parameter_database # @date Wed Sep 16 11:45:18 1998 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Creates a database of all the parameters # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory #@@*/ sub create_parameter_database { local(%thorns) = @_; local($thorn, @indata); local(@new_parameter_data); local(@parameter_data); # Loop through each implementation's parameter file. foreach $thorn (keys %thorns) { print " $thorn\n"; # Read the data @indata = &read_file("$thorns{$thorn}/param.ccl"); # Get the parameters from it @new_parameter_data = &parse_param_ccl($thorn, @indata); &PrintParameterStatistics($thorn, @new_parameter_data); # Add the parameters to the master parameter database push (@parameter_data, @new_parameter_data); } @parameter_data = &cross_index_parameters(scalar(keys %thorns), (keys %thorns), @parameter_data); return @parameter_data; } sub cross_index_parameters { local($n_thorns, @indata) = @_; local(@thorns); local(%parameter_database); local(@module_file); local($line); local(@data); local($thorn); @thorns = @indata[0..$n_thorns-1]; %parameter_database = @indata[$n_thorns..$#indata]; $parameter_database{"GLOBAL PARAMETERS"} = ""; foreach $thorn (@thorns) { foreach $parameter (split(/ /, $parameter_database{"\U$thorn\E GLOBAL variables"})) { if($public_parameters{"\U$parameter\E"}) { $message = "Duplicate public parameter $parameter, defined in $imp and ".$public_parameters{"\Uparameter\E"}; &CST_error(0,$message,__LINE__,__FILE__); } else { $public_parameters{"\Uparameter\E"} = "$thorn"; $parameter_database{"GLOBAL PARAMETERS"} .= "$thorn\::$parameter "; } } } return %parameter_database; } #/*@@ # @routine parse_param_ccl # @date Wed Sep 16 11:55:33 1998 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Parses a param.ccl file and generates a database of the values. # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory #@@*/ sub parse_param_ccl { local($thorn, @data) = @_; local($line_number, $line, $block, $type, $variable, $description); local($current_friend, $new_ranges, $new_desc); local($data, %parameter_db); local(%friends); local(%defined_parameters); # The default block is private. $block = "PRIVATE"; # Initialise, to prevent perl -w from complaining. $parameter_db{"\U$thorn PRIVATE\E variables"} = ""; for($line_number = 0; $line_number < @data; $line_number++) { $line = $data[$line_number]; # Parse the line if($line =~ m/(GLOBAL|RESTRICTED|PRIVATE|SHARES)\s*:(.*)/i) { # It's a new block. $block = "\U$1\E"; if($block eq "SHARES") { $current_friend = $2; $current_friend =~ s:\s::; # It's a friend block. $block .= " \U$current_friend\E"; # Remember this friend, but make the memory unique. $friends{"\U$current_friend\E"} = 1; } # Do some initialisation to prevent perl -w from complaining. if(!$parameter_db{"\U$thorn $block\E variables"}) { $parameter_db{"\U$thorn $block\E variables"} = ""; } } elsif($line =~ m:(EXTENDS |USES )?\s*(?\:CCTK_)?(INT|REAL|LOGICAL|KEYWORD|STRING)\s*([a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z0-9_]*) \s*(\"[^\"]*\"):i) { # This is a parameter definition. $type = "\U$2\E"; $variable = $3; $description = $4; if($defined_parameters{"\U$variable\E"}) { $message = "Duplicate parameter $variable in thorn $thorn. Ignoring second definition"; &CST_error(1,$message,__LINE__,__FILE__); $line_number++ until ($data[$line_number] =~ m:\}:); } elsif($1 && $1 =~ m:(EXTENDS|USES):i && $block !~ m:SHARES\s*\S:) { # Can only extend a friend variable. $message = "Parse error in $thorn/param.ccl"; &CST_error(0,$message,__LINE__,__FILE__); $line_number++ until ($data[$line_number] =~ m:\}:); } elsif($data[$line_number+1] !~ m:^\s*\{\s*$:) { # Since the data should have no blank lines, the next # line should have { on it. $message = "Parse error in $thorn/param.ccl - missing \"{\" in definition of parameter \"$variable\""; &CST_error(0,$message,__LINE__,__FILE__); # Move past the end of this block. $line_number++ until ($data[$line_number] =~ m:\}:); } else { # Move past { $line_number++; $line_number++; # Store data about this variable. $defined_parameters{"\U$variable\E"} = 1; $parameter_db{"\U$thorn $block\E variables"} .= $variable." "; $parameter_db{"\U$thorn $variable\E type"} = $type; $parameter_db{"\U$thorn $variable\E description"} = $description; $parameter_db{"\U$thorn $variable\E ranges"} = 0; # Parse the allowed values and their descriptions. # The (optional) description is seperated by :: while($data[$line_number] !~ m:\s*\}:) { ($new_ranges, $delim, $new_desc) = $data[$line_number] =~ m/(.*)(::)(.*)/; # Increment the number of ranges found (ranges) $parameter_db{"\U$thorn $variable\E ranges"}++; # Strip out any spaces in the range for a numeric parameter. if($type =~ m:INT|REAL:) { $new_ranges =~ s/[ \t]+/ /g; } $parameter_db{"\U$thorn $variable\E range $parameter_db{\"\U$thorn $variable\E ranges\"} range"} = $new_ranges; # Give a warning if no description has been given if(! $delim) { $message = "Missing description of range '$new_ranges' for parameter $thorn\::$variable"; &CST_error(1,$message,__LINE__,__FILE__); } $parameter_db{"\U$thorn $variable\E range $parameter_db{\"\U$thorn $variable\E ranges\"} description"} = $new_desc; $line_number++; } # Give a warning if no range was given and it was needed if ($parameter_db{"\U$thorn $variable\E ranges"}==0 && $type =~ m:INT|REAL:) { $message = "No range given for $variable in $thorn"; &CST_error(0,$message,__LINE__,__FILE__); } if($block !~ m:SHARES:) { if($data[$line_number] =~ m:\s*\}\s*(.+):) { $default = $1; if ($type =~ m:INT|REAL: && $default =~ m:":) { $message = "String default given for $type $variable in $thorn"; &CST_error(0,$message,__LINE__,__FILE__); } elsif ($type =~ m:STRING|KEYWORD: && $default !~ m:".*":) { $message = "Default given for $type $variable in $thorn is not a string"; &CST_error(0,$message,__LINE__,__FILE__); } elsif ($type =~ m:LOGICAL: && $default =~ m:": && $default !~ m:".*":) { $message = "Default given for $type $variable in $thorn is missing a quote"; &CST_error(0,$message,__LINE__,__FILE__); } $default = $1 if ($default =~ m:\"(((\\\")|[^\"])*)\":); $parameter_db{"\U$thorn $variable\E default"} = $default; } else { $message = "Unable to find default for $variable"; &CST_error(0,$message,__LINE,__FILE); } } } } else { if($line =~ m:\{:) { $message = "Skipping parameter block in $thorn with missing keyword"; &CST_error(1,$message,__LINE__,__FILE__); $line_number++ until ($data[$line_number] =~ m:\}:); } else { $message = "Unknown line \"$line\" in $thorn/param.ccl"; &CST_error(0,$message,__LINE__,__FILE__); } } } $parameter_db{"\U$thorn\E SHARES implementations"} = join(" ", keys %friends); return %parameter_db; } #/*@@ # @routine print_parameter_database # @date Wed Sep 16 14:58:52 1998 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Prints out a parameter database. # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory #@@*/ sub print_parameter_database { local(%parameter_database) = @_; local($field); foreach $field ( sort keys %parameter_database ) { print "$field has value $parameter_database{$field}\n"; } } #/*@@ # @routine PrintParameterStatistics # @date Sun Sep 19 13:04:18 1999 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Prints out some statistics about a thorn's param.ccl # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # #@@*/ sub PrintParameterStatistics { local($thorn, %parameter_database) = @_; local($block); local($sep); $sep = " "; foreach $block ("Global", "Restricted", "Private") { print $sep . scalar(split(" ", $parameter_database{"\U$thorn $block\E variables"})) . " $block"; $sep = ", "; } print " parameters\n"; return; } 1;