\begin{cactuspart}{3}{Infrastructure Thorn Writer's Guide}{$RCSfile$}{$Revision$} \renewcommand{\thepage}{\Alph{part}\arabic{page}} \chapter{Introduction} \begin{itemize} \item{} Concepts and terminology (Overloading and registration of functions) \item{} The cGH structure --- what it is and how to use it \item{} Extending the cGH structure \item{} Querying group and variable information \item{} Providing an IO layer \item{} Providing a communication layer \item{} Providing a reduction operator \item{} Providing an interpolation operator \item{} Overloadable functions \end{itemize} \chapter{Concepts and Terminology} \label{chap:cote} \section{Overloading and Registration} The flesh defines a core API which guarantees the presence of a set of functions. Although the flesh guarantees the presence of these functions, they can be provided by thorns. Thorns do this either by the {\em overloading} or the {\em registration} of functions. \subsection{Overloading} Some functions can only be provided by one thorn. The first thorn to {\em overload} this function succeeds, and any later attempt to overload the function fails. For each overloadable function there is a function with a name something like {\tt CCTK\_Overload...} which is passed the function pointer. \subsection{Registration} Some functions may be provided by several thorns. The thorns {\em register} their function with the flesh, and when the flesh-provided function is called, the flesh calls all the registered functions. \section{GH Extensions} A GH extension is a way to associate data with each cGH. This data should be data that is required to be associated with a particular GH by a thorn. Each GH extension is given a unique handle. \section{IO Methods} An IO method is a distinct way to output data. Each IO method has a unique name, and the flesh-provided IO functions operate on all registered IO methods. \chapter{GH Extensions} A GH extension is created by calling {\tt CCTK\_RegisterGHExtension} , with the name of the extension. This returns a unique handle that identifies the extension. (This handle can be retrieved at any time by a call to {\tt CCTK\_GHExtensionHandle}.) Associated with a GH extension are three functions \begin{itemize} \item[SetupGH] this is used to actually create the data structure holding the extension. It is called when a new cGH is created. \item[InitGH] this is used to initialise the extension. It is called after the scheduler has been initialised on the cGH. \item[rfrTraverse] this is called whenever the schedule tree is due to be traversed on the GH. It should initialise the data on the cGH and the call {\tt rfrTraverse} to traverse the schedule tree. \end{itemize} \chapter{IO Methods} \chapter{Overloadable and Registerable Functions in Main} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|} \hline {\bf Function} & {\bf Default} \\ \hline {\t CCTK\_Initialise} &\\ \hline {\t CCTK\_Evolve} &\\ \hline {\t CCTK\_Shutdown} &\\ \hline \end{tabular} \chapter{Overloadable and Registerable Functions in Comm} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|} \hline {\bf Function} & {\bf Default} \\ \hline {\t CCTK\_SyncGroup} &\\ \hline {\t CCTK\_EnableGroupStorage} &\\ \hline {\t CCTK\_DisableGroupStorage} &\\ \hline {\t CCTK\_EnableGroupComm} &\\ \hline {\t CCTK\_DisableGroupComm} &\\ \hline {\t CCTK\_Barrier} &\\ \hline {\t CCTK\_Reduce} &\\ \hline {\t CCTK\_Interp} &\\ \hline {\t CCTK\_ParallelInit} &\\ \hline \end{tabular} \chapter{Overloadable and Registerable Functions in IO} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|} \hline {\bf Function} & {\bf Default} \\ \hline {\t CCTK\_OutputGH} & \\ \hline {\t CCTK\_OutputVarAsByMethod} & \\ \hline \end{tabular} \chapter{Adding a Driver} The flesh knows nothing about memory allocation for grid variables, or about how to communicate data when synchronisation is called for. It knows nothing about multiple patches or adaptive mesh refinement. All this is the job of a driver. \section{Anatomy} A driver consists of a Startup routine which creates a GH extension and registers its associated functions, and overloads the communication functions. It may optionally register interpolation, reduction, and IO methods. A driver may also overload the default Initialisation and Evolution routines, although a simple unigrid evolver is supplied in the flesh. \section{Startup} A driver consists of a GH extension, and the following overloaded functions. \begin{enumerate} \item{} CCTK\_EnableGroupStorage \item{} CCTK\_DisableGroupStorage \item{} CCTK\_ArrayGroupSizeB \item{} CCTK\_QueryGroupStorageB \item{} CCTK\_SyncGroup \item{} CCTK\_EnableGroupComm \item{} CCTK\_DisableGroupComm \item{} CCTK\_Barrier \item{} CCTK\_OverloadParallelInit \item{} CCTK\_OverloadExit \item{} CCTK\_OverloadAbort \item{} CCTK\_OverloadMyProc \item{} CCTK\_OverloadnProcs \end{enumerate} \section{The GH Extension} The GH extension is where the driver stores all its grid-dependent information. This is stuff like any data associated with a grid variable (e.g. storage and communication state), how many grids if it is AMR, ... It is very difficult to describe in general, but one simple example might be \begin{verbatim} struct SimpleExtension { /* The data assocatiated with each variable */ /* data[var][timelevel][ijk] void ***data } ; \end{verbatim} with a SetupGH routine like. \begin{verbatim} struct SimpleExtension *SimpleSetupGH(t_Fleshconfig *config, int conv_level, cGH *GH) { struct SimpleExtension *extension; extension = NULL; if(conv_level < max_conv_level) { /* Create the extension */ extension = malloc(sizeof(struct SimpleExtension)); /* Allocate data for all the variables */ extension->data = malloc(num_vars*sizeof(void**)); for(var = 0 ; var < num_vars; var++) { /* Allocate the memory for the time levels */ extension->data[var] = malloc(num_var_time_levels*sizeof(void *)); for(time_level = 0; time_level < num_var_time_level; time_level++) { /* Initialise the data to NULL */ extension->data[var][time_level] = NULL; } } } return extension; } \end{verbatim} Basically all this example is doing is preparing a data array for use. The function can query the flesh for information on every variable. Note that scalars should always have memory actually assigned to them. An {\tt InitGH} function isn't strictly necessary, and in ths case it could just be a dummy function. The {\tt rfrTravers} function needs to fill out the cGH data and then call {\tt CCTK\_Schedule} to have the functions scheduled at that point executed on the grid. \section{Memory Functions} These consist of \begin{enumerate} \item{} CCTK\_EnableGroupStorage \item{} CCTK\_DisableGroupStorage \item{} CCTK\_QueryGroupStorageB \item{} CCTK\_ArrayGroupSizeB \end{enumerate} \subsection{En/Disable Group Storage} These are responsible for switching the memory for all variables in a group on or off. They should return the former state, e.g. if the group already has storage assigned, they should return 1. In our simple example above, the enabling routine would look something like \begin{verbatim} int SimpleEnableGroupStorage(cGH *GH, const char *groupname) { extension = (struct SimpleExtension *)GH->extensions[SimpleExtension]; if(extension->data[first][0][0] == NULL) { for(var = first; var <= last; var++) { allocate memory for all time levels; } retcode = 0; } else { retcode = 1; } return retcode; } \end{verbatim} Note that scalars should always have memory assigned. The disable function is basically the reverse of the enable one. The QueryGroupStorage function basically returns true or false if there is storage for the group, and the ArrayGroupSize returns the size of the grid function or array group in a particular direction. \subsection{En/Disable Group Comm} These are the communication analogues to the storage functions. Basically they flag that communication is to be done on that group or not, and may initialise data structures for the communication. \chapter{Adding an IO layer} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \end{cactuspart}