#/*@@ # @file CSTUtils.pl # @date 4 July 1999 # @author Gabrielle Allen # @desc # Various utility routines. # @enddesc # @version $Header$ #@@*/ #/*@@ # @routine CST_error # @date 4 July 1999 # @author Gabrielle Allen # @desc # Print an error or warning message # @enddesc #@@*/ sub CST_error { my($level,$mess,$help,$line,$file) = @_; my($error); if ($help !~ /^\s*$/) { $help = " HINT: $help\n"; } if ($full_warnings) { if ($level == 0) { $CST_errors++; $error = "\nCST error in $file (at $line)\n -> $mess\n"; print STDERR "$error\n"; $error_string .= "$error$help\n"; } else { $error = "\nCST warning in $file (at $line)\n -> $mess\n"; print STDERR "$error\n"; $error_string .= "$error$help\n"; } } else { if ($level == 0) { $CST_errors++; $error = "\nCST error $CST_errors:\n -> $mess\n"; print STDERR "$error\n"; $error_string .= "$error$help\n"; } else { $error = "\nCST warning:\n -> $mess\n"; print STDERR "$error\n"; $error_string .= "$error$help\n"; } } return; } #/*@@ # @routine CST_PrintErrors # @date 5 December 1999 # @author Gabrielle Allen # @desc # Print all the errors and warnings from the CST # @enddesc # @version $Id$ #@@*/ sub CST_PrintErrors { if($error_string) { print "\n\n------------------------------------------------------\n"; print "Warnings were generated during execution of the CST\n"; print "------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; print "$error_string"; print "------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; } } #/*@@ # @routine read_file # @date Wed Sep 16 11:54:38 1998 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Reads a file deleting comments and blank lines. # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # @hdate Fri Sep 10 10:25:47 1999 @hauthor Tom Goodale # @hdesc Allows a \ to escape the end of a line. # @endhistory #@@*/ sub read_file { my($file) = @_; my(@indata); my($line); open(IN, "<$file") || die("Can't open $file\n"); $line = ""; while() { chomp; # Add to the currently processed line. $line .= $_; # Check if this line will be continued if($line =~ m:[^\\]\\$:) { $line =~ s:\\$::; next; } # Remove comments. $line = &RemoveComments($line); # Ignore empty lines. if($line !~ m/^\s*$/) { push(@indata, $line); } $line = ""; } # Make sure to dump out the last line, even if it ends in a \ if($line ne "") { push(@indata, $line); } close IN; return @indata; } #/*@@ # @routine WriteFile # @date Tue Oct 19 21:09:12 CEST 1999 # @author Gabrielle Allen # @desc # Writes a file only if the contents haven't changed # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory #@@*/ sub WriteFile { my ($filename,$rdata) = @_; my ($data_in); # Strip any matching quotes from filename $filename =~ s/^\s*\"(.*)\"\s*$/\1/; $filename =~ s/^\s*\'(.*)\'\s*$/\1/; # Read in file $data_in = ""; if (-e $filename) { open(IN, "< $filename"); $data_in = join ('', ); close IN; } if ($$rdata ne $data_in) { # print "Creating new file $filename\n"; open(OUT, ">$filename") || die("Can't open $filename\n"); print OUT $$rdata; close OUT; } } #/*@@ # @routine TestName # @date Sat Dec 16 1.48 # @author Gabrielle Allen # @desc # Check thorn/arrangement name is valid # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory #@@*/ sub TestName { local($thorn,$name) = @_; local($valid); $valid = 1; if (!$name) { $valid = 0; } elsif ($name !~ /^[a-zA-Z]/) { print STDERR "Name must begin with a letter!\n\n"; $valid = 0; } elsif ($name !~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/) { print STDERR "Name can only contain letters, numbers or underscores!\n\n"; $valid = 0; } if ($thorn && length($name)>27) { print STDERR "Thorn names must be 27 characters or less!\n\n"; $valid = 0; } if ($thorn && $name eq "doc") { print STDERR "Thorn name doc is not allowed!\n\n"; $valid = 0; } return $valid; } #/*@@ # @routine SplitWithStrings # @date Tue May 21 23:45:54 2002 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Splits a string on spaces and = ignoring # any occurence of these in strings. # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # # @var expression # @vdesc Expression to split # @vtype string # @vio in # @endvar # # @returntype list # @returndesc # Split representation of input expression. # @endreturndesc #@@*/ sub SplitWithStrings { my ($expression, $thorn) = @_; my $insstring = 0; my $indstring = 0; my $escaping = 0; my @tokens = (); my $token=""; # First split the string into string tokens and split tokens we are # allowed to split. for $i (split(//,$expression)) { if($i eq '\\') { if($escaping) { $token .= $i; } $escaping = 1 - $escaping; } elsif($i eq '"' && ! $insstring && ! $escaping) { if(length $token > 0 || $indstring) { push(@tokens, $token); } $token = ""; $indstring = 1 - $indstring; } elsif($i eq "'" && ! $indstring && ! $escaping) { if(length $token > 0 || $insstring) { push(@tokens, $token); } $token = ""; $insstring = 1 - $insstring; } elsif($i =~ /^\s+$/ && ! $insstring && ! $indstring && ! $escaping) { if(length $token > 0 || $insstring) { push(@tokens, $token); } $token = ""; } elsif($i eq '=' && ! $insstring && ! $indstring && ! $escaping) { if(length $token > 0 || $insstring) { push(@tokens, $token); } $token = ""; } else { if($escaping) { $token .= "\\"; $escaping = 0; } $token .= "$i"; } } if($insstring || $indstring) { print "Error: Unterminated string while parsing interface for thorn : $thorn\n" } if($escaping) { $token .= '\\'; } if(length $token > 0) { push(@tokens, $token); } return @tokens; } #/*@@ # @routine RemoveComments # @date # @author Tom Goodale, Yaakoub El Khamra # @desc # Removes comments from lines # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # # @var line # @vdesc line to remove comments from # @vtype string # @vio in # @endvar # # @returntype line # @returndesc # line without comments # @endreturndesc #@@*/ sub RemoveComments { my ($line) = @_; my $nocomment = $line; my $insstring = 0; my $indstring = 0; my $escaping = 0; my $token=""; for $i (split(//,$line)) { if($i eq '\\') { if($escaping) { $token .= $i; } $escaping = 1 - $escaping; } elsif($i eq '"' && ! $insstring && ! $escaping) { $token = ""; $indstring = 1 - $indstring; } elsif($i eq "'" && ! $indstring && ! $escaping) { $token = ""; $insstring = 1 - $insstring; } elsif($i =~ /^\s+$/ && ! $insstring && ! $indstring && ! $escaping) { $token = ""; } elsif($i eq '=' && ! $insstring && ! $indstring && ! $escaping) { $token = ""; } elsif($i eq '#' && ! $insstring && ! $indstring && ! $escaping) { $nocomment =~ s/\#.*//; return $nocomment; } else { if($escaping) { $token .= "\\"; $escaping = 0; } $token .= "$i"; } } if($insstring || $indstring) { print "Error: Unterminated string while parsing ccl file for thorn : $thorn\n"; print $nocomment; } if($escaping) { $token .= '\\'; } return $nocomment; } #/*@@ # @routine TestConfigEnv # @date Thu Aug 26 15:59:41 2004 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Tests the routines for finding the new configuration environment # and updating the config-info file. # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # #@@*/ sub TestConfigEnv { my ($in,$out) = @_; my @allowed_opts = ("foo", "bar", "baz"); my $env; my $optfile; my $configinfo; my $headers; ($configinfo,$headers) = ParseConfigInfo($in); if($ENV{"options"}) { $optfile = ParseOptionsFile($ENV{"options"}) } else { $optfile = {}; } $env = GetOptionsFromEnv(\%ENV, \@allowed_opts); my $modified = AmalgamateOptions($env,$optfile,$configinfo,\@allowed_opts); if($modified) { print "Configuration was modified\n\n"; } my $option; foreach $option (sort keys %$configinfo) { print "$option=$configinfo->{$option}\n" } WriteNewConfigInfo($out,$headers,$configinfo); } #/*@@ # @routine WriteNewConfigInfo # @date Thu Aug 26 15:53:30 2004 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Writes a new configuration file # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # #@@*/ sub WriteNewConfigInfo { my ($file,$headers,$options) = @_; my $line; my $option; open(OUTFILE, "> $file") || CST_error(0,"Cannot open config-info file '$file' for writing\n", "",__LINE__,__FILE__); foreach $line (@$headers) { if($line ne "# CONFIG-OPTIONS :") { print OUTFILE "$line\n"; } } print OUTFILE "# CONFIG-MODIFIED: " . gmtime(time()) . " (GMT)\n"; print OUTFILE "# CONFIG-OPTIONS :\n"; foreach $option (sort keys %$options) { print OUTFILE "$option=$options->{$option}\n"; } close(OUTFILE); } #/*@@ # @routine AmalgamateOptions # @date Thu Aug 26 15:53:30 2004 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Creates a hash table of option settings, giving # priority to ones from the environment, then to # ones from an options file, and finally to ones # which already exist in a config-info file. # # It only adds or replaces options from a defined list. # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # #@@*/ sub AmalgamateOptions { my($env,$optfile,$configinfo,$allowed_options) = @_; my $option; my $modified = 0; foreach $option (@$allowed_options) { if($env->{$option}) { # Environment (command line) has highest priority $configinfo->{$option} = $env->{$option}; $modified = 1; } elsif($optfile->{$option}) { # Then a new options file $configinfo->{$option} = $optfile->{$option}; $modified = 1; } } return $modified; } #/*@@ # @routine ParseConfigInfo # @date Thu Aug 26 15:56:15 2004 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Parses a config-info file. Returns a hash of the options # and an array containing pre-existing header lines. # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # #@@*/ sub ParseConfigInfo { my($file) = @_; my(%options); my @headers = (); my $line_number = 0; open(INFILE, "< $file") || CST_error(0,"Cannot open config-info file '$file' for reading\n", "",__LINE__,__FILE__); while() { chomp; $line_number++; if(m/^#/) { push(@headers,$_); } elsif (m/^\s*(\w+)[=\s]+(.*)\s*/) { if(! $options{$1}) { $options{$1} = $2; } else { CST_error(0,"corrupt config-info file; duplicate entry on line $line_number", "",__LINE__,__FILE__); } } } close(INFILE); return \%options, \@headers; } #/*@@ # @routine ParseOptionsFile # @date Thu Aug 26 15:57:58 2004 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Parses a configuration options file. # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # #@@*/ sub ParseOptionsFile { my($file) = @_; my $line_number = 0; my %options; open(INFILE, "< $file") || CST_error(0,"Cannot open configuration options file '$file'\n", "",__LINE__,__FILE__); while() { $line_number++; chomp; #Ignore comments. s/\#(.*)$//g; #Remove spaces at end of lines s/\s*$//; #Ignore blank lines next if (m:^\s*$:); # Match lines of the form # keyword value # or keyword = value if (/^\s*(\w+)[=\s]+(.*)\s*/) { # only set it if it wasn't already if(! $options{$1}) { # Remember it for writing to config-info $options{$1} = $2; } } else { CST_error(0,"Could not parse configuration line $file:$line_number...\n'$_'\n", "",__LINE__,__FILE__); } } close(INFILE); return \%options; } #/*@@ # @routine GetOptionsFromEnv # @date Thu Aug 26 15:58:26 2004 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Gets options from the environment. # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # #@@*/ sub GetOptionsFromEnv { my($env, $allowed_options) = @_; my %options; my $option; foreach $option (@$allowed_options) { if($env->{$option}) { $options{$option} = $env->{$option}; } } return \%options; } 1;