#/*@@ # @file ImpParamConsistency.pl # @date Tue Mar 9 12:34:54 1999 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Consistency checking for interface and parameter databases. # @enddesc #@@*/ sub CheckImpParamConsistency { my($n_interface_data, @indata) = @_; my(%interface_database); my(%parameter_database); my(@thorns); my($thorn, $friend, $implementation, $other_thorn); my($range); # Extract the arguments %interface_database = @indata[0..2*$n_interface_data-1]; %parameter_database = @indata[2*$n_interface_data..$#indata]; @thorns = split(" ", $interface_database{"THORNS"}); foreach $thorn (@thorns) { # print "Processing thorn $thorn\n"; foreach $friend (split(" ", $parameter_database{"\U$thorn\E SHARES implementations"})) { # print "Friend is $friend\n"; # Find a thorn providing this implementation ($other_thorn) = split(" ", $interface_database{"IMPLEMENTATION \U$friend\E THORNS"}); # Check the other implementation exists. if($other_thorn =~ m:^\s*$:) { print "$thorn SHARES from implementation $friend - no such implementation\n"; $CST_errors++; next; } # print "Other thorn is $other_thorn\n"; foreach $parameter (split(" ", $parameter_database{"\U$thorn SHARES $friend\E variables"})) { # print "Parameter is $parameter\n"; my $realname = $parameter_database{"\U$thorn $parameter\E realname"}; # Check if the parameter exists in the other thorn if($parameter_database{"\U$other_thorn $realname\E type"}) { # Check that the parameter is in the restricted block. if($parameter_database{"\U$other_thorn RESTRICTED\E variables"} =~ m:\b$realname\b:i) { # This lot is done by C now, and SHOULD NOT BE DONE by the perl # # Loop through all the added ranges. # for($range=1; # $range <= $parameter_database{"\U$thorn $parameter\E ranges"}; # $range++) # { # # Increment the number of ranges for the extended parameter # $parameter_database{"\U$other_thorn $parameter\E ranges"}++; # Add in the range # $parameter_database{"\U$other_thorn $parameter\E range $parameter_database{\"\U$other_thorn $parameter\E ranges\"} range"} = $parameter_database{"\U$thorn $parameter\E range $range range"}; # Add in the range description # $parameter_database{"\U$other_thorn $parameter\E range $parameter_database{\"\U$other_thorn $parameter\E ranges\"} description"} = $parameter_database{"\U$thorn $parameter\E range $range description"}; # } } else { $message = "Thorn $thorn attempted to EXTEND or USE non-restricted parameter $realname from $friend"; &CST_error(0,$message,"",__LINE__,__FILE__); } } else { $message = "Thorn $thorn attempted to EXTEND or USE non-existent parameter $realname from $friend"; &CST_error(0,$message,"",__LINE__,__FILE__); } } } } return %parameter_database; } 1;