#! /usr/bin/perl -s # #/*@@ # @file CheckoutUtils.pl # @date Feb 19 2000 # @author Gabrielle Allen # @desc # Installer for Thorns from ThornList # @enddesc # @version $Header$ # @@*/ sub CheckoutThornList { local($thornlist) = @_; local($mydir); # Where am I $mydir = `pwd`; chomp($mydir); # Get repository from Flesh CVS file $fleshpath = &GetFleshPath(); # Get CVS options $cvs_options = &CVSOptions; # Parse the ThornList %thorns = &ParseThornList($thornlist,$fleshpath,$tag); # Checkout the thorns if (chdir "arrangements") { &GetThorns($fleshpath,$cvs_options,$tag,%thorns); chdir $mydir; } else { print "\nNo arrangements directory found\nNo checkout of thornlist\n"; } } ######################################################################## #/*@@ # @routine Repository exists # @date Sat Mar 11 15:31:55 CET 2000 # @author Gabrielle Allen # @desc # Check that the CVS repository is actually there # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # #@@*/ sub RepositoryExists { my($repository) = @_; my $command,@dummy; $command = "cvs -d $_[0] co -s |"; if ($debug != 1) { open(MODULES,$command); @dummy = ; close(MODULES); } else { print "\n DEBUG: Checking repository exists\n"; print " DEBUG: $command\n\n"; } return !$?; } #/*@@ # @routine ParseCVSPasswordFile # @date Sat Mar 11 15:31:55 CET 2000 # @author Gabrielle Allen # @desc # Read in .cvspass if it is there # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # #@@*/ sub ParseCVSPasswordFile { my @rep; my $numinpass; my $home; $home = $ENV{"HOME"}; if ($home =~ /^$/) { DIE("Set \$HOME environment variable to home directory"); } if (open(CVSPASS,"<$home/.cvspass")) { $numinpass = 0; while () { /^([^\s]*)\s[^\s]*/; $rep[$numinpass] = $1; $numinpass++; } } else { @rep = ""; } return @rep; } #/*@@ # @routine AddCVSPasswordFile # @date Sat Mar 11 15:31:55 CET 2000 # @author Gabrielle Allen # @desc # If the checkout is anonymous add any needed passwords to .cvspass # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # #@@*/ sub AddCVSPasswordFile { my($rep) = @_; my $home; $home = $ENV{"HOME"}; if ($home =~ /^$/) { DIE("Set \$HOME environment variable to home directory"); } $anon_pass = "Ay=0="; $rep1 = ":pserver:cvs_anon\@cvs.cactuscode.org:/cactusdevcvs"; $rep2 = ":pserver:cvs_anon\@cvs.cactuscode.org:/cactus"; $rep3 = ":pserver:cvs_anon\@cvs.cactuscode.org:/arrangements"; $rep4 = ":pserver:cvs_anon\@cvs.cactuscode.org:/packages"; if ( -e "$home/.cvspass") { open(CVSPASS,">>$home/.cvspass"); } else { open(CVSPASS,">$home/.cvspass"); } if ($rep !~ /$rep1\b/) { print CVSPASS "$rep1 $anon_pass\n"; } if ($rep !~ /$rep2\b/) { print CVSPASS "$rep2 $anon_pass\n"; } if ($rep !~ /$rep3\b/) { print CVSPASS "$rep3 $anon_pass\n"; } if ($rep !~ /$rep4\b/) { print CVSPASS "$rep4 $anon_pass\n"; } close(CVSPASS); } #/*@@ # @routine StripSpaces # @date Sat Mar 11 15:31:55 CET 2000 # @author Gabrielle Allen # @desc # Remove spaces at start and end of word ... there's probably # a much easier way to do this # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # #@@*/ sub StripSpaces { my($name) = @_; $name =~ s/^\s*//; $name =~ s/\s*$//; return $name; } #/*@@ # @routine LoginRepository # @date Sat Mar 11 15:31:55 CET 2000 # @author Gabrielle Allen # @desc # Login to a repository with chosen username # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # #@@*/ sub LoginRepository { my ($repository) = @_; my ($command); $command = "cvs -d $repository login |"; if ($debug != 1) { open(CVSLOGIN,$command); while () { print $_; } close(CVSLOGIN); } else { print "\n DEBUG: Logging into repository\n"; print " DEBUG: $command\n\n"; } } #/*@@ # @routine GetThorns # @date Sat Mar 11 15:31:55 CET 2000 # @author Gabrielle Allen # @desc # Check out the thorns from CVS # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # #@@*/ sub GetThorns { my($fleshrep,$options,$tag,%thorns) = @_; foreach $th (keys %thorns) { if ($thorns{"$th"} =~ m|cvs.cactuscode.org:/cactus|) { if ($thorns{"$th"} ne $fleshrep) { print " WARNING: Mixing stable and developmental repositories\n"; print " Flesh: <$fleshrep>\n"; print " $th: <$thorns{\"$th\"}>\n\n"; print " Continue? (h)elp, y)es, n)o) [yes] : "; if (defined $defaults) { print "\n"; } else { $answer = ; } if ($answer =~ /^n/i) { DIE("Leaving GetCactus script"); } } } print "\n--------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; print " Checking out thorn $th\n"; print " (CVS repository: $thorns{\"$th\"})\n"; # Check we're logged into this repository if ($thorns{"$th"} =~ /pserver/) { @rep = &ParseCVSPasswordFile; $rep = join(" ",@rep); if ($rep !~ $thorns{"$th"}) { print "\n No login for CVS repository \n $thorns{\"$th\"}\n\n"; do { print " Action: (q)uit, l)ogin, h)elp) [login] : "; $answer = if (! defined $defaults); if ($answer =~ /^q/i) { DIE("Leaving GetCactus script"); } elsif ($answer =~ /^h/i) { &OtherRepositoriesHelp(); } else { &LoginRepository($thorns{"$th"}); } } while ($answer =~ /^h/i); } } # Checkout or update if (-e $th) { print "\n Thorn already installed ... no overwrite\n"; print "\n Do you want to update $th [no] : "; $answer = ; if ($answer =~ /y/i) { print " Updating $th\n"; $command_up = "cvs $cvs_options -d $thorns{\"$th\"} update -d $tag $th |"; print " (CVS repository: $thorns{\"$th\"})\n"; open(REP,"<$th/CVS/Root") || DIE("No CVS files for $th"); $installedrep = ; close(REP); chomp $installedrep; if ($thorns{"$th"} !~ m:^$installedrep$:) { print " WARNING: Installed $th from different repository\n"; print " ($installedrep)\n"; } else { if ($debug != 1) { open(CVSCO,$command_up); while () { print $_; } close CVSCO; } else { print "\n DEBUG: $command_up\n\n"; } } } } else { $command_co = "cvs $cvs_options -d $thorns{\"$th\"} co $tag $th |"; #Get arrangements name $arrangement = $th; $arrangement =~ s:/[^/]*$::; $command_co_arr = "cvs $cvs_options -d $thorns{\"$th\"} co $tag $arrangement/README |"; if ($debug != 1) { # Check that the repository exists DIE("Repository $thorns{\"$th\"} not found \n Are you connected to the network?\n Is the repository name spelt right in your thornlist file?") if (!&RepositoryExists($thorns{"$th"})); open(CVSCO,$command_co_arr); while () { print $_; } open(CVSCO,$command_co); while () { print $_; } } else { print "\n DEBUG: $command_co\n\n"; } } } chdir "../.."; } #/*@@ # @routine # @date Sat Mar 11 15:31:55 CET 2000 # @author Gabrielle Allen # @desc # Get options to be passed to CVS # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # #@@*/ sub CVSOptions { my($answer,$cvs_options); # Chose information or not do { $verbose = "no" if ((defined $defaults) && (! defined $verbose)); print "Verbose checkout (y)es, n)o, h)elp) [no] : "; if (! defined $verbose) { $answer = } else { $answer = $verbose; print "$answer\n"; } if ($answer =~ /^h/i) { VerboseCheckoutHelp(); } elsif ($answer =~ /^y/i) { $cvs_options = " -z9 "; } else { $cvs_options = " -Q -z9 "; } } while ($answer =~ /^h/i); return $cvs_options; } sub VerboseCheckoutHelp { print "\n\n"; print " CactusCode CVS checkout options\n"; print " -------------------------------\n\n"; print " By default, all checkouts using this script use the option -z9\n"; print " which transfers a compressed version of each file across the \n"; print " network\n\n"; print " Choosing verbose checkout provides a report of all the files\n"; print " as they are checked out from the chosen CVS repository, by using \n"; print " the option -Q\n\n"; print " cvs -z9 [-Q] -d checkout \n\n"; } #/*@@ # @routine GetCactusDir # @date Sat Mar 11 15:31:55 CET 2000 # @author Gabrielle Allen # @desc # Get directory for Cactus installation # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # #@@*/ sub GetCactusDir { $mydir = `pwd`; chomp($mydir); print "\n Directory for Cactus installation [$mydir] : "; if (defined $install) { print " $install\n"; } $install = "" if ((defined $defaults) && (! defined $install)); if (! $install) { $install = ; } if ($install =~ /^$/) { $install = $mydir; } chomp($install); # Needed for Cygwin. $install =~ s,^//(.)/,$1:/,; DIE("Directory $install not found") if (! -e $install); return $install; } #/*@@ # @routine GetThornList # @date Sat Mar 11 15:31:55 CET 2000 # @author Gabrielle Allen # @desc # Get the full path of the thorn list # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # #@@*/ sub GetThornList { my($thornlist) = @_; my($mydir); if ($thornlist) { if ($thornlist !~ m:^/:) { $mydir = `pwd`; chomp($mydir); $thornlist = $mydir."/".$thornlist; } DIE("ThornList $thornlist not found") if (! -e $thornlist); } else { print "\n No ThornList given, checking out Cactus flesh only.\n"; } return $thornlist; } #/*@@ # @routine ParseThornList # @date Sat Mar 11 15:31:55 CET 2000 # @author Gabrielle Allen # @desc # Read the thorn names and repositories from the thorn list # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # #@@*/ sub ParseThornList { my($thornlist,$fleshpath,$tag) = @_; my($directive,$value); my($parfile); my($repository_user,$repository_location,$repository_name); my($repository_tag,$repository_type); $parfile = 0; # Get defaults from the flesh server path $fleshpath =~ m/^:+(\w*):+([^:.]*)\@([\w.]*):(.*)$/; $repository_type = $1; $repository_user = $2; $repository_location = $3; $repository_name = $4; $repository_tag = $tag; open(THORNLIST,"<$thornlist"); while () { if ($parfile) { if (m:^\s*\!*\s*$endstring:) { $parfile = 0; &WriteParameterFile($filename,$parfiledata); next; } else { if (m:^\s*\#(.*)$:) { $parfiledata .= "$1\n"; next; } } } # Skip blank lines and comments next if (m:^\s*$:); next if (m:^\s*\#.*$:); # Parse directives if (m:^\s*\!\s*(\w+)\s(.*)$:) { $directive = &StripSpaces($1); $value = &StripSpaces($2); # Global directives if ($directive =~ "DESC") { $description = $value; next; } # Thorn directives elsif ($directive =~ "REPOSITORY_TYPE") { $repository_type = $value; next; } elsif ($directive =~ "REPOSITORY_TAG") { $repository_tag = $value; next; } elsif ($directive =~ "REPOSITORY_LOCATION") { $repository_location = $value; next; } elsif ($directive =~ "REPOSITORY_USER") { $repository_user = $value; next; } elsif ($directive =~ "REPOSITORY_NAME") { $repository_name = $value; next; } elsif ($directive =~ "PARAMETER_FILE") { $value =~ m:([\w._]*)\s*<<\s*(\w*)\s*$:; $parfile = 1; $filename = $1; $endstring = $2; $parfiledata = ""; # print "Parameter file $filename\n"; # print "End string $endstring\n"; next; } } # Thorn name m:(.*)\#*:; $name = &StripSpaces($1); # Thorn repository $rep = ":$repository_type:$repository_user\@$repository_location:$repository_name"; # print "Thorn is $rep $name\n"; if ($name && $rep) { $thorns{$name} = $rep; } else { # Ignore: blank line } } close(THORNLIST); return %thorns; } #/*@@ # @routine DIE # @date Sat Mar 11 15:31:55 CET 2000 # @author Gabrielle Allen # @desc # Tidy up and die # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # #@@*/ sub DIE { my($message) = @_; chdir $mydir; die "\n $message\n\n"; } #/*@@ # @routine WriteParameterFile # @date Sun Apr 2 21:31:55 CET 2000 # @author Gabrielle Allen # @desc # Write parameter file # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # #@@*/ sub WriteParameterFile { my($filename,$data) = @_; my($answer); print "\n Extracting embedded parameter file $filename\n"; if (-e $filename) { print "\n Parameter file $filename exists, overwrite [n] : "; $answer = if (! defined $defaults); if ($answer !~ /^y/i) { return; } } open(FILE,">$filename") || DIE("Could not open $filename"); print FILE $data; close(FILE); } sub GetFleshPath { my($path); if (-e "CVS/Root") { open (ROOT,"; chomp($path); } return $path; } 1;