#!/usr/bin/perl -s #/*@@ # @file new_thorn.pl # @date Wed Feb 3 16:28:43 1999 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Script to make a new thorn # @enddesc # @version $Id$ #@@*/ my $cctk_home = `pwd`; chomp ($cctk_home); my $documentation_inputfile = "$cctk_home/doc/ThornGuide/template.tex"; $package_dir = "arrangements"; $thorn_name = shift(@ARGV); while(&TestName(1,$thorn_name)==0) { $thorn_name = &prompt("Thorn name"); } if(!$package) { @arrangements = &GetToolkits($package_dir); print "The following arrangements are available:\n"; foreach $package (@arrangements) { print "$package\n"; } print "Pick one, or create a new one.\n"; while (&TestName(0,$package)==0) { $package = &prompt("arrangement"); } } do { push @author_names, &prompt("Thorn Author Name"); push @author_emails, &prompt("Email Address"); $another_author = &prompt("Add another author? Y/N"); } while ($another_author =~ /^y/i); chdir $package_dir; if(! -d "$package") { print "Creating new arrangement $package\n"; mkdir($package, 0755); } chdir $package; if( -e $thorn_name) { die "Thorn $thorn_name already exists !\n"; } print "Creating thorn $thorn_name in $package\n"; mkdir($thorn_name, 0755); chdir $thorn_name; mkdir("src", 0755); mkdir("doc", 0755); mkdir("par", 0755); mkdir("test", 0755); open(OUT, ">interface.ccl") || die "Cannot create interface.ccl"; print OUT "# Interface definition for thorn $thorn_name\n"; print OUT "# \$" . "Header:\$\n\n"; print OUT "implements:\n"; print OUT "inherits:\n"; close OUT; open(OUT, ">param.ccl") || die "Cannot create param.ccl"; print OUT "# Parameter definitions for thorn $thorn_name\n"; print OUT "# \$" . "Header:\$\n"; close OUT; open(OUT, ">schedule.ccl") || die "Cannot create schedule.ccl"; print OUT "# Schedule definitions for thorn $thorn_name\n"; print OUT "# \$" . "Header:\$\n"; close OUT; open(OUT, ">README") || die "Cannot create README"; print OUT "CVS info : \$" . "Header:\$\n\n"; print OUT "Cactus Code Thorn $thorn_name\n"; print OUT "Thorn Author(s) : "; for ($i = 0; $i < (@author_names); $i++) { if ($i ne 0) { print OUT "\n : "; } print OUT "$author_names[$i] <$author_emails[$i]>"; } print OUT "\nThorn Maintainer(s) : "; for ($i = 0; $i < (@author_names); $i++) { if ($i ne 0) { print OUT "\n : "; } print OUT "$author_names[$i] <$author_emails[$i]>"; } print OUT "\n"; print OUT "--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; print OUT "\n"; print OUT "Purpose of the thorn:\n"; print OUT "\n"; close OUT; chdir("src"); open(OUT, ">make.code.defn") || die "Cannot create make.code.defn"; print OUT "# Main make.code.defn file for thorn $thorn_name\n"; print OUT "# \$" . "Header:\$\n"; print OUT "\n"; print OUT "# Source files in this directory\n"; print OUT "SRCS = \n"; print OUT "\n"; print OUT "# Subdirectories containing source files\n"; print OUT "SUBDIRS = \n"; close OUT; my $documentation_outputfile = "$cctk_home/$package_dir/$package/$thorn_name/doc/documentation.tex"; open(IN, "<$documentation_inputfile") || die "Cannot open $documentation_inputfile"; open(OUT, ">$documentation_outputfile") || die "Cannot create $documentation_outputfile"; while () { if (/^\\author\{\s*?\}/) { print OUT "\\author\{"; for ($i = 0; $i < (@author_names); $i++) { if ($i ne 0) { print OUT " \\\\ "; } print OUT &CleanForLatex($author_names[$i]) . " \\textless " . &CleanForLatex($author_emails[$i]) . "\\textgreater"; } print OUT "\}\n"; } elsif (/^\\date\{\s*?\}/) { my $todays_date = `date "+%B %d %Y"`; chomp ($todays_date); if ($todays_date =~ /^\w+\s+\d+\s+\d+$/) { print OUT "\\date\{" . &CleanForLatex($todays_date) . "\}\n"; } else { print OUT &CleanForLatex($_); } } elsif (/^\\title\{\s*?\}/) { print OUT "\\title\{" . &CleanForLatex($thorn_name) . "\}\n"; } else { print OUT $_; } } #system("cp $documentation_inputfile $documentation_outputfile"); print "All done.\nPlease remember to fill out the README and doc/documentation.tex files.\n"; exit; #/*@@ # @routine prompt # @date Wed Feb 3 16:37:12 1999 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Prompts for something, with an optional default. # Based on defprompt in Cactus 3.0 Runtest # @enddesc #@@*/ sub prompt { local ($prompt, $default) = @_; local ($result); local ($response); while(!$result) { if($default) { print "$prompt [$default] \n"; } else { print "$prompt \n"; } print " --> "; $response = ; if ($response =~ m/^\s*$/ && $default) { $result = $default; } elsif ($response !~ m/^\s*$/) { $result = $response; } } $result =~ s/\n//; print "\n"; return $result; } #/*@@ # @routine GetToolkits # @date Wed Feb 3 16:45:22 1999 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Gets a list of the current arrangements. # @enddesc #@@*/ sub GetToolkits { local($package_dir) = @_; local($start_dir); local(@arrangements); $start_dir = `pwd`; chomp($start_dir); chdir $package_dir; open(PACKAGES, "ls|"); while() { chop; # Ignore CVS and backup stuff next if (m:^CVS$:); next if (m:^\#:); next if (m:~$:); # Just pick directories if( -d $_) { push (@arrangements, $_); } } close PACKAGES; chdir $start_dir; return @arrangements; } #/*@@ # @routine TestName # @date Sat Dec 16 1.48 # @author Gabrielle Allen # @desc # Check thorn/arrangement name is valid # @enddesc #@@*/ sub TestName { local($thorn,$name) = @_; local($valid); $valid = 1; if (!$name) { $valid = 0; } elsif ($name !~ /^[a-zA-Z]/) { print STDERR "Name must begin with a letter!\n\n"; $valid = 0; } elsif ($name !~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/) { print STDERR "Name can only contain letters, numbers or underscores!\n\n"; $valid = 0; } if ($thorn && length($name)>27) { print STDERR "Thorn names must be 27 characters or less!\n\n"; $valid = 0; } if ($thorn && $name eq "doc") { print STDERR "Thorn name doc is not allowed!\n\n"; $valid = 0; } return $valid; } #/*@@ # @routine CleanForLatex # @date Sun Mar 3 19:05:41 CET 2002 # @author Ian Kelley # @desc # Cleans up our values so that latex will not give us errors. # $val = &CleanForLatex($val); # Note: Do not call ToLower or ToUpper on the result; instead, # transform before you clean for Latex. # Note: This routine was copied from ThornUtils.pm. It should probably # be required instead. Maybe this script should be moved into # the sbin directory for that? # @enddesc # @calls # @calledby # @history # # @endhistory # #@@*/ sub CleanForLatex { my $val = shift; # escape special characters $val =~ s,\\,\{\\textbackslash\},g; $val =~ s,~,\{\\textasciitilde\},g; $val =~ s,<,\{\\textless\},g; $val =~ s,>,\{\\textgreater\},g; # at start of string, remove spaces before and after: " $val =~ s,^\s*?\"\s*?,\",; # at end of string, remove spaces before and after: " $val =~ s,\s*?\"\s*?$,\",; # escape _ $val =~ s,\_,\\\_,g; # escape $ $val =~ s,\$,\\\$,g; # escape ^ $val =~ s,\^,\\\^,g; # escape * $val =~ s,\*,\\\*,g; # escape & $val =~ s,\&,\\\&,g; # escape % $val =~ s,%,\\%,g; return $val; }