% /*@@ % @file Preface.tex % @date 27 Jan 1999 % @author Tom Goodale, Gabrielle Allen, Gerd Lanferman % @desc % Preface for the Cactus User's Guide % @enddesc % @version $Header$ % @history % @date Sun Jul 20 12:57:28 CEST 2003 % @author Jonathan Thornburg % @desc split off reference material into a separate % Reference Manual (in new directory ../ReferenceManual/) % @endhistory % @@*/ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% {\large \bf Preface} \label{sec:pr} \vskip .5cm This document is a complete guide to using and developing with the Cactus Code. Please report omissions, errors, or suggestions to any of our contact addresses below. \vskip .5cm \textbf{Overview of documentation} \begin{Lentry} \item [\textbf{Part~\ref{part:RunningCactus}: Installation and Running.}] A description of required hardware and software and an installation guide for Cactus. Describes how to check the installation with Cactus test suites. \item [\textbf{Part~\ref{part:ThornWriters}: Application Thorn Writing.}] An introduction to thorn concepts and description of how to create, write and maintain application thorns. Explanation of use of the programming interface to take advantage of parallelism and modularity. \item [\textbf{Part~\ref{part:UtilityRoutines}: Utility Routines.}] A discussion of low-level utility routines available in Cactus, such as key/value tables. \item [\textbf{Part~\ref{part:Infrastructure}: Infrastructure Thorn Writer's Guide.}] A more advanced discussion of user supplied infrastructure routines such as additional \textit{output routines}, \textit{drivers}, etc. \item [\textbf{Part~\ref{part:Appendices}: Appendices.}] These contain a description of the Cactus Configuration Language, a glossary, and other odds and ends, such as how to use GNATS and TAGS. \end{Lentry} Related topics are discussed in separate documents including: \begin{Lentry} \item [\textbf{Reference Manual}] Contains detailed descriptions of the functions provided by the Cactus flesh API, along with other reference material. %\item [{\bf Computational Thorn Guide}] This will contain details about the %arrangements and thorns making up the standard Cactus Computational Tool Kit. %\item [{\bf Relativity Thorn Guide}] This will contain details about the arrangements and thorns making up the Cactus Relativity Tool Kit, one of the major % motivators, and still the driving force, for the Cactus Code. %\item [{\bf Flesh Maintainers Guide}] % This will contain all the gruesome details % about the inner workings of Cactus, for all those who want or need to % expand or maintain the core of Cactus. \end{Lentry} \vskip .5cm {\bf Typographical Conventions} \begin{Lentry} \item[{\tt Typewriter}] Is currently used for everything you type, for program names, and code extracts. \item[{\tt < ... >}] Indicates a compulsory argument. \item[{\tt [ ... ]}] Indicates an optional argument. \item[{\tt |}] Indicates an exclusive or. \end{Lentry} \vskip .5cm {\bf How to Contact Us} \vskip .5cm Please let us know of any errors or omissions in this guide, as well as suggestions for future editions. These can be reported via our bug tracking system at \url{http://www.cactuscode.org}, or via email to \code{cactusmaint@cactuscode.org}. Alternatively, you can write to us at \vskip .5cm The Cactus Team\\ Center for Computation \& Technology\\ 216 Johnston Hall\\ Louisiana State University\\ Baton Rouge, LA 70803\\ USA \vskip .5cm {\bf Acknowledgements} \vskip .5cm Hearty thanks to all those who have helped with documentation for the Cactus Code. Special thanks to those who struggled with the earliest sparse versions of this guide and sent in mistakes and suggestions, in particular John Baker, Carsten Gundlach, Ginny Hudak-David, Sai Iyer, Paul Lamping, Nancy Tran and Ed Seidel. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%