#!/usr/bin/perl -sw #/*@@ # @file f_file_processor.pl # @date Jan 22 1995 # @author Paul Walker # @desc # Postprocessor for Fortran files. # # Reads STDIN, writes to STDOUT. # # removes all comments # replaces && with newline and tab to col 7 # Breaks lines greater than 72 or 132 cols # (depending on fixed or free format) # Does this using multi-line matching! # # If run with -free_format, chooses free-format line splitting. # # @enddesc # @version $Header$ #@@*/ # Possible command line options: # -free-format # -line_directives=[yes|no] # -source_file_name=[filename] # Reads input from stdin. # The result will be printed to stdout. $MULTILINE_MATCHING = 1; # Multi-line is on! # Do we want line directives? $line_directives = $line_directives eq 'yes'; # Pick the correct set of comments to remove. if ($free_format) { $standard_comments = "\\s*[!]"; } else { $standard_comments = "[cC!]"; } # Maximum line length for free form Fortran $max_line_length = 132; # Indentation for continued free form Fortran $indentation = 2; $indent = " " x $indentation; # Loop over all lines. $line = 1; $file = ""; $autoline = 1; $autofile = ""; while (<>) { # Get rid of final \n chomp; # Handle directives if (/^\#/) { if ($line_directives) { # Handle line directives if (/^\#\s*(\d+)\s*"([^"]*)"/) { $line = $1; $file = $2; if ($file eq '') { $file = $source_file_name; } } else { ++$line; } next; } else { # Ignore directives next; } } # Get rid of any tabs s/\t/ /g; # Chop Fortran comments to 132 columns (they stay in code) # removing any quotes # (standard c C, or even ! comments) if (/^$standard_comments.*$/) { # Remove quotes s/['"]//g; if (/(.{$max_line_length,$max_line_length})/) { &printline ($1); } else { &printline ($_); } } else { # Get rid of ! comments : a bit tricky as ! may appear inside strings # the following code by Fokke Dijkstra also checks for comments # on a line with a string # Search for possible comment if (/!/) { # find all ! " and ' and check for strings or comments $string = 0; while (m/([!"'])/g) { # keep track of position for substr include last character $position = (pos) - 1; # check if we are currently in a string and possibly end it, # or check for a new string or a comment if ($string) { if ($1 eq "\'" && $string == 1) { $string = 0; } if ($1 eq "\"" && $string == 2) { $string = 0; } } elsif ($1 eq "\'") { $string = 1; } elsif ($1 eq "\"") { $string = 2; } elsif ($1 eq "!") { $_ = substr ($_, 0, $position); last; } } } # Get rid of trailing blanks s/\s*$//; # Put in the line breaks (&&) if($free_format) { s/\s*\&\&\s*/\n$indent/g; } else { s/\s*\&\&\s*/\n /g; } foreach my $LINE (split('\n',$_)) { &splitline($LINE); } } ++$line; } #/*@@ # @routine splitline # @date Wed Nov 24 12:14:55 1999 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Chooses the correct routine to split lines. # @enddesc #@@*/ sub splitline { my ($LINE) = @_; if($free_format) { &free_format_splitline($LINE); } else { &fixed_format_splitline($LINE); } } #/*@@ # @routine fixed_format_splitline # @date 1995 # @author Paul Walker # @desc # Splits lines for F77 or fixed-format F90 # @enddesc #@@*/ sub fixed_format_splitline { my ($LINE) = @_; # Note the new treatement of comments with \S if ($LINE =~ /^([^\S].{71,71})/) { &printline ($1); $LINE =~ s/.{72,72}//; while ($LINE =~ /^(.{66,66})/) { &printline (" &$1"); $LINE =~ s/.{66,66}//; } &printline (" &$LINE"); } else { &printline ($LINE); } } #/*@@ # @routine free_format_splitline # @date Thu Sep 30 12:05:36 1999 # @author Erik Schnetter # @desc # Splits lines for free-format Fortran 90. # @enddesc #@@*/ sub free_format_splitline { my ($LINE) = @_; my $OUT; my $maxlen1 = $max_line_length - 1; my $maxlen1i = $max_line_length - $indentation - 1; my $maxlen2i = $max_line_length - $indentation - 2; if ($LINE =~ /^(.{$maxlen1,$maxlen1})../) { $OUT = $1; # Check if the line already has a continuation mark. $OUT = "$OUT&" if (! ($OUT =~ /\&\s*$/)); &printline ($OUT); $LINE =~ s/.{$maxlen1,$maxlen1}//; while ($LINE =~ /^(.{$maxlen1i,$maxlen1i})/) { $LINE =~ /^(.{$maxlen2i,$maxlen2i})/; $OUT = $1; $OUT = "$indent&$OUT" if (! ($OUT =~ /^\s*\&/)); $OUT = "$OUT&" if (! ($OUT =~ /\&\s*$/)); &printline ($OUT); $LINE =~ s/.{$maxlen2i,$maxlen2i}//; } if ($LINE =~ /^\&\s*$/) { &printline ("$indent& $LINE"); } elsif ($LINE =~ /^\s*\&\s*$/) { &printline ("$indent&$LINE"); } else { $OUT = $LINE; $OUT = "$indent&$OUT" if (! ($LINE =~ /^\s*\&/)); &printline ($OUT); } } else { &printline ($LINE); } } # Print a line and append a newline # Emit line number and file name directives if necessary sub printline { my ($LINE) = @_; if ($LINE eq '') { # don't print empty lines } else { if ($line_directives) { if ($file ne $autofile) { print "# $line \"$file\"\n"; $autoline = $line; $autofile = $file; } elsif ($line ne $autoline) { if ($line>$autoline && $line<=$autoline+3) { while ($autoline!=$line) { print "\n"; ++$autoline; } } else { # print "# $line \"$file\"\n"; print "# $line\n"; $autoline = $line; $autofile = $file; } } } print "$LINE\n"; ++$autoline; } }