# /*@@ # @file make.config.defn.in # @date Sun Jan 17 22:33:51 1999 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Make definition file for a configuration # Defines the compilers, etc. # # Should be run through autoconf to produce make.config.defn # @enddesc # @version $Header$ # @@*/ # Include stuff defined by optional extra arrangements include $(TOP)/config-data/make.extra.defn # Include all required external libraries from configuration -include $(TOP)/bindings/Configuration/make.link # Compiler/executable info SHELL = @SHELL@ MKDIR = @MKDIR@ CC = @CC@ CXX = @CXX@ F90 = @F90@ F77 = @F77@ CPP = @CPP@ FPP = @FPP@ LD = @LD@ AR = @AR@ RANLIB = @RANLIB@ PERL = @PERL@ CFLAGS = @CFLAGS@ CXXFLAGS = @CXXFLAGS@ F90FLAGS = @F90FLAGS@ F77FLAGS = @F77FLAGS@ CPPFLAGS = @CPPFLAGS@ FPPFLAGS = @FPPFLAGS@ C_LINE_DIRECTIVES = @C_LINE_DIRECTIVES@ F_LINE_DIRECTIVES = @F_LINE_DIRECTIVES@ # Compiler versions as detected at configure time # CPP: @CPP_VERSION@ # CC: @CC_VERSION@ # CXX: @CXX_VERSION@ # FPP: @FPP_VERSION@ # F77: @F77_VERSION@ # F90: @F90_VERSION@ MKDIRFLAGS = @MKDIRFLAGS@ LDFLAGS = @LDFLAGS@ ARFLAGS = @ARFLAGS@ RANLIBFLAGS = @RANLIBFLAGS@ # Debug flags C_DEBUG_FLAGS = @C_DEBUG_FLAGS@ CXX_DEBUG_FLAGS = @CXX_DEBUG_FLAGS@ F90_DEBUG_FLAGS = @F90_DEBUG_FLAGS@ F77_DEBUG_FLAGS = @F77_DEBUG_FLAGS@ # Optimisation flags C_OPTIMISE_FLAGS = @C_OPTIMISE_FLAGS@ CXX_OPTIMISE_FLAGS = @CXX_OPTIMISE_FLAGS@ F90_OPTIMISE_FLAGS = @F90_OPTIMISE_FLAGS@ F77_OPTIMISE_FLAGS = @F77_OPTIMISE_FLAGS@ # Profiling flags C_PROFILE_FLAGS = @C_PROFILE_FLAGS@ CXX_PROFILE_FLAGS = @CXX_PROFILE_FLAGS@ F90_PROFILE_FLAGS = @F90_PROFILE_FLAGS@ F77_PROFILE_FLAGS = @F77_PROFILE_FLAGS@ # Warning flags C_WARN_FLAGS = @C_WARN_FLAGS@ CXX_WARN_FLAGS = @CXX_WARN_FLAGS@ F90_WARN_FLAGS = @F90_WARN_FLAGS@ F77_WARN_FLAGS = @F77_WARN_FLAGS@ # Most compilers use -c -o to compile only, some do something different CCOMPILEONLY = @CCOMPILEONLY@ FCOMPILEONLY = @FCOMPILEONLY@ # Most compilers use -o for naming the executable, alas some don't CREATEEXE = @CREATEEXE@ # On Unix a / DIRSEP = @DIRSEP@ EMPTY_VAR = # Nothing. Leading space is removed. # Mostly a single space, sometimes nothing at all OPTIONSEP = @OPTIONSEP@ # Some architectures need to do something special for linking in libraries LIBNAME_PREFIX = @LIBNAME_PREFIX@# Make sure there is no space at end. LIBNAME_SUFFIX = @LIBNAME_SUFFIX@ CACTUSLIBLINKLINE = @CACTUSLIBLINKLINE@ # Dependency file generation C_DEPEND = @C_DEPEND@ CXX_DEPEND = @CXX_DEPEND@ F77_DEPEND = @F77_DEPEND@ F_DEPEND = @F_DEPEND@ F_DEPEND_MODULES = @F_DEPEND_MODULES@ C_DEPEND_OUT = @C_DEPEND_OUT@ CXX_DEPEND_OUT = @CXX_DEPEND_OUT@ F77_DEPEND_OUT = @F77_DEPEND_OUT@ F_DEPEND_OUT = @F_DEPEND_OUT@ F_DEPEND_MODULES_OUT = @F_DEPEND_MODULES_OUT@ # Some compilers are very picky about the names of C++ files CXX_WORKING_NAME = @CXX_WORKING_NAME@ # Some compilers are very picky about the suffix for fortran files F90_SUFFIX = @F90_SUFFIX@ # How to postprocess object files C_POSTPROCESSING = @C_POSTPROCESSING@ CXX_POSTPROCESSING = @CXX_POSTPROCESSING@ F77_POSTPROCESSING = @F77_POSTPROCESSING@ F_POSTPROCESSING = @F_POSTPROCESSING@ F90_POSTPROCESSING = @F90_POSTPROCESSING@ # Do we need to use ranlib ? USE_RANLIB = @USE_RANLIB@ # Exclude some files from the dependency lists DEP_EXCLUDE_FILES = cctk_Functions\.h|CParameterStructNames\.h|cctk_Arguments\.h|definethisthorn\.h|FParameters.h|CParameters\.h # Command used to get the working directory GET_WD = @GET_WD@ # Way for Make to transofrm things like include directories # into a form suitable for the compiler. TRANSFORM_DIRS = @TRANSFORM_DIRS@ # Library info LIBS += @LIBS@ LIBDIRS += @LIBDIRS@ # Command to generate the link line for libraries GENERAL_LIBRARIES = @GENERAL_LIBRARIES@ # System include directories SYS_INC_DIRS += @SYS_INC_DIRS@ # Annoying stuff for some file systems. PERL_BACKUP_NECESSARY = @PERL_BACKUP_NECESSARY@ # Stuff for the architecture OS = @host_os@ CPU = @host_cpu@ VENDOR = @host_vendor@ # X stuff X_LIB_DIR = @X_LIB_DIR@ X_INC_DIR = @X_INC_DIR@ # GNU stuff BUILD_GETOPT = @BUILD_GETOPT@ BUILD_REGEX = @BUILD_REGEX@ # Where the CCTK puts things PACKAGE_DIR = $(CCTK_HOME)/@PACKAGE_DIR@ BUILD_DIR = $(TOP)/@BUILD_DIR@ CCTK_LIBDIR = $(TOP)/@CCTK_LIBDIR@ # The perl scripts run by the make system BUILD_ACTIVETHORNS = @BUILD_ACTIVETHORNS@ CST = @CST@ C_FILE_PROCESSOR = @C_FILE_PROCESSOR@ F_FILE_PROCESSOR = @F_FILE_PROCESSOR@ # The directory in which to place the executable EXEDIR = @EXEDIR@ # The name of the executable EXE = @EXE@ # Is this a debug configuration ? CCTK_DEBUG_MODE = @DEBUG_MODE@ ifeq ($(strip $(CCTK_DEBUG_MODE)),yes) CFLAGS += $(C_DEBUG_FLAGS) CXXFLAGS += $(CXX_DEBUG_FLAGS) F77FLAGS += $(F77_DEBUG_FLAGS) F90FLAGS += $(F90_DEBUG_FLAGS) endif # Is this an optimising configuration ? CCTK_OPTIMISE_MODE = @OPTIMISE_MODE@ ifeq ($(strip $(CCTK_OPTIMISE_MODE)),yes) CFLAGS += $(C_OPTIMISE_FLAGS) CXXFLAGS += $(CXX_OPTIMISE_FLAGS) F77FLAGS += $(F77_OPTIMISE_FLAGS) F90FLAGS += $(F90_OPTIMISE_FLAGS) endif # Is this a profiling configuration ? CCTK_PROFILE_MODE = @PROFILE_MODE@ ifeq ($(strip $(CCTK_PROFILE_MODE)),yes) CFLAGS += $(C_PROFILE_FLAGS) CXXFLAGS += $(CXX_PROFILE_FLAGS) F77FLAGS += $(F77_PROFILE_FLAGS) F90FLAGS += $(F90_PROFILE_FLAGS) endif # Are we building with all warnings switched on ? # This option may be overwritten at compile time. ifeq ($(WARN),) CCTK_WARN_MODE = @WARN_MODE@ else CCTK_WARN_MODE = $(WARN) endif ifeq ($(strip $(CCTK_WARN_MODE)),yes) CFLAGS += $(C_WARN_FLAGS) CXXFLAGS += $(CXX_WARN_FLAGS) F77FLAGS += $(F77_WARN_FLAGS) F90FLAGS += $(F90_WARN_FLAGS) endif # Stuff specific to an architecture. include $(TOP)/config-data/make.arch.defn