#! /usr/bin/perl -sw #/*@@ # @file setup_configuration.pl # @date Fri Jan 8 13:48:48 1999 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Setup file for a new configuration in the CCTK # Invocation is # setup_configuration [-reconfig] [-config_file=] config_name # @enddesc # @version $Header$ #@@*/ chop ($top = `pwd`); $configure = "sh $top/lib/make/configure"; if($#ARGV > -1) { $config = shift(@ARGV); } else { chop ($config = `uname`); } # Replace slashes with underscores. $config =~ s:[/\\]:_:g; # Work out if there is a user default file if($ENV{CACTUSRC_DIR}) { if (-e "$ENV{CACTUSRC_DIR}/.cactus/config") { $default_file = "$ENV{CACTUSRC_DIR}/.cactus/config"; } } elsif (-e "$ENV{HOME}/.cactus/config") { $default_file = "$ENV{HOME}/.cactus/config"; } # Work out where the config directory is $configs_dir = $ENV{CONFIGS_DIR}; $configs_dir = 'configs' if (! $configs_dir); # The configs directory doesn't exist. if (! -d "$configs_dir" && ! -l "$configs_dir") { print "Completely new cactus build. Creating config database\n"; mkdir("$configs_dir", 0755) || die "Internal error - could't create '$configs_dir'\n"; } chdir "$configs_dir" || die "Internal error - could't enter '$configs_dir'\n"; # The specified configuration doesn't exist if (! -d "$config" && ! -l "$config") { print "Creating new configuration $config.\n"; for $dir ("$config", "$config/build", "$config/lib", "$config/config-data") { mkdir("$dir",0755) || die "Internal error - could't create $dir"; } } else { print "Reconfiguring $config.\n"; } %CONFIGURED = &SetConfigureEnv(); $configure_command = &DetermineConfigureCommand($configure); chdir "$config/config-data" || die "Internal error - could't enter '$configs_dir/$config/config-data'\n"; # remove cached configure options unlink 'config.cache' if (-f 'config.cache'); system("$configure_command"); $retcode = $? >> 8; chdir '..'; open(INFO, ">config-info") || die "Internal error - couldn't create '$configs_dir/$config/config-info'\n"; print INFO "CONFIG : $config\n"; print INFO 'CONFIG-FLAGS : '; foreach $setting (keys %CONFIGURED) { print INFO "$setting=$CONFIGURED{$setting} "; } print INFO "\n"; print INFO "CONFIG-DATE : " . gmtime(time()) . "\n"; chop ($hostname = `hostname`); print INFO "CONFIG-HOST : $hostname\n"; print INFO "CONFIG-STATUS : $retcode\n\n"; close(INFO); exit $retcode; #/*@@ # @routine # @date Fri Feb 19 19:53:48 1999 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Sets the environment for running the configure script. # @enddesc #@@*/ sub SetConfigureEnv { local($line_number, $commandline); # Set a default name for the configuration $ENV{"EXE"} = "cactus_$config"; # Set variables from makefile command line first $commandline = $ENV{"MAKEFLAGS"}; $line_number = 0; # while ($commandline =~ /^(.*)\s+(\w+)\s*=\s*([_+\-\.\w\\\/\s]*)\s*/) while ($commandline =~ /^(.*)\s*\b(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*)\s*$/) { if ($2 ne 'options' && $2 ne 'SILENT') { print "Using configuration options from configure line\n" if (!$line_number); $line_number++; # Remember it for writing to config-info $option = AddQuotes($3); $CONFIGURED{$2} = $option; print " Setting $2 to '$option'\n"; } $commandline=$1; # print "New commandline = <$commandline>\n"; } print "End of options from configure line\n" if ($line_number); # Add variables from user configuration options file if($config_file) { # Turn path to options file to an absolute path $filename = $config_file; if($config_file =~ m:^/:) { # Do nothing } elsif($config_file =~ m:^~:) { $filename =~ s/^~/$ENV{"HOME"}/ } else { $filename = "$top/$config_file"; } # The user has specified a configuration file print "Adding configuration options from '$config_file'...\n"; ParseOptionsFile ($filename, \%ENV, \%CONFIGURED); print "End of options from '$config_file'.\n"; } # Add variables from user default file if ($default_file) { print "Adding configuration options from user defaults...\n"; ParseOptionsFile ($default_file, \%ENV, \%CONFIGURED); print "End of options from user defaults.\n"; } return %CONFIGURED; } sub ParseOptionsFile { my($file, $env, $options) = @_; my($line_number); open(INFILE, "< $file") || die "Cannot open configuration file '$file'\n"; $line_number = 0; while() { $line_number++; #Ignore comments. s/\#(.*)$//g; #Remove spaces at end of lines s/\s*$//; s/\n//g; # Different from chop... #Ignore blank lines next if (m:^\s*$:); # Match lines of the form # keyword value # or keyword = value if (/^\s*(\w+)[=\s]+(.*)\s*/) { # only set it if it wasn't already if(! $options->{$1}) { print " Setting $1 to '$2'\n"; $env->{$1} = $2; # Remember it for writing to config-info $options->{$1} = AddQuotes($2); } } else { print "Could not parse configuration line $line_number...\n'$_'\n"; } } close(INFILE); } sub DetermineConfigureCommand { my($configure_command) = @_; $configure_command .= ' --build=' . $ENV{BUILD_MACHINE} if($ENV{BUILD_MACHINE}); $configure_command .= ' --target=' . $ENV{TARGET_MACHINE} if($ENV{TARGET_MACHINE}); $configure_command .= ' --host=' . $ENV{HOST_MACHINE} if($ENV{HOST_MACHINE}); return $configure_command; } sub AddQuotes { local($arg) = @_; if ($arg =~ /\\/) { $arg =~ s:\\::g; $arg = "\'$arg\'"; } # When we grab an arg off the MAKEFLAGS it has $s doubled. $arg =~ s/\$\$/\$/g; return $arg; }