#! /usr/bin/perl #/*@@ # @file GridFuncStuff.pl # @date Tue Jan 12 11:07:45 1999 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # # @enddesc # @version $Id$ #@@*/ #/*@@ # @routine CreateVariableBindings # @date Thu Jan 28 15:14:20 1999 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Creates all the binding files for the variables. # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # #@@*/ sub CreateVariableBindings { my($bindings_dir, $rhinterface_db) = @_; my($thorn, @data); my($line, $block, $filelist); if(! -d $bindings_dir) { mkdir("$bindings_dir", 0755) || die "Unable to create $bindings_dir"; } $start_dir = `pwd`; chdir $bindings_dir; # Create the header files if(! -d "include") { mkdir("include", 0755) || die "Unable to create include directory"; } chdir "include"; foreach $thorn (split(" ",$rhinterface_db->{"THORNS"})) { @data = &CreateThornArgumentHeaderFile($thorn, $rhinterface_db); $dataout = ""; # open(OUT, ">$thorn"."_arguments.h"); foreach $line (@data) { $dataout .= "$line\n"; } &WriteFile("$thorn\_arguments.h",\$dataout); # close OUT; } # open(OUT, ">cctk_arguments.h"); $dataout = ""; foreach $thorn (split(" ",$rhinterface_db->{"THORNS"})) { $dataout .= "#ifdef THORN_IS_$thorn\n"; $dataout .= "#include \"$thorn"."_arguments.h\"\n"; $dataout .= "#define CCTK_FARGUMENTS \U$thorn"."_FARGUMENTS\n"; $dataout .= "#define DECLARE_CCTK_FARGUMENTS DECLARE_\U$thorn"."_FARGUMENTS\n"; $dataout .= "#define CCTK_CARGUMENTS \U$thorn"."_CARGUMENTS\n"; $dataout .= "#define DECLARE_CCTK_CARGUMENTS DECLARE_\U$thorn"."_CARGUMENTS\n"; $dataout .= "#endif\n\n"; } &WriteFile("cctk_arguments.h",\$dataout); # close OUT; chdir ".."; if(! -d "Variables") { mkdir("Variables", 0755) || die "Unable to create Variables directory"; } chdir "Variables"; # open (OUT, ">BindingsVariables.c") || die "Cannot open BindingsVariables.c"; $filelist = "BindingsVariables.c"; $dataout = ""; foreach $thorn (split(" ",$rhinterface_db->{"THORNS"})) { $dataout .= "int CactusBindingsVariables_$thorn"."_Initialise(void);\n"; } $dataout .= "\n"; $dataout .= "int CCTKi_BindingsVariablesInitialise(void)\n{\n"; foreach $thorn (split(" ",$rhinterface_db->{"THORNS"})) { $dataout .= " CactusBindingsVariables_$thorn"."_Initialise();\n"; } $dataout .= " return 0;\n}\n\n"; &WriteFile("BindingsVariables.c",\$dataout); # close OUT; foreach $thorn (split(" ",$rhinterface_db->{"THORNS"})) { $dataout = ""; # open(OUT, ">$thorn.c") || die "Cannot create $thorn.c"; $dataout .= "\#include \"cctki_Groups.h\"\n"; $dataout .= "\#include \"cctk_FortranWrappers.h\"\n"; # print OUT "#include \"cctk_Flesh.h\"\n"; # print OUT "#include \"StoreVariableData.h\"\n\n"; $dataout .= "int CCTKi_BindingsFortranWrapper$thorn(void *GH, void *fpointer);"; $dataout .= "int CactusBindingsVariables_$thorn"."_Initialise(void)\n{\n"; foreach $block ("PUBLIC", "PROTECTED", "PRIVATE") { @data = &CreateThornGroupInitialisers($thorn, $block, $rhinterface_db); foreach $line (@data) { $dataout .= "$line\n"; } } $dataout .= " CCTK_RegisterFortranWrapper(\"$thorn\", CCTKi_BindingsFortranWrapper$thorn);\n\n"; $dataout .= " return 0;\n};\n"; &WriteFile("$thorn.c",\$dataout); # close OUT; $filelist .= " $thorn.c"; } foreach $thorn (split(" ",$rhinterface_db->{"THORNS"})) { # open(OUT, ">$thorn\_FortranWrapper.c") || die "Cannot create $thorn\_FortranWrapper.c"; $dataout = ""; @data = &CreateThornFortranWrapper($thorn); foreach $line (@data) { $dataout .= "$line\n"; } &WriteFile("$thorn\_FortranWrapper.c",\$dataout); # close OUT; $filelist .= " $thorn\_FortranWrapper.c"; } # open (OUT, ">make.code.defn") || die "Cannot open make.code.defn"; $dataout = "SRCS = $filelist\n"; &WriteFile("make.code.defn",\$dataout); # close OUT; chdir $start_dir; } #/*@@ # @routine GetThornArguments # @date Thu Jan 28 14:31:38 1999 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Gets a list of all the variables available for a thorn in a # particular block. # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # #@@*/ sub GetThornArguments { my($this_thorn, $block, $rhinterface_db) = @_; my(%arguments); my(@other_imps); my($my_imp); my($imp); my($thorn, $group, $variable, $vtype, $gtype, $type); $my_imp = $rhinterface_db->{"\U$this_thorn IMPLEMENTS"}; if($block eq "PUBLIC") { @other_imps = split(" ",$rhinterface_db->{"IMPLEMENTATION \U$my_imp\E ANCESTORS"}); } elsif($block eq "PROTECTED") { @other_imps = split(" ", $rhinterface_db->{"IMPLEMENTATION \U$my_imp\E FRIENDS"}); } elsif($block eq "PRIVATE") { @other_imps = (); } else { die "Unknown block type $block!!!\n"; } # print "Thorn is $this_thorn, implementation $my_imp, block is $block\n"; # print "Other imps are @other_imps\n"; foreach $imp (@other_imps,$my_imp) { next if (! defined $imp); if ($block eq "PRIVATE") { $thorn = $this_thorn; } else { $rhinterface_db->{"IMPLEMENTATION \U$imp\E THORNS"} =~ m:([^ ]*):; $thorn = $1; } foreach $group (split(" ",$rhinterface_db->{"\U$thorn $block GROUPS\E"})) { $vtype = $rhinterface_db->{"\U$thorn GROUP $group VTYPE\E"}; $gtype = $rhinterface_db->{"\U$thorn GROUP $group GTYPE\E"}; $ntimelevels = $rhinterface_db->{"\U$thorn GROUP $group TIMELEVELS\E"}; $type = "$vtype"; if($gtype eq "GF" || $gtype eq "ARRAY") { $type .= " ("; $sep = ""; for($dim =0; $dim < $rhinterface_db->{"\U$thorn GROUP $group DIM\E"}; $dim++) { $type .= "$sep$group$dim"; $sep = ","; if($block eq "PRIVATE") { $arguments{"$group$dim"} = "STORAGESIZE($thorn\::$group, $dim)"; } else { $arguments{"$group$dim"} = "STORAGESIZE($imp\::$group, $dim)"; } } $type .= ")"; } if($block eq "PRIVATE") { $type .= "!$thorn\::$group"; } else { $type .= "!$imp\::$group"; } $type .="!$ntimelevels"; # print "Group is $group, resulting type is $type\n"; foreach $variable (split(" ", $rhinterface_db->{"\U$thorn GROUP $group\E"})) { $arguments{$variable} = $type; } } } return %arguments; } #/*@@ # @routine CreateFortranArgumentDeclarations # @date Thu Jan 28 14:32:57 1999 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Creates the requisite argument list declarations for Fortran. # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # #@@*/ sub CreateFortranArgumentDeclarations { my(%arguments) = @_; my($argument); my(@declarations) = (); my($suffix); # Put all storage arguments first. foreach $argument (sort keys %arguments) { if($arguments{$argument} =~ m:STORAGESIZE:) { push(@declarations, "INTEGER $argument"); } } # Now deal with the rest of the arguments foreach $argument (sort keys %arguments) { $suffix = ""; if($arguments{$argument} !~ m:STORAGESIZE:) { $arguments{$argument} =~ m:([^ ]*) ?(.*)?!(.*)!(.*):; $ntimelevels = $4; for($level = $ntimelevels; $level > 0; $level--) { # Modify the name for the time level if($ntimelevels == 1) { $suffix = ""; } elsif($level == $ntimelevels) { $suffix = "_n"; } elsif($level == $ntimelevels-1) { $suffix = ""; } else { $suffix .= "_p"; } if($1 eq CHAR) { push(@declarations, "CCTK_CHAR $argument$suffix$2"); } elsif ($1 eq REAL) { push(@declarations, "CCTK_REAL $argument$suffix$2"); } elsif ($1 eq REAL4) { push(@declarations, "CCTK_REAL4 $argument$suffix$2"); } elsif ($1 eq REAL8) { push(@declarations, "CCTK_REAL8 $argument$suffix$2"); } elsif ($1 eq REAL16) { push(@declarations, "CCTK_REAL16 $argument$suffix$2"); } elsif ($1 eq COMPLEX) { push(@declarations, "CCTK_COMPLEX $argument$suffix$2"); } elsif ($1 eq INT) { push(@declarations, "CCTK_INT $argument$suffix$2"); } elsif ($1 eq INT2) { push(@declarations, "CCTK_INT2 $argument$suffix$2"); } elsif ($1 eq INT4) { push(@declarations, "CCTK_INT4 $argument$suffix$2"); } elsif ($1 eq INT8) { push(@declarations, "CCTK_INT8 $argument$suffix$2"); } else { $message = "Unknown argument type \"$1\""; &CST_error(0,$message,__LINE__,__FILE__); } } } } return @declarations; } #/*@@ # @routine CreateCArgumentDeclarations # @date Jun 29 1999 # @author Tom Goodale, Gabrielle Allen # @desc # Creates the requisite argument list declarations for C. # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # #@@*/ sub CreateCArgumentDeclarations { my(%arguments) = @_; my($argument); my(@declarations) = (); my($suffix); my($imp); # Now deal with the rest of the arguments foreach $argument (sort keys %arguments) { $suffix = ""; if($arguments{$argument} !~ m:STORAGESIZE:) { $arguments{$argument} =~ m\([^ ]*) ?(.*)?!(.*)::(.*)!(.*)\; $ntimelevels = $5; for($level = $ntimelevels; $level > 0; $level--) { # Modify the name for the time level if($ntimelevels == 1) { $suffix = ""; } elsif($level == $ntimelevels) { $suffix = "_n"; } elsif($level == $ntimelevels-1) { $suffix = ""; } else { $suffix .= "_p"; } if($1 eq "CHAR") { push(@declarations, "CCTK_CHAR *$argument$suffix=(CCTK_CHAR *)(cctkGH->data[CCTK_VarIndex(\"$3::$argument\")][0]);"); } elsif ($1 eq REAL) { push(@declarations, "CCTK_REAL *$argument$suffix=(CCTK_REAL *)(cctkGH->data[CCTK_VarIndex(\"$3::$argument\")][0]);"); } elsif ($1 eq REAL4) { push(@declarations, "CCTK_REAL4 *$argument$suffix=(CCTK_REAL4 *)(cctkGH->data[CCTK_VarIndex(\"$3::$argument\")][0]);"); } elsif ($1 eq REAL8) { push(@declarations, "CCTK_REAL8 *$argument$suffix=(CCTK_REAL8 *)(cctkGH->data[CCTK_VarIndex(\"$3::$argument\")][0]);"); } elsif ($1 eq REAL16) { push(@declarations, "CCTK_REAL16 *$argument$suffix=(CCTK_REAL16 *)(cctkGH->data[CCTK_VarIndex(\"$3::$argument\")][0]);"); } elsif ($1 eq COMPLEX) { push(@declarations, "CCTK_COMPLEX *$argument$suffix=(CCTK_COMPLEX *)(cctkGH->data[CCTK_VarIndex(\"$3::$argument\")][0]);"); } elsif ($1 eq INT) { push(@declarations, "CCTK_INT *$argument$suffix=(CCTK_INT *)(cctkGH->data[CCTK_VarIndex(\"$3::$argument\")][0]);"); } elsif ($1 eq INT2) { push(@declarations, "CCTK_INT2 *$argument$suffix=(CCTK_INT2 *)(cctkGH->data[CCTK_VarIndex(\"$3::$argument\")][0]);"); } elsif ($1 eq INT4) { push(@declarations, "CCTK_INT4 *$argument$suffix=(CCTK_INT4 *)(cctkGH->data[CCTK_VarIndex(\"$3::$argument\")][0]);"); } elsif ($1 eq INT8) { push(@declarations, "CCTK_INT8 *$argument$suffix=(CCTK_INT8 *)(cctkGH->data[CCTK_VarIndex(\"$3::$argument\")][0]);"); } else { $message = "Unknown argument type $1"; &CST_error(0,$message,__LINE__,__FILE__); } } } } return @declarations; } #/*@@ # @routine CreateFortranArgumentList # @date Thu Jan 28 14:33:50 1999 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Creates the argument list a Fortran subroutine sees. # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # #@@*/ sub CreateFortranArgumentList { my(%arguments) = @_; my($argument); my($argumentlist) = ""; my($sep); $sep = ""; # Put all storage arguments first. foreach $argument (sort keys %arguments) { if($arguments{$argument} =~ m:STORAGESIZE:) { $argumentlist .= "$sep$argument"; $sep = ","; } } # Now deal with the rest of the arguments foreach $argument (sort keys %arguments) { if($arguments{$argument} !~ m:STORAGESIZE:) { $suffix = ""; if($arguments{$argument} !~ m:STORAGESIZE:) { $arguments{$argument} =~ m:([^ ]*) ?(.*)?!(.*)!(.*):; $ntimelevels = $4; for($level = $ntimelevels; $level > 0; $level--) { # Modify the name for the time level if($ntimelevels == 1) { $suffix = ""; } elsif($level == $ntimelevels) { $suffix = "_n"; } elsif($level == $ntimelevels-1) { $suffix = ""; } else { $suffix .= "_p"; } $argumentlist .= "$sep$argument$suffix"; $sep = ","; } } } } return $argumentlist; } #/*@@ # @routine CreateCArgumentStatics # @date Thu Jan 28 14:33:50 1999 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Creates the declarations of static variables used to speed up # construction of arguments to pass to Fortran. # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # #@@*/ sub CreateCArgumentStatics { my(%arguments) = @_; my($argument); my(@declarations) = (); foreach $argument (sort keys %arguments) { if($arguments{$argument} !~ m:STORAGESIZE:) { push(@declarations, "static int CCTKARGNUM_$argument = -1"); } } return @declarations; } #/*@@ # @routine CreateCArgumentInitialisers # @date Thu Jan 28 14:33:50 1999 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Creates the code to initialise the statics. # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # #@@*/ sub CreateCArgumentInitialisers { my(%arguments) = @_; my($argument); my(@initialisers) = (); foreach $argument (sort keys %arguments) { if($arguments{$argument} !~ m:STORAGESIZE:) { $arguments{$argument} =~ m,([^ ]*) ?(.*)?!(.*)\::(.*)!(.*),; push(@initialisers, "if(CCTKARGNUM_$argument == -1) CCTKARGNUM_$argument = CCTK_VarIndex(\"$3::$argument\")"); } } return @initialisers; } #/*@@ # @routine CreateCArgumentPrototype # @date Thu Jan 28 14:36:25 1999 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Creates the prototype needed to call a Fortran function from C. # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # #@@*/ sub CreateCArgumentPrototype { my(%arguments) = @_; my($argument); my($prototype) = ""; my($sep); $sep = ""; # Put all storage arguments first. foreach $argument (sort keys %arguments) { if($arguments{$argument} =~ m:STORAGESIZE:) { $prototype .= "$sep"."int *"; $sep = ","; } } # Now deal with the rest of the arguments foreach $argument (sort keys %arguments) { if($arguments{$argument} !~ m:STORAGESIZE:) { $arguments{$argument} =~ m:([^ ]*) ?(.*)?!(.*):; $suffix = ""; if($arguments{$argument} !~ m:STORAGESIZE:) { $arguments{$argument} =~ m:([^ ]*) ?(.*)?!(.*)!(.*):; $ntimelevels = $4; for($level = $ntimelevels; $level > 0; $level--) { if($1 eq "CHAR") { $prototype .="$sep". "char *"; $sep = ","; } elsif ($1 eq REAL) { $prototype .="$sep". "CCTK_REAL *"; $sep = ","; } elsif ($1 eq REAL4) { $prototype .="$sep". "CCTK_REAL4 *"; $sep = ","; } elsif ($1 eq REAL8) { $prototype .="$sep". "CCTK_REAL8 *"; $sep = ","; } elsif ($1 eq REAL16) { $prototype .="$sep". "CCTK_REAL16 *"; $sep = ","; } elsif ($1 eq COMPLEX) { $prototype .="$sep". "CCTK_COMPLEX *"; $sep = ","; } elsif ($1 eq INT) { $prototype .="$sep". "CCTK_INT *"; $sep = ","; } elsif ($1 eq INT2) { $prototype .="$sep". "CCTK_INT2 *"; $sep = ","; } elsif ($1 eq INT4) { $prototype .="$sep". "CCTK_INT4 *"; $sep = ","; } elsif ($1 eq INT8) { $prototype .="$sep". "CCTK_INT8 *"; $sep = ","; } else { $message = "Unknown argument type $1"; &CST_error(0,$message,__LINE__,__FILE__); } } } } } return $prototype; } #/*@@ # @routine CreateCArgumentList # @date Thu Jan 28 14:37:07 1999 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Creates the argument list used to call a Fortran function from C. # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # #@@*/ sub CreateCArgumentList { my(%arguments) = @_; my($argument); my($arglist) = ""; my($sep); $sep = ""; # Put all storage arguments first. foreach $argument (sort keys %arguments) { if($arguments{$argument} =~ m:STORAGESIZE\(([^,]*),\s*(\d+):) { $arglist .= "$sep"."(int *)(CCTK_STORAGESIZE(xGH, $2, \"$1\"))"; $sep = ","; } } # Now deal with the rest of the arguments foreach $argument (sort keys %arguments) { if($arguments{$argument} !~ m:STORAGESIZE:) { $arguments{$argument} =~ m:([^ ]*) ?(.*)?!(.*):; $suffix = ""; if($arguments{$argument} !~ m:STORAGESIZE:) { $arguments{$argument} =~ m:([^ ]*) ?(.*)?!(.*)!(.*):; $ntimelevels = $4; for($level = $ntimelevels; $level > 0; $level--) { if($1 eq "CHAR") { $arglist .= "$sep"."(CCTK_CHAR *)((xGH)->data[CCTKARGNUM_$argument][$level-1])"; $sep = ","; } elsif ($1 eq REAL) { $arglist .= "$sep"."(CCTK_REAL *)((xGH)->data[CCTKARGNUM_$argument][$level-1])"; $sep = ","; } elsif ($1 eq REAL) { $arglist .= "$sep"."(CCTK_REAL *)((xGH)->data[CCTKARGNUM_$argument][$level-1])"; $sep = ","; } elsif ($1 eq REAL4) { $arglist .= "$sep"."(CCTK_REAL4 *)((xGH)->data[CCTKARGNUM_$argument][$level-1])"; $sep = ","; } elsif ($1 eq REAL8) { $arglist .= "$sep"."(CCTK_REAL8 *)((xGH)->data[CCTKARGNUM_$argument][$level-1])"; $sep = ","; } elsif ($1 eq REAL16) { $arglist .= "$sep"."(CCTK_REAL16 *)((xGH)->data[CCTKARGNUM_$argument][$level-1])"; $sep = ","; } elsif ($1 eq COMPLEX) { $arglist .= "$sep"."(CCTK_COMPLEX *)((xGH)->data[CCTKARGNUM_$argument][$level-1])"; $sep = ","; } elsif ($1 eq INT) { $arglist .= "$sep"."(CCTK_INT *)((xGH)->data[CCTKARGNUM_$argument][$level-1])"; $sep = ","; } elsif ($1 eq INT2) { $arglist .= "$sep"."(CCTK_INT2 *)((xGH)->data[CCTKARGNUM_$argument][$level-1])"; $sep = ","; } elsif ($1 eq INT4) { $arglist .= "$sep"."(CCTK_INT4 *)((xGH)->data[CCTKARGNUM_$argument][$level-1])"; $sep = ","; } elsif ($1 eq INT8) { $arglist .= "$sep"."(CCTK_INT8 *)((xGH)->data[CCTKARGNUM_$argument][$level-1])"; $sep = ","; } else { $message = "Unknown argument type $1"; &CST_error(0,$message,__LINE__,__FILE__); } } } } } return $arglist; } #/*@@ # @routine CreateThornArgumentHeaderFile # @date Thu Jan 28 14:37:58 1999 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Creates all the argument list stuff necessary to call Fortran from C # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # #@@*/ sub CreateThornArgumentHeaderFile { my($thorn, $rhinterface_db) = @_; my($line); my(@returndata) = (); my(%hasvars); # Create the basic thorn block definitions foreach $block ("PRIVATE", "PROTECTED", "PUBLIC") { %data = &GetThornArguments($thorn, $block, $rhinterface_db); # $print_data = 1; if ($print_data) { foreach $arg (keys %data) { print "$thorn data: $arg : $data{\"$arg\"}\n"; } } # Remember if there actually are any arguments here. $hasvars{$block} = 1 if(keys %data > 0) ; # Do the fortran definitions push(@returndata, "#ifdef FCODE"); # Create the fortran argument declarations @data = &CreateFortranArgumentDeclarations(%data); push(@returndata, "#define \UDECLARE_$thorn"."_$block"."_FARGUMENTS \\"); foreach $line (@data) { push(@returndata, "$line&&\\"); } push(@returndata, ("","")); # Create the fortran argument list push(@returndata, "#define \U$thorn"."_$block"."_FARGUMENTS \\"); push(@returndata, &CreateFortranArgumentList(%data)); push(@returndata, ("","")); push(@returndata, "#endif /*FCODE*/"); push(@returndata, ("","")); ########################################################## # Do the C definitions push(@returndata, "#ifdef CCODE"); # Create the C argument declarations @data = &CreateCArgumentDeclarations(%data); push(@returndata, "#define \UDECLARE_$thorn"."_$block"."_CARGUMENTS \\"); foreach $line (@data) { push(@returndata, "$line \\"); } push(@returndata, ("","")); # Create the C argument variable number statics push(@returndata, "#define \UDECLARE_$thorn"."_$block"."_C2F \\"); @data = &CreateCArgumentStatics(%data); foreach $line (@data) { push(@returndata, "$line; \\"); } push(@returndata, ("","")); # Create the C argument variable number statics initialisers push(@returndata, "#define \UINITIALISE_$thorn"."_$block"."_C2F \\"); @data = &CreateCArgumentInitialisers(%data); foreach $line (@data) { push(@returndata,"$line; \\"); } push(@returndata, ("","")); # Create the C argument prototypes push(@returndata, "#define \U$thorn"."_$block"."_C2F_PROTO \\"); push(@returndata, &CreateCArgumentPrototype(%data)); push(@returndata, ("","")); # Create the C argument list push(@returndata, "#define \UPASS_$thorn"."_$block"."_C2F(xGH) \\"); push(@returndata, &CreateCArgumentList(%data)); push(@returndata, ("","")); push(@returndata, "#endif /*CCODE*/"); push(@returndata, ("","")); } ################################################################ # Create the final thorn argument macros # Do the Fortran argument lists push(@returndata, "#ifdef FCODE"); $sep = ","; push(@returndata, "#define \U$thorn"."_FARGUMENTS _CCTK_FARGUMENTS\\"); $sep = ","; foreach $block ("PRIVATE", "PROTECTED", "PUBLIC") { if($hasvars{$block}) { push(@returndata, "$sep"."\U$thorn"."_$block"."_FARGUMENTS\\"); $sep = ","; } } push(@returndata, ("","")); # Do the fortran declarations push(@returndata, "#define \UDECLARE_$thorn"."_FARGUMENTS _DECLARE_CCTK_FARGUMENTS \\"); foreach $block ("PRIVATE", "PROTECTED", "PUBLIC") { if($hasvars{$block}) { push(@returndata, "DECLARE_\U$thorn"."_$block"."_FARGUMENTS \\"); } } push(@returndata, ("","")); push(@returndata, "#endif /*FCODE*/"); push(@returndata, ("","")); push(@returndata, "#ifdef CCODE"); # Don't need C arguments # Do the C declarations push(@returndata, "#define \UDECLARE_$thorn"."_CARGUMENTS _DECLARE_CCTK_CARGUMENTS \\"); foreach $block ("PRIVATE", "PROTECTED", "PUBLIC") { if($hasvars{$block}) { push(@returndata, "DECLARE_\U$thorn"."_$block"."_CARGUMENTS \\"); } } push(@returndata, ("","")); push(@returndata, "#endif /*CCODE*/"); push(@returndata, ("","")); ################################################ # Do the C definitions push(@returndata, "#ifdef CCODE"); $sep = ""; # Argument prototypes push(@returndata, "#define \U$thorn"."_C2F_PROTO _CCTK_C2F_PROTO\\"); $sep = ","; foreach $block ("PRIVATE", "PROTECTED", "PUBLIC") { if($hasvars{$block}) { push(@returndata, "$sep"."\U$thorn"."_$block"."_C2F_PROTO\\"); } } push(@returndata, ("","")); # Argument lists $sep = ""; push(@returndata, "#define PASS_\U$thorn"."_C2F(xGH) _PASS_CCTK_C2F(xGH)\\"); $sep = ","; foreach $block ("PRIVATE", "PROTECTED", "PUBLIC") { if($hasvars{$block}) { push(@returndata, "$sep"."PASS_\U$thorn"."_$block"."_C2F(xGH)\\"); } } push(@returndata, ("","")); # Declare statics push(@returndata, "#define DECLARE_\U$thorn"."_C2F _DECLARE_CCTK_C2F \\"); foreach $block ("PRIVATE", "PROTECTED", "PUBLIC") { if($hasvars{$block}) { push(@returndata, "DECLARE_\U$thorn"."_$block"."_C2F \\"); } } push(@returndata, ("","")); # Initialise statics push(@returndata, "#define INITIALISE_\U$thorn"."_C2F _INITIALISE_CCTK_C2F \\"); foreach $block ("PRIVATE", "PROTECTED", "PUBLIC") { if($hasvars{$block}) { push(@returndata, "INITIALISE_\U$thorn"."_$block"."_C2F \\"); } } push(@returndata, ("","")); # Dummy C declarations push(@returndata, "#define \U$thorn"."_CARGUMENTS cGH *cctkGH "); # push(@returndata, "#define \UDECLARE_$thorn"."_CARGUMENTS \\"); # foreach $block ("PRIVATE", "PROTECTED", "PUBLIC") # { # if($hasvars{$block}) # { # push(@returndata, "\UDECLARE_$thorn_$block"."_CARGUMENTS \\"); # } # } push(@returndata, ("","")); push(@returndata, "#endif /*CCODE*/"); push(@returndata, ("","")); return @returndata; } #/*@@ # @routine CreateThornGroupInitialisers # @date Thu Jan 28 14:38:56 1999 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Creates the calls used to setup groups for a particular thorn block. # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # #@@*/ sub CreateThornGroupInitialisers { my($thorn, $block, $rhinterface_db) = @_; my($imp); my($group, @variables); my($line); my(@definitions); $imp = $rhinterface_db->{"\U$thorn\E IMPLEMENTS"}; foreach $group (split(" ", $rhinterface_db->{"\U$thorn $block GROUPS"})) { @variables = split(" ", $rhinterface_db->{"\U$thorn GROUP $group\E"}); $line = " CCTKi_CreateGroup(\"\U$group\",\"$thorn\",\"$imp\",\n" . " \"" . $rhinterface_db->{"\U$thorn GROUP $group\E GTYPE"} . "\",\n" . " \"" . $rhinterface_db->{"\U$thorn GROUP $group\E VTYPE"} . "\",\n" . " \"" . $block . "\",\n" . " " . $rhinterface_db->{"\U$thorn GROUP $group\E DIM"} . ",\n" . " " . $rhinterface_db->{"\U$thorn GROUP $group\E TIMELEVELS"} . ",\n" . " \"" . $rhinterface_db->{"\U$thorn GROUP $group\E STYPE"} . "\",\n" . " \"" . $rhinterface_db->{"\U$thorn GROUP $group\E SIZE"} . "\",\n" . " ". scalar(@variables); foreach $variable (@variables) { $line .= ",\n \"$variable\""; } $line .= ");\n\n"; push(@definitions, $line); } return @definitions; } sub CreateThornFortranWrapper { my($thorn) = @_; my(@data); push(@data, "#define THORN_IS_$thorn"); push(@data, "#include \"cctk.h\""); push(@data, "#include \"cctk_Flesh.h\""); push(@data, "#include \"cctk_Groups.h\""); push(@data, "#include \"cctk_Comm.h\""); push(@data, "#include \"cctk_arguments.h\""); push(@data, ""); push(@data, "int CCTKi_BindingsFortranWrapper$thorn(cGH *GH, void *fpointer)"); push(@data, "{"); push(@data, " void (*function)(\U$thorn\E_C2F_PROTO);"); push(@data, ""); push(@data, " DECLARE_\U$thorn\E_C2F"); push(@data, " INITIALISE_\U$thorn\E_C2F"); push(@data, ""); push(@data, " function = (void (*)(\U$thorn\E_C2F_PROTO))fpointer;"); push(@data, ""); push(@data, " function(PASS_\U$thorn\E_C2F(GH));"); push(@data, ""); push(@data, " return 0;"); push(@data, ""); push(@data, "}"); return (@data); } 1;