#/*@@ # @file CreateParameterBindings.pl # @date Sun Jul 25 00:52:36 1999 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Parameter binding stuff # @enddesc # @version $Header$ #@@*/ #/*@@ # @routine CreateParameterBindings # @date Thu Jan 28 15:27:16 1999 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Create the bindings used for the parameters. # @enddesc #@@*/ sub CreateParameterBindings { my($bindings_dir, $rhparameter_db, $rhinterface_db) = @_; my($start_dir); my($line); my(%these_parameters); my($implementation, $thorn); my($files); my(%routines); my($structure, %structures); my(%header_files); if(! -d $bindings_dir) { mkdir("$bindings_dir", 0755) || die "Unable to create $bindings_dir"; } $start_dir = `pwd`; chdir $bindings_dir; if(! -d 'Parameters') { mkdir('Parameters', 0755) || die 'Unable to create Parameters directory'; } if(! -d 'include') { mkdir('include', 0755) || die 'Unable to create include directory'; } # Generate all global parameters %these_parameters = &get_global_parameters($rhparameter_db); $dataout = &CreateParameterBindingFile('CCTK_BindingsParametersGlobal', 'GLOBAL_PARAMETER_STRUCT', \%these_parameters, $rhparameter_db); &WriteFile('Parameters/Global.c',\$dataout); $files = 'Global.c'; $structures{'GLOBAL_PARAMETER_STRUCT'} = 'cctk_params_global'; # Generate the global data header file $dataout = &CreateCStructureParameterHeader('CCTK_BindingsParametersGlobal', 'GLOBAL_PARAMETER_STRUCT', \%these_parameters, $rhparameter_db); &WriteFile('include/ParameterCGlobal.h',\$dataout); $header_files{'GLOBAL'} = 'ParameterCGlobal.h'; # Generate all restricted parameters foreach $implementation (split(' ',$rhinterface_db->{'IMPLEMENTATIONS'})) { $rhinterface_db->{"IMPLEMENTATION \U$implementation\E THORNS"} =~ m:([^ ]+):; $thorn = $1; %these_parameters = &GetThornParameterList($thorn, 'RESTRICTED', $rhparameter_db); if((keys %these_parameters > 0)) { $dataout = &CreateParameterBindingFile("CCTK_BindingsParameters${implementation}_restricted", "RESTRICTED_\U$implementation\E_STRUCT", \%these_parameters, $rhparameter_db); &WriteFile("Parameters/\U$implementation\E_restricted.c",\$dataout); $files .= " \U$implementation\E_restricted.c"; $routines{"CCTK_BindingsParameters${implementation}_restricted"} = "$implementation"; $structures{"RESTRICTED_\U$implementation\E_STRUCT"} = "${implementation}rest"; # Generate the data header file $dataout = &CreateCStructureParameterHeader("CCTK_BindingsParameters${implementation}_restricted", "RESTRICTED_\U$implementation\E_STRUCT", \%these_parameters, $rhparameter_db); &WriteFile("include/ParameterCRestricted\U$implementation\E.h",\$dataout); $header_files{"\U$implementation\E RESTRICTED"} = "ParameterCRestricted\U$implementation\E.h"; } } # Generate all private parameters foreach $thorn (split(' ',$rhinterface_db->{'THORNS'})) { %these_parameters = &GetThornParameterList($thorn, 'PRIVATE', $rhparameter_db); if((keys %these_parameters > 0)) { $dataout = &CreateParameterBindingFile("CCTK_BindingsParameters${thorn}_private", "PRIVATE_\U$thorn\E_STRUCT", \%these_parameters, $rhparameter_db); &WriteFile("Parameters/\U$thorn\E_private.c",\$dataout); $files .= " \U$thorn\E_private.c"; $routines{"CCTK_BindingsParameters${thorn}_private"} = "$thorn"; # Generate the data header file $dataout = &CreateCStructureParameterHeader("CCTK_BindingsParameters${thorn}_private", "PRIVATE_\U$thorn\E_STRUCT", \%these_parameters, $rhparameter_db); $structures{"PRIVATE_\U$thorn\E_STRUCT"} = "${thorn}priv"; &WriteFile("include/ParameterCPrivate\U$thorn\E.h",\$dataout); $header_files{"\U$thorn\E PRIVATE"} = "ParameterCPrivate\U$thorn\E.h"; } } @thorns = split(' ',$rhinterface_db->{'THORNS'}); @data = (); push(@data, map ('extern int CCTKi_BindingsCreate' . $_ . 'Parameters(void);', @thorns)); push(@data, ''); push(@data, map ('extern int CCTKi_Bindings' . $_ . 'ParameterExtensions(void);', @thorns)); push(@data, ''); push(@data, ''); push(@data, 'int CCTKi_BindingsParametersInitialise(void);'); push(@data, 'int CCTKi_BindingsParametersInitialise(void)'); push(@data, '{'); push(@data, map (' CCTKi_BindingsCreate' . $_ . 'Parameters();', @thorns)); push(@data, ''); push(@data, map (' CCTKi_Bindings' . $_ . 'ParameterExtensions();', @thorns)); push(@data, ''); push(@data, ' return 0;'); push(@data, '}'); push(@data, "\n"); # workaround for perl 5.004_04 to add a trailing newline $dataout = join ("\n", @data); &WriteFile('Parameters/BindingsParameters.c',\$dataout); $newfilelist = NewParamStuff($rhparameter_db, $rhinterface_db); $dataout = "SRCS = BindingsParameters.c $files $newfilelist"; &WriteFile('Parameters/make.code.defn',\$dataout); # Create the appropriate thorn parameter headers foreach $thorn (split(' ',$rhinterface_db->{'THORNS'})) { $dataout = &CreateFortranThornParameterBindings($thorn, $rhparameter_db, $rhinterface_db); &WriteFile("include/\U$thorn\E_FParameters.h",\$dataout); $implementation = $rhinterface_db->{"\U$thorn\E IMPLEMENTS"}; @data = (); push(@data, '/*@@'); push(@data, " \@header \U$thorn\E_CParameters.h"); push(@data, ' @author Automatically generated by CreateParameterBindings.pl'); push(@data, ' @desc'); push(@data, " Declares parameters of thorn $thorn"); push(@data, ' @enddesc'); push(@data, ' @@*/'); push(@data, ''); push(@data, ''); push(@data, "#ifndef _\U$thorn\E_PARAMETERS_H_"); push(@data, "#define _\U$thorn\E_PARAMETERS_H_ 1"); push(@data, ''); if($header_files{'GLOBAL'}) { push(@data, "#include \"$header_files{'GLOBAL'}\""); } if($header_files{"\U$implementation\E RESTRICTED"}) { push(@data, "#include \"" . $header_files{"\U$implementation\E RESTRICTED"} . "\""); } if($header_files{"\U$thorn\E PRIVATE"}) { push(@data, "#include \"" . $header_files{"\U$thorn\E PRIVATE"} . "\""); } foreach $friend (split(' ',$rhparameter_db->{"\U$thorn\E SHARES implementations"})) { push(@data, "#include \"ParameterCRestricted\U$friend\E.h\""); } push(@data, ''); @use = (); push(@data, '#define DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS \\'); push(@use, '#define USE_CCTK_PARAMETERS \\'); if($header_files{'GLOBAL'}) { push(@data, ' DECLARE_GLOBAL_PARAMETER_STRUCT_PARAMS \\'); push(@use, ' USE_GLOBAL_PARAMETER_STRUCT_PARAMS \\'); } if($header_files{"\U$implementation\E RESTRICTED"}) { push(@data, " DECLARE_RESTRICTED_\U$implementation\E_STRUCT_PARAMS \\"); push(@use, " USE_RESTRICTED_\U$implementation\E_STRUCT_PARAMS \\"); } if($header_files{"\U$thorn\E PRIVATE"}) { push(@data, " DECLARE_PRIVATE_\U$thorn\E_STRUCT_PARAMS \\"); push(@use, " USE_PRIVATE_\U$thorn\E_STRUCT_PARAMS \\"); } foreach $friend (split(' ',$rhparameter_db->{"\U$thorn\E SHARES implementations"})) { $rhinterface_db->{"IMPLEMENTATION \U$friend\E THORNS"} =~ m:([^ ]*):; $friend_thorn = $1; foreach $parameter (split(' ',$rhparameter_db->{"\U$thorn SHARES $friend\E variables"})) { my $realname = $rhparameter_db->{"\U$thorn $parameter\E realname"}; $type = $rhparameter_db->{"\U$friend_thorn $realname\E type"}; $array = $rhparameter_db->{"\U$friend_thorn $realname\E array_size"}; $type_string = &get_c_type_string($type); my $varprefix = ''; if($array_size) { $varprefix = '*'; } push(@data, " const $type_string $varprefix$parameter = RESTRICTED_\U$friend\E_STRUCT.$realname; \\"); push(@use, " (void) ($parameter + 0); \\"); } } push(@data, ' USE_CCTK_PARAMETERS'); push(@data, ''); push(@data, @use); push(@data, ''); push(@data, "#endif /* _\U$thorn\E_PARAMETERS_H_ */"); push(@data, "\n"); # workaround for perl 5.004_04 to add a trailing newline $dataout = join ("\n", @data); &WriteFile("include/\U$thorn\E_CParameters.h",\$dataout); } # Write this one to a temporary file and read it back in # Can probably do this better open(OUT, "| perl $cctk_home/lib/sbin/c_file_processor.pl $top/config-data > include/CParameterStructNames_temp.h") || die 'Cannot create CParameterStructNames.h by running c_file_processor.pl'; foreach $structure (keys %structures) { print OUT "#define $structure CCTK_FORTRAN_COMMON_NAME($structures{$structure})\n"; } print OUT "\n"; close OUT; open(IN,'< include/CParameterStructNames_temp.h'); $dataout = join ('', ); close IN; &WriteFile('include/CParameterStructNames.h',\$dataout); @data = (); push(@data, '#include "CParameterStructNames.h"'); push(@data, ''); foreach $thorn (split(' ',$rhinterface_db->{'THORNS'})) { push(@data, "#ifdef THORN\_IS\_$thorn"); push(@data, "#include \"\U$thorn\E_CParameters.h\""); push(@data, '#endif'); push(@data, "\n"); # workaround for perl 5.004_04 to add a trailing newline } $dataout = join ("\n", @data); &WriteFile('include/CParameters.h',\$dataout); @data = (); foreach $thorn (split(' ',$rhinterface_db->{'THORNS'})) { push(@data, "#ifdef THORN\_IS\_$thorn"); push(@data, "#include \"\U$thorn\E_FParameters.h\""); push(@data, '#endif'); push(@data, "\n"); # workaround for perl 5.004_04 to add a trailing newline } $dataout = join ("\n", @data); &WriteFile('include/FParameters.h',\$dataout); @data = (); push(@data, '/* get the CCTK datatype definitions */'); push(@data, '#include "cctk_Types.h"'); push(@data, ''); push(@data, '#ifdef CCODE'); push(@data, '#include "CParameters.h"'); push(@data, '#elif FCODE'); push(@data, '#include "FParameters.h"'); push(@data, '#endif'); push(@data, "\n"); # workaround for perl 5.004_04 to add a trailing newline $dataout = join ("\n", @data); &WriteFile('include/cctk_Parameters.h',\$dataout); chdir $start_dir; } sub NewParamStuff { my($rhparameter_db, $rhinterface_db) = @_; my($line); my(%these_parameters); my($implementation, $thorn); my($files); my(%routines); my($structure, %structures); my(%header_files); my($block); my($filelist); my(@creationdata); my(@extensiondata); my(@accumulationdata); my(@data); foreach $thorn (split(' ',$rhinterface_db->{'THORNS'})) { $imp = $rhinterface_db->{"\U$thorn\E IMPLEMENTS"}; push(@data, '/*@@'); push(@data, " \@file Create${thorn}Parameters.c"); push(@data, ' @author Automatically generated by CreateParameterBindings.pl'); push(@data, ' @desc'); push(@data, ' Creates/extends parameters for this thorn'); push(@data, ' @enddesc'); push(@data, ' @@*/'); push(@data, ''); push(@data, ''); push(@data, '#include '); push(@data, '#include '); push(@data, '#include '); push(@data, ''); push(@data, '#include "cctk_Config.h"'); push(@data, '#include "cctk_Constants.h"'); push(@data, '#include "ParameterBindings.h"'); push(@data, '#include "CParameterStructNames.h"'); foreach $block ('GLOBAL', 'RESTRICTED', 'PRIVATE') { %these_parameters = &GetThornParameterList($thorn, $block, $rhparameter_db); if((keys %these_parameters > 0)) { if($block eq 'GLOBAL') { push(@data, '#include "ParameterCGlobal.h"'); } elsif($block eq 'RESTRICTED') { push(@data, "#include \"ParameterCRestricted\U$imp\E.h\""); } elsif($block eq 'PRIVATE') { push(@data, "#include \"ParameterCPrivate\U$thorn\E.h\""); } else { die 'Internal error'; } # print "Generating $block parameters for $thorn, providing $imp\n"; push(@creationdata,&CreateParameterRegistrationStuff($block, $thorn, $imp, $rhparameter_db, %these_parameters)); push(@accumulationdata,&CreateParameterAccumulationStuff($block, $thorn, $rhparameter_db, %these_parameters)); } } # Now the parameter extensions # print $rhparameter_db->{"\U$thorn\E SHARES implementations"} . "\n"; foreach $block (split(' ',$rhparameter_db->{"\U$thorn\E SHARES implementations"})) { push(@data, "#include \"ParameterCRestricted\U$block\E.h\""); # print "Generating $block extension from $thorn\n"; push(@extensiondata,&CreateParameterExtensionStuff($block, $thorn, $rhparameter_db)); } push(@data, ''); push(@data, "int CCTKi_BindingsCreate${thorn}Parameters(void);"); push(@data, "int CCTKi_BindingsCreate${thorn}Parameters(void)"); push(@data, '{'); push(@data, @creationdata); push(@data, ' return 0;'); push(@data, '}'); push(@data, ''); push(@data, "int CCTKi_Bindings${thorn}ParameterExtensions(void);"); push(@data, "int CCTKi_Bindings${thorn}ParameterExtensions(void)"); push(@data, '{'); push(@data, @extensiondata); push(@data, @accumulationdata); push(@data, ' return 0;'); push(@data, '}'); push(@data, "\n"); # workaround for perl 5.004_04 to add a trailing newline $dataout = join ("\n", @data); &WriteFile("Parameters/Create${thorn}Parameters.c",\$dataout); @data=(); @creationdata=(); @extensiondata=(); @accumulationdata=(); $filelist .= " Create${thorn}Parameters.c"; } return $filelist; } sub CreateParameterRegistrationStuff { my($block, $thorn, $imp, $rhparameter_db, %these_parameters) = @_; my(@data); my($line); my($structure, $type, $n_ranges); if($block eq 'GLOBAL') { $structure='GLOBAL_PARAMETER_STRUCT'; } elsif($block eq 'RESTRICTED') { $structure="RESTRICTED_\U$imp\E_STRUCT"; } elsif($block eq 'PRIVATE') { $structure = "PRIVATE_\U$thorn\E_STRUCT"; } else { die 'Internal error'; } # print "Thorn is $thorn\n"; # print "Structure is $structure\n"; foreach $parameter (sort keys %these_parameters) { # print "This param is $parameter\n"; my $type = $rhparameter_db->{"\U$thorn $parameter\E type"}; # print "Type is $type\n"; my $n_ranges = $rhparameter_db->{"\U$thorn $parameter\E ranges"}; # print "N_ranges is $n_ranges\n"; my $quoted_default = $rhparameter_db->{"\U$thorn $parameter\E default"}; # $quoted_default =~ s:\"::g; The database now strips all unescaped quotes. # Set steerable details my $steerable = $rhparameter_db->{"\U$thorn $parameter\E steerable"}; if ($steerable =~ /never/i || $steerable =~/^$/) { $steerable_type = 'CCTK_STEERABLE_NEVER'; } elsif ($steerable =~ /always/i) { $steerable_type = 'CCTK_STEERABLE_ALWAYS'; } elsif ($steerable =~ /recover/i) { $steerable_type = 'CCTK_STEERABLE_RECOVER'; } else { $message = "Illegal steerable type ($steerable) for parameter $parameter in $thorn"; &CST_error(0,$message,'',__LINE__,__FILE__); } my $realname = $rhparameter_db->{"\U$thorn $parameter\E realname"}; my $array_size = $rhparameter_db->{"\U$thorn $parameter\E array_size"}; my $dereference = ''; if(! $array_size) { $array_size = 0; $dereference = '&' } my $accumulator_expression = $rhparameter_db->{"\U$thorn $parameter\E accumulator-expression"}; if(! $accumulator_expression) { $accumulator_expression = 'NULL'; } else { $accumulator_expression = "\"$accumulator_expression\""; } # my $accumulator_base = $rhparameter_db->{"\U$thorn $parameter\E accumulator-base"}; # # if(! $accumulator_expression) # { # $accumulator_base = 'NULL'; # } $line=" CCTKi_ParameterCreate(\"$parameter\",\n" . " \"$thorn\",\n" . " \"$type\",\n" . " \"$block\",\n" . " $steerable_type,\n" . " " . $rhparameter_db->{"\U$thorn $parameter\E description"} . ",\n" . " \"" . $quoted_default . "\",\n" . " $dereference($structure.$realname),\n" . " $array_size,\n" . " $accumulator_expression,\n" . # " $accumulator_base,\n" . " $n_ranges"; for($range=1; $range <= $n_ranges; $range++) { $quoted_range = $rhparameter_db->{"\U$thorn $parameter\E range $range range"}; $range_description = $rhparameter_db->{"\U$thorn $parameter\E range $range description"}; if($range_description !~ m:\":) { $range_description = "\"$range_description\""; } $range_description =~ s:,$::; #$quoted_range =~ s:\":\\\":g; $quoted_range =~ s:\"::g; $quoted_range =~ s:^\s*::; $quoted_range =~ s:\s*$::; # escape all backslashes so that they aren't treated # as the beginning of an escape sequence in C strings $quoted_range =~ s:\\:\\\\:g; $line .= ",\n \"".$quoted_range."\",$range_description"; } $line .= ");\n"; push(@data, $line); } return @data; } sub CreateParameterExtensionStuff { my($block, $thorn, $rhparameter_db) = @_; my(@data); my($line); my($structure, $type, $n_ranges, $range, $quoted_range, $range_description); # print "Extending $block from $thorn\n"; foreach $parameter (split(' ',$rhparameter_db->{"\U$thorn\E SHARES \U$block\E variables"})) { my $realname = $rhparameter_db->{"\U$thorn $parameter\E realname"}; $n_ranges = $rhparameter_db->{"\U$thorn $parameter\E ranges"}; for($range=1; $range <= $n_ranges; $range++) { $quoted_range = $rhparameter_db->{"\U$thorn $parameter\E range $range range"}; $range_description = $rhparameter_db->{"\U$thorn $parameter\E range $range description"}; if($range_description !~ m:\":) { $range_description = "\"$range_description\""; } #$quoted_range =~ s:\":\\\":g; $quoted_range =~ s:\"::g; $quoted_range =~ s:^\s*::; $quoted_range =~ s:\s*$::; push(@data, " CCTKi_ParameterAddRange(\"$block\","); push(@data, " \"$realname\","); push(@data, " \"$thorn\","); push(@data, " \"$quoted_range\","); push(@data, " $range_description);"); push(@data, ""); # print "Adding \"$quoted_range\" to $parameter\n"; } } return @data; } sub CreateParameterAccumulationStuff { my($block, $thorn, $rhparameter_db, %these_parameters) = @_; my(@data); @data = (); foreach $parameter (sort keys %these_parameters) { my $accumulator_base = $rhparameter_db->{"\U$thorn $parameter\E accumulator-base"}; if($accumulator_base) { # print "accumulator_base = $accumulator_base\n"; $accumulator_base =~ m/([^:]+)::(.+)/; my $importhorn = $1; my $accparam = $2; push(@data, " CCTKi_ParameterAccumulatorBase(\"$thorn\","); push(@data, " \"$parameter\","); push(@data, " \"$importhorn\","); push(@data, " \"$accparam\");"); push(@data, ""); } } return @data; } 1;