#! /usr/bin/perl #/*@@ # @file create_fortran_stuff.pl # @date Tue Jan 12 09:52:35 1999 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Create the Fortran parameter stuff # @enddesc #version $Header$ #@@*/ sub CreateFortranThornParameterBindings { my($thorn, $rhparameter_db, $rhinterface_db) = @_; my($line); my(%these_parameters); my($implementation); my(@data); my(@file); my(%alias_names); my(%num_aliases); push(@file, '#define DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS \\'); # Generate all global parameters %these_parameters = &get_global_parameters($rhparameter_db); if((keys %these_parameters) > 0) { @data = &CreateFortranCommonDeclaration('cctk_params_global', \%these_parameters, $rhparameter_db); if (@data) { push(@file, join ("&&\\\n", @data) . "&&\\"); } } # Generate all restricted parameters of this thorn %these_parameters = &GetThornParameterList($thorn, 'RESTRICTED', $rhparameter_db); if((keys %these_parameters > 0)) { $implementation = $rhinterface_db->{"\U$thorn\E IMPLEMENTS"}; @data = &CreateFortranCommonDeclaration("${implementation}rest", \%these_parameters, $rhparameter_db); if (@data) { push(@file, join ("&&\\\n", @data) . "&&\\"); } } # Generate all private parameters of this thorn %these_parameters = &GetThornParameterList($thorn, 'PRIVATE', $rhparameter_db); if((keys %these_parameters > 0)) { @data = &CreateFortranCommonDeclaration("${thorn}priv", \%these_parameters, $rhparameter_db); if (@data) { push(@file, join ("&&\\\n", @data) . "&&\\"); } } # Parameters from friends # This number can be local to each thorn - it doesn't matter if # members of a common block get different names in different # thorns, especially if the variable isn't being used ! $num_aliases = 0; # print "DEBUG ********************************************\n"; # print "DEBUG thorn is $thorn\n"; foreach $friend (split(' ',$rhparameter_db->{"\U$thorn\E SHARES implementations"})) { # print "DEBUG friend is $friend\n"; # Determine which thorn provides this friend implementation $rhinterface_db->{"IMPLEMENTATION \U$friend\E THORNS"} =~ m:([^ ]*):; $friend_thorn = $1; %these_parameters = &GetThornParameterList($friend_thorn, 'RESTRICTED', $rhparameter_db); %alias_names = (); foreach $parameter (sort keys %these_parameters) { # print "DEBUG parameter is $parameter\n"; my $foundit = 0; my $thornparam; my $name = ""; foreach $thornparam (split(/\s+/,$rhparameter_db->{"\U$thorn SHARES $friend\E variables"})) { # print "DEBUG thorn parameter is $thornparam\n"; # print "DEBUG realname is " . $rhparameter_db->{"\U$thorn $thornparam\E realname"} ."\n"; if($rhparameter_db->{"\U$thorn $thornparam\E realname"} =~ m/^$parameter$/i) { # print "DEBUG ... " . $rhparameter_db->{"\U$thorn $thornparam\E realname"} . "\n"; $name = $thornparam; #$rhparameter_db->{"\U$thorn $thornparam\E realname"}; last; } } if($name eq "") { $name = "CCTKH$num_aliases"; $num_aliases++; } $alias_names{$parameter} = "$name"; } @data = &CreateFortranCommonDeclaration("${friend}rest", \%these_parameters, $rhparameter_db, \%alias_names); if (@data) { push(@file, join ("&&\\\n", @data) . "&&\\"); } } push(@file, ''); push(@file, ''); return join ("\n", @file); } sub CreateFortranCommonDeclaration { my($common_block, $rhparameters, $rhparameter_db, $rhaliases) = @_; my($line,@data); my(%parameters); my($type, $type_string); my($definition); my($aliases); if(defined $rhaliases) { $aliases = scalar(keys %$rhaliases); } else { $aliases = 0; } # Create the data $definition = "COMMON /$common_block/"; $sepchar = ''; foreach $parameter (&order_params($rhparameters,$rhparameter_db)) { my $type = $rhparameter_db->{"\U$rhparameters->{$parameter} $parameter\E type"}; my $type_string = &get_fortran_type_string($type); my $array_size = $rhparameter_db->{"\U$rhparameters->{$parameter} $parameter\E array_size"}; my $suffix = ''; if($array_size) { $suffix = "($array_size)"; } my $name; if($aliases) { $name = $rhaliases->{$parameter}; } else { $name = $rhparameter_db->{"\U$rhparameters->{$parameter} $parameter\E realname"}; } $line = "$type_string $name$suffix"; $definition .= "$sepchar$name"; push(@data, $line); $sepchar = ','; } push(@data, $definition); return @data; } sub get_fortran_type_string { my($type) = @_; my($type_string); if($type eq 'KEYWORD' || $type eq 'STRING' || $type eq 'SENTENCE') { $type_string = 'CCTK_STRING '; } elsif($type eq 'BOOLEAN' || $type eq 'INT') { $type_string = 'CCTK_INT'; } elsif($type eq 'REAL') { $type_string = 'CCTK_REAL '; } else { $message = "Unknown parameter type '$type'"; &CST_error(0,$message,'',__LINE__,__FILE__); } return $type_string; } 1;