#! /usr/bin/perl -s #/*@@ # @file CST # @date Sep 1998 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Parses the the configuration files for thorns. # @enddesc # @version $Header: /mnt/data2/cvs2svn/cvs-repositories/Cactus/lib/sbin/CST,v 1.81 2009-09-11 22:15:48 knarf Exp $ #@@*/ # Global parameter to track the number of errors from the CST # The file make.thornlist is only created if the number of errors # is zero. $CST_errors = 0; $error_string = ''; #$debug_configuration = 1; #$debug_interface = 1; #$debug_parameters = 1; #$debug_schedule = 1; ########################################################################## # Parse the command line $thornlist = shift(@ARGV); if (! $thornlist) { printf 'Usage: CST [-top=] [-config_dir=] [-cctk_home=] -bindings_dir= ThornList'; exit; } $top = `pwd` if (! $top); $config_dir = "$top/config-data" if (! $config_dir); $system_database{"CONFIG_DIR"} = $config_dir; # Set up the CCTK home directory if(! $cctk_home) { $cctk_home = $ENV{'CCTK_HOME'} || "$ENV{HOME}/CCTK"; $cctk_home =~ s:/$::g; } $system_database{'CCTK_HOME'} = $cctk_home; $bindings_dir = "$top/bindings" if (! $bindings_dir); $system_database{'BINDINGS_DIR'} = $bindings_dir; ######################################################################## # Require certain arrangements $sbin_dir = "$cctk_home/lib/sbin"; die "Unable to find CCTK sbin directory - tried $sbin_dir\n" if (! -e "$sbin_dir/parameter_parser.pl"); require "$sbin_dir/parameter_parser.pl"; require "$sbin_dir/interface_parser.pl"; require "$sbin_dir/ScheduleParser.pl"; require "$sbin_dir/ConfigurationParser.pl"; require "$sbin_dir/ProcessConfiguration.pl"; require "$sbin_dir/create_c_stuff.pl"; require "$sbin_dir/create_fortran_stuff.pl"; require "$sbin_dir/GridFuncStuff.pl"; require "$sbin_dir/ImpParamConsistency.pl"; require "$sbin_dir/CSTUtils.pl"; require "$sbin_dir/MakeUtils.pl"; require "$sbin_dir/CreateParameterBindings.pl"; require "$sbin_dir/CreateImplementationBindings.pl"; require "$sbin_dir/CreateScheduleBindings.pl"; require "$sbin_dir/CreateFunctionBindings.pl"; require "$sbin_dir/BuildHeaders.pl"; require "$sbin_dir/CreateConfigurationBindings.pl"; require "$sbin_dir/ConfigScriptParser.pl"; require "$sbin_dir/Logger.pl"; ####################################################################### # # Main Program # ###################################################################### # Find out which thorns we have and the location of the ccl files. print "Reading ThornList...\n"; %thorns = &CreateThornList($cctk_home, $thornlist); # Parse the configuration.ccl files print "Parsing configuration files...\n"; $configuration_database = &CreateConfigurationDatabase($config_dir, %thorns); &print_database("configuration", $configuration_database) if($debug_configuration); &save_database("configuration", $configuration_database) if($debug_configuration); # Restrict the rest of this to thorns with source &SplitThorns($configuration_database, \%thorns, \%source_thorns, \%nosource_thorns); # Parse the interface.ccl files print "Parsing interface files...\n"; %interface_database = &create_interface_database(scalar(keys %system_database), %system_database, %source_thorns); &print_database("interface", \%interface_database) if($debug_interface); &save_database("interface", \%interface_database) if($debug_interface); # Parse the parameter.ccl files print "Parsing parameter files...\n"; %parameter_database = &create_parameter_database(%source_thorns); # Parse the schedule.ccl files print "Parsing schedule files...\n"; %schedule_database = &create_schedule_database(%source_thorns); # Run any configuration scripts. print "Running any thorn-provided configuration scripts...\n"; &ProcessConfiguration($config_dir, $configuration_database,\%thorns,"$top/config-info"); print "Checking consistency...\n"; &check_schedule_database(\%schedule_database, %source_thorns); %parameter_database = &CheckImpParamConsistency(scalar(keys %interface_database), %interface_database, %parameter_database); $err_msg = &CheckCrossConsistency(\%interface_database,\%parameter_database); &print_database("interface", \%interface_database) if($debug_interface); &print_database("parameter", \%parameter_database ) if($debug_parameters); &save_database("parameter", \%parameter_database) if($debug_parameters); &print_database("schedule", \%schedule_database) if($debug_schedule); # Create all the bindings print "Creating Thorn-Flesh bindings...\n"; &CreateBindings($bindings_dir, \%parameter_database, \%interface_database, \%schedule_database, $configuration_database); &CreateConfigurationBindings($bindings_dir, $configuration_database,\%thorns); # Create header files of compiled thorns for the code ($thornsheader, $definethornsheader, $definethisthornheader) = &CreateThornsHeaders(%source_thorns); &WriteFile("$bindings_dir/include/thornlist.h", \$thornsheader); &WriteFile("$bindings_dir/include/cctk_DefineThorn.h", \$definethornsheader); &WriteFile("$bindings_dir/include/definethisthorn.h", \$definethisthornheader); # Create the header files used by the thorns &BuildHeaders($cctk_home,$bindings_dir,%interface_database); # Wrie configuration scripts messages/errors to log file &CreateLogFile($config_dir, $configuration_database,\%thorns); # Finally (must be last), create the make.thornlist file. $make_thornlist = &CreateMakeThornlist(\%thorns, \%interface_database, $configuration_database); # Stop the make process if there were any errors if ($CST_errors) { if ($CST_errors == 1) { $comment1 = 'was 1 error'; $comment2 = 'This'; } else { $comment1 = "were $CST_errors errors"; $comment2 = 'These'; } print "\n\n------------------------------------------------------\n"; print "There $comment1 during execution of the CST\n"; print "$comment2 must be corrected before compilation can proceed\n"; print "------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; &CST_PrintErrors; exit(1); } else { &CST_PrintErrors; } &WriteFile("$config_dir/make.thornlist", \$make_thornlist); print "CST finished.\n"; exit; ############################################################################# # # Subroutines # ############################################################################# #/*@@ # @routine CreateThornList # @date Thu Jan 28 15:18:45 1999 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Parses the ThornList file and extracts the thorn names. # @enddesc #@@*/ sub CreateThornList { my($cctk_home, $thornlist) = @_; my(%thornlist); my($thorn, $package, $thorn_name); open(THORNLIST, "<$thornlist") || die "Cannot open ThornList file $thornlist !"; # Put a reference to the main cctk sources in. $thornlist{'Cactus'} = "$cctk_home/src"; # Loop through the lines of the file. while() { #Ignore comments. s/\#(.*)$//g; s/!(.*)$//g; s/\n//g; # Different from chop... #Ignore blank lines next if (m:^\s*$:); foreach $thorn (split(' ')) { $thorn =~ m:(.*)[/\\](.*):; $package = $1; $thorn_name = $2; # Check valid thornname if (!TestName(1,$thorn_name)) { &CST_error(0, "Thorn name $thorn_name is not valid", 'Thorn names must begin with a letter, can only contain ' . 'letters, numbers and underscores, and must contain at most 27 ' . 'characters', __LINE__, __FILE__); } if( -d "$cctk_home/arrangements/$thorn") { if( -r "$cctk_home/arrangements/$thorn/param.ccl" && -r "$cctk_home/arrangements/$thorn/interface.ccl" && -r "$cctk_home/arrangements/$thorn/schedule.ccl") { if($thornlist{$thorn_name}) { $thornlist{$thorn_name} =~ m:.*/(.*)/[^/]*$:; if ($package ne $1) { &CST_error(0, "Duplicate thornname $thorn_name in $1 and $package", '', __LINE__, __FILE__); } else { &CST_error(1, "Ignoring duplicate thorn $package/$thorn_name", '', __LINE__, __FILE__); } } else { $thornlist{$thorn_name} = "$cctk_home/arrangements/$thorn"; } } else { &CST_error(0, "$thorn - missing ccl file(s)", '', __LINE__, __FILE__); } } else { &CST_error(0, "Missing thorn $thorn", '', __LINE__, __FILE__); } } } close THORNLIST; return %thornlist; } #/*@@ # @routine get_global_parameters # @date Thu Jan 28 15:21:52 1999 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Gets a list of all global parameters and the thorns they are in. # @enddesc #@@*/ sub get_global_parameters { my($rhparameter_db) = @_; my(%global_parameters); my($param); foreach $param (split(/ /,$rhparameter_db->{"GLOBAL PARAMETERS"})) { if($param =~ m/(.*)::(.*)/) { $global_parameters{"$2"} = $1; } } return %global_parameters; } #/*@@ # @routine CreateMakeThornlist # @date Thu Jan 28 15:22:31 1999 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Creates the lines which should be placed in the make.thornlist file. # @enddesc #@@*/ sub CreateMakeThornlist { my($thorns ,$interface, $config) = @_; my($thorn); my($thornlist); my($thorn_linklist); my($config_thornlist); my($thorn_dependencies); $thornlist = 'THORNS ='; $thorn_linklist = 'THORN_LINKLIST ='; $config_thornlist = 'CONFIG_THORNS ='; foreach $thorn (sort keys %$thorns) { next if $thorn eq 'Cactus'; if($config->{"\U$thorn\E OPTIONS"} ne 'NO_SOURCE') { $thorns->{$thorn} =~ m:.*/(.*/.*):; $thornlist .= " $1"; } if(-r "$thorns->{$thorn}/configuration.ccl") { $thorns->{$thorn} =~ m:.*/(.*/.*):; $config_thornlist .= " $1"; } } $thorn_linklist .= ' ' . &TopoSort($thorns, $interface, $config); $thorn_dependencies = join ("\n", &CreateThornDependencyList($thorns, $config)); return ($thornlist . "\n" . $thorn_linklist . "\n" . $config_thornlist . "\n" . $thorn_dependencies . "\n"); } #/*@@ # @routine CreateThornLinkList # @date Wed 22 July 2001 # @author Thomas Radke # @desc # Creates the list of all thorns' libraries to link with Cactus # @enddesc #@@*/ sub CreateThornLinkList { my($thorns, $config) = @_; my($i, $j, $thorn); my(@liblist); @liblist = (); foreach $thorn (sort keys %$thorns) { next if ($config->{"\U$thorn OPTIONS\E"} eq 'NO_SOURCE' || "\U$thorn\E" eq "\UCactus\E"); # add this thorn to the thorn liblist # as well as any other thorns it requires (directly or indirectly) push (@liblist, $thorn, RequiredThorns ($thorn, $thorn, $config)); } # remove duplicate entries from the list, only keeping the rightmost for ($i = 0; $i <= $#liblist; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < $i; $j++) { if ($liblist[$i] eq $liblist[$j]) { splice (@liblist, $j, 1); $i--; $j--; } } } return (join (' ', @liblist)); } #/*@@ # @routine CreateThornDependencyList # @date Fri 26 Dec 2004 # @author Erik Schnetter # @desc # Create the list of the thorns' make dependencies # @enddesc #@@*/ sub CreateThornDependencyList { my (@varlist, @deplist); # Find list of all thorns foreach my $thorn (sort keys %thorns) { next if ($configuration_database->{"\U$thorn OPTIONS\E"} eq 'NO_SOURCE' || "\U$thorn\E" eq "\UCactus\E"); # Add the thorn and the thorn's requirements # (The thorn name has to be lower case, # because the Makefile cannot convert its library names to upper case) my $line = "USESTHORNS_$thorn ="; # TR 29 Mar 2004: # commented out following hard-coded dependency of all thorns # on the flesh and bindings (which was necessary while the Fortran 90 # interface declarations were still included in the flesh and had to be # compiled before thorns could use them) # my $line = "USESTHORNS_$thorn = Cactus CactusBindings"; foreach my $dep (sort (split (' ', $configuration_database->{"\U$thorn\E USES THORNS"}))) { $line .= " $dep" if ($dep ne $thorn); } push (@varlist, $line); push (@deplist, "\$(CCTK_LIBDIR)/\$(LIBNAME_PREFIX)\$(CCTK_LIBNAME_PREFIX)$thorn\$(LIBNAME_SUFFIX): \$(USESTHORNS_$thorn:%=\$(CCTK_LIBDIR)/\$(LIBNAME_PREFIX)\$(CCTK_LIBNAME_PREFIX)%\$(LIBNAME_SUFFIX))"); } return (@varlist, @deplist); } #/*@@ # @routine RequiredThorns # @date Tue 18 November 2003 # @author Thomas Radke # @desc # Returns the complete list of all thorns that thorn '$top' requires. # # The routine is called recursively on all required thorns. # The recursion stops when there are no more required thorns anymore. # If a cross dependency is detected (ie. thorn '$top' requires some thorn # which in turn requires thorn '$top') the code will stop with an error # message. We should deal with this case if it is becoming an issue. # @enddesc #@@*/ sub RequiredThorns { my($top, $thorn, $config) = @_; my($i); my(@requires, @result); @result = (); foreach $i (split (' ', $config->{"\U$thorn\E USES THORNS"}) ) { if ($i eq $top) { CST_error (0, "Cross dependency detected between thorns '$thorn' and " . "'$top'. This is not supported by Cactus. Please contact " . "cactusmaint\@cactuscode.org !"); return (@result); } push (@result, $i, RequiredThorns ($top, $i, $config)); } return (@result); } #/*@@ # @routine CreateThornsHeaders # @date Wed Feb 17 16:06:20 1999 # @author Gabrielle Allen # @desc # Creates the lines which should be placed in the header files # "thornlist.h", "definethorn.h", and "definthisthorn.h" # @enddesc #@@*/ sub CreateThornsHeaders { my(%thorns) = @_; my($header1,$header2,$header3,$thorn,$nthorns); $header1 = "\/* List of compiled thorns in the code. *\/\n\n"; $header1 .= "static char *thorn_name[] = {\n"; $header2 = "\/* Defines for compiled thorns in the code. *\/\n\n"; $header3 = "\/* Defines for thorn this file is part of *\/\n\n"; $nthorns = 0; foreach $thorn (sort keys %thorns) { # Only place package_name/thorn_name in the file. $thorns{$thorn} =~ m:.*/(.*)/(.*):; $header3 .= "#ifdef THORN_IS_$thorn\n" . "#define CCTK_THORN $2\n" . "#define CCTK_THORNSTRING \"$2\"\n" . "#define CCTK_ARRANGEMENT $1\n" . "#define CCTK_ARRANGEMENTSTRING \"$1\"\n" . "#endif\n\n"; # Ignore the main sources for the other headers - they may confuse next if ($thorn eq 'Cactus'); $header1 .= "\"$1/$2\",\n"; $header2 .= "#define \U$1_$2\E\n"; $nthorns++; } $header1 .= "\"\"};\n\n"; $header1 .= "static int nthorns = $nthorns;\n\n"; return ($header1, $header2, $header3); } #/*@@ # @routine CreateBindings # @date Thu Jan 28 15:24:53 1999 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # All the perl generated stuff is finally placed into the bindings 'thorn'. # @enddesc #@@*/ sub CreateBindings { my($bindings_dir, $rhparameter_db, $rhinterface_db, $rhschedule_db, $configuration_db) = @_; # Create the bindings directory if it doesn't exist. if(! -d $bindings_dir) { mkdir("$bindings_dir", 0755) || die "Unable to create $bindings_dir"; } # Create the bindings for the subsystems. print " Creating implementation bindings...\n"; &CreateImplementationBindings($bindings_dir, $rhparameter_db, $rhinterface_db, $configuration_db); print " Creating parameter bindings...\n"; &CreateParameterBindings($bindings_dir, $rhparameter_db, $rhinterface_db); print " Creating variable bindings...\n"; &CreateVariableBindings($bindings_dir, $rhinterface_db, $rhparameter_db); print " Creating schedule bindings...\n"; &CreateScheduleBindings($bindings_dir, $rhinterface_db, $rhschedule_db); print " Creating function bindings...\n"; &CreateFunctionBindings($bindings_dir, $rhinterface_db); # Place an appropriate make.code.defn in the bindings directory. $data = 'SUBDIRS = Functions Implementations Parameters Variables Schedule'; &WriteFile("$bindings_dir/make.code.defn", \$data); } #/*@@ # @routine TopoSort # @date 20 Apr 2004 # @author Yaakoub Y El-Khamra # @desc # Here we perform a topological sort of thorns. # @enddesc #@@*/ sub TopoSort { my($thorns, $interface, $cfg)= @_; my($data) = ''; my($nouse) = ''; my $thorn; my($exit_value, $signal_num, $dumped_core); foreach $thorn (sort keys %thorns) { next if ("\U$thorn\E" eq "CACTUS"); $thorn_ancestor{"\U$thorn\E"} = ''; foreach $ancestor_imp ( split(' ', $interface->{"\U$thorn INHERITS\E"})) { $thorn_ancestor{"\U$thorn\E"} .= $interface->{"IMPLEMENTATION \U$ancestor_imp\E THORNS"}. ' '; } my @uses_thorns = split (' ', $cfg->{"\U$thorn\E USES THORNS"} . ' ' . $thorn_ancestor{"\U$thorn\E"}); my $uses_thorns = ''; foreach (@uses_thorns) { # ignore if a thorn wants to use only itself # otherwise we'll get a cyclic list later in the topological sort $uses_thorns .= "$thorn $_\n" if ($thorn ne $_); } $uses_thorns = "cctk_unlikely_dummy_name $thorn\n" if (! $uses_thorns); $data .= $uses_thorns; } if ($data) { &WriteFile("$bindings_dir/linklist", \$data); $data = `perl $sbin_dir/tsort $bindings_dir/linklist`; &CST_error (0, "Cyclic dependency detected") if ($data eq "cycle deteced"); $exit_value = $? >> 8; $signal_num = $? & 127; $dumped_core = $? & 128; &CST_error (0, "Tsort script returned $exit_value\n") if $exit_value; &CST_error (0, "Tsort script received signal $signal_num\n") if $signal_num; &CST_error (0, "Tsort script dumped core\n" ) if $dumped_core; $data = join(' ', split("\n", $data)); $data =~ s/cctk_unlikely_dummy_name//; $data =~ s/ / /; } return $data; } #/*@@ # @routine CheckCrossConsistency # @date # @author Yaakoub Y El Khamra # @desc # Check for consistency of restricted parameters of thorns providing # the same implementation # @enddesc #@@*/ sub CheckCrossConsistency { my($interfaceDB, $parameterDB) = @_; my($implementation, $thorn, $flag, $restricted, $temp); foreach $implementation (split(' ', $interfaceDB->{'IMPLEMENTATIONS'})) { $flag = 0; foreach $thorn (split(' ', $interfaceDB->{"IMPLEMENTATION \U$implementation\E THORNS"})) { if ( $flag==0 ) { $restricted = join(' ',sort(split(' ', $parameterDB->{"\U$thorn\E RESTRICTED variables"}))); $flag =1; } if ( $flag==1 ) { $temp = join(' ',sort(split(' ', $parameterDB->{"\U$thorn\E RESTRICTED variables"}))); if ( $temp ne $restricted ) { CST_error (0, "Thorns: " . $interfaceDB->{"IMPLEMENTATION \U$implementation\E THORNS"} . "provide the same implementation but have different restricted parameters" ); } } } } return ""; }