#! /usr/bin/perl -w #/*@@ # @file parameter_parser.pl # @date Mon 25 May 08:07:40 1998 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Parser for param.ccl files # @enddesc # @version $Header$ #@@*/ #%implementations = ("flesh", "flesh", "test1", "test1", "test2", "test2"); #%parameter_database = create_parameter_database(%implementations); #&print_parameter_database(%parameter_database); #/*@@ # @routine create_parameter_database # @date Wed Sep 16 11:45:18 1998 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Creates a database of all the parameters # @enddesc #@@*/ sub create_parameter_database { my(%thorns) = @_; my($thorn, @indata); my(@new_parameter_data); my(@parameter_data); # Loop through each implementation's parameter file. foreach $thorn (sort keys %thorns) { print " $thorn\n"; # Read the data @indata = &read_file("$thorns{$thorn}/param.ccl"); # Get the parameters from it @new_parameter_data = &parse_param_ccl($thorn, @indata); &PrintParameterStatistics($thorn, @new_parameter_data); # Add the parameters to the master parameter database push (@parameter_data, @new_parameter_data); } @parameter_data = &cross_index_parameters(scalar(keys %thorns), (sort keys %thorns), @parameter_data); return @parameter_data; } sub cross_index_parameters { my($n_thorns, @indata) = @_; my(@thorns); my(%parameter_database); my(@module_file); my($line); my(@data); my($thorn); @thorns = @indata[0..$n_thorns-1]; %parameter_database = @indata[$n_thorns..$#indata]; $parameter_database{"GLOBAL PARAMETERS"} = ""; foreach $thorn (@thorns) { foreach $parameter (split(/ /, $parameter_database{"\U$thorn\E GLOBAL variables"})) { if($public_parameters{"\U$parameter\E"}) { &CST_error(0, "Duplicate public parameter $parameter, defined in " . "$thorn and " . $public_parameters{"\Uparameter\E"}, '', __LINE__, __FILE__); } else { $public_parameters{"\Uparameter\E"} = "$thorn"; $parameter_database{"GLOBAL PARAMETERS"} .= "$thorn\::$parameter "; } } } return %parameter_database; } #/*@@ # @routine parse_param_ccl # @date Wed Sep 16 11:55:33 1998 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Parses a param.ccl file and generates a database of the values. # @enddesc #@@*/ sub parse_param_ccl { my($thorn, @data) = @_; my($line_number, $line, $block, $type, $variable, $description); my($current_friend, $new_ranges, $new_desc); my($data, %parameter_db); my(%friends); my(%defined_parameters); my($use_or_extend, $use_clause, $skip_range_block); my($message); # The default block is private. $block = 'PRIVATE'; # Initialise, to prevent perl -w from complaining. $parameter_db{"\U$thorn PRIVATE\E variables"} = ''; for($line_number = 0; $line_number < @data; $line_number++) { $line = $data[$line_number]; # Parse the line if($line =~ m/(GLOBAL|RESTRICTED|PRIVATE|SHARES)\s*:\s*(\S*)\s*(.*)$/i) { # It's a new block. $block = "\U$1\E"; if($block eq 'SHARES') { $current_friend = $2; $current_friend =~ s:\s::; if ($3 !~ /^\s*$/) { &CST_error(0, "More than one implementation on SHARES line in " . "param.ccl for thorn $thorn", '', __LINE__, __FILE__); } # It's a friend block. $block .= " \U$current_friend\E"; # Remember this friend, but make the memory unique. $friends{"\U$current_friend\E"} = 1; } # Do some initialisation to prevent perl -w from complaining. $parameter_db{"\U$thorn $block\E variables"} = '' if(! $parameter_db{"\U$thorn $block\E variables"}); } elsif($line =~ m/^\s*(EXTENDS\s+|USES\s+)?(?:CCTK_)?(INT|REAL|BOOLEAN|KEYWORD|STRING)\s+([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)(\s*\[([^]]+)\])?(\s+\"[^\"]*\")?\s*(.*)$/i) { # This is a parameter definition. my $use_or_extend = $1; my $type = "\U$2\E"; my $variable = $3; my $array_size = $5; my $description = $6; my $options = $7; $description =~ s:^\s*::; $use_clause = ($use_or_extend =~ m:USES:i) ? 1 : 0; if($description !~ m:\":) { if($use_or_extend) { $description = ''; } else { &CST_error(0, "Missing description for parameter $variable in " . "param.ccl for thorn $thorn.", "The first line of each parameter definition must have " . "the syntax <\"DESCRIPTION\">", __LINE__, __FILE__); } } my $realname = $variable; # First deal with an alias if($options =~ m/\bAS\s+([^\s]+)\s*/i) { my $alias = $1; if($alias !~ m/[a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z0-9_]*/) { &CST_error(0, "Invalid alias name '$alias' for $variable of thorn " . $thorn, '',__LINE__, __FILE__); } elsif($defined_parameters{"\U$alias\E"}) { &CST_error(0, "Invalid alias name '$alias' for $variable of thorn " . "$thorn - parameter of that name already exists", '', __LINE__, __FILE__); } $options =~ s/\bAS\s+([^\s])+\s*//i; # Rename the variable for internal use $variable = $alias } if($defined_parameters{"\U$variable\E"}) { &CST_error(1, "Duplicate parameter $variable in thorn $thorn. " . "Ignoring second definition", '', __LINE__, __FILE__); $line_number++ until ($line_number>@data || $data[$line_number] =~ m:\}:); } elsif($use_or_extend && $use_or_extend =~ m:(EXTENDS|USES):i && $block !~ m:SHARES\s*\S:) { # Can only extend a friend variable. &CST_error(0, "Parse error in $thorn/param.ccl", '', __LINE__,__FILE__); $line_number++ until ($data[$line_number] =~ m:\}:); } elsif($data[$line_number+1] !~ m:^\s*\{\s*$: && $use_clause == 0) { # Since the data should have no blank lines, the next # line should have { on it. &CST_error(0, "Parse error in $thorn/param.ccl - missing \"{\" in " . "definition of parameter '$variable'", '', __LINE__, __FILE__); # Move past the end of this block. $line_number++ until ($data[$line_number] =~ m:\}:); } else { $skip_range_block = 0; # Move past { if($data[$line_number+1] !~ m:\s*\{\s*:) { if ($use_clause) { $skip_range_block = 1; } else { # This message is already given above. # &CST_error(0, "Missing { at start of range block for parameter " . # "$variable pf thorn $thorn", '', __LINE__, __FILE__); die 'Internal error in parser: this line should never be reached.'; } } else { $skip_range_block = 0; $line_number++; $line_number++; } # Parse the options %options = split(/\s*=\s*|\s+/, $options); foreach $option (sort keys %options) { if($option =~ m:STEERABLE:i) { $parameter_db{"\U$thorn $variable\E steerable"} = $options{$option}; } elsif($option =~ m:ACCUMULATOR-BASE:i) { if($options{$option} =~ m/[a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z0-9_]*::([a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/) { if($defined_parameters{"\U$1\E"}) { $parameter_db{"\U$thorn $variable\E accumulator-base"} = $options{$option}; } else { &CST_error(0, "Unknown parameter '$options{$option}' " . "specified as accumulator-base of $variable of " . "thorn $thorn", 'if it comes from another thorn it must be shared', __LINE__, __FILE__); } } elsif($options{$option} =~ m/[a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z0-9_]*/) { $parameter_db{"\U$thorn $variable\E accumulator-base"} = "$thorn\::$options{$option}"; } else { &CST_error(0, "Invalid accumulator-base $options{$option} for " . "$variable of thorn $thorn", '', __LINE__, __FILE__); } } elsif($option =~ m:ACCUMULATOR:i) { my $retcode = &CheckExpression($options{$option}); if($retcode == 0) { $parameter_db{"\U$thorn $variable\E accumulator-expression"} = $options{$option}; } elsif($retcode == 1) { &CST_error(0, "Invalid accumulator expression " . "'$options{$option}' for $variable of thorn $thorn", '', __LINE__, __FILE__); } elsif($retcode == 2) { &CST_error(0, "Arithmetic error in accumulator expression " . "'$options{$option}' for $variable of thorn $thorn", '', __LINE__, __FILE__); } elsif($retcode == 3) { &CST_error(0, "Accumulator expression '$options{$option}' " . "can be infinite for $variable of thorn $thorn", '', __LINE__, __FILE__); } elsif($retcode == 4) { &CST_error(0, "Accumulator expression '$options{$option}' " . "does not commute for $variable of thorn $thorn", '', __LINE__, __FILE__); } else { &CST_error(0, "Internal-error while checking accumulator " . "expression '$options{$option}' for $variable " . "of thorn $thorn", '', __LINE__, __FILE__); } } else { &CST_error(0, "Unknown option '$option' for parameter $variable " . "of thorn $thorn", '', __LINE__, __FILE__); } } # Check array size if($array_size) { if($array_size !~ /^\d+$/) { &CST_error(0, "Invalid array size '$array_size' for parameter " . "$variable of thorn $thorn", '', __LINE__, __FILE__); } else { $parameter_db{"\U$thorn $variable\E array_size"} = $array_size; } } # Store data about this variable. $defined_parameters{"\U$variable\E"} = 1; $parameter_db{"\U$thorn $variable\E realname"} = $realname; $parameter_db{"\U$thorn $block\E variables"} .= $variable." "; $parameter_db{"\U$thorn $variable\E type"} = $type; $parameter_db{"\U$thorn $variable\E description"} = $description; $parameter_db{"\U$thorn $variable\E ranges"} = 0; if(! $skip_range_block) { # Parse the allowed values and their descriptions. # The (optional) description is seperated by :: while($data[$line_number] !~ m:^\s*\}:) { if($data[$line_number] =~ m/::/) { ($new_ranges, $delim, $new_desc) = $data[$line_number] =~ m/(.+?)(::)(.*)/; } else { ($new_ranges, $delim, $new_desc) = ($data[$line_number],"",""); } # Increment the number of ranges found (ranges) $parameter_db{"\U$thorn $variable\E ranges"}++; # Strip out any leading and trailing spaces in the range $new_ranges =~ s/^\s*//; $new_ranges =~ s/\s*$//; # Strip out double quotes enclosing a non-numeric parameter range $new_ranges =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/ if ($type !~ m:INT|REAL:); # check integer parameter ranges if ($type eq 'INT' && ! ( $new_ranges eq '*' || $new_ranges =~ /^[+-]?\d+$/ || $new_ranges =~ /^(\*|\(?[+-]?\d+)?:(\*|[+-]?\d+\)?)?(:\d+)?$/)) { &CST_error(0, "Invalid range '$new_ranges' for integer " . "parameter '$variable' of thorn '$thorn'", '', __LINE__, __FILE__); } $parameter_db{"\U$thorn $variable\E range $parameter_db{\"\U$thorn $variable\E ranges\"} range"} = $new_ranges; # Check description if($delim eq "" || ($delim =~ /::/ && $new_desc =~ /^\s*$/)) { $new_ranges =~ /^\s*(.*)\s*\n/; &CST_error(1, "Missing description for range $1 for parameter " . "$variable in param.ccl for thorn $thorn.", "Each parameter range line should have the syntax " . " :: <\"DESCRIPTION\">", __LINE__, __FILE__); } elsif ($new_desc =~ /^\s*\".*[^\s\"]\s*$|^\s*[^\s\"].*\"\s*$/) { &CST_error(0, "Description of range for parameter $variable " . "has misplaced quotes ($new_desc) in param.ccl " . "for thorn $thorn", '', __LINE__, __FILE__); } $parameter_db{"\U$thorn $variable\E range $parameter_db{\"\U$thorn $variable\E ranges\"} description"} = $new_desc; $line_number++; } } # Give a warning if no range was given and it was needed if (($use_clause == 0) && ($parameter_db{"\U$thorn $variable\E ranges"}==0 && $type =~ m:INT|REAL:)) { &CST_error(0, "No range provided for parameter $variable in " . "param.ccl for thorn $thorn", "All definitions for integer and real parameters must " . "provide one or more allowed ranges", __LINE__, __FILE__); } if($block !~ m:SHARES:) { if($data[$line_number] =~ m:\s*\}\s*([^\s].*)\s*:) { $default = $1; $default =~ m:^(.*[^\s])\s*:; $default = $1; if ($type eq 'INT' && $default !~ /^[+-]?\d+$/) { &CST_error(0, "Default '$default' for integer parameter " . "'$variable' in thorn '$thorn' is not an integer", '', __LINE__, __FILE__); } if ($type eq 'REAL' && $default !~ /^[+-]?(\d+([.]\d*)?|[.]\d+)([eEdD][+-]?\d+)?$/) { &CST_error(0, "Default '$default' for real parameter " . "'$variable' in thorn '$thorn' is not a real", '', __LINE__, __FILE__); } if ($type =~ m:INT|REAL: && $default =~ m:":) { &CST_error(0, "String default given for $type $variable in " . "$thorn", '', __LINE__, __FILE__); } elsif ($type =~ m:STRING: && $default !~ m:".*":) { &CST_error(0, "Default given for $type $variable in $thorn " . "is not a string", '', __LINE__, __FILE__); } elsif ($type =~ m:BOOLEAN: && $default =~ m:": && $default !~ m:".*":) { &CST_error(0, "Default given for $type $variable in $thorn " . "is missing a quote", '', __LINE__, __FILE__); } $default = $1 if ($default =~ m:\"(((\\\")|[^\"])*)\":); &CheckParameterDefault($thorn,$variable,$default,%parameter_db); $parameter_db{"\U$thorn $variable\E default"} = $default; } else { &CST_error(0, "Unable to find default value for parameter " . "$variable", "Last line of parameter block should be " . "} ", __LINE__, __FILE__); } } if($block =~ m:SHARES:i) { if($data[$line_number] =~ m:\s*\}\s*([^\s].*)\s*:) { &CST_error(0, "param.ccl of thorn '$thorn' attempts to change " . "default value of shared or extended parameter " . "'$variable'", '', __LINE__, __FILE__); } } } } else { if($line =~ m:\{:) { &CST_error(1, "Skipping parameter block in $thorn with missing keyword", '', __LINE__, __FILE__); $line_number++ until ($data[$line_number] =~ m:\}:); } else { $line =~ /^(.*)\n*$/; &CST_error(0, "Unknown line in param.ccl for thorn $thorn\n\"$1\"", '', __LINE__, __FILE__); } } } $parameter_db{"\U$thorn\E SHARES implementations"} = join(" ", sort keys %friends); return %parameter_db; } #/*@@ # @routine print_parameter_database # @date Wed Sep 16 14:58:52 1998 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Prints out a parameter database. # @enddesc #@@*/ sub print_parameter_database { my(%parameter_database) = @_; my($field); foreach $field ( sort keys %parameter_database ) { print "$field has value $parameter_database{$field}\n"; } } #/*@@ # @routine PrintParameterStatistics # @date Sun Sep 19 13:04:18 1999 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Prints out some statistics about a thorn's param.ccl # @enddesc #@@*/ sub PrintParameterStatistics { my($thorn, %parameter_database) = @_; my($block); my($sep); if($parameter_database{"\U$thorn SHARES implementations"} ne "") { print " Shares: " . $parameter_database{"\U$thorn SHARES implementations"} . "\n"; } $sep = " "; foreach $block ("Global", "Restricted", "Private") { print $sep . scalar(split(" ", $parameter_database{"\U$thorn $block\E variables"})) . " $block"; $sep = ", "; } print " parameters\n"; } #/*@@ # @routine CheckParameterDefault # @date Sun Dec 17 18.20 # @author Gabrielle Allen # @desc # Check default in allowed range # @enddesc #@@*/ sub CheckParameterDefault { my($thorn,$variable,$default,%parameter_db) = @_; my($foundit,$i,$range); $foundit = 0; # Check that boolean default is correct if ($parameter_db{"\U$thorn $variable\E type"} =~ /BOOLEAN/) { if ($default !~ m:^yes|no|y|n|1|0|t|f|true|false$:i) { &CST_error(0, "Default ($default) for boolean parameter '$variable' " . "is incorrect in param.ccl for thorn $thorn", "The default value for a boolean parameter must be one of " . "yes,no,y,n,1,0,t,f,true,false", __LINE__, __FILE__); } } elsif ($parameter_db{"\U$thorn $variable\E type"} =~ /KEYWORD/) { $nranges=$parameter_db{"\U$thorn $variable\E ranges"}; for ($i=1; $i<=$nranges; $i++) { # Keywords don't use pattern matching but are case insensitive $range = $parameter_db{"\U$thorn $variable\E range $i range"}; $foundit = 1 if ("\U$default\E" eq "\U$range\E"); } if ($foundit == 0) { &CST_error(0, "Default ($default) for keyword parameter '$variable' " . "is incorrect in param.ccl for thorn $thorn", "The default value for a parameter must lie within the " . "allowed range", __LINE__, __FILE__); } } elsif ($parameter_db{"\U$thorn $variable\E type"} =~ /STRING/) { $nranges=$parameter_db{"\U$thorn $variable\E ranges"}; for ($i=1; $i<=$nranges; $i++) { $range = $parameter_db{"\U$thorn $variable\E range $i range"}; # An empty regular expression should match everything. # Instead, perl returns the result of the last match. # Therefore, prevent using empty patterns. $foundit = 1 if ($range eq '' || $default =~ m:$range:i); } if ($foundit == 0) { &CST_error(0, "Default ($default) for string parameter '$variable' " . "is incorrect in param.ccl for thorn $thorn", "The default value for a parameter must lie within an " . "allowed range", __LINE__, __FILE__); } } elsif ($parameter_db{"\U$thorn $variable\E type"} =~ /INT/) { $nranges=$parameter_db{"\U$thorn $variable\E ranges"}; for ($i=1; $i<=$nranges; $i++) { $range = $parameter_db{"\U$thorn $variable\E range $i range"}; $range =~ /^([\s\*0-9]*):([\s\*0-9]*)/; $min = $1; $max = $2; $foundit = 1 if (($min =~ /^\s*[\*\s]*\s*$/ || $default >= $min) && ($max =~ /^\s*[\*\s]*\s*$/ || $default <= $max)); } if ($nranges > 0 && $foundit == 0) { &CST_error(0, "Default ($default) for integer parameter '$variable' " . "is incorrect in param.ccl for thorn $thorn", "The default value for a parameter must lie within the " . "allowed range", __LINE__, __FILE__); } } elsif ($parameter_db{"\U$thorn $variable\E type"} =~ /REAL/) { $nranges=$parameter_db{"\U$thorn $variable\E ranges"}; for ($i=1; $i<=$nranges; $i++) { $range = $parameter_db{"\U$thorn $variable\E range $i range"}; $range =~ /^([\s\*0-9\.eE+-]*):([\s\*0-9\.eE+-]*)/; $min = $1; $max = $2; $foundit = 1 if (($min =~ /^\s*[\*\s]*\s*$/ || $default >= $min) && ($max =~ /^\s*[\*\s]*\s*$/ || $default <= $max)); } if ($nranges > 0 && $foundit == 0) { &CST_error(0, "Default ($default) for real parameter '$variable' " . "is incorrect in param.ccl for thorn $thorn", "The default value for a parameter must lie within the " . "allowed range", __LINE__, __FILE__); } } } #/*@@ # @routine CheckExpression # @date Fri May 17 21:26:52 2002 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Checks that an accumulator parameter's expression is valid. # The expression should commute when applied twice # I.e. if a is the original value of the parameter, # b the first value to add # c the second parameter to add # and L(x,y) the operation # The expression # L(L(a,b),c) = L(L(a,c),b) # should be true. # @enddesc # # @var expression # @vdesc The expression to verify # @vtype string # @vio in # @endvar # # @returntype int # @returndesc # 0 -- success # 1 -- expression contains invalid characters # 2 -- expression could not be evaluated # 3 -- expression can produce infinite result # 4 -- expression does not commute # @endreturndesc #@@*/ sub CheckExpression { my ($expression) = @_; my $retcode; if($expression =~ m,^[-\d/*()+xy^!<>=]+$, && $expression =~ m/\bx\b/ && $expression =~ m/\by\b/ && $expression !~ m/\wx/ && $expression !~ m/x\w/ && $expression !~ m/\wy/ && $expression !~ m/y\w/) { # Pick some numbers to do the test with. my $a = 37; my $b = 53; my $c = 59; # Convert to Perl's exponentiation operator syntax. $expression =~ s/\^/**/; # Convert x and y to Perl variables. $expression =~ s/x/\$x/g; $expression =~ s/y/\$y/g; # Calculate L(L(a,b),c). my $answer1 = &EvalExpression(&EvalExpression($a,$b,"$expression"),$c,$expression); # print "$answer1\n" if defined $answer1; # Calculate L(L(a,c),b). my $answer2 = &EvalExpression(&EvalExpression($a,$c,"$expression"),$b,$expression); # print "$answer2\n" if defined $answer2; if( !defined $answer1 || ! defined $answer2) { $retval = 2; } elsif($answer1 eq "inf" || $answer2 eq "inf") { $retval = 3; } elsif(abs($answer1 - $answer2) > 1.0e-17) { $retval = 4; } else # if($answer1 == $answer2) { $retval = 0; } } else { $retval = 1; } return $retval; } #/*@@ # @routine EvalExpression # @date Fri May 17 21:34:18 2002 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Takes an expression involving $x and $y # and evaluates it. # @enddesc # # @var x # @vdesc An argument in the expression # @vtype scalar # @vio in # @endvar # @var y # @vdesc An argument in the expression # @vtype scalar # @vio in # @endvar # @var expression # @vdesc The expression to evaluate # @vtype string # @vio in # @endvar # # @returntype scalar # @returndesc # The value of the evaluation. # @endreturndesc #@@*/ sub EvalExpression { my ($x, $y, $expression) = @_; my $answer = eval "$expression"; return $answer; } 1;