#! /usr/bin/perl -w # # /*@@ # @file CreateFunctionBindings.pl # @date Sun Feb 16 01:18:02 2003 # @author Ian Hawke # @desc # Does all the work for function aliasing. # Something approximating documentation follows. # @enddesc # @version $Id$ # @@*/ # # The structure of function aliasing is described by this piece of # ASCII art. # # Calling thorn calls 'bla' # / \ # / \ # / \ # / \ # / \ # / \ # / \ # Function Function # 'bla' 'CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(bla)' # | | # | | # | | # | | # | | # Function pointer Function pointer # Thorn_bla_From_C Thorn_bla_From_F # \ / # \ / # \ / # \ / # \ / # \ / # \ / # Thorn_bla # # In words. The calling thorn will link to either 'bla' or the Fortran # equivalent, 'CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(bla)'. However, unlike the Cactus # standard, the Fortran wrapper does not call the C function. # # Instead, in this case both 'bla' and the Fortran version will call a # function pointer, which will point either to the providing function, # or to a wrapper to the providing function. # # The providing function is Thorn_bla. The CST will generate wrappers # for this function which work if called from C (Thorn_bla_From_C) or # Fortran (Thorn_bla_From_F). # # Then at run time a "registration" function will set the function # pointers Thorn_bla_From_C and Thorn_bla_From_F to either the # providing function itself, or a wrapper for the providing function, # as needed. # # The functions pointer to by the 'Thorn_bla_From_*' pointers will be # in C. They know which language they are being called from, and also # which language Thorn_bla has, and they know this _at CST time_. So # they will change the arguments and calling sequence appropriately. # # Thus we need the following. # # 1) For every thorn that PROVIDES a function, generate the following # functions. # # a) Wrappers to which Thorn_bla_From_C or Thorn_bla_From_F will # point, as needed. These receive their arguments in the # appropriate C/Fortran style and then call Thorn_bla in the # (possibly different) C/Fortran style. # # b) A function that "registers" all the providing functions. # # 2) For every function that is USEd, generate the following. # # a) A function 'bla' and a Fortran wrapper for it. # # b) A "registration" function that sets the appropriate function # pointer. This should return an error if it has already been set. # # c) An "IsFunctionAliased" routine for _both_ the 'bla' and Fortran # functions. These can just check if the pointer is non-null. # # POINTS TO NOTE: # # - For safety, assume that any thorn that PROVIDEs a function also USEs it. # This will ensure that the function pointers etc. exist. # ########################################################################## # # SOME EXPLANATION OF BINDING FILES GENERATED # ------------------------------------------- # # in /bindings/Functions/AliasedFunctions.c : # In this file the actual routines that are called by the USEing thorns are # defined: # # (); # CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME() (); # # Each calls a corresponding C or Fortran function pointer, respectively: # # static (*_C_Wrapper); # static (*_F_Wrapper); # # The functions: # # Alias_C(function_pointer) # Alias_F(function_pointer) # # set the pointers _*_Wrapper to the # function_pointer argument (for * equal to C and F respectively). # # # in /bindings/Functions/.c : # # For a function that is provided in C, the function # Register_(void) calls # # Alias_C( ) # Alias_F( CCTK_Wrapper_CtoF_) # # The (somewhat) analogous thing is done for aliased functions that # are provided in Fortran. # # in /bindings/include/_Prototypes.h : # # The prototypes for USEd aliased functions are located here. # ########################################################################## # # STRUCTURES # ---------- # # At the top level is the FunctionDatabase. This is passed in from the # CST and is then parsed to create a slightly different structure (much # duplication of effort, but hey). The FunctionDatabase is a hash where # the keys are the thornnames and the values are FunctionLists. # # A FunctionList is another hash where the keys are the function names # and the values are Functions (also hashes). # # A Function hash is probably the fundamental structure. # The key:values are: # # Name : This agrees with the key in the function list and # is probably redundant, but simpler to keep here as # well (plus may be some whitespace stripped). (String) # Return Type : The return type. This MUST be a scalar type. (String) # Used : Whether this function is USED by this thorn (1/0) # Provided : Whether this function is PROVIDED by this thorn (1/0) # Provider : The name of the providing function. ONLY EXISTS if # Provided = 1. (String) # Provider Language : Language of providing function. ONLY EXISTS if # Provided = 1. (String: Fortran / C) # Arguments : A (reference to a) list of Arguments for the Function. # Strings : The number of string arguments (should not be > 3) (int) # String pointers : The number of pointer to string arguments (OBSOLETE) (int) # # # An Argument is also a hash. The list of possible key/values is # # Name : The (dummy) name of the argument or a reference to a # Function if it's a function pointer argument (String/hash) # Type : The (scalar) type of the argument of return type of the # function pointer argument. (String) # Function pointer: Whether the argument is a function pointer (1/0) # Is Array : Whether the argument is an ARRAY (1/0) # String : Whether the argument is a string (1/0) # For debugging: my $debug = 0; my $indent_level = 0; sub debug_print { $debug and print '#'.' 'x$indent_level."@_\n"; } sub CreateFunctionBindings { use strict; my($bindings_dir, $rhinterface_db) = @_; my($start_dir,$Function); my($dataout); my($function_db); my($registerfiles); $registerfiles = "AliasedFunctions.c IsFunctionAliased.c RegisterThornFunctions.c"; ###################################################################### # Create the database ###################################################################### $function_db = &FunctionDatabase($rhinterface_db); ### # This should have returned a FunctionList (as defined above) # for every thorn. That is, a hash with the key being the thorn name # and the value a FunctionList ### ###################################################################### # Create all the directories ###################################################################### if(! -d $bindings_dir) { mkdir("$bindings_dir", 0755) || die "Unable to create $bindings_dir"; } $start_dir = `pwd`; chdir $bindings_dir; if(! -d "Functions") { mkdir("Functions", 0755) || die "Unable to create Functions directory"; } if(! -d "include") { mkdir("include", 0755) || die "Unable to create include directory"; } ###################################################################### # Create the appropriate files ###################################################################### ### # Create the stuff for the provided functions ### my $thorn; foreach $thorn (sort keys %{$function_db}) { $debug and print "thorn is $thorn\n"; my $localfns = keys %{$function_db->{$thorn}}; if ($localfns) { $debug and print " localfns = $localfns\n"; $dataout = &ProvidedFunctions($thorn,$function_db->{"$thorn"}); my $filename = "${thorn}_Functions.c"; &WriteFile("Functions/$filename",\$dataout); $registerfiles.=" $filename"; } } ### # Create the master file to register the provided functions ### $dataout = &RegisterAllFunctions($function_db); &WriteFile("Functions/RegisterThornFunctions.c",\$dataout); ### # Create the stuff for the used functions ### $dataout = &AliasedFunctions($function_db); &WriteFile("Functions/AliasedFunctions.c",\$dataout); ### # Create the master IsFunctionAliased file ### $dataout = &IsFunctionAliased($function_db); &WriteFile("Functions/IsFunctionAliased.c",\$dataout); ### # Create the master header file (i.e., all the USEd functions) ### $dataout = &ThornMasterIncludes($function_db); &WriteFile('include/cctk_Functions.h',\$dataout); ### # Create the prototype header file for all thorns that USE a # function. ### foreach $thorn (keys %{$function_db}) { $dataout = &UsesPrototypes($thorn,$function_db->{"$thorn"}); my $filename = "${thorn}_Prototypes.h"; &WriteFile("include/$filename",\$dataout); } ###################################################################### # Create the make.code.defn ###################################################################### $dataout = "SRCS = $registerfiles"; &WriteFile("Functions/make.code.defn",\$dataout); chdir $start_dir; return; } #/*@@ # @routine FunctionDatabase # @date Sun Feb 16 01:29:48 2003 # @author Ian Hawke # @desc # Parses the standard bindings interface database (interface_db) into # the internal FunctionDatabase structure defined above. # # As arguments the subroutine takes the interface_db. # # It returns just the FunctionDatabase structure. # # @enddesc #@@*/ sub FunctionDatabase { use strict; my($interface_db) = @_; my $thorn; my $FunctionDatabase={}; foreach $thorn (split(' ',$interface_db->{'THORNS'})) { my $FunctionList={}; my $FunctionName; my $ThornUses=0; my $ThornProvides=0; foreach $FunctionName (split(' ',($interface_db->{"\U$thorn FUNCTIONS\E"}))) { my $Function={}; my $nstrings; my $nstringptrs; my $warnings; my ($ReturnType,$Arguments,@arglist); $Arguments = $interface_db->{"\U${thorn} FUNCTION\E $FunctionName ARGS"}; # &debug_print("FunctionDatabase: calling ParseArgumentsList with thorn=[$thorn] FunctionName=[$FunctionName] Arguments=[$Arguments]\n"); ($warnings,$nstrings,$nstringptrs,@arglist)=&ParseArgumentsList($Arguments, $thorn, $FunctionName); $Function->{"Strings"} = $nstrings; $Function->{"String pointers"} = $nstringptrs; $ReturnType = $interface_db->{"\U${thorn} FUNCTION\E $FunctionName RET"}; $FunctionName =~ /([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/; $Function->{"Name"}=$1; if ($warnings) { my $message = "The aliased function ".$Function->{"Name"}." has an error.\n".$warnings; &CST_error(0,$message,'',__LINE__,__FILE__); } if ( ("\L$Function->{\"Name\"}\E" eq $Function->{"Name"}) || ("\U$Function->{\"Name\"}\E" eq $Function->{"Name"}) ) { my $message = "An aliased function name must contain at least one upper AND one lower case letter.\n The function ".$Function->{"Name"}." does not."; &CST_error(0,$message,'',__LINE__,__FILE__); } # # FIXME:: the ISO standard says that a function name should be # unique within the first 31 characters, which together with # wrapper stuff gives us only 22 characters to play with. # This could be gotten around with Tom's registry idea, or by # forcing a 22 character limit. But for the moment we just # comment this bit out. # # if ( length($Function->{"Name"}) > 20 ) # { # my $message = "An aliased function name must be less than 21 characters.\n The function ".$Function->{"Name"}." is not."; # &CST_error(0,$message,'',__LINE__,__FILE__); # } if ($interface_db->{"\U$thorn PROVIDES FUNCTION\E"} =~ /$FunctionName/) { $Function->{"Provided"}=1; my $provider = $interface_db->{"\U$thorn PROVIDES FUNCTION\E $FunctionName WITH"}; my $language = $interface_db->{"\U$thorn PROVIDES FUNCTION\E $FunctionName LANG"}; $provider =~ /([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/; $Function->{"Provider"}=$1; $language =~ /([a-zA-Z]+)/; $Function->{"Provider Language"}=$1; $ThornProvides++; } else { $Function->{"Provided"}=0; } if ($interface_db->{"\U$thorn USES FUNCTION"} =~ /$FunctionName/) { $Function->{"Used"}=1; $ThornUses++; } else { $Function->{"Used"}=0; } $Function->{"Arguments"}=\@arglist; $ReturnType =~ /([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/; $Function->{"Return Type"}=$1; if ($ReturnType =~ /:ARRAY/) { my $message = "An aliased function may not return an ARRAY type.\n The function ".$Function->{"Name"}." attempts to."; &CST_error(0,$message,'',__LINE__,__FILE__); # $Function->{"Return Type"}.="*"; } $FunctionList->{$FunctionName}=$Function; } $FunctionDatabase->{$thorn}=$FunctionList; } return $FunctionDatabase; } #/*@@ # @routine ParseArgumentsList # @date Sun Feb 16 01:37:55 2003 # @author Ian Hawke # @desc # Takes the scalar string that is the list of arguments for a # given function and parses it for name, return type and attributes. # # The arguments to this function is just the string enclosed by braces # in the function declaration. # # The return type is a list of Arguments as defined above, together with # the number of strings (no more than 4) and pointers to strings # (should not be any in the current version, but code is left for if/when # someone works out how to do this properly), and any warnings that # are required. # # @enddesc #@@*/ sub ParseArgumentsList { use strict; $debug and $indent_level = 2; my($Arguments) = shift; my($Thorn) = shift; my($Function) = shift; # &debug_print("ParseArgumentsList: Arguments=[$Arguments] Thorn=[$Thorn] Function=[$Function]"); my @ArgList=(); my $nfptrs = 0; my $warnings = ""; my @fptrargs = (); if ($Arguments =~ s/CCTK_FPOINTER//) { while ($Arguments =~ s/(.*?)\s*(\(.*\s.*?\))(.*)/\1FPTRARGS\3/g) { my $tempargs = $2; $tempargs =~ s/\((.*)\)/\1/; push(@fptrargs,$tempargs); $nfptrs++; # QUERY: This is set but never used. } } my @DummyList = split(',',$Arguments); my $DummyArg; my $nstrings = 0; my $nstringptrs = 0; $nfptrs=0; foreach $DummyArg (@DummyList) { if ($DummyArg =~ /\S/) # ignore empty argument list { my $Arg = &ParseArgument($DummyArg, $Thorn, $Function); $Arg->{"Function pointer"} = 0; push(@ArgList,$Arg); if ($Arg->{"Name"} =~ /FPTRARGS/) { $Arg->{"Name"} =~ s/(.*)FPTRARGS/\1/; my $Name = $Arg->{"Name"}; $Arg->{"Name"} = {"Name"=>$Name, "Provided"=>0, "Used"=>0, "Return Type"=>$Arg->{"Type"}}; my ($extrawarnings,$nstrings,$nstringptrs,@arglist)=&ParseArgumentsList($fptrargs[$nfptrs],$Thorn,$Function); $warnings .= $extrawarnings; $Arg->{"Name"}{"Strings"} = $nstrings; $Arg->{"Name"}{"String pointers"} = $nstringptrs; $Arg->{"Name"}{"Arguments"} = \@arglist; $Arg->{"Function pointer"} = 1; $nfptrs++; } if (!$Arg->{"Is Array"}) { $nstrings += $Arg->{"String"}; } else { $nstringptrs += $Arg->{"String"}; } if ( ($nstrings)&&(!$Arg->{"String"}) ) { $warnings .= "The argument list contains CCTK_STRINGs that are not at the end."; } } } # if ($debug) # { # print "ArgList is:\n"; # foreach $DummyArg (@ArgList) # { # print $DummyArg->{"Type"}." ".$DummyArg->{"Name"}." "; # } # print "\n"; # } if ( ($nstrings > 3) || ($nstringptrs > 3) ) { $warnings .= "The argument list contains more than 3 string arguments."; } return ($warnings,$nstrings,$nstringptrs,@ArgList); } #/*@@ # @routine ParseArgument # @date Sun Feb 16 01:41:08 2003 # @author Ian Hawke # @desc # Parses an individual Argument. # # ParseArgumentsList splits the full list by commas (plus other stuff # for function pointers). The individual arguments are passed to here. # # The input is just a string. The return is a reference to an Argument # as defined above. # # @enddesc #@@*/ sub ParseArgument { use strict; $debug and $indent_level = 4; my($DummyArgument) = shift; my($Thorn) = shift; my($Function) = shift; my $Argument = {}; my($type,$name,$fpointer,$intent); if ($DummyArgument =~ /FPTRARGS/) { ($type,$name) = split(' ',$DummyArgument); $intent = "IN"; # QUERY: is $fpointer supposed to be set here? $fpointer = 1; &debug_print("$Thorn--ParseArgument: (fn pointer) type=$type name=$name"); } elsif ($DummyArgument =~ s/\bARRAY\b//) { ($type,$intent,$name) = split(' ',$DummyArgument); $Argument->{"Is Array"} = 1; &debug_print("$Thorn--ParseArgument: $name is ARRAY"); } else { ($type,$intent,$name) = split(' ',$DummyArgument); $Argument->{"Is Array"} = 0; } # if ($type =~ s/\s*(.*):ARRAY\s*/\1/) # { # $Argument->{"Is Array"} = 1; # } # else # { # $Argument->{"Is Array"} = 0; # } $Argument->{"Type"} = $type; if ($type =~ m/CCTK_STRING/) { $Argument->{"String"} = 1; } else { $Argument->{"String"} = 0; } $Argument->{"Name"} = $name; if ($name) # (meaning argument has three whitespace separated components) { if ($intent !~ /(IN|OUT|INOUT)/) { my $message = "Thorn $Thorn, Function $Function:\nThe intent statement must be either IN, OUT or INOUT.\nThe argument \"$DummyArgument\" has the wrong type."; &CST_error(0,$message,'',__LINE__,__FILE__); } $Argument->{"Intent"} = $intent; } else # (usually meaning intent is missing, so $intent holds the name and $name is empty) { my $message = "Thorn $Thorn, Function $Function:\nEvery argument must contain an intent statement of type IN, OUT or INOUT.\n The argument \"$intent\" does not."; &CST_error(0,$message,'',__LINE__,__FILE__); } if ($fpointer) { $Argument->{"Function Pointer"} = 1; } else { $Argument->{"Function Pointer"} = 0; } if ($type !~ /(\bCCTK_INT$)|(\bCCTK_REAL$)|(\bCCTK_POINTER$)|(\bCCTK_STRING$)/) { my $message = "Thorn $Thorn, Function $Function:\nAn argument in an aliased function must be one of the allowed CCTK types.\nThese are CCTK_INT, CCTK_REAL, CCTK_POINTER or CCTK_STRING.\nThe argument ".$Argument->{"Name"}." has type \"$type\"."; if ($type =~ /:/) { $message .= "\n(The older \"${type}ARRAY\" should be replaced with \"$type ARRAY\".)"; } &CST_error(0,$message,'',__LINE__,__FILE__); } if ( ($type =~ /CCTK_STRING/) && ($Argument->{"Is Array"}) ) { my $message = "An argument in an aliased function may not have the CCTK_STRING:ARRAY type.\nThe argument ".$Argument->{"Name"}." does."; &CST_error(0,$message,'',__LINE__,__FILE__); } # print "ParseArgument:\n"; # print $Argument->{"Name"}." ".$Argument->{"Type"}." ".$Argument->{"Is Array"}." ".$Argument->{"Function Pointer"}."\n"; return $Argument; } #/*@@ # @routine FunctionDatabaseFake # @date Sun Feb 16 01:45:37 2003 # @author Ian Hawke # @desc # A debugging routine that creates a FunctionList. # @enddesc #@@*/ #sub FunctionDatabaseFake #{ # # # use strict; # # my $Arg1; # my $Arg2; # my $Arg3; # my $Arg4; # my $Arg5; # # my $ArgList1; # my $ArgList2; # my $ArgList3; # # my $Function1; # my $Function2; # my $Function3; # # my $FunctionList1; # # $Arg1 = {"Function"=>"0", # "Type"=>"CCTK_INT", # "Array"=>"0", # "Name"=>"x"}; # $Arg2 = {"Function"=>"0", # "Type"=>"CCTK_INT", # "Array"=>"0", # "Name"=>"y"}; # $Arg3 = {"Function"=>"1", # "Type"=>"CCTK_REAL", # "Array"=>"0", # "Name"=>"fnptr"}; # $Arg4 = {"Function"=>"0", # "Type"=>"CCTK_REAL", # "Array"=>"0", # "Name"=>"a"}; # $Arg5 = {"Function"=>"0", # "Type"=>"CCTK_REAL", # "Array"=>"1", # "Name"=>"b"}; # $ArgList1 = [$Arg1,$Arg2]; # $ArgList2 = [$Arg3,$Arg5]; # $ArgList3 = [$Arg4]; # $Function1 = {"Name"=>"Sum", # "Aliased"=>"1", # "Return Type"=>"CCTK_INT", # "Arguments"=>$ArgList1, # "Thorn Uses"=>"1", # "Thorn Provides"=>"1", # "Providing Fn"=>"AddItUp", # "Providing Lang"=>"Fortran"}; # $Function2 = {"Name"=>"Integrate", # "Aliased"=>"0", # "Return Type"=>"CCTK_REAL", # "Arguments"=>$ArgList2, # "Thorn Uses"=>"0", # "Thorn Provides"=>"0", # "Providing Fn"=>"General_Integrate", # "Providing Lang"=>"C"}; # $Function3 = {"Name"=>"fnptr", # "Aliased"=>"0", # "Return Type"=>"CCTK_REAL", # "Arguments"=>$ArgList3, # "Thorn Uses"=>"0", # "Thorn Provides"=>"0", # "Providing Fn"=>"", # "Providing Lang"=>""}; # $FunctionList1 = {"SumStuff"=>$Function1, # "Integrate"=>$Function2, # "fnptr"=>$Function3}; # # my $FunctionDatabase; # # $FunctionDatabase = {"CCTK_Cactus"=>$FunctionList1, # "DummyThorn"=>$FunctionList1}; # # return $FunctionDatabase; # #} #/*@@ # @routine RegisterAllFunctions # @date Sun Feb 16 01:49:19 2003 # @author Ian Hawke # @desc # The routine that prints the RegisterAllFunctions.c file # # This routine checks if a thorn is active and, if so, calls # the routine that will register the aliased functions for that # thorn. # # As arguments it takes a reference to the FunctionDatabase. # It returns a list containing the C file which is written to # the file in the standard way. # # @enddesc #@@*/ sub RegisterAllFunctions { use strict; my %FunctionDatabase = %{$_[0]}; my $FunctionList; my(@data)=(); push(@data, '/*@@'); push(@data, ' @file RegisterThornFunctions.c'); push(@data, ' @author Automatically generated by CreateFunctionBindings.pl'); push(@data, ' @desc'); push(@data, ' Register aliased functions from active thorns'); push(@data, ' @enddesc'); push(@data, ' @@*/'); push(@data, ''); push(@data, ''); push(@data, '#include "cctk_Flesh.h"'); push(@data, '#include "cctk_ActiveThorns.h"'); push(@data, ''); my $thorn; foreach $thorn (sort keys %FunctionDatabase) { my $Function; my $AddThisThorn = 0; foreach $Function (values %{$FunctionDatabase{$thorn}}) { if ($Function) { if ($Function->{"Provided"}) { $AddThisThorn++; } } } if ($AddThisThorn) { push(@data,"CCTK_INT Register_${thorn}(void);"); } } push(@data,"CCTK_INT CCTKBindings_RegisterThornFunctions(void);"); push(@data,""); push(@data,"CCTK_INT CCTKBindings_RegisterThornFunctions(void)"); push(@data,"{"); push(@data," CCTK_INT retval;"); push(@data,""); push(@data," retval = 0;"); push(@data,""); foreach $thorn (sort keys %FunctionDatabase) { my $AddThisThorn = 0; my $Function; my $localfns = keys %{$FunctionDatabase{$thorn}}; if ($localfns) { foreach $Function (values %{$FunctionDatabase{$thorn}}) { if ($Function) { if ($Function->{"Provided"}) { $AddThisThorn++; } } } } if ($AddThisThorn) { push(@data," if (CCTK_IsThornActive(\"$thorn\"))"); push(@data," {"); push(@data," retval += Register_${thorn}();"); push(@data," }"); push(@data,""); } } push(@data," return retval;"); push(@data,"}"); push(@data,""); return join ("\n",@data); } #/*@@ # @routine AliasedFunctions # @date Sun Feb 16 01:52:49 2003 # @author Ian Hawke # @desc # The routine that creates the AliasedFunctions.c file. # # This file is the heart of function aliasing. For every aliased # function that is USEd this file contains: # # 1) Function pointers for both the C and Fortran versions # 2) The C and Fortran wrappers of the aliased function that are # actually linked to by the USEing thorn at compile time. These # just call the function pointers in (1) (if non-NULL) # 3) A function that checks if the aliased function has been # PROVIDED (i.e., that the function pointer is non-NULL) # 4) A function that overloads the function pointer in (1) # # As arguments it takes the FunctionDatabase. # It returns a list containing the C file which is written to # the file in the standard way. # # @enddesc #@@*/ sub AliasedFunctions { use strict; my %FunctionDatabase = %{$_[0]}; my $thornFunctionList; my(@data)=(); # Header Data push(@data, '/*@@'); push(@data, ' @file AliasedFunctions.c'); push(@data, ' @author Automatically generated by CreateFunctionBindings.pl'); push(@data, ' @desc'); push(@data, ' Prototypes for the aliased functions.'); push(@data, ' @enddesc'); push(@data, ' @@*/'); push(@data, ''); push(@data, ''); push(@data, '#include '); push(@data, '#include '); push(@data, ""); push(@data, '#include "cctk_Flesh.h"'); push(@data, '#include "cctk_WarnLevel.h"'); push(@data, '#include "cctk_FortranString.h"'); push(@data, ""); my %AliasedFunctionList = {}; foreach my $thornFunctionKey (sort keys %FunctionDatabase) { $thornFunctionList = $FunctionDatabase{$thornFunctionKey}; if ($thornFunctionList) { my $FunctionKey; foreach $FunctionKey (sort keys %{$thornFunctionList}) { my $Function = $thornFunctionList->{$FunctionKey}; if ($Function) { if (($Function->{"Provided"})||($Function->{"Used"})) { $AliasedFunctionList{$FunctionKey}=$Function; } } } } } my $FunctionKey; foreach $FunctionKey (sort keys %AliasedFunctionList) { my $Function = $AliasedFunctionList{$FunctionKey}; if ($Function) { $debug and print "provided Function is ",$Function->{"Name"},"\n"; push(@data,"/*"); push(@data," * The function pointers to be set"); push(@data," */"); push(@data,""); push(@data,&printAliasPointers("C",$Function)); push(@data,&printAliasPointers("Fortran",$Function)); push(@data,""); push(@data,"/*"); push(@data," * The functions that are linked to by the USEing thorn"); push(@data," */"); push(@data,""); push(@data,&printAliasPrototypes("C",$Function)); push(@data,&printAliasToWrapper("C",$Function)); push(@data,""); push(@data,&printAliasPrototypes("Fortran",$Function)); push(@data,&printAliasToWrapper("Fortran",$Function)); push(@data,""); push(@data,"/*"); push(@data," * The functions that check if it has been PROVIDEd"); push(@data," */"); push(@data,""); push(@data,&printIsAliasedPrototypes($Function)); push(@data,&printIsAliased($Function)); push(@data,""); push(@data,"/*"); push(@data," * The functions that overload the above function pointers."); push(@data," */"); push(@data,""); push(@data,&printRegisterAliasedPrototypes("C",$Function)); push(@data,&printRegisterAliased("C",$Function)); push(@data,&printRegisterAliasedPrototypes("Fortran",$Function)); push(@data,&printRegisterAliased("Fortran",$Function)); push(@data,""); } } return join ("\n",@data); } #/*@@ # @routine printAliasPointers # @date Sun Feb 16 02:03:14 2003 # @author Ian Hawke # @desc # # The utility routine that prints (to the list that will be printed # to a file) the static function pointers in AliasedFunctions.c # # As arguments it takes the type of the function (i.e., whether it # is the prototype of the C or Fortran wrapper) and a Function as # defined above. It returns the string list to be printed to a file # in the standard way. # # @enddesc #@@*/ sub printAliasPointers { use strict; my ($type,%Function) = ($_[0],%{$_[1]}); my(@data)=(); my @args = &printArgList($type,$Function{"Arguments"}); my $rettype = $Function{"Return Type"}; my $name; if ($type eq "Fortran") { $name = $Function{"Name"}."_F_Wrapper"; } else { $name = $Function{"Name"}."_C_Wrapper"; } push(@data,"static $rettype (*$name) (@args) = NULL;"); return join ("\n",@data); } #/*@@ # @routine printAliasPrototypes # @date Sun Feb 16 02:05:52 2003 # @author Ian Hawke # @desc # # The utility routine that prints (to the list that will be printed # to a file) the prototypes of the wrappers to the USEd functions # that appear in AliasedFunctions.c # # As arguments it takes the type of the function (i.e., whether it # is the prototype of the C or Fortran wrapper) and a Function as # defined above. It returns the string list to be printed to a file # in the standard way. # # @enddesc #@@*/ sub printAliasPrototypes { use strict; my ($type,%Function) = ($_[0],%{$_[1]}); my(@data)=(); my @args = &printArgList($type,$Function{"Arguments"}); if ( ($type eq "Fortran")&&(($Function{"Strings"})||($Function{"String pointers"})) ) { @args = @{&ConvertStringArguments($Function{"Strings"}+$Function{"String pointers"},\@args)}; # unshift @args, "$rettype ierr,"; } my $rettype = $Function{"Return Type"}; my $name; if ($type eq "Fortran") { $name = "CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(".$Function{"Name"}.")"; } else { $name = $Function{"Name"}; } push(@data,"$rettype $name (@args);"); return join ("\n",@data); } #/*@@ # @routine ConvertStringArguments # @date Sun Feb 16 02:07:06 2003 # @author Ian Hawke # @desc # Normally string arguments are dealt with in a very specific # way (because of the inter-language issues). However, at the # wrapper level in AliasedFunctions.c everything is just passed # straight through. Rather than including more special case code # in the printArgList routine we just use this routine to convert # any string arguments to the right form. # # There's probably a better way of doing this. # # As arguments this takes the number of strings in the ArgList # and the ArgList itself. It directly alters the ArgList and returns # it (by reference). # # @enddesc #@@*/ sub ConvertStringArguments { use strict; my ($nstrings,@ArgList) = ($_[0],@{$_[1]}); my $i; my $stringtitle; if ($nstrings == 1) { $stringtitle = "ONE"; } elsif ($nstrings == 2) { $stringtitle = "TWO"; } elsif ($nstrings == 3) { $stringtitle = "THREE"; } # print $#ArgList."\n"; # for ($i=0; $i <= $#ArgList; $i++) # { # print $ArgList[$i]."\n"; # } # Pop the last argument which contains ALL the string args. pop(@ArgList); push(@ArgList,"${stringtitle}_FORTSTRING_ARG"); # print "@{ArgList} \n"; return \@ArgList; } #/*@@ # @routine printAliasToWrapper # @date Sun Feb 16 02:11:08 2003 # @author Ian Hawke # @desc # This prints the function that is actually linked to by the USEing thorn. # It calls the function pointers (if they've actually been PROVIDEd). # # The arguments to this sub are the type of the USEing routine (i.e., C # or Fortran) and the Function as defined above. It returns the # string list to be printed to a file in the standard way. # # @enddesc #@@*/ sub printAliasToWrapper { use strict; my ($type,%Function) = ($_[0],%{$_[1]}); my(@data)=(); my @args = &printArgList($type,$Function{"Arguments"}); if ( ($type eq "Fortran")&&(($Function{"Strings"})||($Function{"String pointers"})) ) { @args = @{&ConvertStringArguments($Function{"Strings"}+$Function{"String pointers"},\@args)}; # unshift @args, "$rettype ierr,"; } my $rettype = $Function{"Return Type"}; my $callname; my $name; if ($type eq "Fortran") { $name = "CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(".$Function{"Name"}.")"; $callname = $Function{"Name"}."_F_Wrapper"; } else { $name = $Function{"Name"}; $callname = $Function{"Name"}."_C_Wrapper"; } push(@data,"$rettype $name (@args)"); push(@data,"{"); # if ($rettype != 'void' and $type != 'Fortran') if ($rettype ne 'void') { push(@data," $rettype retval;"); push(@data,''); } my $nstrings = ""; my $stringargs = ""; my $nstringptrs = ""; my $stringptrargs = ""; my $totalstrings = ""; if ($type eq "Fortran") { if ($Function{"Strings"} + $Function{"String pointers"} == 1) { $nstrings = "ONE"; $stringargs = "cctki_string1"; } elsif ($Function{"Strings"} + $Function{"String pointers"} == 2) { $nstrings = "TWO"; $stringargs = "cctki_string1,cctki_string2"; } elsif ($Function{"Strings"} + $Function{"String pointers"} == 3) { $nstrings = "THREE"; $stringargs = "cctki_string1,cctki_string2,cctki_string3"; } if ($Function{"String pointers"} == 1) { $nstringptrs = "ONE"; $stringptrargs = "cctki_pstring1"; } elsif ($Function{"String pointers"} == 2) { $nstringptrs = "TWO"; $stringptrargs = "cctki_pstring1,cctki_pstring2"; } elsif ($Function{"String pointers"} == 3) { $nstringptrs = "THREE"; $stringptrargs = "cctki_pstring1,cctki_pstring2,cctki_pstring3"; } } if ($nstrings) { push(@data," ${nstrings}_FORTSTRING_CREATE(${stringargs})"); if ($Function{"String pointers"}) { push(@data," ${nstringptrs}_FORTSTRING_PTR($stringptrargs)"); } push(@data,""); } push(@data," if (!${callname})"); push(@data," {"); push(@data," CCTK_Warn(0, __LINE__, __FILE__, \"Bindings\",\"The function ${Function{\"Name\"}} has not been provided by any thorn\");"); push(@data," }"); push(@data,""); my @seq = &printCallingSequence("",$type,$type,$Function{"Arguments"}); if ($nstrings) { my $i; # print $#seq."\n"; # for ($i=0; $i<=$#seq; $i++) # { # print $seq[$i]."\n"; # } # For each, pop the argument and any necessary commas. pop(@seq); # print "nstrings ".$Function{"Strings"}."\n"; for ($i=1; $i < $Function{"Strings"}; $i++) { pop(@seq); pop(@seq); } if ($Function{"Strings"}) { push(@seq,$stringargs); } if ($Function{"String pointers"}) { push(@seq,$stringptrargs); } # print $#seq."\n"; # for ($i=0; $i<=$#seq; $i++) # { # print $seq[$i]."\n"; # } my @freeargs=split(',',$stringargs); if ($rettype eq 'void') { push(@data," (*".$callname.")(@seq);"); foreach $stringargs (@freeargs) { push(@data," free(${stringargs});"); } } else { push(@data," retval = (*".$callname.")(@seq);"); foreach $stringargs (@freeargs) { push(@data," free(${stringargs});"); } push(@data," return retval;"); } } else { if ($rettype eq 'void') { push(@data," (*".$callname.")(@seq);"); } else { push(@data," retval = (*".$callname.")(@seq);"); push(@data," return (retval);"); } } push(@data,"}"); return join ("\n",@data); } #/*@@ # @routine printIsAliasedPrototypes # @date Sun Feb 16 02:14:24 2003 # @author Ian Hawke # @desc # Prints the prototype for the routine that checks whether an # aliased function has been PROVIDEd. # # Takes a Function as defined above and returns the string list # to be printed in the standard way. # # @enddesc #@@*/ sub printIsAliasedPrototypes { use strict; my %Function = %{$_[0]}; my(@data)=(); my $name; $name = $Function{"Name"}; push(@data,"CCTK_INT IsAliased".$name."(void);"); return join ("\n",@data); } #/*@@ # @routine printIsAliased # @date Sun Feb 16 02:18:10 2003 # @author Ian Hawke # @desc # # Prints the routine that checks if an aliased function has been # PROVIDEd. # # Takes a Function as defined above and returns the string list # to be printed in the standard way. # @enddesc #@@*/ sub printIsAliased { use strict; my %Function = %{$_[0]}; my(@data)=(); my $name; $name = $Function{"Name"}; push(@data,"CCTK_INT IsAliased${name}(void)"); push(@data,"{"); push(@data," return (${name}_C_Wrapper != NULL);"); push(@data,"}"); return join ("\n",@data); } #/*@@ # @routine printRegisterAliasedPrototypes # @date Sun Feb 16 02:19:13 2003 # @author Ian Hawke # @desc # # Prints the prototypes for the routines that will set the # function pointers that are defined in the AliasedFunctions.c # file. # # The arguments to this sub are the type of the USEing routine (i.e., C # or Fortran) and the Function as defined above. It returns the # string list to be printed to a file in the standard way. # # @enddesc #@@*/ sub printRegisterAliasedPrototypes { use strict; my ($type,%Function) = ($_[0],%{$_[1]}); my(@data)=(); my @args = &printArgList($type,$Function{"Arguments"}); my $name; if ($type eq "Fortran") { $name = $Function{"Name"}."_F"; } else { $name = $Function{"Name"}."_C"; } push(@data,"CCTK_INT Alias".$name."(".$Function{"Return Type"}." (*func)(@args));"); return join ("\n",@data); } #/*@@ # @routine printRegisterAliased # @date Sun Feb 16 02:20:59 2003 # @author Ian Hawke # @desc # # Prints the routines that will set the function pointers # that are defined in the AliasedFunctions.c file. # # The arguments to this sub are the type of the USEing routine (i.e., C # or Fortran) and the Function as defined above. It returns the # string list to be printed to a file in the standard way. # # The function created will return 0 for success and 1 if the # function was already PROVIDEd by another thorn. # # @enddesc #@@*/ sub printRegisterAliased { use strict; my ($type,%Function) = ($_[0],%{$_[1]}); my(@data)=(); my @args = &printArgList($type,$Function{"Arguments"}); my $name = $Function{"Name"}; my $fullname; if ($type eq "Fortran") { $fullname = $name."_F"; } else { $fullname = $name."_C"; } push(@data,"CCTK_INT Alias".$fullname."(".$Function{"Return Type"}." (*func)(@args))"); push(@data,"{"); push(@data," CCTK_INT aliased = ${name}_C_Wrapper != NULL;"); push(@data," if (!aliased)"); push(@data," {"); push(@data," ".$fullname."_Wrapper = func;"); push(@data," }"); push(@data," return aliased;"); push(@data,"}"); return join ("\n",@data); } #/*@@ # @routine IsFunctionAliased # @date Sun Feb 16 02:22:32 2003 # @author Ian Hawke # @desc # The routine that creates the IsFunctionAliased.c file. # # This file just contains one function (and the Fortran wrapper) # that takes a string argument. If this argument is the name of # an aliased function then the appropriate individual function (defined # in AliasedFunctions.c, see above) will be called to see if it has # been PROVIDEd. # # As arguments it takes the FunctionDatabase. # It returns a list containing the C file which is written to # the file in the standard way. # # @enddesc #@@*/ sub IsFunctionAliased { use strict; my %FunctionDatabase = %{$_[0]}; my $thornFunctionList; my $Function; my(@data)=(); # Header Data push(@data, '/*@@'); push(@data, ' @file IsFunctionAliased.c'); push(@data, ' @author Automatically generated by CreateFunctionBindings.pl'); push(@data, ' @desc'); push(@data, ' The master routine to see if the aliased functions are overloaded.'); push(@data, ' @enddesc'); push(@data, ' @@*/'); push(@data, ''); push(@data, ''); push(@data, '#include '); push(@data, '#include '); push(@data, ''); push(@data, '#include "cctk_Flesh.h"'); push(@data, '#include "cctk_FortranString.h"'); push(@data, ''); # Insert function protypes: my %names; foreach $thornFunctionList (values %FunctionDatabase) { foreach $Function (values %{$thornFunctionList}) { if ($Function) { if ($Function->{"Used"}) { $names{$Function->{"Name"}} = undef; } } } } foreach my $name (sort keys %names) { push(@data, "CCTK_INT IsAliased$name(void);"); } push(@data,"CCTK_INT CCTK_IsFunctionAliased(const char *function);"); push(@data,""); push(@data,"CCTK_INT CCTK_IsFunctionAliased(const char *function)"); push(@data,"{"); push(@data," CCTK_INT retval = 0;"); push(@data,""); push(@data," (void) (function + 0);"); push(@data,""); foreach my $name (sort keys %names) { my $else = ""; push(@data, " ${else}if (! strcmp(function, \"$name\"))"); push(@data, " {"); push(@data, " retval = IsAliased".$name."();"); push(@data, " }"); $else = "else "; } push(@data," return retval;"); push(@data,"}"); push(@data, ''); push(@data, 'void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(CCTK_IsFunctionAliased) (int *ret, ONE_FORTSTRING_ARG);'); push(@data, 'void CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(CCTK_IsFunctionAliased) (int *ret, ONE_FORTSTRING_ARG)'); push(@data, '{'); push(@data, ' ONE_FORTSTRING_CREATE(name);'); push(@data, ' *ret = CCTK_IsFunctionAliased(name);'); push(@data, ' free(name);'); push(@data, '}'); push(@data, "\n"); # workaround for perl 5.004_04 to add a trailing newline return join ("\n",@data); } #/*@@ # @routine ThornMasterIncludes # @date Sun Feb 16 02:25:43 2003 # @author Ian Hawke # @desc # The routine that creates the ThornMasterIncludes.h file. # # Just include the appropriate prototypes so that they are available # to any USEing thorn. # # As arguments it takes the FunctionDatabase. # It returns a list containing the C file which is written to # the file in the standard way. # # @enddesc #@@*/ sub ThornMasterIncludes { use strict; my %function_db = %{$_[0]}; my(@data) = (); # Header Data push(@data, '/*@@'); push(@data, ' @header cctk_Functions.h'); push(@data, ' @author Automatically generated by CreateFunctionBindings.pl'); push(@data, ' @desc'); push(@data, ' Prototypes for overloaded functions used by all thorns'); push(@data, ' @enddesc'); push(@data, ' @@*/'); push(@data, ''); push(@data, ''); push(@data, '#ifndef _CCTK_FUNCTIONALIASES_H_'); push(@data, '#define _CCTK_FUNCTIONALIASES_H_ 1'); push(@data, ''); push(@data, '#ifdef CCODE'); push(@data, '#ifdef __cplusplus'); push(@data, 'extern "C" {'); push(@data, '#endif'); push(@data, ' CCTK_INT CCTK_IsFunctionAliased(const char *function);'); push(@data, '#ifdef __cplusplus'); push(@data, '}'); push(@data, '#endif'); push(@data, '#endif'); push(@data, ''); my $thorn; foreach $thorn (keys %function_db) { my $localfns = keys %{$function_db{$thorn}}; if ($localfns) { push(@data, "#ifdef THORN_IS_$thorn"); push(@data, "#include \"${thorn}_Prototypes.h\""); push(@data, "#define DECLARE_CCTK_FUNCTIONS DECLARE_\U$thorn\E_FUNCTIONS"); push(@data, '#endif'); push(@data, ''); } } push(@data, '#ifndef DECLARE_CCTK_FUNCTIONS'); push(@data, '#define DECLARE_CCTK_FUNCTIONS _DECLARE_CCTK_FUNCTIONS'); push(@data, '#endif'); push(@data, ''); push(@data, '#endif /* _CCTK_FUNCTIONALIASES_H_ */'); push(@data, "\n"); # workaround for perl 5.004_04 to add a trailing newline return join ("\n",@data); } #/*@@ # @routine UsesPrototypes # @date Sun Feb 16 02:27:29 2003 # @author Ian Hawke # @desc # For every thorn that USEs a function, create the appropriate # prototypes. These will be included into the ThornMasterIncludes.h file. # # As arguments this takes the name of the thorn and the appropriate # FunctionList. It returns a list containing the C file which is written to # the file in the standard way. # # @enddesc #@@*/ sub UsesPrototypes { use strict; my ($thorn,%FunctionList) = ($_[0],%{$_[1]}); my(@data) = (); # Header Data push(@data, '/*@@'); push(@data, " \@header ${thorn}_Prototypes.h"); push(@data, ' @author Automatically generated by CreateFunctionBindings.pl'); push(@data, ' @desc'); push(@data, ' Prototypes for overloaded functions used by this thorn'); push(@data, ' @enddesc'); push(@data, ' @@*/'); push(@data, ''); push(@data, ''); push(@data, "#ifndef _\U$thorn\E_PROTOTYPES_H_"); push(@data, "#define _\U$thorn\E_PROTOTYPES_H_ 1"); push(@data, ''); push(@data, '#ifdef CCODE'); push(@data, '#ifdef __cplusplus'); push(@data, 'extern "C" {'); push(@data, '#endif'); my $Function; $debug and print "UsesPrototypes: thorn is $thorn\n"; foreach my $FunctionKey (sort keys %FunctionList) { $Function = $FunctionList{$FunctionKey}; $debug and print " Function is ", $Function->{"Name"},"\n"; if ($Function) { if ($Function->{"Used"}) { my @cargs = &printArgList("C",$Function->{"Arguments"}); push(@data, "$Function->{\"Return Type\"} $Function->{\"Name\"}(@cargs);"); } if ($Function->{"Provided"}) { my @cargs = &printArgList("C",$Function->{"Arguments"}); push(@data, "$Function->{\"Return Type\"} $Function->{\"Provider\"}(@cargs);"); } } } push(@data, '#ifdef __cplusplus'); push(@data, '}'); push(@data, '#endif'); push(@data, '#endif /* CCODE */'); push(@data, ''); push(@data, '#ifdef FCODE'); push(@data, "#define DECLARE_\U$thorn\E_FUNCTIONS _DECLARE_CCTK_FUNCTIONS &&\\"); foreach my $FunctionKey (sort keys %FunctionList) { $Function = $FunctionList{$FunctionKey}; if ($Function) { if ($Function->{"Used"}) { push(@data, " external $Function->{\"Name\"} &&\\"); if ($Function->{"Return Type"} ne 'void') { push(@data, " $Function->{\"Return Type\"} $Function->{\"Name\"} && \\"); } } } } push(@data, ''); push(@data, '#endif /* FCODE */'); push(@data, ''); push(@data, '#endif'); push(@data, "\n"); # workaround for perl 5.004_04 to add a trailing newline return join ("\n",@data); } #/*@@ # @routine ProvidedFunctions # @date Sun Feb 16 02:29:13 2003 # @author Ian Hawke # @desc # For every thorn that PROVIDEs a function, create the wrappers # to the functions. These wrappers convert the arguments to the # correct type depending on the language of the PROVIDEing function. # # A routine is there to register these providing functions by calling # the function defined in AliasedFunctions.c that sets the function # pointers. # # This function takes the thorn name and the appropriate FunctionList. # It returns a list containing the C file which is written to # the file in the standard way. # # @enddesc #@@*/ sub ProvidedFunctions { use strict; my ($thorn,%FunctionList) = ($_[0],%{$_[1]}); my @data; my $Function; my %WrapperFunctionList; # Header Data push(@data, '/*@@'); push(@data, " \@file ${thorn}_Functions.c"); push(@data, ' @author Automatically generated by CreateFunctionBindings.pl'); push(@data, ' @desc'); push(@data, " The wrappers for functions provided by thorn ${thorn}."); push(@data, ' @enddesc'); push(@data, ' @@*/'); push(@data, ''); push(@data, ''); push(@data, '#include '); push(@data, '#include '); push(@data, '#include '); push(@data, ''); push(@data,"#include \"cctk_Flesh.h\""); push(@data, "#include \"cctk_WarnLevel.h\""); push(@data,""); foreach my $FunctionKey (sort keys %FunctionList) { $Function = $FunctionList{$FunctionKey}; if ($Function) { if ($Function->{"Provided"}) { my $rettype = $Function->{"Return Type"}; my $providetype = $Function->{"Provider Language"}; my @args = &printArgList($providetype,$Function->{"Arguments"}); my $nameC = "Alias".$Function->{"Name"}."_C"; my $nameF = "Alias".$Function->{"Name"}."_F"; my $provider = $Function->{"Provider"}; if ($providetype eq "Fortran") { my @fseq = &printCallingSequence($provider,$providetype,"C", $Function->{"Arguments"}); $WrapperFunctionList{$nameF}={"Provider"=>$provider, "Wrapper Args"=>\@args, "Calling Sequence"=>\@fseq}; my @cargs = &printArgList("C",$Function->{"Arguments"}); my @fargs = &printArgList("Fortran",$Function->{"Arguments"}); $WrapperFunctionList{$nameC}={ "Provider"=>"CCTK_Wrapper_FtoC_${provider}", "Wrapper Args"=>\@cargs, "Calling Sequence"=>\@fseq}; # print "Calling ${provider} from C using @{fseq}\n"; my @FnWrappers = (); @FnWrappers = &FunctionPointerWrappers($provider,"Fortran","C",$Function->{"Arguments"}); if (@FnWrappers) { push(@data,@FnWrappers); push(@data,""); } push(@data,"extern ${rettype} CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(${provider})(@{fargs});"); push(@data,""); push(@data,"static ${rettype} CCTK_Wrapper_FtoC_${provider}(@{cargs});"); push(@data,"${rettype} CCTK_Wrapper_FtoC_${provider}(@{cargs})"); push(@data,"{"); my @FnPtrSets = &FunctionPointerSettings($provider, $Function->{"Arguments"}); if (@FnPtrSets) { push(@data,@FnPtrSets); push(@data,""); } if ($rettype ne 'void') { push(@data," return CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(${provider})(@{fseq});"); } else { push(@data," CCTK_FCALL CCTK_FNAME(${provider})(@{fseq});"); } push(@data,"}"); } else # providetype is C { my @cseq = &printCallingSequence($provider,$providetype,"Fortran", $Function->{"Arguments"}); my @cargs = &printArgList("C",$Function->{"Arguments"}); my @fargs = &printArgList("Fortran",$Function->{"Arguments"}); $WrapperFunctionList{$nameF}={ "Provider"=>"CCTK_Wrapper_CtoF_${provider}", "Wrapper Args"=>\@fargs, "Calling Sequence"=>\@cseq}; $WrapperFunctionList{$nameC}={"Provider"=>$provider, "Wrapper Args"=>\@args, "Calling Sequence"=>\@cseq}; my @FnWrappers = (); @FnWrappers = &FunctionPointerWrappers($provider,"C","Fortran",$Function->{"Arguments"}); if (@FnWrappers) { push(@data,@FnWrappers); push(@data,""); } push(@data,"extern ${rettype} ".$provider."(@{cargs});"); push(@data,"static ${rettype} CCTK_Wrapper_CtoF_${provider}(@{fargs});"); push(@data,"${rettype} CCTK_Wrapper_CtoF_${provider}(@{fargs})"); push(@data,"{"); my @FnPtrSets = &FunctionPointerSettings($provider, $Function->{"Arguments"}); if (@FnPtrSets) { push(@data,@FnPtrSets); push(@data,""); } if ($rettype ne 'void') { push(@data," return (${provider})(@{cseq});"); } else { push(@data," ${provider}(@{cseq});"); } push(@data,"}"); } # print $WrapperFunctionList{$nameF}{"Provider"}; # print "\n"; # print @{$WrapperFunctionList{$nameF}{"Calling Sequence"}}; # print "\n"; # print $WrapperFunctionList{$nameC}{"Provider"}; # print "\n"; # print @{$WrapperFunctionList{$nameC}{"Calling Sequence"}}; # print "\n"; } } } push(@data,""); push(@data,"CCTK_INT Register_$thorn(void);"); # Provide prototypes for Alias_[CF] functions: foreach my $FunctionKey (sort keys %FunctionList) { $Function = $FunctionList{$FunctionKey}; if ($Function && $Function->{"Provided"}) { push(@data,&printRegisterAliasedPrototypes("C",$Function)); push(@data,&printRegisterAliasedPrototypes("Fortran",$Function)); } } # Definition of Register_: push(@data,"CCTK_INT Register_$thorn(void)"); push(@data,"{"); push(@data," CCTK_INT ierr;"); push(@data,""); push(@data," ierr = 0;"); push(@data,""); foreach my $FunctionKey (sort keys %FunctionList) { $Function = $FunctionList{$FunctionKey}; if ($Function) { if ($Function->{"Provided"}) { my $type = $Function->{"Provider Language"}; my @args = &printArgList($type,$Function->{"Arguments"}); my $nameC = "Alias".$Function->{"Name"}."_C"; my $nameF = "Alias".$Function->{"Name"}."_F"; my $provider = $Function->{"Provider"}; if ($type =~ /Fortran/) { push(@data," ierr += $nameF(CCTK_FNAME($provider));"); push(@data," ierr += $nameC(CCTK_Wrapper_FtoC_$provider);"); } else { push(@data," ierr += $nameF(CCTK_Wrapper_CtoF_$provider);"); push(@data," ierr += $nameC($provider);"); } push(@data," if (ierr)"); push(@data," {"); push(@data," CCTK_Warn(0, __LINE__, __FILE__, \"Bindings\","); push(@data," \"Function already registered!\");"); push(@data," }"); } } } push(@data," return ierr;"); push(@data,"}"); push(@data,""); return join ("\n",@data); } #/*@@ # @routine FunctionPointerWrappers # @date Sun Feb 16 02:33:39 2003 # @author Ian Hawke # @desc # If an argument is a function pointer then it has to be treated # a bit differently to the standard arguments. # # The assumption is made that a function passed through a function # pointer argument is the same language as the calling function. # However, this need not be the same language as the calling function. # So a wrapper to the function pointer argument and another local # function pointer are created. # # When the wrapper at the thorn_ProvidedFunctions level is reached # it will, if necessary, set the local function pointer to point to # the function pointer argument and call the PROVIDEing function with # the wrapper. This wrapper corrects the calling sequence and calls # the local function pointer. # # The routine creates the wrappers. As arguments it has to know # # 1) The name of the providing function # 2) The type (i.e., language) of the calling function # 3) The type (i.e., language) of the providing function # 4) The ArgumentList of the function pointer argument. # # As usual, the string list to be printed is returned. # # @enddesc #@@*/ sub FunctionPointerWrappers { use strict; my ($provide,$calltype,$providetype,@ArgList) = ($_[0],$_[1],$_[2],@{$_[3]}); my $nfptr = 0; my $Arg; my @data = (); foreach $Arg (@ArgList) { if ($Arg->{"Function pointer"}) { my %Function = %{$Arg->{"Name"}}; my $Rettype = $Arg->{"Type"}; my $WrapperName = "CCTK_Wrap".$provide.$Function{"Name"}; my $StaticName = "(*CCTK_Fptr${provide}${Function{\"Name\"}})"; my @callargs = &printArgList($calltype,$Function{"Arguments"}); my @provideargs = &printArgList($providetype,$Function{"Arguments"}); my @provideseq = &printCallingSequence($provide,$providetype,$calltype, $Function{"Arguments"}); push(@data,"static ${Rettype} ${StaticName}(@{provideargs});"); push(@data,"static ${Rettype} ${WrapperName}(@{callargs});"); push(@data,"${Rettype} ${WrapperName}(@{callargs})"); push(@data,"{"); if ($Rettype =~ m/void/) { push(@data," ${StaticName}(@{provideseq});"); } else { push(@data," return ${StaticName}(@{provideseq});"); } push(@data,"}"); $nfptr++; } } return join ("\n",@data); } #/*@@ # @routine FunctionPointerSettings # @date Sun Feb 16 02:41:56 2003 # @author Ian Hawke # @desc # The routine that sets the local function pointers (as defined above). # This routine takes the name of the PROVIDEing function and the # ArgumentList, returning the string list to be printed. # # Note that this routine does not create a standalone function, but is # intended to be called at the right place within one that does. # # @enddesc #@@*/ sub FunctionPointerSettings { use strict; my ($provide,@ArgList) = ($_[0],@{$_[1]}); my $Arg; my @data = (); my $nfptrs = 0; foreach $Arg (@ArgList) { if ($Arg->{"Function pointer"}) { my $Name = $Arg->{"Name"}{"Name"}; push(@data," CCTK_Fptr${provide}${Name} = ${Name};"); $nfptrs++; } } return join ("\n",@data); } #/*@@ # @routine printCallingSequence # @date Sun Feb 16 02:45:17 2003 # @author Ian Hawke # @desc # Prints the calling sequence of a given argument list. # # Needs to know: # # 1) Whether any function pointer arguments should be passed through # or whether the appropriate wrapper should be passed instead. # 2) What the type of the PROVIDEing function is # 3) What the type of the calling function is # 4) The ArgumentList. # # As is usual it returns the string list to be printed. # # @enddesc #@@*/ sub printCallingSequence { use strict; my ($CallFunctionWrappers,$providetype,$calltype,@ArgList) = ($_[0],$_[1],$_[2],@{$_[3]}); # print "Calling sequence. Provided by ${providetype}, called by ${calltype}\n"; my $Arg; my(@data)=(); # # I think this is going to duplicate a lot of printArg without # quite doing the same. Oh well. # my $nfptr = 0; for (my $i=0; $i<@ArgList; $i++) { $Arg = $ArgList[$i]; if ($Arg->{"Function pointer"}) { # my $key; # foreach $key (sort keys %{$Arg->{"Name"}}) # { # print $key." ".$Arg->{"Name"}{$key}."\n"; # } # print "Here. ${CallFunctionWrappers} ".$Arg->{"Name"}{"Name"}."\n"; if ($CallFunctionWrappers) { push(@data,"CCTK_Wrap".$CallFunctionWrappers.$Arg->{"Name"}{"Name"}); $nfptr++; } else { push(@data,$Arg->{"Name"}{"Name"}); } } else { my $CallArgName=&printCallArg($providetype,$calltype,$Arg); push(@data,$CallArgName); } if ($i < $#ArgList) { push(@data,","); } } return @data; } #/*@@ # @routine printCallArg # @date Sun Feb 16 02:48:12 2003 # @author Ian Hawke # @desc # Prints the calling sequence of an individual argument. # # Needs to know that type (i.e., language) of the PROVIDEing function, # the calling function, and the Argument. # # Returns a simple scalar string containing the calling sequence. # # @enddesc #@@*/ sub printCallArg { use strict; my ($providetype,$calltype,%Arg) = ($_[0],$_[1],%{$_[2]}); my $data; my $varname = $Arg{"Name"}; my $prefix = ""; if ($providetype eq $calltype) { $prefix = ""; } elsif ( ($calltype eq "Fortran")&&( !(($Arg{"Is Array"})||($Arg{"String"})||($Arg{"Intent"}=~/OUT/)||($Arg{"Type"} =~ /CCTK_POINTER/)) ) ) { $prefix = "*"; } elsif ( ($calltype eq "C")&&((!$Arg{"Is Array"})&&($Arg{"Intent"}!~/OUT/)) ) { $prefix = "&"; } $data=$prefix.$varname; # print "$varname $providetype $calltype $Arg{\"Is Array\"} $data\n"; return $data; } #/*@@ # @routine printArgList # @date Sun Feb 16 02:49:51 2003 # @author Ian Hawke # @desc # Prints the argument list of a given function. # # As arguments it takes the type of the function that would be # calling it and returns the standard string list for printing. # # @enddesc #@@*/ sub printArgList { use strict; my ($type,@ArgList) = ($_[0],@{$_[1]}); my $Arg; my(@data)=(); my $nstrings = 0; my $nstringpointers = 0; my @stringargnames = (); my @stringptrargnames = (); for (my $i=0; $i<@ArgList; $i++) { $Arg = $ArgList[$i]; my ($ArgType,$ArgName)=&printArg($type,$Arg); if ($Arg->{"String"}) { if ($Arg->{"Is Array"}) { $nstringpointers++; push(@stringptrargnames,$ArgName); # if ($nstringpointers>3) # { # my $message = "An aliased function contains the argument list \n\"@{ArgList}\"\nThis must not contain more than 3 CCTK_STRING:ARRAY arguments."; # &CST_error(1,$message,'',__LINE__,__FILE__); # } } else { $nstrings++; push(@stringargnames,$ArgName); # if ($nstrings>3) # { # my @Argnames=(); # foreach $Arg (@ArgList) # { # push(@Argnames,&printArg($type,$Arg)); # } # my $message = "An aliased function contains the argument list \n\"@{Argnames}\"\nThis must not contain more than 3 CCTK_STRING arguments."; # &CST_error(1,$message,'',__LINE__,__FILE__); # $nstrings=-1; # } } } else { # if ($nstrings) # { # my @Argnames=(); # foreach $Arg (@ArgList) # { # push(@Argnames,&printArg($type,$Arg)); # } # my $message = "An aliased function contains the argument list \n\"@{Argnames}\"\nThis must have all CCTK_STRING arguments at the end of the list."; # &CST_error(1,$message,'',__LINE__,__FILE__); # $nstrings=-2; # } push(@data,($ArgType,$ArgName)); if ($i < $#ArgList) { push(@data,",\n"); } } } # Check for void arg list if (!@ArgList) { push(@data,"void"); } push(@stringargnames,@stringptrargnames); if ($nstrings + $nstringpointers == 1) { push(@data,"CCTK_STRING ${stringargnames[0]}"); } elsif ($nstrings + $nstringpointers == 2) { push(@data,"CCTK_STRING ${stringargnames[0]}, CCTK_STRING ${stringargnames[1]}"); } elsif ($nstrings + $nstringpointers == 3) { push(@data,"CCTK_STRING ${stringargnames[0]}, CCTK_STRING ${stringargnames[1]}, CCTK_STRING ${stringargnames[2]}"); } return @data; } #/*@@ # @routine printArg # @date Sun Feb 16 02:51:28 2003 # @author Ian Hawke # @desc # Prints an individual argument. # # Needs to know the type (language) of the function that calls it, # and the argument itself. Returns the standard string list. # @enddesc #@@*/ sub printArg { use strict; my ($type,%Arg) = ($_[0],%{$_[1]}); my(@data)=(); my $vartype = $Arg{"Type"}; my $suffix = ""; my $prefix = ""; if ($Arg{"Function pointer"}) { # It's a FPOINTER # my $key; # foreach $key (sort keys %{$Arg{"Name"}}) # { # print $key." ".$Arg{"Name"}{$key}."\n"; # } push(@data,$vartype); my @fptrargs = &printArgList($type,$Arg{"Name"}{"Arguments"}); # print "\n@fptrargs\n\n"; push(@data,"(*".$Arg{"Name"}{"Name"}.")(@fptrargs)"); } else { # print "Argument: ".$Arg{"Name"}." ".$Arg{"Is Array"}." ".$Arg{"Intent"}."\n"; if ( (($type eq "Fortran")&&(!$Arg{"Function"})) || (($type eq "C")&&(($Arg{"Is Array"})||(($Arg{"Intent"}=~/OUT/)&&($vartype !~ "CCTK_POINTER")))) ) { &debug_print($Arg{"Name"}." needs a *"); $suffix = "*"; } if ( ($Arg{"Intent"}=~/IN/) && (!($Arg{"Intent"}=~/OUT/)) ) { $prefix = "const "; # const CCTK_POINTER is read by C as a constant pointer, rather # that a pointer to constant data, so treat this case separately: if ($vartype eq "CCTK_POINTER" && ! $Arg{"Is Array"}) { $prefix = ""; $vartype = "CCTK_POINTER_TO_CONST"; } } push(@data,$prefix.$vartype.$suffix); push(@data, $Arg{"Name"}); } return @data; } #/*@@ # @routine printFunction # @date Sun Feb 16 02:44:30 2003 # @author Ian Hawke # @desc # A debugging function that's meant to print out the useful # information about a Function structure. Probably obsolete by now. # @enddesc #@@*/ #sub printFunction #{ # use strict; # # my %Function = %{$_[0]}; # # my @data; # # if ($Function{"Aliased"}) # { # push(@data, "The aliased function "); # } # else # { # push(@data, "The function pointer "); # } # push(@data, $Function{"Name"}," has return type ",$Function{"Return Type"},".\n"); # push(@data, "It is "); # if (!$Function{"Thorn Uses"}) # { # push(@data, "not "); # } # push(@data, "used by this thorn.\n"); # if ($Function{"Thorn Provides"}) # { # push(@data, "This thorn provides ",$Function{"Name"}," with the ", # $Function{"Providing Lang"}," function ",$Function{"Providing Fn"}, # ".\n"); # } # push(@data, $Function{"Name"}," has the following arguments.\n"); ## push(@data, &printArgList($Function{"Arguments"})); # # return join ("\n",@data); #} 1;