#!/bin/perl -s # # Test Suite tool # Version: $Header$ $sep = "/"; $config = $ARGV[0]; $tolerance = 13; $ansinormal = "\033[0m"; $ansibold = "\033[1m"; # Work out where the config directory is if($ENV{"CONFIGS_DIR"}) { $configs_dir = $ENV{"CONFIGS_DIR"}; } else { $configs_dir = "configs"; } $current_directory = `pwd`; chop($current_directory); $current_directory =~ s,^//([^/]+)/,$1:/,; &print_header; # Look to see if MPI is defined $extra = "$current_directory${sep}configs${sep}$config${sep}config-data${sep}cctk_Extradefs.h"; $mpi = 0; if (-e "$extra") { open(EXTRA,"<$extra"); while() { if (/\#define MPI/) { $mpi = 1 } } } $executable = &defprompt("Enter executable name (relative to Cactus home dir)","exe${sep}cactus_$config"); if ($mpi) { $numprocs = &defprompt("Enter number of processors","2"); $command = &defprompt("Enter command to run executable","mpirun -np $numprocs "); } else { $command = &defprompt("Enter command to run executable"," "); } $tests = &defprompt("Run All tests or go to Menu","All"); # Get the active thorns list and test files with thorns $scratchdir = "$configs_dir$sep$config"; if (!open (AT, "< $scratchdir${sep}ThornList")) { print "Can't open $scratchdir/ThornList - no thorn tests"; } else { chdir "arrangements"; while () { next if (m:^\#:); $name = $_; $name =~ s/\#(.*)$//g; $name =~ /^\s*([^\s]*)\s*/; $T = $1; @allthorns = (@allthorns, $T); $T =~ m:^.*/([^\s]*)\s*:; $database{"\U$T THORN\E"} = $1; $T =~ m:^\s*([^\s]*)/:; $database{"\U$T ARRANGEMENT"} = $1; $number = 0; if (-d "$T${sep}test") { $thisdir = `pwd`; chop($thisdir); chdir "$T${sep}test" || die "Unable to chdir to $T${sep}test"; while ($file=<*.par>) { $database{"\U$T TESTFILE\E"} = $file; @testfiles = (@testfiles, $file); @testthorns = (@testthorns, $T); $number++; } chdir "../../.." || die "Unable to chdir to $thisdir"; } $ntests{"$T"} = $number; $database{"\U$T NTESTS\E"} = $number; } chdir ".."; } # Parse the parameter files for directives $ntests = 0; foreach $t (@testfiles) { $ntests++; $file = "arrangements/$testthorns[$ntests-1]/test/$t"; open (IN, "<$file") || die "Can not open $file"; while () { $line = $_; if ($line =~ /^\s*\!\s*DESC(RIPTION)?\s*\"(.*)\"\s*$/i) { $testnames{$ntests} = $2; } if ($line =~ /^\s*ActiveThorns\s*=\s*\"(.*)\"/i) { $activethorns[$ntests-1] = $1; } } close IN; } if ($tests =~ /All/) { # Run all parameter files $ntests=0; $number_failed=0; $number_zerofiles=0; $number_passed1=0; $number_passed2=0; $number_missed=0; foreach $t (@testfiles) { $haveallthorns = 1; $active = $activethorns[$ntests]; @at = split(' ',$active); foreach $th (@at) { $th = "\U$th"; $foundit = 0; foreach $tthorn (@allthorns) { $tthorn =~ m:.*/(.*)$:; $thornpart = "\U$1"; if ($thornpart eq $th) { $foundit = 1; } } if (!$foundit) { $haveallthorns = 0; } } $thorn = $testthorns[$ntests]; $ntests++; if ($haveallthorns) { $havethorns{"$t"} = 1; &runtest($t,$thorn,$ntests); } else { $havethorns{"$t"} = 0; } } # Show the statistics print "==================================================\n"; print "All tests run for configuration $config\n\n"; print "Tested: \n"; foreach $thorn (keys %ntests) { if ($ntests{"$thorn"} > 0) { print " $thorn [$ntests{\"$thorn\"}]\n"; } } print "\n"; print " Tests run -> $ntests\n"; print " Number passed -> $number_passed1\n"; if ($number_passed2 > 0) { print " (Number passed to only $tolerance digits -> $number_passed2)\n"; } print " Number failed -> $number_failed\n"; if ($number_failed>0) { print "\n Tests failed:\n"; for ($i=0; $i<$number_failed;$i++) { print " ". $which_failed[$i]." (from ". $thorn_failed[$i].")\n"; } } if ($number_zerofiles > 0) { print " Number with no output files -> $number_zerofiles\n"; } print "==================================================\n\n"; } else { # Show the parameter file menu $choice = test01; $ntests = 0; foreach $t (@testfiles) { $ntests++; $t =~ m:([^${sep}]+).par$:; $num = $1; $inp{$num} = $t; $testnum{$ntests} = $num; } while (!($choice =~ /^q/i) ) { print "\n--- Menu ---\n"; $sp = " "; for ($i=1;$i<$ntests+1;$i++) { print "[$i] ".$testthorns[$i-1]." $testnum{$i}: \n \"$testnames{$i}\"\n"; } print "\n Enter number of test to run (quit to end) : "; $choice = ; $choice =~ s/\n//; $choice =~ s/\s//; print "\n"; $ip = $inp{$testnum{$choice}}; $thorn = $testthorns[$choice-1]; if (!($choice =~ m/^q/i || $choice =~ m/^\s*$/)) { &runtest($ip,$thorn,$choice); } if (!($choice =~ m/^q/i)) { print " Hit return to continue "; $continue = ; } } print "\n"; } sub runtest { my ($inpf,$inthorn,$num) = @_; # File name from thorn $inpf = "arrangements/$inthorn/test/$inpf"; # Directory for output $tsttop = ".${sep}TEST${sep}$config"; mkdir (TEST,0755); mkdir ($tsttop,0755); $tp = $inpf; $tp =~ s:^.*$sep::; $tp =~ s/.par//; $test_base_dir = $inpf; $test_base_dir =~ s:[^${sep}]*$::; print "Running $tp: $testnames{$num}\n"; unlink(<$tsttop${sep}$tp${sep}*.*>); $cmd = "($command $current_directory$sep$executable $current_directory$sep$inpf)"; chdir ($tsttop); printf "Issuing $cmd\n"; $retcode = 0; open (CMD, "$cmd |"); open (LOG, "> $tp.log"); while () { print LOG; if( /Cactus exiting with return code (.*)/){ $retcode = $1 + 0; } } close LOG; close CMD; $retcode = $? >> 8 if($retcode==0); chdir ("../.."); if($retcode != 0) { print "${ansibold}Cactus exited with error code $retcode $ansinormal \n"; print "Please check the logfile $tsttop$sep$tp.log\n\n"; $number_failed++; @which_failed = (@which_failed,$tp); @thorn_failed = (@thorn_failed,$inthorn); return; } $indir = $inpf; $indir =~ s:.par:${sep}:g; @oldout = <$indir${sep}*.*l>; $blewit = 0; $reallyblewit = 0; $nfiles = 0; foreach $file (@oldout) { $nfiles ++; $newfile = $file; $newfile =~ s:^.*${sep}([^${sep}]+)$:$1:; $newfile = "$tsttop$sep$tp$sep$newfile"; # print "Comparing $file with $newfile\n"; open (INORIG, "<$file"); open (INNEW, "<$newfile"); $nblow = 0; $nrealblow = 0; while ($oline = ) { $nline = ; # Now lets see if they differ. if (!($nline eq $oline)) { # This is the new comparison (subtract last two numbers) ($t1,$v1) = split(' ', $nline); ($t2,$v2) = split(' ', $oline); $vdiff = abs($v1 - $v2); if ($vdiff > 0) { # They diff. But do they differ strongly? $nblow ++; $exp = sprintf("%e",$vdiff); $exp =~ s/^.*e-(\d+)/$1/; unless ($exp >= $tolerance) { $nrealblow++; } } } } if ($nblow != 0) { $blewit ++; $stripfile = $newfile; $stripfile =~ s:^.*${sep}(.*)$:$1:; if ($nrealblow == 0) { print " $stripfile differs at machine precision (which is OK!)\n"; } else { $reallyblewit ++; print "Substantial differences detected in $stripfile\n"; print " $newfile $file\n"; print " Differ on $nblow lines!\n"; } } } if ($nfiles == 0) { printf(" $ansibold WARNING: ZERO files compared ! $ansinormal \n"); $number_zerofiles++; } elsif ($blewit == 0) { printf(" $ansibold Test succeeded!$ansinormal $nfiles files identical\n"); $number_passed1++; } else { if ($reallyblewit == 0) { printf "\n $ansibold Test passed to $tolerance figures:$ansinormal ". "$nfiles compared, $blewit files differ in the last digits\n"; $number_passed1++; $number_passed2++; } else { printf "\n $ansibold TEST FAILED!!:$ansinormal ". "$nfiles compared, $blewit files differ, $reallyblewit differ significantly\n"; $number_failed++; @which_failed = (@which_failed,$tp); @thorn_failed = (@thorn_failed,$inthorn); } } printf ("\n\n"); } sub defprompt { my ($pr, $de) = @_; my ($res); print "$pr [$de] \n"; print " --> "; $res = ; if ($res =~ m/^\s*$/) { $res = $de; } $res =~ s/\n//; print "\n"; return $res; } sub fpabs { my ($val) = $_[0]; $val > 0 ? $val:-$val; } sub print_header { print <