#!/usr/bin/perl -s #use strict; use vars qw($cctk_home $debug $verbose $h $help $document_type $outdir $directory $thornlist); #/*@@ # @file InterLatex.pl # @date Sun Mar 3 19:05:41 CET 2002 # @author Ian Kelley # @desc # This program will take as input a thornlist, and outputs a latex table # that contains the information in the thorns' interface.ccl file(s). This latex # table can then be used as a stand-alone document, or as a section of a large # "ThornGuide" # @enddesc # @version #@@*/ ######################### # ->> InterLatex.pl <<- # ######################################################################### # # # standard help function # # # ######################################################################### if ($h || $help) { print "--> InterLatex.pl <--\n"; print "Options:\n"; print "\t-thornlist= : thornlist to process\n"; print "\t-directory= : directory of arrangements (default arrangements/)\n"; print "\t-outdir= : directory to dump output files, default is .\n"; print "\t-document_type= : create a 'document' or 'section'\n"; print "\t-cctk_home= : root directory of cactus installation\n"; print "\n"; print "\t-verbose : gives verbose output to screen\n"; print "\t-debug : debug mode, does not produce output files\n"; print "\t-h|-help : this screen\n"; print "Example:\n"; print "\t\$ perl -s lib/sbin/InterLatex.pl -outdir=/tmp/ -thornlist=WaveToyC.th -document_type=document \n"; exit 0; } # setup the cctk_home, if it doesn't exist, we leave it blank $cctk_home .= '/' if (($cctk_home !~ /\/$/) && (defined $cctk_home)); # set up the sbin dir, tacking cctk_home on the front my $sbin_dir = "${cctk_home}lib/sbin"; ############## # REQUIRE(S) # ############## # common procedures used to create the thornguide(s) require "$sbin_dir/ThornUtils.pm"; # for use of create_parametere_database require "$sbin_dir/interface_parser.pl"; require "$sbin_dir/CSTUtils.pl"; # for reading of the thornlist routine: %thorns = &ReadThornlist($thornlist) require "$sbin_dir/MakeUtils.pl"; ##################### # INITIAL VARIABLES # ##################### my $start_directory = `pwd`; chomp ($start_directory); my @valid_groups = qw(private public protected); # fixed width of table my $width = "150mm"; # spacing between tables my $spacing = "3mm"; # maximum number of cells in a table before we split the table my $cellsintable = 6; # set some defaults $document_type ||= 'section'; # set some variables in ThornUtils(.pm) namespace $ThornUtils::cctk_home = $cctk_home; $ThornUtils::start_directory = $start_directory; $ThornUtils::verbose = $verbose; $ThornUtils::debug = $debug; ################## # INITIALIZATION # ################## my %thorns; my %arrangements; my %system_database; my %interface_database; my %arrangements_database; my %pathsToThorns; my @listOfThorns; ThornUtils::CreateSystemDatabase(\%system_database); # get/setup the output directory and the arrangements directory $outdir = ThornUtils::SetupOutputDirectory($outdir); my $arrangements_dir = ThornUtils::GetArrangementsDir($directory); # determine thornlist, create one if one doesn't exist if (defined $thornlist) { # provided by MakeUtils.pl, returns a hash with a list of the thorns in our thornlist %thorns = &ReadThornlist($thornlist); @listOfThorns = sort keys %thorns; } else { # we don't have a thornlist, go find all thorns in arrangements directory @listOfThorns = ThornUtils::CreateThornlist($arrangements_dir); } # returns a hash with keys as Arrangment/Thorn and values of the location of the interface.ccl file %pathsToThorns = ThornUtils::GetThornPaths(\@listOfThorns, $arrangements_dir, "interface.ccl", 1); # run the interface parser from 'interface_parser.pl' %interface_database = &create_interface_database(scalar(keys %system_database), %system_database, %pathsToThorns); # parse up the output we just got into more of a tree-like format %arrangements_database = &ReadInterfaceDatabase(\%interface_database); if ($debug) { ThornUtils::Dump(\%arrangements_database); print "\n"; exit 0; } else { ThornUtils::ProcessAllArrangements(\%arrangements_database); } print "\nFinished.\n"; ######################################################################### # END OF MAIN SECTION OF THE PROGRAM # ######################################################################### ######################################################################### # BEGINNING OF SUB-ROUTINES # ######################################################################### #/*@@ # @routine ReadInterfaceDatabase # @date Sun Mar 3 01:54:37 CET 2002 # @author Ian Kelley # @desc # Will parse up the interfaceDatabase created by create_interface_database in # interface_parser.pl. Creates (then returns) a hash of hash of hashes, etc # that contains all the information split up into more of a tree structure for # easy iteration and printing. # # Creates something in the form of: # $newDatabase{"CactusWave"}->{"WaveToyC"}->{"add"}->{"header"} = "something.h somethingother.h"; # # @enddesc # @version #@@*/ sub ReadInterfaceDatabase { my (%interfaceDatabase) = %{$_[0]}; my %newDatabase; foreach (sort keys %interfaceDatabase) { print STDERR "\n--> [$_] = [$interfaceDatabase{$_}]" if ($debug || $verbose); # save he original key, as we will make it all lower case later # and need the original for hash keys my $old_key = $_; # just in case they have declared it, but put nothing in it. # if they did, don't waste our time parsing it. #next if (! $interfaceDatabase{$old_key} =~ /\w/); # drop the keys to lower-case, as they are all upper-case tr/A-Z/a-z/; /^(.*?)\/(.*?)( |$)/; my ($arrangement, $thorn) = ($1, $2); next if /^implementation/; next if ($interfaceDatabase{$old_key} !~ /\w/); # try to categorize things, we have a few exceptions in here we have to deal with so that hash variables # are not overwriting their old values. This whole process will give us a hash in the form of: # $newDatabase{"CactusWave"}->{"WaveToyC"}->{"add"}->{"header"} = "something.h somethingother.h"; if (/^([^\s]+) ([^\s]+) ([^\s]+) ([^\s]+) ([^\s]+) ([^\s]+)$/) { $newDatabase{$arrangement}->{$thorn}->{$2}->{$3}->{$4}->{$5}->{$6} = $interfaceDatabase{$old_key}; } elsif (/^([^\s]+) ([^\s]+) ([^\s]+) ([^\s]+) ([^\s]+)$/) { if ($2 eq "add" || $2 eq "uses" || $2 eq "provides") { $newDatabase{$arrangement}->{$thorn}->{$2}->{$4}->{$5} = $interfaceDatabase{$old_key}; } else { $newDatabase{$arrangement}->{$thorn}->{$2}->{$3}->{$4}->{$5} = $interfaceDatabase{$old_key}; } } elsif (/^([^\s]+) ([^\s]+) ([^\s]+) ([^\s]+)$/) { if ($2 eq "group") { $newDatabase{$arrangement}->{$thorn}->{"group details"}->{$3}->{$4} = $interfaceDatabase{$old_key}; } else { $newDatabase{$arrangement}->{$thorn}->{$2}->{$3}->{$4} = $interfaceDatabase{$old_key}; } } elsif (/^([^\s]+) ([^\s]+) ([^\s]+)$/) { $newDatabase{$arrangement}->{$thorn}->{$2}->{$3} = $interfaceDatabase{$old_key}; } elsif (/^([^\s]+) ([^\s]+)$/) { $newDatabase{$arrangement}->{$thorn}->{$2} = $interfaceDatabase{$old_key}; } else { print "\n--> Confused: [$_] = [$interfaceDatabase{$_}]"; } } return %newDatabase; } #/*@@ # @routine ProcessOneThorn # @date Sun Mar 3 01:54:37 CET 2002 # @author Ian Kelley # @desc # This function is called by ThornUtils::ProcessOneArrangement, the main section of this program # calls ThornUtils::ProcessAllArrangements which calls ProcessOneArrangement. Things are simply # split up this way so that if later things ever wanted to be changed around more, then can be. # # @enddesc # @version #@@*/ sub ProcessOneThorn { # get the thorn hash my (%thorn) = %{$_[0]}; my $arrangement = $_[1]; my $thorn = $_[2]; # open up the output file my $ofh = ThornUtils::StartDocument("inter", $thorn, $outdir, $arrangement, "Interfaces", $document_type); # print out the table &LatexTableElement(\%thorn); # close the output file ThornUtils::EndDocument($ofh, $document_type); } #/*@@ # @routine LatexTableElement # @date Sun Mar 3 01:54:37 CET 2002 # @author Ian Kelley # @desc # Takes whatever table element is currently reffered to by $table # and prints it out into a LaTeX table. Only nifty things it curr. # does is NOT print ranges for BOOLEAN and SHARED elements. # # @enddesc # @version #@@*/ sub LatexTableElement { # get the stuff passed in, first is a hash of the given variable, second is the name of the variable, # and third is the to-date longest variable in the thorn (for latex column formatting) my %thorn = %{$_[0]}; # get the different properties of the variable, and clean then up so we can output good latex my $variable_name = ThornUtils::CleanForLatex($_[1]); my @temp; print "\n\\vspace\{$spacing\} \\subsection\*\{General\}"; # print out implementations and inheriting PrintVar("Implements", $thorn{"implements"}); PrintVar("Inherits", $thorn{"inherits"}) if ($thorn{"inherits"} !~ /^$/); # now we are going to go through and print out stuff for each group type (public, private, protected, etc) my $printgridtitle = 1; foreach my $group_scope (@valid_groups) { next if (! defined $thorn{$group_scope}); my @groups = split/\s+/, $thorn{$group_scope}->{"groups"}; next if (@groups < 1); print "\n\\subsection\*\{Grid Variables\}" if ($printgridtitle); my $gs_scope = $group_scope; $gs_scope =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; print "\n\\vspace\{5mm\}\\subsubsection\{$gs_scope GROUPS\}\n"; print "\n\\vspace\{5mm\}\n\n\\begin\{tabular*\}\{$width\}\{|c|c\@\{\\extracolsep\{\\fill\}\}|rl|\} \\hline \n"; print "~ \{\\bf Group Names\} ~ & ~ \{\\bf Variable Names\} ~ &\{\\bf Details\} ~ & ~\\\\ \n"; print "\\hline \n"; $printgridtitle = 0; my $counter = 0; # where @groups is all the different groups for this thorn in this particular storage type (e.g private) foreach my $group (@groups) { $group =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; next if ($thorn{"group"}->{$group} =~ /^$/); # so we are splitting the table every so often, otherwise it could overrun off the page if (( ! ($counter % $cellsintable)) && ($counter ne 0) ) { print "\\end\{tabular*\} \n\n"; print "\n\n\\vspace\{5mm\}"; print "\n\\vspace\{5mm\}\n\n\\begin\{tabular*\}\{$width\}\{|c|c\@\{\\extracolsep\{\\fill\}\}|rl|\} \\hline \n"; print "~ \{\\bf Group Names\} ~ & ~ \{\\bf Variable Names\} ~ &\{\\bf Details\} ~ & ~ \\\\ \n"; print "\\hline \n"; } # print group name print ThornUtils::ToLower(ThornUtils::CleanForLatex($group)); my $firstpass = 1; my @group_variables = split/\s+/, ThornUtils::CleanForLatex($thorn{"group"}{$group}); $counter++; # now we are just dealing with one group, so we are going to go print out the details for it. my $var_counter = 0; foreach my $group_detail (sort keys %{$thorn{"group details"}->{$group}}) { my $value = ThornUtils::CleanForLatex(ThornUtils::CleanFromC($thorn{"group details"}->{$group}->{$group_detail})); # print nothign as we are dealing with the same group if (! $firstpass) { print "~ &"; $firstpass = 0; } my $new_counter = 1; # split things (group properties) onto different lines if need be if (@temp = split/,/, $value) { foreach my $val (@temp) { if ($new_counter--) { print " & $group_variables[$var_counter] & " . ExpandGroupName($group_detail) . " & $val \\\\ \n"; } else { print "& ~ & " . ExpandGroupName($group_detail) ." & $val \\\\ \n"; } } } else { print "$group_variables[$var_counter] & " . ExpandGroupName($group_detail) . " & $value \\\\ \n"; } $var_counter++; } #foreach %{thorn...} print "\\hline \n"; } #foreach @groups print "\\end\{tabular*\} \n\n"; delete $thorn{$group_scope}; } # foreach @valid_groups print "\n\n\\vspace\{5mm\}"; # now we are going to print out some extra information that is general to the thorn PrintHeaderOrFunction("Adds Header", $thorn{"add"}->{"header"}, $thorn{"add"}); PrintHeaderOrFunction("Uses Header", $thorn{"uses"}->{"header"}, $thorn{"uses"}); PrintHeaderOrFunction("Provides", $thorn{"provides"}->{"function"}, $thorn{"provides"}); } #/*@@ # @routine PrintVar # @date Sun Mar 3 01:54:37 CET 2002 # @author Ian Kelley # @desc # Used to print out a variable by spitting it if we need to, used for printing stuff like # what a group "inherits" or "implements" # # @enddesc # @version #@@*/ sub PrintVar { my $title = shift; my $var = shift; my %alias = %{$_[0]}; my @temp; return if ($var !~ /\w/); print "\n\n\\noindent \{\\bf ". ThornUtils::Translate(ThornUtils::CleanForLatex($title)) ."\}: "; if (@temp = split/\s+/, $var) { foreach (@temp) { print "\n\n" . ThornUtils::ToLower(ThornUtils::CleanForLatex($_)); } } else { print "\n\n" . ThornUtils::ToLower(ThornUtils::CleanForLatex($var)); } print "\n\\vspace\{2mm\}"; } #/*@@ # @routine PrintHeaderOrFunction # @date Sun Mar 3 01:54:37 CET 2002 # @author Ian Kelley # @desc # Very similar to &PrintVar, but does not lowercase stuff and deals with optional aliasing of what # it is including. This is used to print out headers/functions/etc it addes, uses or provides. # # @enddesc # @version #@@*/ sub PrintHeaderOrFunction { my $title = shift; my $var = shift; my %alias = %{$_[0]}; my @temp; return if ($var !~ /\w/); print "\n\n\\noindent \{\\bf ". ThornUtils::Translate(ThornUtils::CleanForLatex($title)) ."\}: "; if (@temp = split/\s+/, $var) { foreach (@temp) { my $lc_var = $_; $lc_var =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; print "\n\n" . ThornUtils::CleanForLatex($_); if ( (defined $alias{$lc_var}) && ($alias{$lc_var}->{"to"} ne $_) ) { print " to " . ThornUtils::CleanForLatex($alias{$lc_var}->{"to"}); } } } else { my $lc_var = $var; $lc_var =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; print "\n\n" . ThornUtils::CleanForLatex($var); if ( (defined $alias{$lc_var}) && ($alias{$lc_var}->{"to"} ne $var) ) { print " to " . ThornUtils::CleanForLatex($alias{$lc_var}->{"to"}); } } print "\n\\vspace\{2mm\}"; } #/*@@ # @routine ExpandGroupName # @date Sun Mar 3 01:54:37 CET 2002 # @author Ian Kelley # @desc # When we are printing out the properties of a group, sometimes we want to expand the # names of stuff out to be more descriptive. This function provides that. # # @enddesc # @version #@@*/ sub ExpandGroupName { my $name = shift; if ($name eq "stype") { return "stagger type"; } elsif ($name eq "gtype") { return "group type"; } elsif ($name eq "dim") { return "dimensions"; } elsif ($name eq "distrib") { return "distribution"; } elsif ($name eq "vtype") { return "variable type"; } elsif ($name eq "timelevels") { return "timelevels"; } else { return ThornUtils::ToLower(ThornUtils::CleanForLatex($name)); } }