#! /usr/bin/perl -s #/*@@ # @file configure.pl # @date Fri Jan 8 15:06:22 1999 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Perl configuration script for the CCTK. # Does extra work it would be awkward to do from within the normal # autoconf stuff (or at least that I'm too lazy to do 8-) # @enddesc #@@*/ $tmphome = shift(@ARGV); print "Determining number of fortran underscores...\n"; push(@routines, &test_fortran_name); # Some compilers do something really strange with common blocks. push(@routines, &test_fortran_common_name); push(@routines, "1;"); # Create the perl module to map the fortran names. open(OUT, ">$tmphome/fortran_name.pl") || die "Cannot create fortran_name.pl\n"; foreach $line (@routines) { print OUT "$line\n"; } sub test_fortran_name { local($data); local($retcode, $line, $name, $case, $n_underscores); local($underscore_suffix, $normal_suffix, $case_prefix); if($compiler) { # Create a test file open(OUT, ">fname_test.f") || die "Cannot open fname_test.f\n"; print OUT <> 8; if($retcode > 0) { print "Failed to compile fname_test.f\n"; } # Search the object file for the appropriate symbols open(IN, ") { $line = $_; if($line =~ m:(TEST_NAME)(_*):i) { $name = $1; $underscores = $2; # Extremely quick hack to sort out problems later on with common block # names. if($_ =~ m:_TEST_NAME:i) { $symbols_preceeded_by_underscores=1; } else { $symbols_preceeded_by_underscores=0; } # Find out suffices. if($name =~ m:TEST_NAME:) { print "Uppercase - "; $case = 1; } if($name =~ m:test_name:) { print "Lowercase - "; $case = 0; } if($underscores eq "") { print " No trailing underscore\n"; $n_underscores = 0; } if($underscores eq "_") { print "One trailing underscore\n"; $n_underscores = 1; } if($underscores eq "__") { print "Two trailing underscores\n"; $n_underscores = 2; } last; } } close IN; # Delete the temporary files unlink ; # Determine the case and number of underscores ($underscore_suffix, $normal_suffix, $case_prefix) = &determine_transformation($n_underscores, $case); $data = " sub fortran_name { local(\$old_name) = \@_; local(\$new_name); \$new_name = \"$case_prefix\$old_name\\E\"; if(\$new_name =~ m:_: ) { \$new_name = \$new_name.\"$underscore_suffix\"; } else { \$new_name = \$new_name.\"$normal_suffix\"; } return \$new_name; } "; } else { print "No Fortran compiler - creating null fortran name conversion routine.\n"; $data = " sub fortran_name { local(\$old_name) = \@_; return \"\$old_name\"; } "; } return $data; } sub test_fortran_common_name { local($data); local($retcode, $line, $name, $case, $n_underscores); local($underscore_suffix, $normal_suffix, $case_prefix); # Create a test file open(OUT, ">fname_test.f") || die "Cannot open fname_test.f\n"; print OUT <> 8; if($retcode > 0) { print "Failed to compile fname_test.f\n"; } # Search the object file for the appropriate symbols open(IN, ") { $line = $_; if($line =~ m:(_[\w_]*)?(TEST_COMMON)(_*):i) { $prefix = $1; $name = $2; $underscores = $3; # This is a pain. If all symbols have underscores, need to remove # the first one here. if($symbols_preceeded_by_underscores) { if($prefix =~ m:^_(.*):) { $prefix = $1; } } if($name =~ m:TEST_COMMON:) { print "Uppercase - "; $case = 1; } if($name =~ m:test_common:) { print "Lowercase - "; $case = 0; } if($underscores eq "") { print " No trailing underscore\n"; $n_underscores = 0; } if($underscores eq "_") { print "One trailing underscore\n"; $n_underscores = 1; } if($underscores eq "__") { print "Two trailing underscores\n"; $n_underscores = 2; } last; } } close IN; # Delete the temporary files unlink ; # Determine the case and number of underscores ($underscore_suffix, $normal_suffix, $case_prefix) = &determine_transformation($n_underscores, $case); $data = " sub fortran_common_name { local(\$old_name) = \@_; local(\$new_name); \$new_name = \"$case_prefix\$old_name\\E\"; if(\$new_name =~ m:_: ) { \$new_name = \$new_name.\"$underscore_suffix\"; } else { \$new_name = \$new_name.\"$normal_suffix\"; } return \"$prefix\".\$new_name; } "; return $data; } sub determine_transformation { local ($n_underscores, $case) = @_; if($n_underscores == 0) { $normal_suffix = ""; $underscore_suffix = ""; } if($n_underscores == 1) { $normal_suffix = "_"; $underscore_suffix = "_"; } if($n_underscores == 2) { $normal_suffix = "_"; $underscore_suffix = "__"; } if($case == 0) { $case_prefix = "\\L"; } if($case == 1) { $case_prefix = "\\U"; } return ($underscore_suffix, $normal_suffix, $case_prefix); }