package ThornUtils; my $parskip_set = "0pt"; my $parskip_restore = "10pt"; #/*@@ # @file # @date Sun Mar 3 19:05:41 CET 2002 # @author Ian Kelley # @desc # This file contains any common routines that are used by the scripts to create the # Cactus ThornGuide. Currently the files that implement this package are: #,,, # @enddesc # @version #@@*/ #/*@@ # @routine ReadThornlist # @date Sun Mar 3 01:54:37 CET 2002 # @author Ian Kelley # @desc # Reads in a thornlist and returns the arrangements/thorns, strips out all the comments/etc. # # THIS FUNCTION IS PROVIDED BY "" # # @enddesc # @version #@@*/ #/*@@ # @routine CreateThornlist # @date Sun Mar 3 01:54:37 CET 2002 # @author Ian Kelley # @desc # Takes an input directory (arrangements directory), calls &FindDirectories to get all # the sub-directories (arrangements), then calls &FindDirectories once more to get all # the sub-sub-directories (thorns), then returns a thornlist. # @thorns = &CreateThornlist($arrangements_dir); # @enddesc # @version #@@*/ sub CreateThornlist { my ($arrangementsDir) = shift; my (@foundThorns, @arrangements, @thorns); @arrangements = &FindDirectories($arrangementsDir); foreach my $arrangement (@arrangements) { @thorns = &FindDirectories("${arrangementsDir}${arrangement}"); foreach my $thorn (@thorns) { push @foundThorns, "${arrangement}/${thorn}"; } } return @foundThorns; } #/*@@ # @routine FindDirectories # @date Sun Mar 3 01:54:37 CET 2002 # @author Ian Kelley # @desc # Grabs all directories within a given directory, minus the ones created by CVS # @directories = &FindDirectories($directory); # @enddesc # @version #@@*/ sub FindDirectories { my ($directory) = shift; my (@directories); chdir ($start_directory) || die "\nCannot change directory to $start_directory: $!"; chdir($directory) || die "\nCannot change directory to $directory: $!"; open(LS, "ls -F|"); while( chomp($name = )) { next if ((! -d $name) || ($name eq "History/") || ($name eq "CVS/")); $name =~ s/\/$//; push(@directories, $name); } close(LS); chdir ($start_directory) || die "\nCannot change directory to $start_directory: $!"; return (@directories); } #/*@@ # @routine GetArrangementsDir # @date Sun Mar 3 19:05:41 CET 2002 # @author Ian Kelley # @desc # assumes $cctk_home and $start_directory are already defined # &GetArrangementsDir() # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # #@@*/ sub GetArrangementsDir { my ($indir) = shift; if ($indir =~ /^$/) { $indir = "${cctk_home}arrangements"; } elsif ($indir !~ /^\//) { $indir = "$start_directory/arrangements"; } $indir .= '/' if ($indir !~ /\/$/); return ($indir); } #/*@@ # @routine SetupOutputDirectory # @date Sun Mar 3 19:05:41 CET 2002 # @author Ian Kelley # @desc # Sets up the output directory, assigning it to the CWD if it is blank, trys to # resolve it if it is relative (by using $start_directory), # &SetupOutputDirectory($outdir); # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # #@@*/ sub SetupOutputDirectory { my ($outdir) = shift; # set $outdir to the CWD if ($outdir =~ /^$/) { $outdir = "./"; } else { # we have an relative path, tack $cctk_home on the front if ($outdir !~ /^\//) { $outdir = "$start_directory/$outdir"; } # create the directory if it does not exist if (! -d $outdir) { mkdir($outdir, 0755) || die "\nCannot create directory ($outdir): $!"; print STDERR "\nCreating directory: $outdir" if ($verbose); } $outdir .= '/' if ($outdir !~ /\/$/); } print STDERR "\nOutput directory is: $outdir" if ($verbose); return ($outdir); } #/*@@ # @routine ClassifyThorns # @date Sun Mar 3 19:05:41 CET 2002 # @author Ian Kelley # @desc # Goes through and classifies thorns based upon arrangement, takes a hash reference and an array # listing thorns (e.g. CactusWave/WaveToyC) as input, and then assigns the keys to be the # arrangement names, with values as references to an array of thorn names # # &ClassiftyThorns(, ) # # To fill a hash by using &ClassifyThorns: # %arrangements; # &ClassifyThorns(\%arrangements, @listOfThorns); # # To iterate through the hash, printing out all values: # foreach my $arrangement (keys %arrangements) { # print "\n$arrangement"; # foreach my $thorn (@{$arrangements{$arrangement}}) { # print "\n\t$thorn"; # } # } # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # #@@*/ sub ClassifyThorns { my ($rhArr) = shift; # My most efficient code yet! (I am so proud) # We add keys (arrangements) to the hash passed in ($rhArr) which are references # to a list of thorns for each arrangement. foreach (@_) { /^(.*?)\/(.*?)$/; push @{$$rhArr{$1}}, $2; } } #/*@@ # @routine GetThornPaths # @date Sun Mar 3 19:05:41 CET 2002 # @author Ian Kelley # @desc # This function will cut up a list of thorns (@listOfThorns), check if a given file # exists in that directory ($interestingFile), if so, then it will add a key/value # pair to the hash (%paths) that represents the thorn name (key) and location (value) # %paths = &GetThornPaths(\@listOfThorns, $arrangementsDir, $interestingFile); # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # #@@*/ sub GetThornPaths { my ($rlListOfThorns) = shift; my ($arrangementsDir) = shift; my ($interestingFile) = shift; my ($keepArrInKey) = shift; my %paths; foreach (@$rlListOfThorns) { /^(.*?)\/(.*?)$/; if (($interestingFile eq "") || (-e "${arrangementsDir}${_}/${interestingFile}")) { my $key = $keepArrInKey ? "$1/$2" : "$1"; $paths{$key} = "$arrangementsDir$_"; } } return %paths; } #/*@@ # @routine StartDocument # @date Sun Mar 3 19:05:41 CET 2002 # @author Ian Kelley # @desc # Opens a file for output, and selects it as standard out. returning the old # filehandle. The output filename is determined depending on how things are # grouped (by thorn, arrangement, or all together) and the type of the program # that invoked the function (interface, schedule, or parameter) # # Depending on the $docType, this will either create a 'section' to be included # by a a larger .tex file, or it will create a new self-contained file. # # Example, to create an 'Interfaces section' for thorn CactusBase/IOBasic # $ofh = &StartDocument("inter", "IOBasic", "/tmp/", "CactusBase", "Interfaces", "section"); # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # #@@*/ sub StartDocument { my ($programType, $groupName, $outdir, $arrangement, $sectionName, $docType) = @_; my $oldfilehandle; my $outfile = $outdir; if (! defined $groupName) { die "\nCannot group tables for output, internal error in &StartDocument"; } chdir ($start_directory) || die "\nCannot change directory to $start_directory"; $outfile .= $arrangement !~ /^$/ ? "${arrangement}_" : ""; $outfile .= "${groupName}_${programType}.tex"; open(OUT, ">$outfile") || die "\nCannot open $outfile for output: $!"; $oldfilehandle = select OUT; if ($docType eq 'document') { print "\\documentclass[12pt,a4paper]\{article\} \n"; print "\\begin\{document\} \n\n"; print "\n\\noindent \\section{$sectionName}\n\n"; } elsif ($docType eq 'section') { print "\n\\section{$sectionName} \n\n"; } print "\n\\parskip = $parskip_set\n"; return $oldfilehandle; } #/*@@ # @routine EndDocument # @date Sun Mar 3 19:05:41 CET 2002 # @author Ian Kelley # @desc # Ends a LaTeX document (if -document) specified, and closes the OUT # file, which is used to write the LaTeX table to. # &EndDocument(, ); # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # #@@*/ sub EndDocument { my ($oldfilehandle, $docType) = @_; print "\\parskip = $parskip_restore \n"; if ($docType eq 'document') { print "\\end\{document\} \n"; } close OUT; select $oldfilehandle; } #/*@@ # @routine CleanForLatex # @date Sun Mar 3 19:05:41 CET 2002 # @author Ian Kelley # @desc # Cleans up our values so that latex will not give us errors. # $val = &CleanForLatex($val); # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # #@@*/ sub CleanForLatex { my $val = shift; # escape special characters $val =~ s/\\/\{\\textbackslash\}/g; $val =~ s/~/\{\\textasciitilde\}/g; $val =~ s//\{\\textgreater\}/g; # at start of string, remove spaces before and after: " $val =~ s/^\s*?\"\s*?/\"/; # at end of string, remove spaces before and after: " $val =~ s/\s*?\"\s*?$/\"/; # escape _ $val =~ s/\_/\\\_/g; # escape $ $val =~ s/\$/\\\$/g; # escape ^ $val =~ s/\^/\\\^/g; # escape * $val =~ s/\*/\\\*/g; # escape & $val =~ s/\&/\\\&/g; # UNescape " # latex gets very angry when it sees: \" # so we are replacing it with: " $val =~ s/\\\"/\"/g; return $val; } #/*@@ # @routine Translate # @date Sun Mar 3 19:05:41 CET 2002 # @author Ian Kelley # @desc # Takes a value, uppercases the first letter and lowercases all others # $val = &Translate($val); # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # #@@*/ sub Translate { my $val = shift; my $temp = ""; $val =~ s/^(.)//; $temp = $1; $temp =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; $val =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; return ($temp.$val); } #/*@@ # @routine ToUpper # @date Sun Mar 3 19:05:41 CET 2002 # @author Ian Kelley # @desc # Translates values passed in to upper case and returns it # $val = &ToUpper($val); # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # #@@*/ sub ToUpper { my ($val) = shift; $val =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; return $val; } #/*@@ # @routine ToLower # @date Sun Mar 3 19:05:41 CET 2002 # @author Ian Kelley # @desc # Translates values passed in to lower case and returns it # $val = &ToLower($val); # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # #@@*/ sub ToLower { my ($val) = shift; $val =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; return $val; } #/*@@ # @routine CreateSystemDatabase # @date Sun Mar 3 19:05:41 CET 2002 # @author Ian Kelley # @desc # Creates a system database, used by create_interface_database. # &CreateSystemDatabase(); # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # #@@*/ sub CreateSystemDatabase { my ($rh) = shift; $$rh{"CCTK_HOME"} = $cctk_home; if (! defined $config_dir) { $$rh{"CONFIG_DIR"} = "${cctk_home}config-data"; } if (! defined $bindings_dir) { $$rh{"BINDINGS_DIR"} = "${cctk_home}bindings"; } } #/*@@ # @routine Dump # @date Sun Mar 3 01:54:37 CET 2002 # @author Ian Kelley # @desc # This routine will 'dump' out some data-structure when given a reference to it. It becomes useful # (for debugging) to dump the contents of something like: # $database{"Computer"}->{"Programming Languages"}->{"Scripting"}->{"Perl"}->{"Users"} = \@users; # &Dump(\%database); # # It should be noted that this is primary dealing with references to stuff, so if # this routine is used on something that is not a reference, it may not work properly. # (e.g. &Dump(@myarray) will only print the first element of @myarray) # but: &Dump(\@myarray) will print them all... etc etc # # Note: unless it isn't abundently obvious, this is all recurrsion. # @enddesc # @calls Dump DumpHash DumpArray # @version #@@*/ sub Dump { my ($ref_type) = ref($_[0]); print " [$ref_type]" if ($debug>1); if ($ref_type eq "HASH") { # we want to print out a hash, so we call the routine that # knows how to properly iterate through one &DumpHash(@_); } elsif ($ref_type eq "ARRAY") { # routine that iterates through an array/list &DumpArray(@_); } elsif ($ref_type eq "REF") { # go to next level, maybe someday we get a real 'value' &Dump(${$_[0]}, $_[1]); } else { # scalar, or whatever, print it out. print "\n" . " " x $_[1] . $_[0]; } return; } #/*@@ # @routine DumpHash # @date Sun Mar 3 01:54:37 CET 2002 # @author Ian Kelley # @desc # Outputs a hash, or, if that hash contains references, calls &Dump # # Note: This is an INTERNAL FUNCTION # @enddesc # @calledby Dump # @version #@@*/ sub DumpHash { my ($hr, $iteration) = @_; foreach my $key (keys %$hr) { print "\n" . " " x $iteration . $key; if (! (my $refType = ref($$hr{$key}) )) { print " = $$hr{$key}"; } else { &Dump($$hr{$key}, $iteration+3); } } } #/*@@ # @routine DumpArray # @date Sun Mar 3 01:54:37 CET 2002 # @author Ian Kelley # @desc # Outputs an array, or, if that array contains references, calls &Dump # # Note: This is an INTERNAL FUNCTION # @enddesc # @calledby Dump # @version #@@*/ sub DumpArray { my ($ar, $iteration) = @_; foreach my $key (@$ar) { if (! (my $refType = ref($key) )) { print "\n" . " " x $iteration . $key; } else { &Dump($key, $iteration+3); } } } #/*@@ # @routine ProcessAllArrangements # @date Sun Mar 3 01:54:37 CET 2002 # @author Ian Kelley # @desc # Will loop through all keys of the hash reference passed in, then for # each key, it will call &ProcessOneArrangement, this routine has been separated # from ProcessOneArrangement, so that ProcessOneArrangement can be called # independently if needed, and to add more flexiblity in the future. # &ProcessAllArrangements(\%arrangements); # @enddesc # @calls ProcessOneArrangement # @calledby # @version #@@*/ sub ProcessAllArrangements { # get the arrangements hash my ($hrArrangements) = shift; # go through and find each arrangement foreach my $arrangement (keys %$hrArrangements) { &ProcessOneArrangement($$hrArrangements{$arrangement}, $arrangement); } } #/*@@ # @routine ProcessOneArrangement # @date Sun Mar 3 01:54:37 CET 2002 # @author Ian Kelley # @desc # Will loop through all keys of the hash reference passed in, then for # each key, it will call &ProcessOneThorn in the MAIN perl file to process # the appropriate thorn (e.g. output latex) # # It calls the &ProcessOneThorn in the MAIN perl file because depending on # what type of parsing one is doing (interface, schedule, parameter), the # keys, sort mechanisms and datatypes in the (thorn) hash will differ. # &ProcessOneArrangement(\%arrangement); # @enddesc # @calls ProcessOneThorn (in MAIN perl file) # @calledby ProcessAllArrangements # @version #@@*/ sub ProcessOneArrangement { # get the (single) arrangement hash my ($hrArr) = shift; my ($arrangement) = shift; foreach my $thorn (keys %$hrArr) { # please note, you will not get good results unless a sub-routine called # ProcessOneThorn exists in your main perl file. (where this is called from) main::ProcessOneThorn($$hrArr{$thorn}, $arrangement, $thorn); } } #/*@@ # @routine AddQuotes # @date Sun Mar 3 01:54:37 CET 2002 # @author Ian Kelley # @desc # Simply takes away any enclosing quotes if they exist, and then adds enclosing quotes. # @enddesc # @version #@@*/ sub AddQuotes { my $var = shift; $var =~ s/^\s*?\"(.*)\"\s*?$/$1/; return "\"$var\""; } #/*@@ # @routine RemoveQuotes # @date Sat Apr 20 2002 # @author Gabrielle # @desc # Simply takes away any enclosing quotes if they exist. # @enddesc # @version #@@*/ sub RemoveQuotes { my $var = shift; $var =~ s/^\s*?\"(.*)\"\s*?$/$1/; return $var; } #/*@@ # @routine SetWidth # @date Sun Mar 3 01:54:37 CET 2002 # @author Ian Kelley # @desc # This function defines some latex variables for setting the width of the table we will later display. # It does this by defining the total table width, and then subtracting the different values for the # table elements, so we can use these variables to set the widths of different cells in the table. # # @enddesc # @version #@@*/ sub SetWidth { my $width = shift; my $longest_var = shift; my $latex_output = ""; #\\newlength{\\tableWidth} #\\newlength{\\maxVarWidth} #\\newlength{\\paraWidth} #\\newlength{\\descWidth} $latex_output = <