#!/usr/local/bin/perl use strict; use vars qw($h $help $cctk_home $thornlist $directory $outdir $verbose $debug $outfile $tocdepth); #$debug = 1; #/*@@ # @file ThornGuide.pl # @date Sun Mar 3 19:05:41 CET 2002 # @author Ian Kelley # @desc # Create cactus documentation based upon documenation provided by thorns # in the current checkout being examined. (documentation.tex files) # # It will create a "manual" for this particular checkout, with an index # and everything. Note that the documentation provided by thorns may # not use macros, etc. (except of course, the ones we provide globally) # # It attempts to include the output of InterLatex.pl, ParamLatex.pl and # SchedLatex.pl, which if run before this program, will create output from # parsing the interface.ccl, param.ccl, and schedule.ccl files. # @enddesc # @version #@@*/ ################# # HELP FUNCTION # ################# if ($help || $h) { print "--> ThornGuide.pl <--\n"; print "This script will parse the documentation.tex files in thorns and arrangement directories. It adds the \\include statements to include the output of SchedLatex.pl, ParamLatex.pl, and InterLatex.pl, which parse the interface.ccl, param.ccl, and schedule.ccl files of a given thorn. Basically this script is the 'glue' that finally adds together and creates a 'ThornGuide'\n\n"; print "Options:\n"; print "\t-directory= : (semi opt) directory to process\n"; print "\t-thornlist= : (semi opt) thornlist to process\n"; print "\t-outfile= : (opt) output file (default ThornGuide.tex)\n"; print "\t-outdir= : (opt) output directory (default ./)\n"; print "\t-verbose : (opt) print verbose output\n"; print "\t-h/-help : (opt) this screen\n"; print "Example:\n"; print "\t\$ perl -s /lib/sbin/ThornGuide.pl -thornlist=configs/test/ThornList -outfile=cactus.tex -outdir=configs/test/doc -verbose\n"; exit 0; } # setup the cctk_home, if it doesn't exist, we leave it blank $cctk_home .= '/' if (($cctk_home !~ /\/$/) && (defined $cctk_home)); # set up the sbin dir, tacking cctk_home on the front my $sbin_dir = "${cctk_home}lib/sbin"; my $cactus_style_file = "${cctk_home}doc/latex/cactus"; ############## # REQUIRE(S) # ############## # common procedures used to create the thornguide(s) require "$sbin_dir/ThornUtils.pm"; # for reading of the thornlist routine: %thorns = &ReadThornlist($thornlist) require "$sbin_dir/MakeUtils.pl"; ##################### # INITIAL VARIABLES # ##################### my $start_directory = `pwd`; chomp ($start_directory); # what file are we looking for? my $file = "documentation.tex"; # for putting all the bibs at the end my $bibliography = ""; # specify output file $outfile ||= "ThornGuide.tex"; # table of contents depth $tocdepth = 1 if ((! defined $tocdepth) || ($tocdepth =~ /^$/) ); my $configname = ""; # here we get the "NAME" we will call the thornguide if ($outfile =~ /ThornGuide\-?(.*?)\.tex/) { $configname = $1; $configname = ThornUtils::CleanForLatex($configname); if ($configname =~ /\w/) { $configname = ": $configname"; } } # get the date for printing out on the first page of the documentation my $TODAYS_DATE = `date +%B%d%Y`; chomp $TODAYS_DATE; $TODAYS_DATE =~ s/(.*?)(\d{2})(\d{4})/$1 $2, $3/; # set some variables in ThornUtils(.pm) namespace $ThornUtils::cctk_home = $cctk_home; $ThornUtils::start_directory = $start_directory; $ThornUtils::verbose = $verbose; $ThornUtils::debug = $debug; # get/setup the output directory and the arrangements directory $outdir = ThornUtils::SetupOutputDirectory($outdir); my $arrangements_dir = ThornUtils::GetArrangementsDir($directory); # define some global variables my %thorns; my %arrangements; my @listOfThorns; # determine thornlist, create one if one doesn't exist if (defined $thornlist) { # provided by MakeUtils.pl, returns a hash with a list of the thorns in our thornlist %thorns = &ReadThornlist($thornlist); @listOfThorns = keys %thorns; } else { # we don't have a thornlist, go find all thorns in arrangements directory @listOfThorns = ThornUtils::CreateThornlist($arrangements_dir); } # open the file for output # open (OUT, ">$outdir$outfile") || die "\nCannot open $outdir$outfile for output: $!"; &Output_Top; ThornUtils::ClassifyThorns(\%arrangements, @listOfThorns); my $counter = 1; # lets go through, one arrangement at a time foreach my $arrangement (sort keys %arrangements) { print "\nWorking through arrangement $arrangement..." if ($debug); # starts a new latex chapter of name $arrangement, with a chapter counter of $counter &Start_Arr($arrangement, $counter); # include any documentation for a given ARRANGEMENT, if no documentation exists, # we do NOT throw any errors. print OUT &Read_Thorn_Doc($arrangements_dir, $arrangement, ""); # now each THORN in the given arrangement foreach my $thorn (sort @{$arrangements{$arrangement}}) { print "\t$thorn:\n" if ($debug); # try to parse out the "NEW" format of latex documentation my $contents = &Read_New_Thorn_Doc($arrangements_dir, $arrangement, $thorn); # we could not sucessfully parse the "NEW" format, try the old format if (! $contents) { print "\nError reading thornguide in new format... Trying old format.\n" if ($debug); $contents = &Read_Thorn_Doc($arrangements_dir, $arrangement, $thorn); } # add the documentation from the thorn as a Section in the Chapter (arrangement) &Add_Section($thorn, $contents); } # ends the latex chapter &End_Arr; # increments the chapter count $counter++; } # Finish any latex output &Output_Bottom; print "\nFinished.\n"; ####################### ## END OF MAIN STUFF ## ####################### #################################################################### # BEGINNING OF SUB-ROUTINES # #################################################################### #/*@@ # @routine Read_New_Thorn_Doc # @date Sun Mar 3 01:54:37 CET 2002 # @author Ian Kelley # @desc # Attempts to read in thorn documentation complying to our template.tex # format as specified in doc/ThornGuide/templatex.tex. # # If it fails, it will return 0, and then we will try to do another # parsing of the documentation using &Read_Thorn_Doc() # @enddesc # @version #@@*/ sub Read_New_Thorn_Doc { my $arrangements_dir = shift; my $arrangement = shift; my $thorn = shift; my $contents = ""; my $start = 0; my $stop = 0; my $document_has_begun = 0; my $path = "$arrangements_dir$arrangement/$thorn/doc"; my $pathandfile = "$path/$file"; my $title = ""; my $author = ""; my $date = ""; my $cnts = ""; open (DOC, "<$pathandfile") or print "\nCould not find documentation in $pathandfile: $!\n"; while () # loop through thorn doc. { print "processing: $_" if $debug; if (/\\title\{(.*?(?:.*?\{.*?[^\{].*?\}.*?)?(?:.*?\{.*?[^\{].*?\}.*?)?(?:.*?\{.*?[^\{].*?\}.*?)?(?:.*?\{.*?[^\{].*?\}.*?)?(?:.*?\{.*?[^\{].*?\}.*?)?.*?)\}/) { $title = $1; if ($title !~ /\w/) { print 'ThornGuide.pl Warning: \title{} does not contain any word characters.\n'; #close DOC; return 0; } } if (/\\author\{(.*?(?:.*?\{.*?[^\{].*?\}.*?)?(?:.*?\{.*?[^\{].*?\}.*?)?(?:.*?\{.*?[^\{].*?\}.*?)?(?:.*?\{.*?[^\{].*?\}.*?)?(?:.*?\{.*?[^\{].*?\}.*?)?.*?)\}/) { $author = $1;} if (/\\date\{(.*?(?:.*?\{.*?[^\{].*?\}.*?)?(?:.*?\{.*?[^\{].*?\}.*?)?(?:.*?\{.*?[^\{].*?\}.*?)?(?:.*?\{.*?[^\{].*?\}.*?)?(?:.*?\{.*?[^\{].*?\}.*?)?.*?)\}/) { $date = $1; $date =~ s/.*Date:(.*?)\$\s*?\$/$1/; } if (/^% START CACTUS THORNGUIDE\s*$/) { $start = 1; while (($_ = ) && ($_ !~ /^% END CACTUS THORNGUIDE\s*$/)) { if (/(.*)\\begin\{abstract\}(.*)/) { $_ = "$1\\section\{Abstract\}$2"; } if (/(.*)\\end\{abstract\}(.*)/) { $_ = "$1$2"; } s/(\\includegraphics.*?\{)\s*?(.*?)\s*?\}/$1$path\/$2\}/g; next if (/^\s*?\\tableofcontents\s*?$/); if (/\\begin\{thebibliography/) { my $line; while (($line = ) && ($line !~ /\\end\{thebibliography/)) { $bibliography .= $line; } next; } $contents .= $_; } } } $contents .= "\n\\include{${arrangement}_${thorn}_param}\n"; $contents .= "\n\\include{" . ThornUtils::ToLower("${arrangement}_${thorn}_inter") . "\}\n"; $contents .= "\n\\include{${arrangement}_${thorn}_schedule}\n"; # If it never started reading, then return 0. # (It is probably an older documentation.doc.) if (! $start) { print "ThornGuide.pl Error: % START CACTUS THORNGUIDE\\s*\$ not found\n" if $debug; close DOC; return 0; } $cnts .= "\n\{\\Large\n"; $cnts .= "\n\\begin\{tabbing\}\n"; $cnts .= "\n\{\\bf Author(s):\} \\= \\kill \\\\\n"; $cnts .= "\n\{\\bf Title:\} \\> $title \\\\\n" if ($title =~ /\w/) && (lc($title) ne lc($thorn)); # split the authors names up if we can $author =~ s/\\\\/,/g; $author =~ s/\s*?,\s*?,\s*?/,/g; my @authors = split/,/, $author; for (my $i = 0; $i < (@authors); $i++) { if ($i eq 0) { $cnts .= "\n\{\\bf Author(s):\} \\>"; } else { $cnts .= "\n\\\> "; } $cnts .= "$authors[$i] \\\\\n" #$cnts .= "\n\{\\bf Author(s):\} \\> $author \\\\\n" if ($author =~ /\w/); } $cnts .= "\n\{\\bf Date:\} \\> $date \\\\\n" if ($date =~ /\w/); $cnts .= "\n\\end\{tabbing\}\n"; $cnts .= "\n\}\n"; $cnts .= "\n\\minitoc"; close DOC; return "$cnts\n$contents"; } #/*@@ # @routine Read_Thorn_Doc # @date Sun Mar 3 01:54:37 CET 2002 # @author Ian Kelley # @desc # Reads in the thorn documentation file and returns it as a string # # This function starts reading when it hits he first section after # the \begin{document} section, and continues until the \end{d...} # statement. it also adds the include paramater to include the # output from ParamLatex.pl. # @enddesc # @version #@@*/ sub Read_Thorn_Doc { my $arrangements_dir = shift; my $arrangement = shift; my $thorn = shift; my $contents = ""; my $start = 0; my $stop = 0; my $document_has_begun = 0; my $path = "$arrangements_dir$arrangement/$thorn/doc"; my $pathandfile = "$path/$file"; my $title = ""; my $author = ""; my $date = ""; my $cnts = ""; open (DOC, "<$pathandfile") or print "\nCould not find documentation in $pathandfile: $!\n"; while () # loop through thorn doc. { if (/\\title\{(.*?(?:.*?\{.*?[^\{].*?\}.*?)?(?:.*?\{.*?[^\{].*?\}.*?)?(?:.*?\{.*?[^\{].*?\}.*?)?(?:.*?\{.*?[^\{].*?\}.*?)?(?:.*?\{.*?[^\{].*?\}.*?)?.*?)\}/) { $title = $1; if ($title !~ /\w/) {$start = 0; last;}} if (/\\author\{(.*?(?:.*?\{.*?[^\{].*?\}.*?)?(?:.*?\{.*?[^\{].*?\}.*?)?(?:.*?\{.*?[^\{].*?\}.*?)?(?:.*?\{.*?[^\{].*?\}.*?)?(?:.*?\{.*?[^\{].*?\}.*?)?.*?)\}/) { $author = $1; } if (/\\date\{(.*?)\}/) { $date = $1; $date =~ s/.*Date:(.*?)\$\s*?\$/$1/; } if (/\\begin\{thebibliography/) { my $line; while (($line = ) && ($line !~ /\\end\{thebibliography/)) { $bibliography .= $line; } next; } next if (/^\s*?\\tableofcontents\s*?$/); if (/\\end\{document\}/) { # stop reading $stop = 1; $contents .= "\n\\include{${arrangement}_${thorn}_param}\n"; $contents .= "\n\\include{" . ThornUtils::ToLower("${arrangement}_${thorn}_inter") . "\}\n"; $contents .= "\n\\include{${arrangement}_${thorn}_schedule}\n"; } if ($start && ! $stop) { # add to $contents s/(\\includegraphics.*?\{)\s*?(.*?)\s*?\}/$1$path\/$2\}/g; # s/(\\includegraphics.*?\{)\s*?(.*\.eps\s*?\})/$1$path\/$2/g; $contents .= $_; } elsif (/\\begin\{document\}/) { # don't begin yet.... 1st flag $document_has_begun = 1; } #if (($document_has_begun) && ( /\\section\{/ ) ) { if (($document_has_begun) && (( /\\section\{/ ) || (/\\abstract\{/)) ) { # start reading if (/\\abstract\{/) { s/\\abstract\{/\\section\{Abstract\}\{/; } $start = 1; $contents = $_; $document_has_begun = 0; } } # if it never started reading, then we print some error message if (! $start) { if ($thorn ne "") { my $tmp = ThornUtils::CleanForLatex("$arrangement/$thorn"); if (-e $pathandfile) { $contents = "Could not parse latex documentation for $tmp ($file)"; } else { $contents = "Could not find latex documentation for $tmp ($file)"; } $contents .= "\n\n\\include{${arrangement}\_${thorn}\_param}\n"; $contents .= "\n\\include{" . ThornUtils::ToLower("${arrangement}_${thorn}_inter") . "\}\n"; $contents .= "\n\\include{${arrangement}\_${thorn}\_schedule}\n"; } } else { # we sucessfully parsed the information. So we print out the author & title & date, etc. $cnts .= "\n\{\\Large\n"; $cnts .= "\n\\begin\{tabbing\}\n"; $cnts .= "\n\{\\bf Author(s):\} \\= \\kill \\\\\n"; $cnts .= "\n\{\\bf Title:\} \\> $title \\\\\n" if ($title =~ /\w/) && (lc($title) ne lc($thorn)); $cnts .= "\n\{\\bf Author(s):\} \\> $author \\\\\n" if ($author =~ /\w/); $cnts .= "\n\{\\bf Date:\} \\> $date \\\\\n" if ($date =~ /\w/); $cnts .= "\n\\end\{tabbing\}\n"; $cnts .= "\n\}\n"; $cnts .= "\n\\minitoc"; } close DOC; return "$cnts\n$contents"; } #/*@@ # @routine Add_Section # @date Sun Mar 3 01:54:37 CET 2002 # @author Ian Kelley # @desc # Adds a thorn section (chapter), mini table of contents and whatever we # have parsed out from ($file) [documentation.tex] # @enddesc # @version #@@*/ sub Add_Section { my $thorn = shift; my $contents = shift; $thorn = ThornUtils::CleanForLatex($thorn); print OUT <