#!/bin/perl -s # # Test Suite tool # Version: $Header$ # For debugging: my $debug = 0; my $debug_indent_level = 0; sub debug_print { # debug statements are prefixed by a '#', to make them stand out from # ordinary output $debug and print '#'.' 'x$debug_indent_level."@_\n"; } sub debug { $debug; } sub debug_indent { $debug_indent_level++; } sub debug_dedent { $debug_indent_level--; } require "lib/sbin/RunTestUtils.pl"; # Read options from command line $prompt = shift; $prompt =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; $home_dir = shift; $config = shift; &PrintHeader; # Set up RunTest configuration $config_data = &Configure($config,$home_dir,$prompt); %runconfig = &InitialiseRunData(); # ---------------------------------------------------- # Sort out the static test data # Initialise testdata database $testdata = &InitialiseTestData(); # Find test parameter files $testdata = &FindTestParameterFiles($testdata,$config_data); # Parse test config files $testdata = &ParseTestConfigs($testdata,$config_data,\%runconfig); # Find the Archive Datafiles $testdata = &FindTestArchiveFiles($testdata); # Parse test parameter files $testdata = &ParseAllParameterFiles($testdata,$config_data,\%runconfig); # Print database #&PrintDataBase($testdata); # ---------------------------------------------------- $haverunall = 0; while ($choice !~ /^Q/i) { undef($thorn); undef($test); undef($choice); while (!($choice =~ /^Q/i) ) { print "------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; print " --- Menu ---\n\n"; print " Run entire set of tests [E]\n"; print " Run entire set of tests interactively [I]\n"; print " Choose test from [T]horn or [A]rrangement\n"; print " Rerun previous test [R]\n"; print " Rerun previous test and show run output on screen [S]\n"; print " Compare all files in the test output directories [O]\n"; print " Customize testsuite checking [C]\n"; print " Quit [Q]\n\n"; if ($haverunall == 1) { $choice = &defprompt(" Select choice: ","Q"); } else { $choice = &defprompt(" Select choice: ","E"); } print "\n"; if ($choice =~ /^[EIO]/i) { # Reset/Initialise Test Statistics $rundata = &ResetTestStatistics($rundata,$testdata); # Run all parameter files foreach $thorn (split(" ",$testdata->{"RUNNABLETHORNS"})) { foreach $test (split(" ",$testdata->{"$thorn RUNNABLE"})) { print "------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; print " Test $thorn: $test \n"; print " \"$testdata->{\"$thorn $test DESC\"}\"\n"; if ($choice !~ /^O/i) { $testdata = &RunTest("log",$test,$thorn,$config_data,$testdata); } $rundata = &CompareTestFiles($test,$thorn,\%runconfig,$rundata,$config_data,$testdata); $rundata = &ReportOnTest($test,$thorn,$rundata,$testdata); if ($choice =~ /^I/i) { &ViewResults($test,$thorn,\%runconfig,$rundata,$testdata); } } } # Write results of all tests &WriteFullResults($rundata,$testdata,$config_data); $haverunall = 1; } elsif ($choice =~ /^[AT]/i) { ($ntests,@tests) = &ChooseTests($choice,$testdata); for ($i=0;$i<$ntests;$i++) { $test = $tests[2*$i]; $thorn = $tests[2*$i+1]; print "------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; print " Test $thorn: $test\n"; print " \"$testdata->{\"$thorn $test DESC\"}\"\n"; $testdata = &RunTest("log",$tests[2*$i],$tests[2*$i+1],$config_data,$testdata); $rundata = &CompareTestFiles($tests[2*$i],$tests[2*$i+1],\%runconfig,$rundata,$config_data,$testdata); $rundata = &ReportOnTest($tests[2*$i],$tests[2*$i+1],$rundata,$testdata); &ViewResults($tests[2*$i],$tests[2*$i+1],\%runconfig,$rundata,$testdata); } } elsif ($choice =~ /^[RS]/i) { if ($thorn && $test) { print "------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; print " Test $thorn: $test \n"; print " \"$testdata->{\"$thorn $test DESC\"}\"\n"; if ($choice =~ /^S/i) { $testdata = &RunTest("log stdout",$test,$thorn,$config_data,$testdata); } else { $testdata = &RunTest("log",$test,$thorn,$config_data,$testdata); } $rundata = &CompareTestFiles($test,$thorn,\%runconfig,$rundata,$config_data,$testdata); $rundata = &ReportOnTest($test,$thorn,,$rundata,$testdata); &ViewResults($test,$thorn,\%runconfig,$rundata,$testdata); } else { print " No previous test has been run\n"; } } elsif ($choice =~ /^C/i) { print " Options for customization\n"; if ($test) { while ($choice !~ /^[AR]/i) { print " Change absolute tolerance for this run ($test) [A]\n"; print " Change relative tolerance for this run ($test) [R]\n"; $choice = &defprompt(" Select choice: ",""); if ($choice =~ /A/i) { $runconfig{"$thorn $test ABSTOL"} = &defprompt(" New absolute tolerance: ","$runconfig{\"$thorn $test ABSTOL\"}"); } elsif ($choice =~ /R/i) { $runconfig{"$thorn $test RELTOL"} = &defprompt(" New relative tolerance: ","$runconfig{\"$thorn $test RELTOL\"}"); } } } else { while ($choice !~ /^[AR]/i) { print " Change absolute tolerance from $runconfig{\"ABSTOL\"} for all further runs [A]\n"; print " Change relative tolerance from $runconfig{\"RELTOL\"} for all further runs [R]\n"; $choice = &defprompt(" Select choice: ",""); if ($choice =~ /^A/i) { $runconfig{"ABSTOL"} = &defprompt(" New absolute tolerance: ","$runconfig{\"ABSTOL\"}"); } elsif ($choice =~ /^R/i) { $runconfig{"RELTOL"} = &defprompt(" New relative tolerance: ","$runconfig{\"RELTOL\"}"); } } } } elsif ($choice =~ /^Q/i) { # $loop = 0; } else { print " Choice not recognized, try again!\n"; } } print "\n"; }