% /*@@ % @file FunctionReference.tex % @date 27 Jan 1999 % @author Tom Goodale, Gabrielle Allen, Gerd Lanferman % @desc % Function Reference for the Cactus User's Guide % @enddesc % @version $Header$ % @history % @date Sat Nov 3 18:47:53 MET 2001 % @author Jonathan Thornburg % @desc Add new section for Utility functions, % add key/value table functions in that section % @endhistory % @@*/ \begin{cactuspart}{5}{FunctionReference}{$RCSfile$}{$Revision$} \renewcommand{\thepage}{\Alph{part}\arabic{page}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Cactus Functions} In this section all \hbox{{\tt CCTK\_}*} Cactus functions are described. These functions are callable from Fortran or C thorns. Note that whereas all functions are available from C, not all are currently available from Fortran. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Functions Alphabetically} \begin{Lentry} \item[CCTK\_Abort] [\pageref{CCTK-Abort}] Causes abnormal Cactus termination \item[CCTK\_ArrayGroupSize] [\pageref{CCTK-ArrayGroupSize}] Returns the local size for a group, given by its group name \item[CCTK\_ArrayGroupSizeI] [\pageref{CCTK-ArrayGroupSizeI}] Returns the local size for a group, given by its group index \item[CCTK\_Barrier] [\pageref{CCTK-Barrier}] Synchronizes all processors \item[CCTK\_Cmplx] [\pageref{CCTK-Cmplx}] Turns two real numbers into a complex number (only C) \item[CCTK\_CmplxAbs] [\pageref{CCTK-CmplxAbs}] Returns the absolute value of a complex number (only C) \item[CCTK\_CmplxAdd] [\pageref{CCTK-CmplxAdd}] Returns the sum of two complex numbers (only C) \item[CCTK\_CmplxConjg] [\pageref{CCTK-CmplxConjg}] Returns the complex conjugate of a complex number (only C) \item[CCTK\_CmplxCos] [\pageref{CCTK-CmplxCos}] Returns the Cosine of a complex number (only C) [not yet available] \item[CCTK\_CmplxDiv] [\pageref{CCTK-CmplxDiv}] Returns the division of two complex numbers (only C) \item[CCTK\_CmplxExp] [\pageref{CCTK-CmplxExp}] Returns the Exponentiation of a complex number (only C) [not yet available] \item[CCTK\_CmplxImag] [\pageref{CCTK-CmplxImag}] Returns the imaginary part of a complex number (only C) \item[CCTK\_CmplxLog] [\pageref{CCTK-CmplxLog}] Returns the Logarithm of a complex number (only C) [not yet available] \item[CCTK\_CmplxMul] [\pageref{CCTK-CmplxMul}] Returns the multiplication of two complex numbers (only C) \item[CCTK\_CmplxReal] [\pageref{CCTK-CmplxReal}] Returns the real part of a complex number (only C) \item[CCTK\_CmplxSin] [\pageref{CCTK-CmplxSin}] Returns the Sine of a complex number (only C) [not yet available] \item[CCTK\_CmplxSqrt] [\pageref{CCTK-CmplxSqrt}] Returns the square root of a complex number (only C) [not yet available] \item[CCTK\_CmplxSub] [\pageref{CCTK-CmplxSub}] Returns the subtraction of two complex numbers (only C) \item[CCTK\_CoordDir] [\pageref{CCTK-CoordDir}] Give the direction for a given coordinate name. \item[CCTK\_CoordIndex] [\pageref{CCTK-CoordIndex}] Give the grid variable index for a given coordinate. \item[CCTK\_CoordRange] [\pageref{CCTK-CoordRange}] Return the global upper and lower bounds for a given coordinate name on a cctkGH \item[CCTK\_CoordRegisterData] [\pageref{CCTK-CoordRegisterData}] Register a coordinate as belonging to a coordinate system, with a given name and direction, and optionally with a grid variable \item[CCTK\_CoordRegisterRange] [\pageref{CCTK-CoordRegisterRange}] Saves the global upper and lower bounds for a given coordinate name on a cctkGH \item[CCTK\_CoordRegisterSystem] [\pageref{CCTK-CoordRegisterSystem}] Registers a coordinate system with a given dimension \item[CCTK\_CoordSystemDim] [\pageref{CCTK-CoordDim}] Provides the dimension of a given coordinate system \item[CCTK\_CoordSystemHandle] [\pageref{CCTK-CoordSystemHandle}] Get the handle associated with a registered coordinate system \item[CCTK\_CoordSystemName] [\pageref{CCTK-CoordSystemName}] Provides the name of the coordinate system identified by its handle \item[CCTK\_CreateDirectory] [\pageref{CCTK-CreateDirectory}] Creates a directory \item[CCTK\_DecomposeName] [\pageref{CCTK-DecomposeName}] Given the full name of a variable/group, separates the name returning both the implementation and the variable/group \item[CCTK\_DisableGroupComm] [\pageref{CCTK-DisableGroupComm}] Disable the communication for a group \item[CCTK\_DisableGroupStorage] [\pageref{CCTK-DisableGroupStorage}] Disable the storage for a group \item[CCTK\_EnableGroupComm] [\pageref{CCTK-EnableGroupComm}] Enable the communication for a group \item[CCTK\_EnableGroupStorage] [\pageref{CCTK-EnableGroupStorage}] Enable the storage for a group \item[CCTK\_Equals] [\pageref{CCTK-Equals}] Check a STRING or KEYWORD parameter for equality equality with a given string \item[CCTK\_Exit] [\pageref{CCTK-Equals}] Causes normal Cactus termination \item[CCTK\_FirstVarIndex] [\pageref{CCTK-FirstVarIndex}] Given a group name returns the first variable index in the group \item[CCTK\_FirstVarIndexI] [\pageref{CCTK-FirstVarIndexI}] Given a group index returns the first variable index in the group \item[CCTK\_FortranString] [\pageref{CCTK-FortranString}] Changes a C string into a Fortran string \item[CCTK\_FullName] [\pageref{CCTK-FullName}] Given a variable index, returns the full name of the variable \item[CCTK\_GroupData] [\pageref{CCTK-GroupData}] Given a group index, returns information about the variables held in the group \item[CCTK\_GHExtension] [\pageref{CCTK-GHExtension}] Get the pointer to a registered extension to the Cactus GH structure \item[CCTK\_GHExtensionHandle] [\pageref{CCTK-GHExtensionHandle}] Get the handle associated with a extension to the Cactus GH structure \item[CCTK\_GroupIndex] [\pageref{CCTK-GroupIndex}] Get the index number for a group name \item[CCTK\_GroupIndexFromVar] [\pageref{CCTK-GroupIndexFromVar}] Given a variable name, returns the index of the associated group \item[CCTK\_GroupIndexFromVarI] [\pageref{CCTK-GroupIndexFromVarI}] Given a variable index, returns the index of the associated group \item[CCTK\_GroupName] [\pageref{CCTK-GroupName}] Given a group index, returns the group name \item[CCTK\_GroupNameFromVarI] [\pageref{CCTK-GroupNameFromVarI}] Given a variable index, return the name of the associated group \item[CCTK\_GroupTypeFromVarI] [\pageref{CCTK-GroupTypeFromVarI}] Provides group type index from the group index \item[CCTK\_ImpFromVarI] [\pageref{CCTK-ImpFromVarI}] Given a variable index, returns the implementation name \item[CCTK\_INFO] [\pageref{CCTK-INFO}] Prints an information message \item[CCTK\_InterpGridArrays] [\pageref{CCTK-InterpLocalArrays}] Performs an interpolation on a list of distributed arrays, using a chosen interpolation operator (this function is currently being implemented; it should be available in early 2002) \item[CCTK\_InterpGV] [\pageref{CCTK-InterpGV}] Performs an interpolation on a list of distributed CCTK grid variables, using a chosen interpolation operator (this function is being phased out; it will eventually be replaced by \verb|CCTK_InterpGridArrays()|) \item[CCTK\_InterpHandle] [\pageref{CCTK-InterpHandle}] Returns the handle for a given interpolation operator \item[CCTK\_InterpLocal] [\pageref{CCTK-InterpLocal}] Performs an interpolation on a list of processor-local arrays, using a chosen interpolation operator (this function is being phased out; it will eventually be replaced by \verb|CCTK_InterpLocalArrays()|) \item[CCTK\_InterpLocalArrays] [\pageref{CCTK-InterpLocalArrays}] Performs an interpolation on a list of processor-local arrays, using a chosen interpolation operator (this function is currently being implemented; it should be available in early 2002) \item[CCTK\_InterpRegisterOperatorGV] [\pageref{CCTK-InterpRegisterOperatorGV}] Registers a routine as an interpolation operator for distributed CCTK grid variables \item[CCTK\_InterpRegisterOperatorLocal] [\pageref{CCTK-InterpRegisterOperatorLocal}] Registers a routine as an interpolation operator for processor-local arrays \item[CCTK\_IsThornActive] [\pageref{CCTK-IsThornActive}] Reports whether a thorn was activated in a parameter file \item[CCTK\_MaxDim] [\pageref{CCTK-MaxDim}] Get the maximum dimension of any grid variable \item[CCTK\_MyProc] [\pageref{CCTK-MyProc}] Get the local processor number \item[CCTK\_NumGroups] [\pageref{CCTK-NumGroups}] Get the number of groups of variables compiled in the code \item[CCTK\_NumIOMethods] [\pageref{CCTK-NumIOMethods}] Returns the total number of I/O methods registered with the flesh \item[CCTK\_NumTimeLevelsFromVar] [\pageref{CCTK-NumTimeLevelsFromVar}] Gives the number of timelevels for a variable \item[CCTK\_NumTimeLevelsFromVarI] [\pageref{CCTK-NumTimeLevelsFromVarI}] Gives the number of timelevels for a variable \item[CCTK\_NumVars] [\pageref{CCTK-NumVars}] Get the number of grid variables compiled in the code \item[CCTK\_NumVarsInGroup] [\pageref{CCTK-NumVarsInGroup}] Provides the number of variables in a group from the group name \item[CCTK\_NumVarsInGroupI] [\pageref{CCTK-NumVarsInGroupI}] Provides the number of variables in a group from the group index \item[CCTK\_nProcs] [\pageref{CCTK-nProcs}] Get the total number of processors used \item[CCTK\_OutputGH] [\pageref{CCTK-OutputGH}] Conditional output of all variables on a GH by all I/O methods \item[CCTK\_OutputVar] [\pageref{CCTK-OutputVar}] Output of a single variable by all I/O methods \item[CCTK\_OutputVarAs] [\pageref{CCTK-OutputVarAs}] Output of a single variable as an alias by all I/O methods \item[CCTK\_OutputVarAsByMethod] [\pageref{CCTK-OutputVarAsByMethod}] Output of a single variable as an alias by a single I/O method \item[CCTK\_OutputVarByMethod] [\pageref{CCTK-OutputVarByMethod}] Output of a single variable by a single I/O method \item[CCTK\_ParallelInit] [\pageref{CCTK-ParallelInit}] Initializes the parallel subsystem \item[CCTK\_PARAMWARN] [\pageref{CCTK-PARAMWARN}] Prints a warning from parameter checking, and possibly stops the code \item[CCTK\_PrintGroup] [\pageref{CCTK-PrintGroup}] Prints a group name from its index \item[CCTK\_PrintString] [\pageref{CCTK-PrintString}] Prints a Cactus string to screen (from Fortran) \item[CCTK\_PrintVar] [\pageref{CCTK-PrintVar}] Prints a variable name from its index \item[CCTK\_QueryGroupStorage] [\pageref{CCTK-QueryGroupStorage}] Queries storage for a group given by its group name \item[CCTK\_QueryGroupStorageI] [\pageref{CCTK-QueryGroupStorageI}] Queries storage for a group given by its group index %\item[CCTK\_Reduce] % [\pageref{CCTK-Reduce}] % Perform a reduction operation using a registered operator \item[CCTK\_ReductionHandle] [\pageref{CCTK-ReductionHandle}] Get the handle for a registered reduction operator \item[CCTK\_RegisterBanner] [\pageref{CCTK-RegisterBanner}] Register a banner for a thorn \item[CCTK\_RegisterGHExtension] [\pageref{CCTK-RegisterGHExtension}] Register the name of an extension to the Cactus GH. \item[CCTK\_RegisterGHExtensionInitGH] [\pageref{CCTK-RegisterGHExtensionInitGH}] Register a routine for providing initialisation for an extension to the Cactus GH \item[CCTK\_RegisterGHExtensionScheduleTraverseGH] [\pageref{CCTK-RegisterGHExtensionScheduleTraverseGH}] Register a GH extension schedule traversal routine \item[CCTK\_RegisterGHExtensionSetupGH] [\pageref{CCTK-RegisterGHExtensionSetupGH}] Register a routine for setting up an extension to the Cactus GH \item[CCTK\_RegisterIOMethod] [\pageref{CCTK-RegisterIOMethod}] Registers a new I/O method \item[CCTK\_RegisterIOMethodOutputGH] [\pageref{CCTK-RegisterIOMethodOutputGH}] Registers an I/O method's routine for conditional output \item[CCTK\_RegisterIOMethodOutputVarAs] [\pageref{CCTK-RegisterIOMethodOutputVarAs}] Registers an I/O method's routine for unconditional output \item[CCTK\_RegisterIOMethodTimeToOutput] [\pageref{CCTK-RegisterIOMethodTimeToOutput}] Register a routine for deciding if it is time to output for an IO method \item[CCTK\_RegisterIOMethodTriggerOutput] [\pageref{CCTK-RegisterIOMethodTriggerOutput}] Register a routine for dealing with trigger output for an IO method \item[CCTK\_RegisterReductionOperator] [\pageref{CCTK-RegisterReductionOperator}] Register a function as providing a reduction operation \item[CCTK\_SetupGH] [\pageref{CCTK-SetupGH}] Sets up a CCTK grid hierarchy \item[CCTK\_SyncGroup] [\pageref{CCTK-SyncGroup}] Synchronize the ghost zones for a group of variables \item[CCTK\_VarDataPtr] [\pageref{CCTK-VarDataPtr}] Returns the data pointer for a grid variable \item[CCTK\_VarDataPtrB] [\pageref{CCTK-VarDataPtrB}] Returns the data pointer for a grid variable from the variable index or name \item[CCTK\_VarDataPtrI] [\pageref{CCTK-VarDataPtrI}] Returns the data pointer for a grid variable from the variable index \item[CCTK\_VarIndex] [\pageref{CCTK-VarIndex}] Get the index for a variable \item[CCTK\_VarName] [\pageref{CCTK-VarName}] Given a variable index, returns the variable name \item[CCTK\_VarTypeI] [\pageref{CCTK-VarTypeI}] Provides variable type index from the variable index \item[CCTK\_WARN] [\pageref{CCTK-WARN}] Prints a warning message and possibly stops the code \end{Lentry} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Full Description of Functions} %%%%% % AAA %%%%% % CommOverloadables.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_Abort}{Abnormal Cactus termination} \label{CCTK-Abort} \subroutine{int}{integer}{istat} \argument{cGH *}{CCTK\_POINTER}{cctkGH} \argument{int}{integer}{value} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{cctkGH}{pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy} \parameter{value}{the return code to abort with} \end{params} \begin{discussion} This routine causes an immediate, abnormal Cactus termination. It never returns to the caller. \end{discussion} \end{CCTKFunc} % cctk_Comm.h \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_ArrayGroupSize}{} \label{CCTK-ArrayGroupSize} \subroutine{const int *}{}{size} \argument{const cGH *}{CCTK\_POINTER}{cctkGH} \argument{int}{integer}{dir} \argument{const char *}{character*(*)}{groupname} \showcargs \begin{params} \parameter{cctkGH}{pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy} \parameter{dir}{the direction to query} \parameter{groupname}{the group to query given by its full name} \parameter{size}{pointer to the size in the given direction} \end{params} \begin{discussion} For a CCTK\_ARRAY or CCTK\_GF group, this routine returns the processor-local size for variables in that group in a given direction. The direction is counted in C order (zero being the lowest dimension). \end{discussion} \begin{errorcodes} \begin{tabular}{l} A NULL pointer is returned if the group name or the direction given are invalid. \end{tabular} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % CommOverloadables.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_ArrayGroupSizeI}{} \label{CCTK-ArrayGroupSizeI} \subroutine{const int *}{}{size} \argument{const cGH *}{CCTK\_POINTER}{cctkGH} \argument{int}{integer}{dir} \argument{int}{integer}{groupindex} \showcargs \begin{params} \parameter{cctkGH}{pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy} \parameter{dir}{the direction to query} \parameter{groupindex}{the group to query given by its index} \parameter{size}{pointer to the size in the given direction} \end{params} \begin{discussion} For a CCTK\_ARRAY or CCTK\_GF group, this routine returns the processor-local size for variables in that group in a given direction. The direction is counted in C order (zero being the lowest dimension). \end{discussion} \begin{errorcodes} \begin{tabular}{l} A NULL pointer is returned if the group name or the direction given are invalid. \end{tabular} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} %%%%% % BBB %%%%% % CommOverloadables.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_Barrier}{Synchronizes all processors at a given execution point} \label{CCTK-Barrier} \subroutine{int}{integer}{istat} \argument{cGH *}{CCTK\_POINTER}{cctkGH} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{cctkGH}{pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy} \parameter{istat}{return code} \end{params} \begin{discussion} \end{discussion} This routine synchronizes all processors in a parallel job at a given point of execution. No processor will continue execution until all other processors have called {\t CCTK\_Barrier()}. Note that this is a collective operation -- it must be called by all processors otherwise the code will hang. \end{CCTKFunc} %%%%% % CCC %%%%% \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_Cmplx}{Turns two real numbers into a complex number} \label{CCTK-Cmplx} \subroutine{CCTK\_COMPLEX}{}{cmpno} \argument{CCTK\_REAL}{}{realpart} \argument{CCTK\_REAL}{}{imagpart} \showcargs \begin{params} \parameter{cmpno}{The complex number} \parameter{realpart}{The real part of the complex number} \parameter{imagpart}{The imaginary part of the complex number} \end{params} \begin{discussion} \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t cmpno = CCTK\_Cmplx(re,im)}; \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_CmplxAbs}{Absolute value of a complex number} \label{CCTK-CmplxAbs} \subroutine{CCTK\_COMPLEX}{}{absval} \argument{CCTK\_COMPLEX}{}{inval} \showcargs \begin{params} \parameter{absval}{The computed absolute value} \parameter{realpart}{The complex number who absolute value is to be returned} \end{params} \begin{discussion} \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t absval = CCTK\_CmplxAbs(inval)}; \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_CmplxAdd}{Sum of two complex numbers} \label{CCTK-CmplxAdd} \subroutine{CCTK\_COMPLEX}{}{addval} \argument{CCTK\_COMPLEX}{}{inval1} \argument{CCTK\_COMPLEX}{}{inval2} \showcargs \begin{params} \parameter{addval}{The computed added value} \parameter{inval1}{The first complex number to be summed} \parameter{inval2}{The second complex number to be summed} \end{params} \begin{discussion} \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t addval = CCTK\_CmplxAdd(inval1,inval2)}; \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_CmplxConjg}{Complex conjugate of a complex number} \label{CCTK-CmplxConjg} \subroutine{CCTK\_COMPLEX}{}{conjgval} \argument{CCTK\_COMPLEX}{}{inval} \showcargs \begin{params} \parameter{conjval}{The computed conjugate} \parameter{inval}{The complex number to be conjugated} \end{params} \begin{discussion} \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t conjgval = CCTK\_CmplxConjg(inval)}; \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_CmplxCos}{Cosine of a complex number} \label{CCTK-CmplxCos} \subroutine{CCTK\_COMPLEX}{}{cosval} \argument{CCTK\_COMPLEX}{}{inval} \showcargs \begin{params} \parameter{cosval}{The computed cosine} \parameter{inval}{The complex number to be cosined} \end{params} \begin{discussion} {\bf NOT YET AVAILABLE} \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t cosval = CCTK\_CmplxCos(inval)}; \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_CmplxDiv}{Division of two complex numbers} \label{CCTK-CmplxDiv} \subroutine{CCTK\_COMPLEX}{}{divval} \argument{CCTK\_COMPLEX}{}{inval1} \argument{CCTK\_COMPLEX}{}{inval2} \showcargs \begin{params} \parameter{divval}{The divided value} \parameter{inval1}{The enumerator} \parameter{inval1}{The denominator} \end{params} \begin{discussion} \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t divval = CCTK\_CmplxDiv(inval1,inval2)}; \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_CmplxExp}{Exponent of a complex number} \label{CCTK-CmplxExp} \subroutine{CCTK\_COMPLEX}{}{expval} \argument{CCTK\_COMPLEX}{}{inval} \showcargs \begin{params} \parameter{expval}{The computed exponent} \parameter{inval}{The complex number to be exponented} \end{params} \begin{discussion} {\bf NOT YET AVAILABLE} \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t expval = CCTK\_CmplxExp(inval)}; \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_CmplxImag}{Imaginary part of a complex number} \label{CCTK-CmplxImag} \subroutine{CCTK\_REAL}{}{imval} \argument{CCTK\_COMPLEX}{}{inval} \showcargs \begin{params} \parameter{imval}{The imaginary part} \parameter{inval}{The complex number} \end{params} \begin{discussion} The imaginary part of a complex number $z=a+bi$ is $b$. \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t imval = CCTK\_CmplxImag(inval)}; \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_CmplxLog}{Logarithm of a complex number} \label{CCTK-CmplxLog} \subroutine{CCTK\_COMPLEX}{}{logval} \argument{CCTK\_COMPLEX}{}{inval} \showcargs \begin{params} \parameter{logval}{The computed logarithm} \parameter{inval}{The complex number} \end{params} \begin{discussion} {\bf NOT YET AVAILABLE} \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t logval = CCTK\_CmplxLog(inval)}; \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_CmplxMul}{Multiplication of two complex numbers} \label{CCTK-CmplxMul} \subroutine{CCTK\_COMPLEX}{}{mulval} \argument{CCTK\_COMPLEX}{}{inval1} \argument{CCTK\_COMPLEX}{}{inval2} \showcargs \begin{params} \parameter{mulval}{The product} \parameter{inval1}{First complex number to be multiplied} \parameter{inval2}{Second complex number to be multiplied} \end{params} \begin{discussion} The product of two complex numbers $z_1=a_1+b_1 i$ and $z_2=a_2+b_2 i$ is $z=(a_1 a_2 - b_1 b_2) + (a_1 b_2 + a_2 b_1)i$. \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t mulval = CCTK\_CmplxMul(inval1,inval2)}; \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_CmplxReal}{Real part of a complex number} \label{CCTK-CmplxReal} \subroutine{CCTK\_REAL}{}{reval} \argument{CCTK\_COMPLEX}{}{inval} \showcargs \begin{params} \parameter{reval}{The real part} \parameter{inval}{The complex number} \end{params} \begin{discussion} The real part of a complex number $z=a+bi$ is $a$. \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t reval = CCTK\_CmplxReal(inval)}; \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_CmplxSin}{Sine of a complex number} \label{CCTK-CmplxSin} \subroutine{CCTK\_COMPLEX}{}{sinval} \argument{CCTK\_COMPLEX}{}{inval} \showcargs \begin{params} \parameter{sinval}{The computed sine} \parameter{inval}{The complex number to be Sined} \end{params} \begin{discussion} {\bf NOT YET AVAILABLE} \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t sinval = CCTK\_CmplxSin(inval)}; \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_CmplxSub}{Subtraction of two complex numbers} \label{CCTK-CmplxSub} \subroutine{CCTK\_COMPLEX}{}{subval} \argument{CCTK\_COMPLEX}{}{inval1} \argument{CCTK\_COMPLEX}{}{inval2} \showcargs \begin{params} \parameter{addval}{The computed subtracted value} \parameter{inval1}{The complex number to be subtracted from} \parameter{inval2}{The complex number to subtract} \end{params} \begin{discussion} If $z_1=a_1 + b_1 i$ and $z_2 = a_2+ b_2 i$ then $$ z_1-z_2 = (a_1-a_2)+ (b_1 - b_2)i $$ \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t subval = CCTK\_CmplxSub(inval1,inval2)}; \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_CmplxSqrt}{Square root of a complex number} \label{CCTK-CmplxSqrt} \subroutine{CCTK\_COMPLEX}{}{sqrtval} \argument{CCTK\_COMPLEX}{}{inval} \showcargs \begin{params} \parameter{expval}{The computed square root} \parameter{inval}{The complex number to be square rooted} \end{params} \begin{discussion} {\bf NOT YET AVAILABLE} \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t sqrtval = CCTK\_CmplxSqrt(inval)}; \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_CoordSystemDim}{Give the dimension for a given coordinate system.} \label{CCTK-CoordDim} \subroutine{int}{integer}{dim} \argument{const char *}{character*(*)}{systemname} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{dim}{The dimension of the coordinate system} \parameter{systemname}{The name of the coordinate system} \end{params} \begin{discussion} \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t dim = CCTK\_CoordSystemDim("cart3d")}; \\ \hfill {\bf Fortran} && {\t call CCTK\_COORDSYSTEMDIM(dim,"spher3d")} \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_CoordDir}{Give the direction for a given coordinate.} \label{CCTK-CoordDir} \subroutine{int}{integer}{dir} \argument{const char *}{character*(*)}{coordname} \argument{const char *}{character*(*)}{systemname} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{dir}{The direction of the coordinate} \parameter{coordname}{The name assigned to this coordinate} \parameter{systemname}{The name of the coordinate system} \end{params} \begin{discussion} The coordinate name is independent of the grid function name. \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t direction = CCTK\_CoordDir("xdir","cart3d")}; \\ \hfill {\bf Fortran} && {\t call CCTK\_COORDDIR(direction,"radius","spher3d")} \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_CoordIndex}{Give the grid variable index for a given coordinate.} \label{CCTK-CoordIndex} \subroutine{int}{integer}{index} \argument{int}{integer}{direction} \argument{const char *}{character*(*)}{coordname} \argument{const char *}{character*(*)}{systemname} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{index}{The coordinates associated grid variable index} \parameter{direction}{The direction of the coordinate in this coordinate system} \parameter{coordname}{The name assigned to this coordinate} \parameter{systemname}{The coordinate system for this coordinate} \end{params} \begin{discussion} The coordinate name is independent of the grid variable name. To find the index, the coordinate system name must be given, and either the coordinate direction or the coordinate name. The coordinate name will be used if the coordinate direction is given as less than or equal to zero, otherwise the coordinate name will be used. \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t index = CCTK\_CoordIndex(-1,"xdir","cart3d")}; \\ \hfill {\bf Fortran} && one = 1 \\ && {\t call CCTK\_COORDINDEX(index,one,"radius","spher2d")} \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % Coord.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_CoordRange}{Return the global upper and lower bounds for a given coordinate} \label{CCTK-CoordRange} \subroutine{int}{integer}{ierr} \argument{const cGH *}{CCTK\_POINTER}{cctkGH} \argument{CCTK\_REAL}{CCTK\_REAL}{lower} \argument{CCTK\_REAL}{CCTK\_REAL}{upper} \argument{int}{integer}{direction} \argument{const char *}{character*(*)}{coordname} \argument{const char *}{character*(*)}{systemname} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{ierr}{Error code} \parameter{cctkGH}{pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy} \parameter{lower}{Global lower bound of the coordinate (POINTER in C)} \parameter{upper}{Global upper bound of the coordinate (POINTER in C)} \parameter{direction}{Direction of coordinate in coordinate system} \parameter{coordname}{Coordinate name} \parameter{systemname}{Coordinate system name} \end{params} \begin{discussion} The coordinate name is independent of the grid function name. The coordinate range is registered by {\t CCTK\_CoordRegisterRange}. To find the range, the coordinate system name must be given, and either the coordinate direction or the coordinate name. The coordinate direction will be used if is given as a positive value, otherwise the coordinate name will be used. \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t ierr = CCTK\_CoordRange(cctkGH, \&xmin, \&xmax, -1, "xdir", "mysystem");} \\ \hfill {\bf Fortran} && {\t call CCTK\_COORDRANGE(ierr, cctkGH, Rmin, Rmax, -1, "radius", "sphersystem")} \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % Coord.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_CoordRegisterData}{Define a coordinate in a given coordinate system.} \label{CCTK-CoordRegisterData} \subroutine{int}{integer}{ierr} \argument{int}{integer}{direction} \argument{const char *}{character*(*)}{gvname} \argument{const char *}{character*(*)}{coordname} \argument{const char *}{character*(*)}{systemname} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{ierr}{Error code} \parameter{direction}{Direction of coordinate in coordinate system} \parameter{gvname}{Name of grid variable associated with coordinate} \parameter{coordname}{Name of this coordinate} \parameter{systemname}{Name of this coordinate system} \end{params} \begin{discussion} There must already be a coordinate system registered, using {\tt CCTK\_CoordRegisterSystem}. \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t ierr = CCTK\_CoordRegisterData(1,"coordthorn::myx","x2d","cart2d")}; \\ \hfill {\bf Fortran} && two = 2 \\ &&{\t call CCTK\_COORDREGISTERDATA(ierr,two,"coordthorn::mytheta","spher3d")} \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % Coord.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_CoordRegisterRange}{Assign the global maximum and minimum values of a coordinate on a given grid hierachy} \label{CCTK-CoordRegisterRange} \subroutine{int}{integer}{ierr} \argument{const cGH *}{CCTK\_POINTER}{cctkGH} \argument{CCTK\_REAL}{CCTK\_REAL}{min} \argument{CCTK\_REAL}{CCTK\_REAL}{max} \argument{int}{integer}{direction} \argument{const char *}{character*(*)}{coordname} \argument{const char *}{character*(*)}{systemname} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{ierr}{Error code} \parameter{dimension}{Pointer to CCTK grid hierachy} \parameter{min}{Global minimum of coordinate} \parameter{max}{Global maximum of coordinate} \parameter{direction}{Direction of coordinate in coordinate system} \parameter{coordname}{Name of coordinate in coordinate system} \parameter{systemname}{Name of this coordinate system} \end{params} \begin{discussion} There must already be a coordinate registered with the given name, with {\t CCTK\_CoordRegisterData}. The coordinate range can be accessed by {\t CCTK\_CoordRange}. \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t ierr = CCTK\_CoordRegisterRange(cctkGH,-1.0,1.0,1,"x2d","cart2d")}; \\ \hfill {\bf Fortran} && min = 0 \\ && max = 3.1415d0/2.0d0 \\ && two = 2 \\ &&{\t call CCTK\_COORDREGISTERRANGE(ierr,min,max,two,"coordthorn::mytheta","spher3d")} \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % Coord.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_CoordRegisterSystem}{Assigns a coordinate system with a chosen name and dimension} \label{CCTK-CoordRegisterSystem} \subroutine{int}{integer}{ierr} \argument{int}{integer}{dimension} \argument{const char *}{character*(*)}{systemname} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{ierr}{Error code} \parameter{dimension}{Dimension of coordinate system} \parameter{systemname}{Unique name assigned to coordinate system} \end{params} \begin{discussion} \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t ierr = CCTK\_CoordRegisterSystem(3,"cart3d")}; \\ \hfill {\bf Fortran} && three = 3 \\ &&{\t call CCTK\_COORDREGISTERSYSTEM(ierr,three,"sphersystem")} \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % Coord.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_CoordSystemHandle}{Returns the handle associated with a registered coordinate system} \label{CCTK-CoordSystemHandle} \subroutine{int}{integer}{handle} \argument{const char *}{character*(*)}{systemname} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{handle}{The coordinate system handle} \parameter{systemname}{Name of the coordinate system} \end{params} \begin{discussion} \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t handle = CCTK\_CoordSystemHandle("my coordinate system");} \\ \hfill {\bf Fortran} && {\t call CCTK\_CoordSystemHandle(handle,"my coordinate system")} \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \begin{tabular}{l} A negative return code indicates an invalid coordinate system name. \end{tabular} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % Coord.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_CoordSystemName}{Returns the name of a registered coordinate system} \label{CCTK-CoordSystemName} \subroutine{const char *}{integer}{systemname} \argument{int}{integer}{handle} \showcargs \begin{params} \parameter{handle}{The coordinate system handle} \parameter{systemname}{The coordinate system name} \end{params} \begin{discussion} No Fortran routine exists at the moment. \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t systemname = CCTK\_CoordSystemName(handle);} \\ \hfill && {\t handle = CCTK\_CoordSystemHandle(systemname);} \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \begin{tabular}{l} A NULL pointer is returned if an invalid handle was given. \end{tabular} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % Coord.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_CreateDirectory}{Create a directory with required permissions} \label{CCTK-CreateDirectory} \subroutine{int}{integer}{ierr} \argument{const char *}{character*(*)}{pathname} \argument{int}{integer}{mode} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{ierr}{Error code} \parameter{pathname}{Directory to create} \parameter{mode}{Permission mode for new directory as an octal number} \end{params} \begin{discussion} To create a directory readable by everyone, but writeable only by the user runnning the code, the permission mode would be 0755. \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t ierr = CCTK\_CreateDirectory("Results/New",0755) }; \\ \hfill {\bf Fortran} && {\t call CCTK\_CREATEDIRECTORY(ierr,"Results/New",0755)} \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \begin{tabular}{ll} 0 & Directory successfully created\\ -1 & Memory allocation failed\\ -2 & Failed to create directory\\ -3 & pathname exists but is not a directory\\ \end{tabular} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} %%%%% % DDD %%%%% % CommOverloadables.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_DisableGroupComm}{Turn communications off for a group of grid variables} \label{CCTK-DisableGroupComm} \subroutine{int}{integer}{istat} \argument{cGH *}{CCTK\_POINTER}{cctkGH} \argument{const char *}{character*(*)}{group} \showcargs \begin{params} \parameter{cctkGH}{pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy} \end{params} \begin{discussion} Turning off communications means that ghost zones will not be communicated during a call to {\tt CCTK\_SyncGroup}. By default communications are all off. \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % CommOverloadables.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_DisableGroupStorage}{Free the storage associated with a group of grid variables} \label{CCTK-DisableGroupStorage} \subroutine{int}{integer}{istat} \argument{cGH *}{CCTK\_POINTER}{cctkGH} \argument{const char *}{character*(*)}{group} \showcargs \begin{params} \parameter{cctkGH}{pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy} \end{params} \begin{discussion} \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % Groups.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_DecomposeName}{Given the full name of a variable/group, separates the name returning both the implementation and the variable/group} \label{CCTK-DecomposeName} \subroutine{int}{integer}{istat} \argument{char *}{}{fullname} \argument{char **}{}{imp} \argument{char **}{}{name} \showcargs \begin{params} \parameter{istat}{Status flag returned by routine} \parameter{fullname}{The full name of the group/variable} \parameter{imp}{The implementation name} \parameter{name}{The group/variable name} \end{params} \begin{discussion} No Fortran routine exists at the moment. \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t istat = CCTK\_DecomposeName("evolve::scalars",imp,name)}\\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} %%%%% % EEE %%%%% % CommOverloadables.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_EnableGroupComm}{Turn communications on for a group of grid variables} \label{CCTK-EnableGroupComm} \subroutine{int}{integer}{istat} \argument{cGH *}{CCTK\_POINTER}{cctkGH} \argument{const char *}{character*(*)}{group} \showcargs \begin{params} \parameter{cctkGH}{pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy} \end{params} \begin{discussion} Grid variables with communication enabled will have their ghost zones communicated during a call to {\tt CCTK\_SyncGroup}. In general, this function does not need to be used, since communication is automatically enabled for grid variables who have assigned storage via the {\tt schedule.ccl} file. \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % CommOverloadables.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_EnableGroupStorage}{Assign the storage for a group of grid variables} \label{CCTK-EnableGroupStorage} \subroutine{int}{integer}{istat} \argument{cGH *}{CCTK\_POINTER}{cctkGH} \argument{const char *}{character*(*)}{group} \showcargs \begin{params} \parameter{cctkGH}{pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy} \end{params} \begin{discussion} In general this function does not need to be used, since storage assignment is best handled by the Cactus scheduler via a thorn's {\tt schedule.ccl} file. \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % CommOverloadables.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_Equals}{Checks a STRING or KEYWORD parameter for equality with a given string} \label{CCTK-Equals} \function{int}{integer}{istat} \argument{const char *}{CCTK\_POINTER}{param} \argument{const char *}{character*(*)}{value} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{istat}{returns success or failure of equality} \parameter{param}{the STRING or KEYWORD parameter to check} \parameter{value}{the string value to compare against} \end{params} \begin{discussion} This function compares a Cactus parameter of type STRING or KEYWORD against a given string value. The comparison is performed case-independent, returning a non-zero value if the strings are the same, and zero if they differ. Note that in Fortran code, STRING or KEYWORD parameters are passed as C pointers, and can not be treated as normal Fortran strings. Thus {\t CCTK\_Equals()} should be used to check the value of such a parameter. \end{discussion} \end{CCTKFunc} % CommOverloadables.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_Exit}{Exit the code cleanly} \label{CCTK-Exit} \subroutine{int}{integer}{istat} \argument{cGH *}{CCTK\_POINTER}{cctkGH} \argument{int}{integer}{value} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{cctkGH}{pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy} \parameter{value}{the return code to abort with} \end{params} \begin{discussion} This routine causes an immediate, regular termination of Cactus. It never returns to the caller. \end{discussion} \end{CCTKFunc} %%%%% % FFF %%%%% % Groups.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_FirstVarIndex}{Given a group name returns the first variable index in the group} \label{CCTK-FirstVarIndex} \subroutine{int}{integer}{firstvar} \argument{const char *}{character*(*)}{group} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{firstvar}{The the first variable index in the given group} \parameter{group}{The group name} \end{params} \begin{discussion} \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t firstvar = CCTK\_FirstVarIndex("evolve::scalars") ;} \\ \hfill {\bf Fortran} && {\t call CCTK\_GroupIndex(index,"evolve::scalars")}\\ \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_FirstVarIndexI}{Given a group index returns the first variable index in the group} \label{CCTK-FirstVarIndexI} \subroutine{int}{integer}{firstvar} \argument{int}{integer}{group} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{firstvar}{The the first variable index in the given group} \parameter{group}{The group index} \end{params} \begin{discussion} \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t index = CCTK\_GroupIndex("evolve::scalars")}\\ &&{\t firstvar = CCTK\_FirstVarIndexI(index) ;} \\ \hfill {\bf Fortran} && {\t call CCTK\_GroupIndex(index,3)}\\ \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_FortranString}{Changes a C string into a Fortran string} \label{CCTK-FortranString} \subroutine{int}{integer}{nchar} \argument{const char *}{character*(*)}{strout} \argument{const char *}{CCTK\_STRING}{strin} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{nchar}{The number of characters in the C string, not counting the null terminator} \parameter{strout}{The fortran string which on output contains the C string as the first nchar characters} \parameter{strin}{The (pointer to the) C string containing the null terminator} \end{params} \begin{discussion} String or keyword parameters in Cactus are passed into Fortran routines as pointers to C strings. This means that they cannot be directly used as Fortran strings. This routine allows a Fortran string to be created from such a C string. Note that the Fortran string must be defined to have at least the same expected length as the C string. This routine is only callable from Fortran. \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf Fortran} && \\ \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % Groups.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_FullName}{Given a variable index, returns the full name of the variable} \label{CCTK-FullName} \subroutine{char *}{integer}{fullname} \argument{int}{integer}{index} \showcargs \begin{params} \parameter{implementation}{The full variable name} \parameter{index}{The variable index} \end{params} \begin{discussion} No Fortran routine exists at the moment. The full variable name is in the form {\t ::} \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t index = CCTK\_VarIndex("evolve::phi")}\\ &&{\t fullname = CCTK\_FullName(index) ;} \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} %%%%% % GGG %%%%% % cctk_GHExtensions.h \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_GHExtension}{Get the pointer to a registered extension to the Cactus GH structure} \label{CCTK-GHExtension} \subroutine{int}{integer}{extension} \argument{GH *}{CCTK\_POINTER}{cctkGH} \showcargs \begin{params} \parameter{extension}{The pointer to the GH extension} \parameter{cctkGH}{The pointer to the CCTK grid hierarchy} \parameter{name}{The name of the GH extension} \end{params} \begin{discussion} No Fortran routine exists at the moment. \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t extension = CCTK\_GHExtension("myExtension");} \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} A NULL pointer is returned if an invalid extension name was given. \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % cctk_GHExtensions.h \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_GHExtensionHandle}{Get the handle associated with a extension to the Cactus GH structure} \label{CCTK-GHExtensionHandle} \subroutine{int}{integer}{handle} \argument{const char *}{character*(*)}{name} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{handle}{The GH extension handle} \parameter{group}{The name of the GH extension} \end{params} \begin{discussion} \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t handle = CCTK\_GHExtension("myExtension") ;} \\ \hfill {\bf Fortran} && {\t call CCTK\_GHExtension(handle,"myExtension")}\\ \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % Groups.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_GroupTypeFromVarI}{Provides group type index from the group index} \label{CCTK-GroupTypeFromVarI} \subroutine{int}{integer}{type} \argument{int}{integer}{index} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{type}{The group type index} \parameter{group}{The group index} \end{params} \begin{discussion} The group type index indicates the type of variables in the group. Either scalars, grid functions or arrays. The group type can be checked with the Cactus provided macros for {\t GROUP\_SCALAR}, {\t GROUP\_GF}, {\t GROUP\_ARRAY}. \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t index = CCTK\_GroupIndex("evolve::scalars")}\\ &&{\t array = (GROUP\_ARRAY == CCTK\_GroupTypeFromVarI(index)) ;} \\ \hfill {\bf Fortran} && {\t call CCTK\_GROUPTYPEFROMVARI(type,3)}\\ \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % Groups.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_GroupName}{Given a group index, returns the group name} \label{CCTK-GroupName} \subroutine{char *}{integer}{name} \argument{int}{integer}{index} \showcargs \begin{params} \parameter{name}{The group name} \parameter{index}{The group index} \end{params} \begin{discussion} No Fortran routine exists at the moment. \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t index = CCTK\_GroupIndex("evolve::scalars")}\\ &&{\t name = CCTK\_GroupName(index) ;} \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % Groups.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_GroupData}{Given a group index, returns information about the variables held in the group.} \label{CCTK-GroupData} \function{int}{}{ierr} \argument{int}{}{group} \argument{cGroup *}{}{pgroup} \showcargs \begin{params} \parameter{ierr}{0 for success, negative for failure} \parameter{group}{group index} \parameter{pgroup}{returns a pointer to a structure containing group information} \end{params} \begin{discussion} The cGroup structure contains the information \begin{itemize} \item grouptype: The group type \item vartype: The type of variables in the group \item stagtype: The type of grid staggering for arrays \item dim: The dimension of variables in the group \item numvars: The number of variables in the group \item ntimelevels: The number of timelevels for variables in the group \end{itemize} No Fortran routine exists at the moment. \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t cGroup pgroup;}\\ && {\t index = CCTK\_GroupIndex("evolve::scalars")}\\ &&{\t ierr = CCTK\_GroupData(index,\&pgroup);}\\ && {\t vtype = pgroup.vartype;} \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % Groups.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_GroupNameFromVarI}{Given a variable index, return the name of the associated group} \label{CCTK-GroupNameFromVarI} \subroutine{char *}{character*(*)}{group} \argument{int}{integer}{varindex} \showcargs \begin{params} \parameter{group}{The name of the group} \parameter{varindex}{The index of the variable} \end{params} \begin{discussion} \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t index = CCTK\_VarIndex("evolve::phi");} \\ && {\t group = CCTK\_GroupNameFromVarI(index) ;} \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % Groups.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_GroupIndexFromVarI}{Given a variable index, returns the index of the associated group} \label{CCTK-GroupIndexFromVarI} \subroutine{int}{integer}{groupindex} \argument{int}{integer}{varindex} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{groupindex}{The index of the group} \parameter{varindex}{The index of the variable} \end{params} \begin{discussion} \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t index = CCTK\_VarIndex("evolve::phi");} \\ && {\t groupindex = CCTK\_GroupIndexFromVarI(index) ;} \\ \hfill {\bf Fortran} && {\t call CCTK\_VARINDEX("evolve::phi")}\\ &&call {\t CCTK\_GROUPINDEXFROMVARI(groupindex,index)} \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % Groups.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_GroupIndexFromVar}{Given a variable name, returns the index of the associated group} \label{CCTK-GroupIndexFromVar} \subroutine{int}{integer}{groupindex} \argument{const char *}{character*(*)}{name} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{groupindex}{The index of the group} \parameter{name}{The full name of the variable} \end{params} \begin{discussion} The variable name should be in the form {\t ::} \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t groupindex = CCTK\_GroupIndexFromVar("evolve::phi") ;} \\ \hfill {\bf Fortran} && {\t call CCTK\_GROUPINDEXFROMVAR(groupindex,"evolve::phi")} \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % Groups.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_GroupIndex}{Get the index number for a group name} \label{CCTK-GroupIndex} \subroutine{int}{integer}{index} \argument{const char *}{character*(*)}{groupname} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{groupname}{The name of the group} \end{params} \begin{discussion} The group name should be the given in its fully qualified form, that is {\t ::} for a public or protected group, and {\t ::} for a private group. \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t index = CCTK\_GroupIndex("evolve::scalars") }; \\ \hfill {\bf Fortran} && call {\t CCTK\_GroupIndex(index,"evolve::scalars")} \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} %%%%% % HHH %%%%% %%%%% % III %%%%% % Groups.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_ImpFromVarI}{Given a variable index, returns the implementation name} \label{CCTK-ImpFromVarI} \subroutine{char *}{integer}{implementation} \argument{int}{integer}{index} \showcargs \begin{params} \parameter{implementation}{The implementation name} \parameter{index}{The variable index} \end{params} \begin{discussion} No Fortran routine exists at the moment \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t index = CCTK\_VarIndex("evolve::phi");}\\ &&{\t implementation = CCTK\_ImpFromVarI(index);} \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % WarnLevel.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_INFO}{Prints an information message} \label{CCTK-INFO} \subroutine{}{}{} \argument{const char *}{character*(*)}{message} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{message}{The information message} \end{params} \begin{discussion} \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t CCTK\_INFO("Entering interpolator") }; \\ \hfill {\bf Fortran} && {\t call CCTK\_INFO("Inside interpolator")} \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{FunctionDescription}{CCTK\_InterpGridArrays} \label{CCTK-InterpGridArrays} Interpolate a list of distributed grid arrays. (This function is currently being implemented; it should be available early in 2002, and will eventually replace \verb|CCTK_InterpGV()|. See the Cactus web pages ``Development'' section for further details.) \begin{Synopsis}{C} \begin{verbatim} #include "cctk.h" int status = CCTK_InterpGridArrays(const cGH *GH, int N_dims, int operator_handle, int param_table_handle, int coord_system_handle, int N_interp_points, const CCTK_INT interp_coord_type_codes[], const void *const interp_coords[], int N_input_arrays, const CCTK_INT input_array_variable_indices[], int N_output_arrays, const CCTK_INT output_array_type_codes[], void *const output_arrays[]); \end{verbatim} \end{Synopsis} \begin{Result}{\rm 0} success \end{Result} \begin{Parameter}{GH ($\ne$ NULL)} Pointer to a valid Cactus grid hierarchy. \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{N\_dims ($\ge 1$)} Number of dimensions in which to interpolate. Note that this may be less than the number of dimensions of the input arrays if the storage is set up appropriately. For example, we might want to interpolate along 1-D lines or in 2-D planes of a 3-D input array; here \verb|N_dims| would be 1 or 2 respectively. See the discussion of the \verb|input_array_strides| optional parameter (passed in the parameter table) for details. \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{operator\_handle ($\ge 0$)} \hbox{} Handle to the interpolation operator. \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{param\_table\_handle ($\ge 0$)} \hbox{} Handle to a key-value table containing additional parameters for the interpolator. \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{coord\_system\_handle ($\ge 0$)} \hbox{} Cactus coordinate system handle defining the mapping between physical coordinates and integer grid subscripts. \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{N\_interp\_points ($\ge 0$)} \hbox{} The number of points at which interpolation is to be done. \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{interp\_coord\_type\_codes ($\ne$ NULL)} \hbox{} (Pointer to) an array of \verb|N_dims| \verb|CCTK_VARIABLE_|* type codes giving the data types of the interpolation-point coordinate arrays pointed to by \verb|interp_coords[]|. \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{interp\_coords ($\ne$ NULL)} \hbox{} (Pointer to) an array of \verb|N_dims| pointers to arrays giving the physical coordinates of the interpolation points. \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{N\_input\_arrays ($\ge 0$)} \hbox{}The number of input arrays to be interpolated. Note that if the parameter table entry \verb|operand_indices| is used to specify a 1-to-many mapping of input arrays to output arrays, only the unique set of input arrays should be given here. \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{input\_array\_variable\_indices ($\ne$ NULL)} \hbox{} (Pointer to) an array of \verb|N_input_arrays| Cactus variable indices specifying the input grid arrays for the interpolation. \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{N\_output\_arrays ($\ge 0$)} \hbox{} The number of output arrays from the interpolation. \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{output\_array\_type\_codes ($\ne$ NULL)} \hbox{} (Pointer to) an array of \verb|N_output_arrays| \verb|CCTK_VARIABLE_|* type codes giving the data types of the output arrays pointed to by \verb|output_arrays[]|. \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{output\_arrays ($\ne$ NULL)} \hbox{} (Pointer to) an array of \verb|N_output_arrays| pointers to the output arrays for the interpolation. \end{Parameter} \begin{Discussion} This function interpolates a list of distributed grid arrays. The computation is optimized for the case of interpolating a number of arrays at a time; in this case the same coefficients can be used for all the arrays. Details of the operation performed, and what (if any) inputs and/or outputs are specified in the parameter table, depend on which driver thorn and interpolation operator you use. See the documentation on individual driver thorns (eg.~\verb|PUGHInterp|) for details. One common parameter-table option, which a number of interpolation operators are likely to support, is \verb|order|, a \verb|CCTK_INT| specifying the order of the (presumably polynomial) interpolation (1=linear, 2=quadratic, 3=cubic, etc). \end{Discussion} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_InterpLocalArrays()} Interpolate a list of processor-local arrays. \end{SeeAlso} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_BAD\_INPUT} one or more of the inputs is invalid (eg.~\verb|NULL| pointer) \end{Error} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_NO\_MEMORY} unable to allocate memory \end{Error} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_BAD\_HANDLE} parameter table handle is invalid \end{Error} \begin{Example}{C} Here's a simple example to do quartic 3-D interpolation of a real and a complex grid array, at 1000 interpolation points: \begin{verbatim} #include "cctk.h" #include "util_Table.h" #define N_DIMS 3 #define N_INTERP_POINTS 1000 #define N_INPUT_ARRAYS 2 #define N_OUTPUT_ARRAYS 2 const cGH *GH; int operator_handle, coord_system_handle; /* interpolation points */ CCTK_REAL interp_x[N_INTERP_POINTS], interp_y[N_INTERP_POINTS], interp_z[N_INTERP_POINTS]; static const CCTK_INT interp_coord_type_codes[N_DIMS] = { CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL }; const void *interp_coords[N_DIMS]; /* input and output arrays */ CCTK_INT input_array_variable_indices[N_INPUT_ARRAYS]; static const CCTK_INT output_array_type_codes[N_OUTPUT_ARRAYS] = { CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_COMPLEX }; void *output_arrays[N_OUTPUT_ARRAYS]; CCTK_REAL output_for_real_array [N_INTERP_POINTS]; CCTK_COMPLEX output_for_complex_array[N_INTERP_POINTS]; operator_handle = CCTK_InterpHandle("generalized polynomial"); if (operator_handle < 0) CCTK_WARN(-1, "can't get operator handle!"); coord_system_handle = CCTK_CoordSystemHandle("cart3d"); if (coord_system_handle < 0) CCTK_WARN(-1, "can't get coordinate-system handle!"); interp_coords[0] = (const void *) interp_x; interp_coords[1] = (const void *) interp_y; interp_coords[2] = (const void *) interp_z; input_array_variable_indices[0] = CCTK_VarIndex("my_thorn::real_array"); input_array_variable_indices[1] = CCTK_VarIndex("my_thorn::complex_array"); output_arrays[0] = (void *) output_for_real_array; output_arrays[1] = (void *) output_for_complex_array; if (CCTK_InterpGridArrays(GH, N_DIMS, operator_handle, Util_TableCreateFromString("order=4"), coord_system_handle, N_INTERP_POINTS, interp_coord_type_codes, interp_coords, N_INPUT_ARRAYS, input_array_variable_indices, N_OUTPUT_ARRAYS, output_array_type_codes, output_arrays) < 0) CCTK_WARN(-1, "error return from interpolator!"); \end{verbatim} \end{Example} \end{FunctionDescription} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Interp.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_InterpGV}%%% {Perform an interpolation on a list of distributed CCTK grid variables, using a chosen interpolation operator%%% \\[\baselineskip] This function is being phased out; it will eventually be replaced by {\t CCTK\_InterpGridArrays()}.} \label{CCTK-InterpGV} \subroutine{int}{integer}{ierr} \argument{cGH *}{CCTK\_POINTER}{cctkGH} \argument{int}{integer}{operator\_handle} \argument{int}{integer}{coord\_system\_handle} \argument{int}{integer}{num\_points} \argument{int}{integer}{num\_in\_array\_indices} \argument{int}{integer}{num\_out\_arrays} \argument{...}{...}{} \argument{{\it num\_dims} * void *}{{\it num\_dims} * CCTK\_POINTER}{interp\_coord\_arrays} \argument{{\it num\_dims} * int}{{\it num\_dims} * integer}{interp\_coord\_array\_types} \argument{{\it num\_array\_indices} * int}{{\it num\_array\_indices} * integer}{in\_array\_indices} \argument{{\it num\_out\_arrays} * void *}{{\it num\_out\_arrays} * CCTK\_POINTER}{out\_arrays} \argument{{\it num\_out\_arrays} * int}{{\it num\_out\_arrays} * integer}{out\_array\_types} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{cctkGH}{Pointer to the CCTK grid hierarchy} \parameter{operator\_handle}{Handle for the interpolation operator} \parameter{coord\_system\_handle}{Handle for the coordinate system.\newline This handle denotes the coordinate system to use for locating the points to interpolate at.} \parameter{num\_points}{Number of points to be interpolated on this processor} \parameter{num\_in\_array\_indices}{Number of passed input array indices} \parameter{num\_out\_arrays}{Number of passed output arrays} \parameter{...}{Variable argument list, with arguments as following} \parameter{interp\_coord\_arrays}{List of coordinate arrays for points to interpolate at ({\it num\_dims} is the number of dimensions of the coordinate system)} \parameter{interp\_coord\_array\_types}{List of CCTK datatypes for coordinate arrays} \parameter{in\_array\_indices}{List of CCTK grid variables to interpolate (given by their indices)} \parameter{out\_arrays}{List of output arrays} \parameter{out\_array\_types}{List of CCTK datatypes for output arrays} \end{params} \begin{discussion} \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t int interp\_handle, coord\_system\_handle; CCTK\_REAL coord\_x[NUM\_POINTS], coord\_y[NUM\_POINTS]; int my\_grid\_fn1, my\_grid\_fn2; CCTK\_REAL my\_out\_array1[NUM\_POINTS]; CCTK\_COMPLEX my\_out\_array2[NUM\_POINTS];\linebreak interp\_handle =\vfill \hspace{2ex} CCTK\_InterpHandle("my interpolation operator"); coord\_system\_handle =\vfill \hspace{2ex} CCTK\_CoordSystemHandle("my 2D coordinate system"); my\_grid\_fn1 = CCTK\_VarIndex("myThorn::myGF1"); my\_grid\_fn2 = CCTK\_VarIndex("myThorn::myGF2");\linebreak ierr = CCTK\_InterpGV(cctkGH,\vfill \hspace{2ex} interp\_handle, coord\_system\_handle,\vfill \hspace{2ex} NUM\_POINTS, 2, 2,\vfill \hspace{2ex} coord\_x, coord\_y,\vfill \hspace{2ex} CCTK\_VARIABLE\_REAL, CCTK\_VARIABLE\_REAL,\vfill \hspace{2ex} my\_grid\_fn1, my\_grid\_fn2,\vfill \hspace{2ex} my\_out\_array1, my\_out\_array2,\vfill \hspace{2ex} CCTK\_VARIABLE\_REAL, CCTK\_VARIABLE\_COMPLEX); } \\ \hfill {\bf Fortran} && {\t integer interp\_handle, coord\_system\_handle CCTK\_REAL coord(NUM\_POINTS) integer my\_grid\_fn1, my\_grid\_fn2, my\_grid\_fn3 CCTK\_REAL my\_out\_array1(NUM\_POINTS) CCTK\_COMPLEX my\_out\_array2(NUM\_POINTS) CCTK\_INT my\_out\_array3(NUM\_POINTS)\linebreak call CCTK\_InterpHandle(interp\_handle,\vfill\hspace{2ex}"my interpolation operator") call CCTK\_CoordSystemHandle(coord\_system\_handle,\vfill\hspace{2ex}"my 1D coordinate system") call CCTK\_VarIndex(my\_grid\_fn1, "myThorn::myGF1") call CCTK\_VarIndex(my\_grid\_fn2, "myThorn::myGF2") call CCTK\_VarIndex(my\_grid\_fn2, "myThorn::myGF3")\linebreak call CCTK\_InterpGV(ierr, cctkGH,\vfill \hspace{2ex} interp\_handle, coord\_system\_handle,\vfill \hspace{2ex} NUM\_POINTS, 3, 3,\vfill \hspace{2ex} coord,\vfill \hspace{2ex} CCTK\_VARIABLE\_REAL,\vfill \hspace{2ex} my\_grid\_fn1, my\_grid\_fn2, my\_grid\_fn3,\vfill \hspace{2ex} my\_out\_array1, my\_out\_array2, my\_out\_array3,\vfill \hspace{2ex} CCTK\_VARIABLE\_REAL, CCTK\_VARIABLE\_COMPLEX, CCTK\_VARIABLE\_INT) } \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \begin{tabular}{l} A negative return code indicates an error condition: \end{tabular} \begin{tabular}{ll} -1 & Invalid interpolation operator handle passed\\ -2 & Invalid coordinate system handle passed\\ \end{tabular} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % Interp.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_InterpHandle}{Return the handle for a given interpolation operator} \label{CCTK-InterpHandle} \subroutine{int}{integer}{handle} \argument{const char *}{character*(*)}{operator} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{handle}{Handle for the interpolation operator} \parameter{operator}{Name of interpolation operator} \end{params} \begin{discussion} \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t handle = CCTK\_InterpHandle("my interpolation operator");} \\ \hfill {\bf Fortran} && {\t call CCTK\_InterpHandle(handle,"my interpolation operator")} \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \begin{tabular}{l} A negative value is returned for invalid/unregistered interpolation operator names. \end{tabular} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % Interp.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_InterpLocal}%%% {Perform an interpolation on a list of processor-local arrays, using a chosen interpolation operator%%% \\[\baselineskip] This function is being phased out; it will eventually be replaced by {\t CCTK\_InterpLocalArrays()}.} \label{CCTK-InterpLocal} \subroutine{int}{integer}{ierr} \argument{cGH *}{CCTK\_POINTER}{cctkGH} \argument{int}{integer}{operator\_handle} \argument{int}{integer}{num\_points} \argument{int}{integer}{num\_dims} \argument{int}{integer}{num\_in\_arrays} \argument{int}{integer}{num\_out\_arrays} \argument{...}{...}{} \argument{{\it num\_dims} * int}{{\it num\_dims} * integer}{dims} \argument{{\it num\_dims} * void *}{{\it num\_dims} * CCTK\_POINTER}{coord\_arrays} \argument{{\it num\_dims} * int}{{\it num\_dims} * integer}{coord\_array\_types} \argument{{\it num\_dims} * void *}{{\it num\_dims} * CCTK\_POINTER}{interp\_coord\_arrays} \argument{{\it num\_dims} * int}{{\it num\_dims} * integer}{interp\_coord\_array\_types} \argument{{\it num\_in\_arrays} * void *}{{\it num\_in\_arrays} * CCTK\_POINTER}{in\_arrays} \argument{{\it num\_in\_arrays} * int}{{\it num\_in\_arrays} * integer}{in\_array\_types} \argument{{\it num\_out\_arrays} * void *}{{\it num\_out\_arrays} * CCTK\_POINTER}{out\_arrays} \argument{{\it num\_out\_arrays} * int}{{\it num\_out\_arrays} * integer}{out\_array\_types} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{cctkGH}{Pointer to the CCTK grid hierarchy} \parameter{operator\_handle}{Handle for the interpolation operator} \parameter{num\_points}{Number of points to be interpolated on this processor} \parameter{num\_dims}{Number of dimensions of the coordinate system} \parameter{num\_in\_arrays}{Number of passed input arrays} \parameter{num\_out\_arrays}{Number of passed output arrays} \parameter{...}{Variable argument list, with arguments as following} \parameter{dims}{Dimensions of the underlying coordinate system} \parameter{coord\_arrays}{List of coordinate arrays describing the coordinate system} \parameter{coord\_array\_types}{List of CCTK datatypes for coordinate arrays} \parameter{interp\_coord\_arrays}{List of interpolation coordinate arrays} \parameter{interp\_coord\_array\_types}{List of CCTK datatypes for interpolation coordinate arrays} \parameter{in\_arrays}{List of input arrays to interpolate} \parameter{in\_array\_types}{List of CCTK datatypes for input arrays} \parameter{out\_arrays}{List of output arrays} \parameter{out\_array\_types}{List of CCTK datatypes for output arrays} \end{params} \begin{discussion} \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t int interp\_handle; CCTK\_REAL coord\_x[XDIM], coord\_y[YDIM]; CCTK\_REAL interp\_coord\_x[NUM\_POINTS], interp\_coord\_y[NUM\_POINTS]; CCTK\_REAL my\_in\_array1[NUM\_POINTS]; CCTK\_COMPLEX my\_in\_array2[NUM\_POINTS]; CCTK\_REAL my\_out\_array1[NUM\_POINTS]; CCTK\_COMPLEX my\_out\_array2[NUM\_POINTS];\linebreak interp\_handle =\vfill \hspace{2ex} CCTK\_InterpHandle("my interpolation operator"); ierr = CCTK\_InterpLocal(cctkGH,\vfill \hspace{2ex} interp\_handle, NUM\_POINTS, 2, 2, 2,\vfill \hspace{2ex} XDIM, YDIM, coord\_x, coord\_y,\vfill \hspace{2ex} CCTK\_VARIABLE\_REAL, CCTK\_VARIABLE\_REAL,\vfill \hspace{2ex} interp\_coord\_x, interp\_coord\_y,\vfill \hspace{2ex} CCTK\_VARIABLE\_REAL, CCTK\_VARIABLE\_REAL,\vfill \hspace{2ex} my\_in\_array1, my\_in\_array2,\vfill \hspace{2ex} CCTK\_VARIABLE\_REAL, CCTK\_VARIABLE\_COMPLEX); \hspace{2ex} my\_out\_array1, my\_out\_array2,\vfill \hspace{2ex} CCTK\_VARIABLE\_REAL, CCTK\_VARIABLE\_COMPLEX); } \\ \hfill {\bf Fortran} && {\t integer interp\_handle CCTK\_REAL coord(XDIM) CCTK\_REAL interp\_coord(NUM\_POINTS) CCTK\_REAL my\_in\_array1(NUM\_POINTS), my\_out\_array1(NUM\_POINTS) CCTK\_COMPLEX my\_in\_array2(NUM\_POINTS), my\_out\_array2(NUM\_POINTS) CCTK\_INT my\_in\_array3(NUM\_POINTS), my\_out\_array3(NUM\_POINTS)\linebreak call CCTK\_InterpHandle(interp\_handle,\vfill\hspace{2ex}"my interpolation operator") call CCTK\_InterpLocal(ierr, cctkGH,\vfill \hspace{2ex} interp\_handle, NUM\_POINTS, 1, 3, 3,\vfill \hspace{2ex} XDIM, coord,\vfill \hspace{2ex} CCTK\_VARIABLE\_REAL,\vfill \hspace{2ex} interp\_coord,\vfill \hspace{2ex} CCTK\_VARIABLE\_REAL,\vfill \hspace{2ex} my\_in\_array1, my\_in\_array2, my\_in\_array3,\vfill \hspace{2ex} CCTK\_VARIABLE\_REAL, CCTK\_VARIABLE\_COMPLEX,\vfill \hspace{2ex} CCTK\_VARIABLE\_INT,\vfill \hspace{2ex} my\_out\_array1, my\_out\_array2, my\_out\_array3,\vfill \hspace{2ex} CCTK\_VARIABLE\_REAL, CCTK\_VARIABLE\_COMPLEX,\vfill \hspace{2ex} CCTK\_VARIABLE\_INT) } \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \begin{tabular}{l} A negative return code indicates an error condition: \end{tabular} \begin{tabular}{ll} -1 & Invalid interpolation operator handle passed\\ \end{tabular} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{FunctionDescription}{CCTK\_InterpLocalArrays} \label{CCTK-InterpLocalArrays} Interpolate a list of processor-local arrays. (This function is currently being implemented; it should be available early in 2002, and will eventually replace \verb|CCTK_InterpLocal()|. See the Cactus web pages ``Development'' section for further details.) \begin{Synopsis}{C} \begin{verbatim} #include "cctk.h" int status = CCTK_InterpLocalArrays(int N_dims, int operator_handle, int param_table_handle, const CCTK_REAL coord_system_origin[], const CCTK_REAL grid_spacing[], int N_interp_points, const CCTK_INT interp_coord_type_codes[], const void *const interp_coords[], int N_input_arrays, const CCTK_INT input_array_dims[], const CCTK_INT input_array_type_codes[], const void *const input_arrays[], int N_output_arrays, const CCTK_INT output_array_type_codes[], void *const output_arrays[]); \end{verbatim} \end{Synopsis} \begin{Result}{\rm 0} success \end{Result} \begin{Parameter}{N\_dims ($\ge 1$)} Number of dimensions in which to interpolate. Note that this may be less than the number of dimensions of the input arrays if the storage is set up appropriately. For example, we might want to interpolate along 1-D lines or in 2-D planes of a 3-D input array; here \verb|N_dims| would be 1 or 2 respectively. See the discussion of the \verb|input_array_strides| optional parameter (passed in the parameter table) for details. \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{operator\_handle ($\ge 0$)} \hbox{} Handle to the interpolation operator. \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{param\_table\_handle ($\ge 0$)} \hbox{} Handle to a key-value table containing additional parameters for the interpolator. \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{coord\_system\_origin ($\ne$ NULL)} \hbox{} (Pointer to) an array giving the physical coordinates of the grid point with integer grid subscripts 0, 0, \dots, 0. (It doesn't matter whether or not this grid point actually exists in the grid.) See the description of \verb|grid_spacing| for more on how \verb|coord_system_origin| is actually used. \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{grid\_spacing ($\ne$ NULL)} \hbox{} (Pointer to) an array giving the physical-coordinate grid spacing. Thus, for example, in 3-D the physical coordinates of the grid point with integer grid subscripts \verb|i,j,k| are $x = \verb|coord_system_origin[0] + i*grid_spacing[0]|$, $y = \verb|coord_system_origin[1] + j*grid_spacing[1]|$, and $z = \verb|coord_system_origin[2] + k*grid_spacing[2]|$. \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{N\_interp\_points ($\ge 0$)} \hbox{} The number of points at which interpolation is to be done. \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{interp\_coord\_type\_codes ($\ne$ NULL)} \hbox{} (Pointer to) an array of \verb|N_dims| \verb|CCTK_VARIABLE_|* type codes giving the data types of the interpolation-point coordinate arrays pointed to by \verb|interp_coords[]|. \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{interp\_coords ($\ne$ NULL)} \hbox{} (Pointer to) an array of \verb|N_dims| pointers to arrays giving the physical coordinates of the interpolation points. \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{N\_input\_arrays ($\ge 0$)} \hbox{} The number of input arrays to be interpolated. Note that if the parameter table entry \verb|operand_indices| is used to specify a 1-to-many mapping of input arrays to output arrays, only the unique set of input arrays should be given here. \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{input\_array\_dims ($\ne$ NULL)} \hbox{} (Pointer to) an array of \verb|N_dims| integers giving the dimensions of the input array. By default all the input arrays are taken to have these dimensions, with \verb|[0]| the most contiguous axis and \verb|[N_dims-1]| the least contiguous axis, and array subscripts in the range \verb|0 <= subscript < dims[axis]|. See the discussion of the \verb|input_array_strides| optional parameter (passed in the parameter table) for details of how this can be overridden. \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{input\_array\_type\_codes ($\ne$ NULL)} \hbox{} (Pointer to) an array of \verb|N_input_arrays| \verb|CCTK_VARIABLE_|* type codes giving the data types of the input arrays pointed to by \verb|input_arrays[]|. \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{input\_arrays ($\ne$ NULL)} \hbox{} (Pointer to) an array of \verb|N_input_arrays| pointers to the input arrays for the interpolation. \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{N\_output\_arrays ($\ge 0$)} \hbox{} The number of output arrays from the interpolation. \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{output\_array\_type\_codes ($\ne$ NULL)} \hbox{} (Pointer to) an array of \verb|N_output_arrays| \verb|CCTK_VARIABLE_|* type codes giving the data types of the output arrays pointed to by \verb|output_arrays[]|. \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{output\_arrays ($\ne$ NULL)} \hbox{} (Pointer to) an array of \verb|N_output_arrays| pointers to the output arrays for the interpolation. \end{Parameter} \begin{Discussion} This function interpolates a list of processor-local arrays. The computation is optimized for the case of interpolating a number of arrays at a time; in this case the same coefficients can be used for all the arrays. Details of the operation performed, and what (if any) inputs and/or outputs are specified in the parameter table, depend on which driver thorn and interpolation operator you use. See the documentation on individual driver thorns (eg.~\verb|PUGHInterp|) for details. One common parameter-table option, which a number of interpolation operators are likely to support, is \verb|order|, a \verb|CCTK_INT| specifying the order of the (presumably polynomial) interpolation (1=linear, 2=quadratic, 3=cubic, etc). \end{Discussion} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_InterpGridArrays()} Interpolate a list of distributed grid arrays. \end{SeeAlso} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_BAD\_INPUT} one or more of the inputs is invalid (eg.~\verb|NULL| pointer) \end{Error} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_NO\_MEMORY} unable to allocate memory \end{Error} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_BAD\_HANDLE} parameter table handle is invalid \end{Error} \begin{Example}{C} Here's a simple example to do quartic 3-D interpolation of a real and a complex $20 \times 30 \times 40$ array, at 1000 interpolation points: \begin{verbatim} #include "cctk.h" #include "util_Table.h" #define N_DIMS 3 #define NX 20 /* x dimension of input arrays */ #define NY 30 /* y */ #define NZ 40 /* z */ #define N_INTERP_POINTS 1000 #define N_INPUT_ARRAYS 2 #define N_OUTPUT_ARRAYS 2 int operator_handle; CCTK_REAL coord_system_origin[N_DIMS], grid_spacing[N_DIMS]; /* interpolation points */ CCTK_REAL interp_x[N_INTERP_POINTS], interp_y[N_INTERP_POINTS], interp_z[N_INTERP_POINTS]; static const CCTK_INT interp_coord_type_codes[N_DIMS] = { CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL }; const void *interp_coords[N_DIMS]; /* input and output arrays */ CCTK_REAL real_array [NZ][NY][NX]; /* n.b. x is contiguous */ CCTK_COMPLEX complex_array[NZ][NY][NX]; /* (Fortran storage order) */ static const CCTK_INT input_array_dims[N_DIMS] = { NX, NY, NZ }; static const CCTK_INT input_and_output_array_type_codes[N_OUTPUT_ARRAYS] = { CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL, CCTK_VARIABLE_COMPLEX }; const void * input_arrays[N_OUTPUT_ARRAYS]; void *output_arrays[N_OUTPUT_ARRAYS]; CCTK_REAL output_for_real_array [N_INTERP_POINTS]; CCTK_COMPLEX output_for_complex_array[N_INTERP_POINTS]; operator_handle = CCTK_InterpHandle("generalized polynomial"); if (operator_handle < 0) CCTK_WARN(-1, "can't get operator handle!"); interp_coords[0] = (const void *) interp_x; interp_coords[1] = (const void *) interp_y; interp_coords[2] = (const void *) interp_z; input_arrays[0] = (void *) real_array; input_arrays[1] = (void *) complex_array; output_arrays[0] = (void *) output_for_real_array; output_arrays[1] = (void *) output_for_complex_array; if (CCTK_InterpLocalArrays(N_DIMS, operator_handle, Util_TableCreateFromString("order=4"), coord_system_origin, grid_spacing N_INTERP_POINTS, interp_coord_type_codes, interp_coords, N_INPUT_ARRAYS, input_array_dims, input_array_type_codes, input_arrays, N_OUTPUT_ARRAYS, output_array_type_codes, output_arrays) < 0) CCTK_WARN(-1, "error return from interpolator!"); \end{verbatim} \end{Example} \end{FunctionDescription} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Interp.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_InterpRegisterOperatorGV}{Register a routine as an interpolation operator for distributed CCTK grid variables} \label{CCTK-InterpRegisterOperatorGV} \subroutine{int}{}{ierr} \argument{cInterpOperatorGV}{}{operator} \argument{const char *}{}{name} \showcargs \begin{params} \parameter{operator}{Routine to be registered as the interpolation operator} \parameter{name}{Name of interpolation operator} \end{params} \begin{discussion} Only C routines can be registered as interpolation operators. \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t extern int my\_operator (cGH *GH,\vfill \hspace{29ex}const char *coord\_system,\vfill \hspace{29ex}int num\_points,\vfill \hspace{29ex}int num\_in\_array\_indices,\vfill \hspace{29ex}int num\_out\_arrays,\vfill \hspace{29ex}void *interp\_coord\_arrays[],\vfill \hspace{29ex}int interp\_coord\_array\_types[],\vfill \hspace{29ex}int in\_array\_indices[],\vfill \hspace{29ex}void *out\_arrays[],\vfill \hspace{29ex}int out\_array\_types[]);\linebreak ierr = CCTK\_InterpRegisterOperatorGV(my\_operator,\vfill \hspace{2ex}"my interpolation operator");} \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \begin{tabular}{l} A negative return code indicates an error condition: \end{tabular} \begin{tabular}{ll} -1 & NULL pointer was passed as interpolation operator routine\\ -2 & interpolation handle could not be allocated\\ -3 & Interpolation operator with this name already exists\\ \end{tabular} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % Interp.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_InterpRegisterOperatorLocal}{Register a routine as an interpolation operator for processor-local arrays} \label{CCTK-InterpRegisterOperatorLocal} \subroutine{int}{}{ierr} \argument{cInterpOperatorLocal}{}{operator} \argument{const char *}{}{name} \showcargs \begin{params} \parameter{operator}{Routine to be registered as the interpolation operator} \parameter{name}{Name of interpolation operator} \end{params} \begin{discussion} Only C routines can be registered as interpolation operators. \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t extern int my\_operator (cGH *GH,\vfill \hspace{29ex}int num\_points,\vfill \hspace{29ex}int num\_dims,\vfill \hspace{29ex}int num\_in\_arrays,\vfill \hspace{29ex}int num\_out\_arrays,\vfill \hspace{29ex}int coord\_dims[],\vfill \hspace{29ex}void *coord\_arrays[],\vfill \hspace{29ex}int coord\_array\_types[],\vfill \hspace{29ex}void *interp\_coord\_arrays[],\vfill \hspace{29ex}int interp\_coord\_array\_types[],\vfill \hspace{29ex}void *in\_arrays[],\vfill \hspace{29ex}int in\_array\_types[],\vfill \hspace{29ex}void *out\_arrays[],\vfill \hspace{29ex}int out\_array\_types[]);\linebreak ierr = CCTK\_InterpRegisterOperatorLocal(my\_operator,\vfill \hspace{2ex}"my interpolation operator");} \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \begin{tabular}{l} A negative return code indicates an error condition: \end{tabular} \begin{tabular}{ll} -1 & NULL pointer was passed as interpolation operator routine\\ -2 & interpolation handle could not be allocated\\ -3 & Interpolation operator with this name already exists\\ \end{tabular} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % ActiveThorns.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_IsThornActive}{Reports whether a thorn was activated in a parameter file} \label{CCTK-IsThornActive} \function{int}{integer}{istat} \argument{const char *}{character*(*)}{thornname} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{istat}{the return status} \parameter{thorname}{the name of the thorn to check} \end{params} \begin{discussion} This function returns a non-zero value if the thorn given by {\it thornname} was activated in a parameter file, and zero otherwise. \end{discussion} \end{CCTKFunc} %%%%% % JJJ %%%%% %%%%% % KKK %%%%% %%%%% % LLL %%%%% %%%%% % MMM %%%%% % CommOverloadables.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_MyProc}{Returns the number of the local processor for a parallel run} \label{CCTK-MyProc} \function{int}{integer}{myproc} \argument{const cGH *}{CCTK\_POINTER}{cctkGH} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{cctkGH}{pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy} \end{params} \begin{discussion} For a single processor run this call will return zero. For multiprocessor runs, this call will return $0\leq myproc < {\t CCTK\_nProcs(cctkGH)}$. \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % Groups.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_MaxDim}{Get the maximum dimension of any grid variable } \label{CCTK-MaxDim} \subroutine{int}{integer}{dim} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{dim}{The maximum dimension} \end{params} \begin{discussion} Note that the maximum dimension will depend on the compiled thorn list, and not the active thorn list. \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t dim = CCTK\_MaxDim() }; \\ \hfill {\bf Fortran} && {\t call CCTK\_MaxDim(dim)} \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} %%%%% % NNN %%%%% % CommOverloadables.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_nProcs}{Returns the number of processors being used for a parallel run} \label{CCTK-nProcs} \function{int}{integer}{nprocs} \argument{const cGH *}{CCTK\_POINTER}{cctkGH} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{cctkGH}{pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy} \end{params} \begin{discussion} For a single processor run this call will return one. \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % Groups.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_NumTimeLevelsFromVarI}{Gives the number of timelevels for a variable} \label{CCTK-NumTimeLevelsFromVarI} \subroutine{int}{integer}{numlevels} \argument{int}{integer}{index} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{numlevels}{The number of timelevels} \parameter{index}{The variable index} \end{params} \begin{discussion} \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t index = CCTK\_VarIndex("evolve::phi")}\\ &&{\t numlevels = CCTK\_NumTimeLevelsFromVarI(index) ;} \\ \hfill {\bf Fortran} && {\t call CCTK\_NUMTIMELEVELSFROMVARI(numlevels,3)}\\ \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % Groups.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_NumTimeLevelsFromVar}{Gives the number of timelevels for a variable} \label{CCTK-NumTimeLevelsFromVar} \subroutine{int}{integer}{numlevels} \argument{const char *}{character*(*)}{name} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{name}{The full variable name} \parameter{numlevels}{The number of timelevels} \end{params} \begin{discussion} The variable name should be in the form {\t ::} \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t numlevels = CCTK\_NumTimeLevelsFromVar("evolve::phi") ;} \\ \hfill {\bf Fortran} && {\t call CCTK\_NUMTIMELEVELSFROMVAR(numlevels,"evolve::phi")}\\ \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % Groups.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_NumVarsInGroupI}{Provides the number of variables in a group from the group index} \label{CCTK-NumVarsInGroupI} \subroutine{int}{integer}{num} \argument{int}{integer}{index} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{num}{The number of variables in the group} \parameter{group}{The group index} \end{params} \begin{discussion} \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t index = CCTK\_GroupIndex("evolve::scalars")}\\ &&{\t firstvar = CCTK\_NumVarsInGroupI(index) ;} \\ \hfill {\bf Fortran} && {\t call CCTK\_NUMVARSINGROUPI(firstvar,3)}\\ \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % Groups.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_NumVarsInGroup}{Provides the number of variables in a group from the group name} \label{CCTK-NumVarsInGroup} \subroutine{int}{integer}{num} \argument{const char *}{character*(*)}{name} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{num}{The number of variables in the group} \parameter{group}{The full group name} \end{params} \begin{discussion} The group name should be given in the form {\t ::} \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t numvars = CCTK\_NumVarsInGroup("evolve::scalars") ;} \\ \hfill {\bf Fortran} && {\t call CCTK\_NUMVARSINGROUP(numvars,"evolve::scalars")}\\ \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % Groups.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_NumGroups}{Get the number of groups of variables compiled in the code} \label{CCTK-NumGroups} \subroutine{int}{integer}{number} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{number}{The number of groups compiled from the thorns {\t interface.ccl} files} \end{params} \begin{discussion} \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t number = CCTK\_NumGroups() }; \\ \hfill {\bf Fortran} && call {\t CCTK\_NumGroups(number)}; \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % Groups.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_NumVars}{Get the number of grid variables compiled in the code} \label{CCTK-NumVars} \subroutine{int}{integer}{number} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{number}{The number of grid variables compiled from the thorns {\t interface.ccl} files} \end{params} \begin{discussion} \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t number = CCTK\_NumVars() }; \\ \hfill {\bf Fortran} && call {\t CCTK\_NumVars(number)} \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} %%%%% % OOO %%%%% \begin{FunctionDescription}{CCTK\_NumIOMethods} \label{CCTK-NumIOMethods} \begin{Synopsis}{C} \begin{verbatim} int num_methods = CCTK_NumIOMethods (void); \end{verbatim} \end{Synopsis} \begin{Synopsis}{Fortran} \begin{verbatim} call CCTK_NumIOMethods (num_methods) integer num_methods \end{verbatim} \end{Synopsis} \begin{Parameter}{num\_methods}number of registered IO methods\end{Parameter} \begin{Discussion} Returns the total number of IO methods registered with the flesh. \end{Discussion} \end{FunctionDescription} % IOOverloadables.h \begin{FunctionDescription}{CCTK\_OutputVarAs} \label{CCTK-OutputVarAs} \begin{Synopsis}{C} \begin{verbatim} int istat = CCTK_OutputVarAs (const cGH *cctkGH, const char *variable, const char *alias); \end{verbatim} \end{Synopsis} \begin{Synopsis}{Fortran} \begin{verbatim} call CCTK_OutputVarAsByMethod (istat, cctkGH, variable, alias) integer istat CCTK_POINTER cctkGH character*(*) variable character*(*) alias \end{verbatim} \end{Synopsis} \begin{Parameter}{istat}return status\end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{cctkGH}pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy\end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{variable}full name of variable to output\end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{alias}alias name to base the output filename on\end{Parameter} \begin{Discussion} Output a variable {\t variable} looping over all registered IO methods. The output should take place if at all possible. If the appropriate file exists the data is appended, otherwise a new file is created. Uses {\t alias} as the name of the variable for the purpose of constructing a filename. \end{Discussion} \begin{Error}{positive}the number of IO methods which did output of {\t variable}\end{Error} \begin{Error}{0}for success\end{Error} \begin{Error}{negative}if no IO methods were registered\end{Error} \end{FunctionDescription} % IOOverloadables.h \begin{FunctionDescription}{CCTK\_OutputVarAsByMethod} \label{CCTK-OutputVarAsByMethod} \begin{Synopsis}{C} \begin{verbatim} int istat = CCTK_OutputVarAsByMethod (const cGH *cctkGH, const char *variable, const char *method, const char *alias); \end{verbatim} \end{Synopsis} \begin{Synopsis}{Fortran} \begin{verbatim} call CCTK_OutputVarAsByMethod (istat, cctkGH, variable, method, alias) integer istat CCTK_POINTER cctkGH character*(*) variable character*(*) method character*(*) alias \end{verbatim} \end{Synopsis} \begin{Parameter}{istat}return status\end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{cctkGH}pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy\end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{variable}full name of variable to output\end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{method}method to use for output\end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{alias}alias name to base the output filename on\end{Parameter} \begin{Discussion} Output a variable {\t variable} using the method {\t method} if it is registered. Uses {\t alias} as the name of the variable for the purpose of constructing a filename. The output should take place if at all possible. If the appropriate file exists the data is appended, otherwise a new file is created. \end{Discussion} \begin{Error}{0}for success\end{Error} \begin{Error}{negative}indicating some error (eg. IO method is not registered)\end{Error} \end{FunctionDescription} % IOOverloadables.h \begin{FunctionDescription}{CCTK\_OutputVarByMethod} \label{CCTK-OutputVarByMethod} \begin{Synopsis}{C} \begin{verbatim} int istat = CCTK_OutputVarByMethod (const cGH *cctkGH, const char *variable, const char *method); \end{verbatim} \end{Synopsis} \begin{Synopsis}{Fortran} \begin{verbatim} call CCTK_OutputVarByMethod (istat, cctkGH, variable, method) integer istat CCTK_POINTER cctkGH character*(*) variable character*(*) method \end{verbatim} \end{Synopsis} \begin{Parameter}{istat}return status\end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{cctkGH}pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy\end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{variable}full name of variable to output\end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{method}method to use for output\end{Parameter} \begin{Discussion} Output a variable {\t variable} using the IO method {\t method} if it is registered. The output should take place if at all possible. if the appropriate file exists the data is appended, otherwise a new file is created. \end{Discussion} \begin{Error}{0}for success\end{Error} \begin{Error}{negative}indicating some error (eg. IO method is not registered)\end{Error} \end{FunctionDescription} % IOOverloadables.h \begin{FunctionDescription}{CCTK\_OutputVar} \label{CCTK-OutputVar} \begin{Synopsis}{C} \begin{verbatim} int istat = CCTK_OutputVar (const cGH *cctkGH, const char *variable); \end{verbatim} \end{Synopsis} \begin{Synopsis}{Fortran} \begin{verbatim} call CCTK_OutputVar (istat, cctkGH, variable) integer istat CCTK_POINTER cctkGH character*(*) variable \end{verbatim} \end{Synopsis} \begin{Parameter}{istat}return status\end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{cctkGH}pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy\end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{variable}full name of variable to output\end{Parameter} \begin{Discussion} Output a variable {\t variable} looping over all registered methods. The output should take place if at all possible. If the appropriate file exists the data is appended, otherwise a new file is created. \end{Discussion} \begin{Error}{0}for success\end{Error} \begin{Error}{negative}for some error condition (eg. IO method is not registered)\end{Error} \end{FunctionDescription} % IOOverloadables.h \begin{FunctionDescription}{CCTK\_OutputGH} \label{CCTK-OutputGH} \begin{Synopsis}{C} \begin{verbatim} int istat = CCTK_OutputGH (const cGH *cctkGH); \end{verbatim} \end{Synopsis} \begin{Synopsis}{Fortran} \begin{verbatim} call CCTK_OutputGH (istat, cctkGH) integer istat CCTK_POINTER cctkGH \end{verbatim} \end{Synopsis} \begin{Parameter}{istat}return status\end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{cctkGH}pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy\end{Parameter} \begin{Discussion} Output all variables living on the GH looping over all registered IO methods. The IO methods decide themselfes whether it is time to do output now or not. \end{Discussion} \begin{Error}{positive}total number of variables for which output was done by all IO methods\end{Error} \begin{Error}{0}if it wasn't time to output anything yet by any IO method\end{Error} \begin{Error}{-1}if no IO methods were registered\end{Error} \end{FunctionDescription} %%%%% % PPP %%%%% % CommOverloadables.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_ParallelInit}{Initialize the parallel subsystem} \label{CCTK-ParallelInit} \subroutine{int}{integer}{istat} \argument{cGH *}{CCTK\_POINTER}{cctkGH} \showcargs \begin{params} \parameter{cctkGH}{pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy} \end{params} \begin{discussion} Initializes the parallel subsystem. \end{discussion} \end{CCTKFunc} % Groups.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_PrintGroup}{Prints a group name from its index} \label{CCTK-PrintGroup} \subroutine{}{}{} \argument{int}{integer}{index} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{index}{The group index} \end{params} \begin{discussion} This routine is for debugging purposes for Fortran programmers. \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t CCTK\_PrintGroup(1) ;} \\ \hfill {\bf Fortran} && {\t call CCTK\_PRINTGROUP(1)}\\ \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % Groups.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_PrintString}{Prints a Cactus string} \label{CCTK-PrintString} \subroutine{}{}{} \argument{char *}{CCTK\_STRING}{string} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{string}{The string to print} \end{params} \begin{discussion} This routine can be used to print Cactus string variables and parameters from Fortran. \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t CCTK\_PrintString(string\_param) ;} \\ \hfill {\bf Fortran} && {\t call CCTK\_PRINTSTRING(string\_param)}\\ \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % Groups.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_PrintVar}{Prints a variable name from its index} \label{CCTK-PrintVar} \subroutine{}{}{} \argument{int}{integer}{index} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{index}{The variable index} \end{params} \begin{discussion} This routine is for debugging purposes for Fortran programmers. \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t CCTK\_PrintVar(1) ;} \\ \hfill {\bf Fortran} && {\t call CCTK\_PRINTVAR(1)}\\ \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % WarnLevel.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_PARAMWARN}{Prints a warning from parameter checking, and possibly stops the code} \label{CCTK-PARAMWARN} \subroutine{}{}{} \argument{const char *}{character*(*)}{message} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{message}{The warning message} \end{params} \begin{discussion} The call should be used in routines registered at the schedule point {\t CCTK\_PARAMCHECK} to indicate that there is parameter error or conflict and the code should terminate. The code will terminate only after all the parameters have been checked. \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t CCTK\_PARAMWARN("Mass cannot be negative") }; \\ \hfill {\bf Fortran} && {\t call CCTK\_PARAMWARN("Inside interpolator")} \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} %%%%% % QQQ %%%%% % cctk_Comm.h \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_QueryGroupStorage}{Query storage for a group given by its group name} \label{CCTK-QueryGroupStorage} \subroutine{int}{integer}{istat} \argument{const cGH *}{CCTK\_POINTER}{cctkGH} \argument{const char *}{character*(*)}{groupname} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{cctkGH}{pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy} \parameter{groupname}{the group to query, given by its full name} \parameter{istat}{the return code} \end{params} \begin{discussion} This routine queries whether the variables in a group have storage assigned. If so it returns true (a non-zero value), otherwise false (zero). \end{discussion} \begin{errorcodes} \begin{tabular}{l} A negative error code is returned for an invalid group name. \end{tabular} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % cctk_Comm.h \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_QueryGroupStorageI}{Query storage for a group given by its group index} \label{CCTK-QueryGroupStorageI} \subroutine{int}{integer}{istat} \argument{const cGH *}{}{cctkGH} \argument{int}{integer}{groupindex} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{cctkGH}{pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy} \parameter{groupindex}{the group to query, given by its index} \parameter{istat}{the return code} \end{params} \begin{discussion} This routine queries whether the variables in a group have storage assigned. If so it returns true (a non-zero value), otherwise false (zero). \end{discussion} \begin{errorcodes} \begin{tabular}{l} A negative error code is returned for an invalid group name. \end{tabular} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % CommOverloadables.h \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_QueryGroupStorageB}{} \label{CCTK-QueryGroupStorageB} \subroutine{int}{}{storage} \argument{const cGH *}{}{cctkGH} \argument{int}{}{groupindex} \argument{const char *}{}{groupname} \showcargs \begin{params} \parameter{cctkGH}{pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy} \end{params} \begin{discussion} \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} %%%%% % RRR %%%%% \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_ReductionHandle}{Handle for given reduction method} \label{CCTK-ReductionHandle} \function{int}{integer}{handle} \argument{const char *}{character*(*)}{reduction} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{handle}{handle returned for this method} \parameter{name}{name of the reduction method required} \end{params} \begin{discussion} Reduction methods should be registered at {\t CCTK\_STARTUP}. Note that integer reduction handles are used to call {\t CCTK\_Reduce} to avoid problems with passing Fortran strings. Note that the name of the reduction operator is case dependent. \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t handle = CCTK\_ReductionHandle("maximum") }; \\ \hfill {\bf Fortran} && {\t call CCTK\_ReductionHandle(handle,"maximum")} \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_RegisterIOMethod}{Register a new I/O method} \label{CCTK-RegisterIOMethod} \function{int}{integer}{handle} \argument{const char *}{}{name} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{handle}{handle returned by registration} \parameter{name}{name of the I/O method} \end{params} \begin{discussion} IO methods should be registered at {\t CCTK\_STARTUP}. \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % cctk_IOMethods.h \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_RegisterIOMethodOutputGH}{Register a routine for an I/O method which will be called from {\tt CCTK\_OutputGH}.} \label{CCTK-RegisterIOMethodOutputGH} \function{int}{integer}{istat} \argument{int}{}{handle} \argument{int}{}{(* func)(const cGH *)} \showcargs \begin{params} \end{params} \begin{discussion} \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % cctk_IOMethods.h \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_RegisterIOMethodTimeToOutput}{Register a routine for an I/O method which will decide if it is time for the method to output.} \label{CCTK-RegisterIOMethodTimeToOutput} \function{int}{integer}{istat} \argument{int}{}{handle} \argument{int}{}{(* func)(const cGH *,int)} \showcargs \begin{params} \end{params} \begin{discussion} \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % cctk_IOMethods.h \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_RegisterIOMethodTriggerOutput}{Register a routine for an I/O method which will handle trigger output} \label{CCTK-RegisterIOMethodTriggerOutput} \function{int}{integer}{istat} \argument{int}{}{handle} \argument{int}{}{(* func)(const cGH *,int)} \showcargs \begin{params} \end{params} \begin{discussion} \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % cctk_IOMethods.h \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_RegisterIOMethodOutputVarAs}{Register a routine for an I/O method which will provide aliased variable output} \label{CCTK-RegisterIOMethodOutputVarAs} \function{int}{integer}{istat} \argument{int}{}{handle} \argument{int}{}{(* func)(const cGH *,const char*, const char *)} \showcargs \begin{params} \end{params} \begin{discussion} \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % cctk_GHExtensions.h \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_RegisterGHExtension}{Register an extension to the CactusGH} \label{CCTK-RegisterGHExtension} \function{int}{}{istat} \argument{const char *}{}{name} \showcargs \begin{params} \end{params} \begin{discussion} \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % cctk_GHExtensions.h \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_RegisterGHExtensionSetupGH}{Register a function which will set up a given extension to the Cactus GH} \label{CCTK-RegisterGHExtensionSetupGH} \function{int}{}{istat} \argument{int}{}{handle} \argument{void *}{}{(*func)(tFleshConfig *, int, cGH *)} \showcargs \begin{params} \end{params} \begin{discussion} \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % cctk_GHExtensions.h \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_RegisterGHExtensionInitGH}{Register a function which will initialise a given extension to the Cactus GH} \label{CCTK-RegisterGHExtensionInitGH} \function{int}{}{istat} \argument{int}{}{handle} \argument{void *}{}{(*func)(cGH *)} \showcargs \begin{params} \end{params} \begin{discussion} \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % cctk_GHExtensions.h \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_RegisterGHExtensionScheuldeTraverseGH}{Register a GH extension schedule traversal routine} \label{CCTK-RegisterGHExtensionScheduleTraverseGH} \function{int}{}{istat} \argument{int}{}{handle} \argument{int}{}{(*func)(cGH *,const char *)} \showcargs \begin{params} \end{params} \begin{discussion} \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % Coord.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_RegisterBanner}{Register a banner for a thorn} \label{CCTK-RegisterBanner} \subroutine{void}{}{} \argument{const char *}{character*(*)}{message} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{message}{String which will be displayed as a banner} \end{params} \begin{discussion} The banner must be registered during {\t CCTK\_STARTUP}. The banners are displayed in the order in which they are registered. \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t CCTK\_RegisterBanner("My Thorn: Does Something Useful")}; \\ \hfill {\bf Fortran} && {\t call CCTK\_REGISTERBANNER("*** MY THORN ***")} \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} %%%%% % SSS %%%%% % CommOverloadables.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_SetupGH}{Setup a new GH} \label{CCTK-SetupGH} \subroutine{cGH *}{}{cctkGH} \argument{tFleshConfig}{}{config} \argument{int}{}{convlevel} \showcargs \begin{params} \end{params} \begin{discussion} \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % CommOverloadables.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_SyncGroup}{Synchronise the ghostzones for a group of grid variables} \label{CCTK-SyncGroup} \subroutine{int}{integer}{istat} \argument{cGH *}{CCTK\_POINTER}{cctkGH} \argument{const char *}{character*(*)}{group} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{cctkGH}{pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy} \end{params} \begin{discussion} Only those grid variables which have communication enabled will be synchronised. This is usually equivalent to the variables which have storage assigned, unless communication has been explicitly turned off with a call to {\tt CCTK\_DisableGroupComm}. Note that an alternative to calling {\tt CCTK\_SyncGroup} explicitly from within a thorn, is to use the {\tt SYNC} keyword in a thorns {\tt schedule.ccl} file to indicate which groups of variables need to be synchronised on exit from the routine. This latter method is the preferred method from synchronising variables. \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} %%%%% % TTT %%%%% %%%%% % UUU %%%%% %%%%% % VVV %%%%% \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_VarDataPtr}{Returns the data pointer for a grid variable} \label{CCTK-VarDataPtr} \subroutine{void *}{}{ptr} \argument{const cGH *}{}{cctkGH} \argument{int}{}{timelevel} \argument{char *}{}{name} \showcargs \begin{params} \parameter{cctkGH}{pointer to CCTK grid hierarchy} \parameter{timelevel}{The timelevel of the grid variable} \parameter{name}{The full name of the variable} \end{params} \begin{discussion} The variable name should be in the form {\t ::}. \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t myVar = (CCTK\_REAL *)(CCTK\_VarDataPtr(GH,0,"imp::realvar"))}\\ \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_VarDataPtrB}{Returns the data pointer for a grid variable from the variable index or the variable name} \label{CCTK-VarDataPtrB} \subroutine{void *}{}{ptr} \argument{const cGH *}{}{cctkGH} \argument{int}{}{timelevel} \argument{int}{}{index} \argument{char *}{}{name} \showcargs \begin{params} \parameter{ptr}{a void pointer to the grid variable data} \parameter{cctkGH}{} \parameter{timelevel}{The timelevel of the grid variable} \parameter{index}{The index of the variable} \parameter{name}{The full name of the variable} \end{params} \begin{discussion} If the name if {\t NULL} the index will be used, if the index is negative the name will be used. \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t myVar = (CCTK\_REAL *)(CCTK\_VarDataPtrB(GH,0,CCTK\_VarIndex("imp::realvar"),NULL))}\\ \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_VarDataPtrI}{Returns the data pointer for a grid variable from the variable index} \label{CCTK-VarDataPtrI} \subroutine{void *}{}{ptr} \argument{const cGH *}{}{cctkGH} \argument{int}{}{timelevel} \argument{int}{}{index} \showcargs \begin{params} \parameter{cctkGH}{} \parameter{timelevel}{The timelevel of the grid variable} \parameter{index}{The index of the variable} \end{params} \begin{discussion} \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t myVar = (CCTK\_REAL *)(CCTK\_VarDataPtr(GH,0,CCTK\_VarIndex("imp::realvar")))}\\ \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % Groups.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_VarIndex}{Get the index for a variable} \label{CCTK-VarIndex} \subroutine{int}{integer}{index} \argument{const char *}{character*(*)}{varname} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{varname}{The name of the variable} \end{params} \begin{discussion} The variable name should be the given in its fully qualified form, that is {\t ::} for a public or protected variabe, and {\t ::} for a private variable. \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t index = CCTK\_VarIndex("evolve::phi") }; \\ \hfill {\bf Fortran} && {\t call CCTK\_VarIndex(index,"evolve::phi")} \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % Groups.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_VarName}{Given a variable index, returns the variable name} \label{CCTK-VarName} \subroutine{char *}{integer}{name} \argument{int}{integer}{index} \showcargs \begin{params} \parameter{name}{The variable name} \parameter{index}{The variable index} \end{params} \begin{discussion} No Fortran routine exists at the moment. \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t index = CCTK\_VarIndex("evolve::phi")}\\ &&{\t name = CCTK\_VarName(index) ;} \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} % Groups.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_VarTypeI}{Provides variable type index from the variable index} \label{CCTK-VarTypeI} \subroutine{int}{integer}{type} \argument{int}{integer}{index} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{type}{The variable type index} \parameter{group}{The variable index} \end{params} \begin{discussion} The variable type index indicates the type of the variable. Either character, int, complex or real. The group type can be checked with the Cactus provided macros for {\t CCTK\_VARIABLE\_INT}, {\t CCTK\_VARIABLE\_REAL}, {\t CCTK\_VARIABLE\_COMPLEX} or {\t CCTK\_VARIABLE\_CHAR}. \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t index = CCTK\_VarIndex("evolve::phi")}\\ &&{\t real = (CCTK\_VARIABLE\_REAL == CCTK\_VarTypeI(index)) ;} \\ \hfill {\bf Fortran} && {\t call CCTK\_VARTYPEI(type,3)}\\ \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} %%%%% % WWW %%%%% % WarnLevel.c \begin{CCTKFunc}{CCTK\_WARN}{Prints a warning message and possibly stops the code} \label{CCTK-WARN} \subroutine{}{}{} \argument{int}{integer}{level} \argument{const char *}{character*(*)}{warning} \showargs \begin{params} \parameter{level}{The warning level, lower numbers are the severest warnings} \parameter{warning}{The warning message} \end{params} \begin{discussion} By default Cactus stops on a level 0 warning, and prints any level 1 warnings to standard error. This behaviour can be changed on the command line using the flags -W and -E (see \ref{sec:coliop} for full details). Note that {\tt CCTK\_WARN} is in fact a macro for the underlying function {\tt CCTK\_Warn}, the macro automatically including details about the origin of the warning, for example the thorn name, and the source code file name and line number. For this reason it is important that the function is called with capitalised letters, otherwise the macro will not be invoked and the function call will contain the wrong number of arguments. A call to {\tt CCTK\_WARN(level,message)} actually expands internally to {\tt \begin{verbatim} CCTK_Warn(level,__LINE__,__FILE__,CCTK_THORNNAME,message) \end{verbatim} } it is recommended that the macro version {\tt CCTK\_WARN} is used rather than {\tt CCTK\_VWarn}. The flesh parameter {\tt cctk\_full\_warnings} determines whether all the details about the warning origin are shown. To include variables in warning messages is more troublesome. From C, the variable argument list function {\tt CCTK\_VWarn} can be used to include variables using standard printf format strings. Unfortunately, a macro can no longer be provided to automatically include the origin details of the warning, and the syntax is for example, {\tt \begin{verbatim} CCTK_VWarn(1,__LINE__,__FILE__,CCTK_THORNNAME, "Your warning message, including %f and %d", myreal,myint); \end{verbatim} } To include variables from Fortran, a string must be constructed and passed to the standard function {\tt CCTK\_WARN}, for example {\tt \begin{verbatim} character*200 warnline write(warnline,'(A32,G12.7,A5,I8)') & 'Your warning message, including ',myreal,' and ',myint call CCTK_WARN(1,warnline) \end{verbatim} } \end{discussion} \begin{examples} \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}} \hfill {\bf C} && {\t CCTK\_WARN(1,"This is not a good idea") }; \\ \hfill {\bf Fortran} && {\t call CCTK\_WARN(0,"Divide by zero")} \\ \end{tabular} \end{examples} \begin{errorcodes} \end{errorcodes} \end{CCTKFunc} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Utility Functions} \label{sect-FunctionReference/UtilityFunctions} In this section all \hbox{{\tt Util\_}*} Cactus utility functions are described. These are low-level functions mainly for more complicated programming, which are used by the rest of Cactus, but don't depend heavily on it. Some of them are callable from Fortran or C, but many are C-only. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Functions Alphabetically} \begin{Lentry} %%\item[Util\_asprintf] %% [\pageref{Util-asprintf}] %%\item[Util\_BinTreeFindNode] %% [\pageref{Util-BinTreeFindNode}] %%\item[Util\_BinTreePrintNodes] %% [\pageref{Util-BinTreePrintNodes}] %%\item[Util\_BinTreeStoreData] %% [\pageref{Util-BinTreeStoreData}] %%\item[Util\_BinTreeTraverseInorder] %% [\pageref{Util-BinTreeTraverseInorder}] %%\item[Util\_BinTreeTraversePostorder] %% [\pageref{Util-BinTreeTraversePostorder}] %%\item[Util\_BinTreeTraversePreorder] %% [\pageref{Util-BinTreeTraversePreorder}] %%\item[Util\_CacheMalloc] %% [\pageref{Util-CacheMalloc}] %%\item[Util\_CurrentDate] %% [\pageref{Util-CurrentDate}] %%\item[Util\_CurrentTime] %% [\pageref{Util-CurrentTime}] %%\item[Util\_DeleteHandle] %% [\pageref{Util-DeleteHandle}] %%\item[Util\_DoubleInRange] %% [\pageref{Util-DoubleInRange}] %%\item[Util\_DoubleInRangeList] %% [\pageref{Util-DoubleInRangeList}] %%\item[Util\_GetHandle] %% [\pageref{Util-GetHandle}] %%\item[Util\_GetHandleName] %% [\pageref{Util-GetHandleName}] %%\item[Util\_GetHandledData] %% [\pageref{Util-GetHandledData}] %%\item[Util\_GetHostName] %% [\pageref{Util-GetHostName}] %%\item[Util\_HashAdd] %% [\pageref{Util-HashAdd}] %%\item[Util\_HashCreate] %% [\pageref{Util-HashCreate}] %%\item[Util\_HashData] %% [\pageref{Util-HashData}] %%\item[Util\_HashDelete] %% [\pageref{Util-HashDelete}] %%\item[Util\_HashDestroy] %% [\pageref{Util-HashDestroy}] %%\item[Util\_HashHash] %% [\pageref{Util-HashHash}] %%\item[Util\_HashStore] %% [\pageref{Util-HashStore}] %%\item[Util\_InList] %% [\pageref{Util-InList}] %%\item[Util\_IntInRange] %% [\pageref{Util-IntInRange}] %%\item[Util\_IntInRangeList] %% [\pageref{Util-IntInRangeList}] %%\item[Util\_NewHandle] %% [\pageref{Util-NewHandle}] %%\item[Util\_NullTerminateString] %% [\pageref{Util-NullTerminateString}] %%\item[Util\_SplitFilename] %% [\pageref{Util-SplitFilename}] %%\item[Util\_SplitString] %% [\pageref{Util-SplitString}] %%\item[Util\_StrCmpi] %% [\pageref{Util-StrCmpi}] %%\item[Util\_Strdup] %% [\pageref{Util-Strdup}] %%\item[Util\_StringListAdd] %% [\pageref{Util-StringListAdd}] %%\item[Util\_StringListCreate] %% [\pageref{Util-StringListCreate}] %%\item[Util\_StringListDestroy] %% [\pageref{Util-StringListDestroy}] %%\item[Util\_StringListNext] %% [\pageref{Util-StringListNext}] \item[Util\_TableCreate] [\pageref{Util-TableCreate}] Creates a new (empty) table \item[Util\_TableCreateFromString] [\pageref{Util-TableCreateFromString}] Creates a new table based on a string argument, which is interpreted with ``parameter-file'' semantics (the table has the case-insensitive and auto-destroy flags set) \item[Util\_TableDeleteKey] [\pageref{Util-TableDeleteKey}] Deletes a specified key/value entry from a table \item[Util\_TableDestroy] [\pageref{Util-TableDestroy}] Destroys a table \item[Util\_TableGet*] [\pageref{Util-TableGet*}] Get the single (1-element array) value, or more generally the first array element of the value, associated with a specified key in a key/value table. \item[Util\_TableGet*Array] [\pageref{Util-TableGet*Array}] This is a family of functions, one for each Cactus data type, to get a copy of the value associated with a specified key, and store it (more accurately, as much of it as will fit) in a specified array \item[Util\_TableGetString] [\pageref{Util-TableGetString}] Gets a copy of the character-string value associated with a specified key in a table, and stores it (more accurately, as much of it as will fit) in a specified character string \item[Util\_TableItAdvance] [\pageref{Util-TableItAdvance}] Advance a table iterator to the next entry in the table \item[Util\_TableItCreate] [\pageref{Util-TableItCreate}] Create a new table iterator \item[Util\_TableItDestroy] [\pageref{Util-TableItDestroy}] Destroy a table iterator \item[Util\_TableItQueryIsNonNull] [\pageref{Util-TableItQueryIsNonNull}] Query whether a table iterator is {\em not\/} in the ``null-pointer'' state \item[Util\_TableItQueryIsNull] [\pageref{Util-TableItQueryIsNull}] Query whether a table iterator is in the ``null-pointer'' state \item[Util\_TableItQueryKeyValueInfo] [\pageref{Util-TableItQueryKeyValueInfo}] Query the key and the type and number of elements of the value corresponding to that key, of the table entry to which an iterator points \item[Util\_TableItQueryTableHandle] [\pageref{Util-TableItQueryTableHandle}] Query what table a table iterator iterates over \item[Util\_TableItResetToStart] [\pageref{Util-TableItResetToStart}] Reset a table iterator to point to the starting table entry \item[Util\_TableItSetToKey] [\pageref{Util-TableItSetToKey}] Set a key/value iterator to point to a specified entry in the table. \item[Util\_TableItSetToNull] [\pageref{Util-TableItSetToNull}] Set a key/value iterator to the "null-pointer" state. \item[Util\_TableQueryFlags] [\pageref{Util-TableQueryFlags}] Queries a table's flags word \item[Util\_TableQueryValueInfo] [\pageref{Util-TableQueryValueInfo}] Queries whether or not a specified key is in the table, and optionally the type and/or number of elements of the value corresponding to this key \item[Util\_TableQueryMaxKeyLength] [\pageref{Util-TableQueryMaxKeyLength}] Queries the maximum key length in a table \item[Util\_TableQueryNKeys] [\pageref{Util-TableQueryNKeys}] Queries the number of key/value entries in a table \item[Util\_TableSet*] [\pageref{Util-TableSet*}] This is a family of functions, one for each Cactus data type, to set the value associated with a specified key to be a specified single (1-element array) value \item[Util\_TableSet*Array] [\pageref{Util-TableSet*Array}] This is a family of functions, one for each Cactus data type, to set the value associated with a specified key to be a copy of a specified array \item[Util\_TableSetString] [\pageref{Util-TableSetString}] Sets the value associated with a specified key in a table, to be a copy of a specified C-style null-terminated character string \end{Lentry} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Full Description of Functions} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{FunctionDescription}{Util\_TableCreate} \label{Util-TableCreate} Creates a new (empty) table \begin{Synopsis}{C} \begin{verbatim} #include "util_ErrorCodes.h" #include "util_Table.h" int handle = Util_TableCreate(int flags); \end{verbatim} \end{Synopsis} \begin{Result}{handle ($\ge 0$)} A handle to the newly-created table \end{Result} \begin{Parameter}{flags ($\ge 0$)} A flags word for the table. This should be the inclusive-or of zero or more of the \verb|UTIL_TABLE_FLAGS_|* bit masks (defined in \verb|"util_Table.h"|). For Fortran users, note that inclusive-or is the same as sum here, since the bit masks are all disjoint. \end{Parameter} \begin{Discussion} We require the flags word to be non-negative so that other functions can distinguish flags from (negative) error codes. \NewPar Any User-defined flag words should use only bit positions at or above \verb|UTIL_TABLE_FLAGS_USER_DEFINED_BASE|, i.e. all bit positions below this are reserved for present of future Cactus use. \end{Discussion} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableCreateFromString()} simplified interface to create a table and populate it with entries based on a parameter-file--like character string \end{SeeAlso} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableDestroy()} destroy a table \end{SeeAlso} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_NO\_MEMORY} unable to allocate memory \end{Error} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_TABLE\_BAD\_FLAGS} flags word is negative \end{Error} \begin{Example}{C} \begin{verbatim} #include "util_ErrorCodes.h" #include "util_Table.h" /* create a table, simplest case */ int handle = Util_TableCreate(UTIL_TABLE_FLAGS_DEFAULT); /* create a table which will be automagically destroyed the next */ /* time any other table is created, and whose keys will be treated */ /* as case-insensitive */ int handle2 = Util_TableCreate( UTIL_TABLE_FLAGS_AUTO_DESTROY | UTIL_TABLE_FLAGS_CASE_INSENSITIVE); /* create a table whose keys will be treated as case-insensitive */ /* (and implicitly destroy the handle2 table) */ int handle3 = Util_TableCreate(UTIL_TABLE_FLAGS_CASE_INSENSITIVE); \end{verbatim} \end{Example} \end{FunctionDescription} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{FunctionDescription}{Util\_TableCreateFromString} \label{Util-TableCreateFromString} Creates a new table based on a string argument, which is interpreted with ``parameter-file'' semantics (the table has the case-insensitive and auto-destroy flags set) \begin{Synopsis}{C} \begin{verbatim} #include "util_ErrorCodes.h" #include "util_Table.h" int handle = Util_TableCreateFromString(const char *string); \end{verbatim} \end{Synopsis} \begin{Result}{handle ($\ge 0$)} a handle to the newly-created table \end{Result} \begin{Parameter}{string} a pointer to a C-style null-terminated string specifying the table contents. \end{Parameter} \begin{Discussion} The present implementation only recognises integer or real values (not pointer, complex, character, or string), and only scalars (not arrays). In more detail, the strings recognized are defined by the following BNF:\\ \quad \begin{tabular}{l@{\quad$\rightarrow$\quad}p{9cm}} string & assign* \\ assign & whitespace* key = value ;? whitespace* \\ value & int\_value \\ value & real\_value \\ int\_value & contains only characters \verb|+-0123456789| and is recognized as valid by \verb|sscanf()| with a \verb|"%d"| format \\ real\_value & contains one or more characters not in \verb|+-0123456789| and is recognized as valid by \verb|sscanf()| with a \verb|"%lf"| format %%%\\ \end{tabular}\\ where\\[0ex] * denotes 0 or more repetitions, and\\ ? denotes optional items, i.e. 0 or 1 repetitions.\\ Notice that whitespace separates \verb|key=value| assignments, and thus that no whitespace may appear within a \verb|key=value| assignment. \end{Discussion} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableCreate()} create a table \end{SeeAlso} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableSetInt()} store a \verb|CCTK_INT| value in a table \end{SeeAlso} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableSetReal()} store a \verb|CCTK_REAL| value in a table \end{SeeAlso} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_NO\_MEMORY} unable to allocate memory \end{Error} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_TABLE\_BAD\_INPUT} invalid input: can't parse input string \end{Error} \begin{Error}{\rm other error codes} this function may also return any error codes returned by \verb|Util_TableCreate()|, \verb|Util_TableSetInt()|, or \verb|Util_TableSetReal()|. \end{Error} \begin{Example}{C} \begin{verbatim} #include "util_ErrorCodes.h" #include "util_Table.h" /* simple example */ CCTK_SomeCactusFunction(..., Util_TableCreateFromString("order=3"), ...); /* larger example */ { int handle = Util_TableCreate( UTIL_TABLE_FLAGS_CASE_INSENSITIVE | UTIL_TABLE_FLAGS_AUTO_DESTROY ); Util_TableSetInt(handle, 3, "n"); Util_TableSetReal(handle, 3.0e-5, "dx"); AnotherFunction(..., handle, ...); /* equivalent call */ AnotherFunction(..., Util_TableCreateFromString("n=3 dx=3.0e-5"), ...); /* another equivalent call */ AnotherFunction(..., Util_TableCreateFromString("N=3 DX=3.0E-5"), ...); } \end{verbatim} \end{Example} \end{FunctionDescription} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{FunctionDescription}{Util\_TableDeleteKey} \label{Util-TableDeleteKey} Deletes a specified key/value entry from a table \begin{Synopsis}{C} \begin{verbatim} #include "util_ErrorCodes.h" #include "util_Table.h" int key_exists = Util_TableDeleteKey(int handle, const char *key); \end{verbatim} \end{Synopsis} \begin{Result}{\rm 0} ok (key existed before this call, and has now been deleted) \end{Result} \begin{Parameter}{handle ($\ge 0$)} handle to the table \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{key} a pointer to the key (a C-style null-terminated string) \end{Parameter} \begin{Discussion} This function invalidates any iterators for the table which are not in the ``null-pointer'' state. \end{Discussion} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_BAD\_HANDLE} handle is invalid \end{Error} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_TABLE\_BAD\_KEY} key contains '/' character \end{Error} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_TABLE\_NO\_SUCH\_KEY} no such key in table \end{Error} \end{FunctionDescription} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{FunctionDescription}{Util\_TableDestroy} \label{Util-TableDestroy} Destroys a table \begin{Synopsis}{C} \begin{verbatim} #include "util_ErrorCodes.h" #include "util_Table.h" int status = Util_TableDestroy(int handle); \end{verbatim} \end{Synopsis} \begin{Result}{\rm 0} ok \end{Result} \begin{Parameter}{handle ($\ge 0$)} handle to the table \end{Parameter} \begin{Discussion} Of course, this function invalidates any and all iterators for the table. :) \end{Discussion} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableCreate()} create a table \end{SeeAlso} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableCreateFromString()} simplified interface to create a table and set \verb|CCTK_INT| and/or \verb|CCTK_REAL| values in it based on a parameter-file--like character string \end{SeeAlso} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_BAD\_HANDLE} handle is invalid \end{Error} \begin{Example}{C} \begin{verbatim} #include "util_ErrorCodes.h" #include "util_Table.h" /* create a table */ int handle = Util_TableCreate(UTIL_FLAGS_TABLE_DEFAULT); /* do things with the table: put values in it, */ /* pass its handle to other functions, etc etc */ /* ... */ /* at this point we (and all other functions we */ /* may call in the future) are done with the table */ Util_TableDestroy(handle); \end{verbatim} \end{Example} \end{FunctionDescription} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{FunctionDescription}{Util\_TableGet*} \label{Util-TableGet*} Get the single (1-element array) value, or more generally the first array element of the value, associated with a specified key in a key/value table. \begin{Synopsis}{C} \begin{verbatim} #include "util_ErrorCodes.h" #include "util_Table.h" int N_elements = Util_TableGetXxx(int handle, CCTK_XXX *value, const char *key); \end{verbatim} where \verb|XXX| is one of \verb|POINTER|, \verb|FN_POINTER|, \verb|CHAR|, \verb|INT|, \verb|INT2|, \verb|INT4|, \verb|INT8|, \verb|REAL|, \verb|REAL4|, \verb|REAL8|, \verb|REAL16|, \verb|COMPLEX|, \verb|COMPLEX8|, \verb|COMPLEX16|, \verb|COMPLEX32| (not all of these may be supported on any given system) \end{Synopsis} \begin{Result}{N\_elements} the number of array elements in the value \end{Result} \begin{Parameter}{handle ($\ge 0$)} handle to the table \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{value} a pointer to where this function should store a copy of the value (or more generally the first array element of the value) associated with the specified key, or NULL pointer to skip storing this \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{key} a pointer to the key (a C-style null-terminated string) \end{Parameter} \begin{Discussion} Note that it is {\em not\/} an error for the value to actually have $> 1$ array elements; in this case only the first element is stored. The rationale for this design is that the caller may know or suspect that the value is a large array, but may only want the first array element; in this case this design avoids the caller having to allocate a large buffer unnecessarily. In contrast, it {\em is\/} an error for the value to actually be an empty (0-length) array, because then there is no ``first array element'' to get. \end{Discussion} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableCreateFromString()} simplified interface to create a table and set \verb|CCTK_INT| and/or \verb|CCTK_REAL| values in it based on a parameter-file--like character string \end{SeeAlso} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableGet*Array()} get an array value \end{SeeAlso} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableGet*String()} get a character-string value \end{SeeAlso} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableSet*()} set a single (1-element array) value \end{SeeAlso} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableSet*Array()} set an array value \end{SeeAlso} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableSetString()} set a character-string value \end{SeeAlso} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_BAD\_HANDLE} handle is invalid \end{Error} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_TABLE\_BAD\_KEY} key contains '/' character \end{Error} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_TABLE\_NO\_SUCH\_KEY} no such key in table \end{Error} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_TABLE\_WRONG\_DATA\_TYPE} value has data type other than \verb|CCTK_TYPE| \end{Error} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_TABLE\_VALUE\_IS\_EMPTY} value is an empty (0-element) array \end{Error} \begin{Example}{C} \begin{verbatim} #include "util_ErrorCodes.h" #include "util_Table.h" #define N_DIGITS 5 static const CCTK_INT pi_digits[N_DIGITS] = {3, 14, 159, 2653, 58979}; int N; CCTK_INT x; int handle = Util_TableCreate(UTIL_TABLE_FLAGS_DEFAULT); Util_TableSetIntArray(handle, N_DIGITS, pi_digits, "digits of pi"); Util_TableSetIntArray(handle, 0, pi_digits, "empty array"); /* gets N = 5, x = 3 */ N = Util_TableGetInt(handle, &x, "the answer"); /* gets N = UTIL_ERROR_TABLE_VALUE_IS_EMPTY */ N = Util_TableGetInt(handle, &x, "empty array"); \end{verbatim} \end{Example} \end{FunctionDescription} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{FunctionDescription}{Util\_TableGet*Array} \label{Util-TableGet*Array} This is a family of functions, one for each Cactus data type, to get a copy of the value associated with a specified key, and store it (more accurately, as much of it as will fit) in a specified array \begin{Synopsis}{C} \begin{verbatim} #include "util_ErrorCodes.h" #include "util_Table.h" int N_elements = Util_TableGetXxxArray(int handle, int N_array, CCTK_XXX array[], const char *key); \end{verbatim} where \verb|XXX| is one of \verb|POINTER|, \verb|FN_POINTER|, \verb|CHAR|, \verb|INT|, \verb|INT2|, \verb|INT4|, \verb|INT8|, \verb|REAL|, \verb|REAL4|, \verb|REAL8|, \verb|REAL16|, \verb|COMPLEX|, \verb|COMPLEX8|, \verb|COMPLEX16|, \verb|COMPLEX32| (not all of these may be supported on any given system) \end{Synopsis} \begin{Result}{N\_elements} the number of array elements in the value \end{Result} \begin{Parameter}{handle ($\ge 0$)} handle to the table \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{N\_array} the number of array elements in \verb|array[]| (must be $\ge 0$ if \verb|array != NULL|) \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{array} a pointer to where this function should store (up to \verb|N_array| elements of) a copy of the value associated with the specified key, or NULL pointer to skip storing this \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{key} a pointer to the key (a C-style null-terminated string) \end{Parameter} \begin{Discussion} Note that it is {\em not\/} an error for the value to actually have $> \verb|N_array|$ array elements; in this case only the first \verb|N_array| elements are stored. The caller can detect this by comparing the return value with \verb|N_array|. The rationale for this design is that the caller may know or suspect that the value is a large array, but may only want the first few array elements; in this case this design avoids the caller having to allocate a large buffer unnecessarily. It is also {\em not\/} an error for the value to actually have $< \verb|N_array|$ array elements; again the caller can detect this by comparing the return value with \verb|N_array|. \end{Discussion} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableCreateFromString()} simplified interface to create a table and set \verb|CCTK_INT| and/or \verb|CCTK_REAL| values in it based on a parameter-file--like character string \end{SeeAlso} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableGet*()} get a single (1-element array) value, or more generally the first array element of an array value \end{SeeAlso} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableGet*String()} get a character-string value \end{SeeAlso} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableSet*()} set a single (1-element array) value \end{SeeAlso} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableSet*Array()} set an array value \end{SeeAlso} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableSetString()} set a character-string value \end{SeeAlso} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_BAD\_HANDLE} handle is invalid \end{Error} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_TABLE\_BAD\_KEY} key contains '/' character \end{Error} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_TABLE\_BAD\_INPUT} \verb|array != NULL| and \verb|N_array| $< 0$ \end{Error} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_TABLE\_NO\_SUCH\_KEY} no such key in table \end{Error} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_TABLE\_WRONG\_DATA\_TYPE} value has data type other than \verb|CCTK_TYPE| \end{Error} \begin{Example}{C} \begin{verbatim} #include "util_ErrorCodes.h" #include "util_Table.h" #define N_STUFF 3 static const CCTK_REAL stuff[N_STUFF] = {42.0, 69.0, 105.5}; #define N_OUTPUT 2 CCTK_INT output[N_OUTPUT]; int N; int handle = Util_TableCreate(UTIL_TABLE_FLAGS_DEFAULT); Util_TableSetIntArray(handle, N_STUFF, stuff, "blah blah blah"); /* gets N = 3, output[0] = 42.0, output[1] = 69.0 */ N = Util_TableGetRealArray(handle, N_OUTPUT, output, "blah blah blah"); \end{verbatim} \end{Example} \end{FunctionDescription} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{FunctionDescription}{Util\_TableGetString} \label{Util-TableGetString} Gets a copy of the character-string value associated with a specified key in a table, and stores it (more accurately, as much of it as will fit) in a specified character string \begin{Synopsis}{C} \begin{verbatim} #include "util_ErrorCodes.h" #include "util_Table.h" int length = Util_TableGetString(int handle, int buffer_length, char buffer[], const char *key); \end{verbatim} \end{Synopsis} \begin{ResultNote} Results are the same as all the other \verb|Util_TableGet|* functions: \end{ResultNote} \begin{Result}{length} the length of the string\\ (C \verb|strlen()| semantics, \ie{} {\em not\/} including the terminating null character) \end{Result} \begin{Parameter}{handle ($\ge 0$)} handle to the table \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{buffer\_length} the length (\verb|sizeof()|) of \verb|buffer[]| (must be $\ge 1$ if \verb|buffer != NULL|) \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{buffer} a pointer to a buffer into which this function should store (at most \verb|buffer_length-1| characters of) the value, terminated by a null character as usual for C strings, or NULL pointer to skip storing this \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{key} a pointer to the key (a C-style null-terminated string) \end{Parameter} \begin{Discussion} This function assumes that the string is stored as an array of \verb|CCTK_CHAR|s, {\em not\/} including a terminating null character. \NewPar This function differs from \verb|Util_TableGetCharArray()| in two ways: It explicitly provides a terminating null character for C-style strings, and it explicitly checks for the string being too long to fit in the buffer (in which case it returns \verb|UTIL_ERROR_TABLE_STRING_TRUNCATED|). \end{Discussion} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableCreateFromString()} simplified interface to create a table and set \verb|CCTK_INT| and/or \verb|CCTK_REAL| values in it based on a parameter-file--like character string \end{SeeAlso} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableGet*()} get a single (1-element array) value, or more generally the first array element of an array value \end{SeeAlso} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableGet*Array()} get an array value \end{SeeAlso} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableGetCharArray()} get an array-of-\verb|CCTK_CHAR| value \end{SeeAlso} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableSet*()} set a single (1-element array) value \end{SeeAlso} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableSet*Array()} set an array value \end{SeeAlso} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableSetString()} set a character-string value \end{SeeAlso} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableSetCharArray()} set an array-of-\verb|CCTK_CHAR| value \end{SeeAlso} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_BAD\_HANDLE} handle is invalid \end{Error} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_TABLE\_BAD\_KEY} key contains '/' character \end{Error} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_BAD\_INPUT} \verb|buffer != NULL| and \verb|buffer_length| $\le 0$ \end{Error} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_TABLE\_NO\_SUCH\_KEY} no such key in table \end{Error} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_TABLE\_WRONG\_DATA\_TYPE} value has data type other than \verb|CCTK_CHAR| \end{Error} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_TABLE\_STRING\_TRUNCATED} \quad \verb|buffer != NULL| and value was truncated to fit in \verb|buffer[]| \end{Error} \begin{Example}{C} \begin{verbatim} #include "util_ErrorCodes.h" #include "util_Table.h" #define N_BUFFER 100 char buffer[N_BUFFER]; int handle = Util_TableCreate(UTIL_TABLE_FLAGS_DEFAULT); Util_TableSetString(handle, "relativity", "Einstein"); /* get length of string (= 10 here) */ int length = Util_TableGetString(handle, 0, NULL, "Einstein"); /* get null-terminated string into buffer, also returns 10 */ Util_TableGetString(handle, N_BUFFER, buffer, "Einstein"); \end{verbatim} \end{Example} \end{FunctionDescription} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{FunctionDescription}{Util\_TableItAdvance} \label{Util-TableItAdvance} Advance a table iterator to the next entry in the table \begin{Synopsis}{C} \begin{verbatim} #include "util_ErrorCodes.h" #include "util_Table.h" int is_nonnull = Util_TableItAdvance(int ihandle); \end{verbatim} \end{Synopsis} \begin{Result}{\rm 1} ok (iterator now points to some table entry) \end{Result} \begin{Result}{\rm 0} ok (iterator has just advanced past the last table entry, and is now in the "null-pointer" state) \end{Result} \begin{Parameter}{ihandle ($\ge 0$)} handle to the iterator \end{Parameter} \begin{Discussion} If we view an iterator as an abstraction of a pointer into the table, then this function is the abstraction of the C \verb|++| operation applied to the pointer, except that this function automagically sets the iterator to the "null-pointer" state when it advances past the last table entry. \NewPar Note that bad things (garbage results, core dumps) may happen if you call this function on an iterator which has been invalidated by a change in the table's contents. \end{Discussion} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_BAD\_HANDLE} iterator handle is invalid \end{Error} \begin{Example}{C} \begin{verbatim} /* walk through all entries of a table */ int ihandle; for ( ihandle = Util_TableItCreate(handle) ; Util_TableItQueryIsNull(ihandle) ; Util_TableItAdvance(ihandle) ) { /* do something with the table entry */ } Util_TableItDestroy(ihandle); \end{verbatim} \end{Example} \end{FunctionDescription} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{FunctionDescription}{Util\_TableItCreate} \label{Util-TableItCreate} Create a new table iterator \begin{Synopsis}{C} \begin{verbatim} #include "util_ErrorCodes.h" #include "util_Table.h" int ihandle = Util_TableItCreate(int handle); \end{verbatim} \end{Synopsis} \begin{Result}{ihandle ($\ge 0$)} handle to the iterator \end{Result} \begin{Parameter}{handle ($\ge 0$)} handle to the table over which the iterator should iterate \end{Parameter} \begin{Discussion} This function creates a new table iterator. The iterator initially points at the starting table entry. \end{Discussion} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableItDestroy()} destroy a table iterator \end{SeeAlso} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_BAD\_HANDLE} table handle is invalid \end{Error} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_NO\_MEMORY} unable to allocate memory \end{Error} \begin{Example}{C} \begin{verbatim} /* walk through all entries of a table */ int ihandle; for ( ihandle = Util_TableItCreate(handle) ; Util_TableItQueryIsNull(ihandle) ; Util_TableItAdvance(ihandle) ) { /* do something with the table entry */ } Util_TableItDestroy(ihandle); \end{verbatim} \end{Example} \end{FunctionDescription} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{FunctionDescription}{Util\_TableItDestroy} \label{Util-TableItDestroy} Destroy a table iterator \begin{Synopsis}{C} \begin{verbatim} #include "util_ErrorCodes.h" #include "util_Table.h" int status = Util_TableItDestroy(int ihandle); \end{verbatim} \end{Synopsis} \begin{Result}{\rm 0} ok \end{Result} \begin{Parameter}{ihandle ($\ge 0$)} handle to the iterator \end{Parameter} \begin{Discussion} \end{Discussion} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableItCreate()} create a table iterator \end{SeeAlso} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_BAD\_HANDLE} iterator handle is invalid \end{Error} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_NO\_MEMORY} unable to allocate memory \end{Error} \begin{Example}{C} \begin{verbatim} /* walk through all entries of a table */ int ihandle; for ( ihandle = Util_TableItCreate(handle) ; Util_TableItQueryIsNull(ihandle) ; Util_TableItAdvance(ihandle) ) { /* do something with the table entry */ } Util_TableItDestroy(ihandle); \end{verbatim} \end{Example} \end{FunctionDescription} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{FunctionDescription}{Util\_TableItQueryIsNonNull} \label{Util-TableItQueryIsNonNull} Query whether a table iterator is {\em not\/} in the ``null-pointer'' state \begin{Synopsis}{C} \begin{verbatim} #include "util_ErrorCodes.h" #include "util_Table.h" int status = Util_TableItQueryIsNonNull(int ihandle); \end{verbatim} \end{Synopsis} \begin{Result}{\rm 1} iterator is {\em not\/} in the ``null-pointer'' state, \ie{} iterator points to some table entry \end{Result} \begin{Result}{\rm 0} iterator is in the ``null-pointer'' state \end{Result} \begin{Parameter}{ihandle ($\ge 0$)} handle to the iterator \end{Parameter} \begin{Discussion} If no errors occur, \verb|Util_TableItQueryIsNonNull(ihandle)| is the same as \verb|1 - Util_TableItQueryIsNull(ihandle)|. \NewPar Note that bad things (garbage results, core dumps) may happen if you call this function on an iterator which has been invalidated by a change in the table's contents. \end{Discussion} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableItQueryIsNull()} query whether a table iterator is in the ``null-pointer'' state \end{SeeAlso} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_BAD\_HANDLE} iterator handle is invalid \end{Error} \begin{Example}{C} \begin{verbatim} /* walk through all entries of a table */ int ihandle; for ( ihandle = Util_TableItCreate(handle) ; Util_TableItQueryIsNonNull(ihandle) ; Util_TableItAdvance(ihandle) ) { /* do something with the table entry */ } Util_TableItDestroy(ihandle); \end{verbatim} \end{Example} \end{FunctionDescription} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{FunctionDescription}{Util\_TableItQueryIsNull} \label{Util-TableItQueryIsNull} Query whether a table iterator is in the ``null-pointer'' state \begin{Synopsis}{C} \begin{verbatim} #include "util_ErrorCodes.h" #include "util_Table.h" int status = Util_TableItQueryIsNull(int ihandle); \end{verbatim} \end{Synopsis} \begin{Result}{\rm 1} iterator is in the ``null-pointer'' state \end{Result} \begin{Result}{\rm 0} iterator is {\em not\/} in the ``null-pointer'' state, \ie{} iterator points to some table entry \end{Result} \begin{Parameter}{ihandle ($\ge 0$)} handle to the iterator \end{Parameter} \begin{Discussion} If no errors occur, \verb|Util_TableItQueryIsNull(ihandle)| is the same as \verb|1 - Util_TableItQueryIsNonNull(ihandle)|. \NewPar Note that bad things (garbage results, core dumps) may happen if you call this function on an iterator which has been invalidated by a change in the table's contents. \end{Discussion} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableItQueryIsNonNull()} query whether a table iterator is {\em not\/} in the ``null-pointer'' state, \ie{} whether the iterator points to some table entry \end{SeeAlso} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_BAD\_HANDLE} iterator handle is invalid \end{Error} \begin{Example}{C} \begin{verbatim} /* variant code to walk through all entries of a table */ int ihandle; for ( ihandle = Util_TableItCreate(handle) ; ! Util_TableItQueryIsNull(ihandle) ; Util_TableItAdvance(ihandle) ) { /* do something with the table entry */ } Util_TableItDestroy(ihandle); \end{verbatim} \end{Example} \end{FunctionDescription} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{FunctionDescription}{Util\_TableItQueryKeyValueInfo} \label{Util-TableItQueryKeyValueInfo} Query the key and the type and number of elements of the value corresponding to that key, of the table entry to which an iterator points \begin{Synopsis}{C} \begin{verbatim} #include "util_ErrorCodes.h" #include "util_Table.h" int key_length = Util_TableItQueryKeyValueInfo(int ihandle, int key_buffer_length, char key_buffer[], CCTK_INT *type_code, CCTK_INT *N_elements) \end{verbatim} \end{Synopsis} \begin{Result}{key\_length} The string length of the key (this has C {\t strlen()} semantics, \ie{} it does not include a terminating null character) \end{Result} \begin{Parameter}{handle ($\ge 0$)} handle to the table iterator \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{key\_buffer\_length} \quad the length (\verb|sizeof()|) of \verb|key_buffer[]| (must be $\ge 1$ if \verb|key_buffer != NULL|) \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{key\_buffer} a pointer to a buffer into which this function should store (at most \verb|key_buffer_length-1| characters of) the key, terminated by a null character as usual for C strings, or NULL pointer to skip storing this \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{type\_code} a pointer to where this function should store the value's type code (one of the \verb|CCTK_VARIABLE_|* constants from \verb|"cctk_Types.h"|), or a NULL pointer to skip storing this. \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{N\_elements} a pointer to where this function should store the number of array elements in the value, or a NULL pointer to skip storing this. \end{Parameter} \begin{Discussion} The usual use of an iterator is to iterate through all the entries of a table, calling this function on each entry, then taking further action based on the results. \NewPar Note that bad things (garbage results, core dumps) may happen if you call this function on an iterator which has been invalidated by a change in the table's contents. \end{Discussion} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableQueryValueInfo()} perform a similar query using the key instead of an iterator \end{SeeAlso} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_BAD\_HANDLE} handle is invalid \end{Error} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_TABLE\_ITERATOR\_IS\_NULL} \quad iterator is in "null-pointer" state \end{Error} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_TABLE\_STRING\_TRUNCATED} \quad \verb|key_buffer != NULL| and key was truncated to fit in \verb|key_buffer| \end{Error} \begin{Example}{C} \begin{verbatim} /* print out all entries in a table */ /* return 0 for ok, type code for any types we can't handle, */ /* -ve for other errors */ #include #include #include "util_ErrorCodes.h" #include "util_Table.h" #include "cctk.h" int print_table(int handle) { int max_key_length, N_key_buffer, ihandle; char *key_buffer; max_key_length = Util_TableQueryMaxKeyLength(handle); if (max_key_length < 0) return max_key_length; N_key_buffer = max_key_length + 1; key_buffer = (char *) malloc(N_key_buffer); if (key_buffer == NULL) return UTIL_ERROR_NO_MEMORY; for ( ihandle = Util_TableItCreate(handle) ; Util_TableItQueryIsNonNull(ihandle) ; Util_TableItAdvance(ihandle) ) { CCTK_INT type_code, N_elements; CCTK_INT value_int; CCTK_REAL value_real; Util_TableItQueryKeyValueInfo(ihandle, N_key_buffer, key_buffer, &type_code, &N_elements); printf("key = \"%s\"\n", key_buffer); switch (type_code) { case CCTK_VARIABLE_INT: Util_TableGetInt(handle, &value_int, key_buffer); printf("value[int] = %d\n", (int)value_int); break; case CCTK_VARIABLE_REAL: Util_TableGetReal(handle, &value_real, key_buffer); printf("value[real] = %g\n", (double)value_real); break; default: /* we don't know how to handle this type */ return type_code; } } Util_TableItDestroy(ihandle); free(key_buffer); return 0; } \end{verbatim} \end{Example} \end{FunctionDescription} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{FunctionDescription}{Util\_TableItQueryTableHandle} \label{Util-TableItQueryTableHandle} Query what table a table iterator iterates over \begin{Synopsis}{C} \begin{verbatim} #include "util_ErrorCodes.h" #include "util_Table.h" int handle = Util_TableItQueryTableHandle(int ihandle); \end{verbatim} \end{Synopsis} \begin{Parameter}{ihandle ($\ge 0$)} handle to the iterator \end{Parameter} \begin{Result}{handle ($\ge 0$)} handle to the table over which the iterator iterates \end{Result} \begin{Discussion} Note that it is always ok to call this function, regardless of whether or not the iterator is in the ``null-pointer'' state. \NewPar It's also ok to call this function even when the iterator has been invalidated by a change in the table's contents. \end{Discussion} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableItCreate()} create an iterator (which iterates over a specified table) \end{SeeAlso} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_BAD\_HANDLE} iterator handle is invalid \end{Error} \end{FunctionDescription} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{FunctionDescription}{Util\_TableItResetToStart} \label{Util-TableItResetToStart} Reset a table iterator to point to the starting table entry \begin{Synopsis}{C} \begin{verbatim} #include "util_ErrorCodes.h" #include "util_Table.h" int status = Util_TableItResetToStart(int ihandle); \end{verbatim} \end{Synopsis} \begin{ResultNote} Results are the same as calling \verb|Util_TableItQueryIsNonNull()| on the iterator after the reset: \end{ResultNote} \begin{Result}{\rm 1} iterator is {\em not\/} in the ``null-pointer'' state, \ie{} iterator points to some table entry \end{Result} \begin{Result}{\rm 0} iterator is in the ``null-pointer'' state (this happens if and only if the table is empty) \end{Result} \begin{Parameter}{ihandle ($\ge 0$)} handle to the iterator \end{Parameter} \begin{Discussion} Note that it is always ok to call this function, regardless of whether or not the iterator is in the ``null-pointer'' state. \NewPar It's also ok to call this function even when the iterator has been invalidated by a change in the table's contents. \end{Discussion} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableItSetToNull()} set an iterator to the ``null-pointer'' state \end{SeeAlso} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableItSetToKey()} set an iterator to point to a specified table entry \end{SeeAlso} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_BAD\_HANDLE} iterator handle is invalid \end{Error} \end{FunctionDescription} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{FunctionDescription}{Util\_TableItSetToKey} \label{Util-TableItSetToKey} set a table iterator to point to a specified table entry \begin{Synopsis}{C} \begin{verbatim} #include "util_ErrorCodes.h" #include "util_Table.h" int status = Util_TableItSetToKey(int ihandle, const char *key); \end{verbatim} \end{Synopsis} \begin{Result}{\rm 0} ok \end{Result} \begin{Parameter}{ihandle ($\ge 0$)} handle to the iterator \end{Parameter} \begin{Discussion} This function has the same effect as calling \verb|Util_TableItResetToStart()| followed by calling \verb|Util_TableItAdvance()| zero or more times to make the iterator point to the desired table entry. However, this function will typically be more efficient than that sequence. \NewPar Note that it is always ok to call this function, regardless of whether or not the iterator is in the ``null-pointer'' state. \NewPar It's also ok to call this function even when the iterator has been invalidated by a change in the table's contents. \end{Discussion} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableItResetToStart()} reset an iterator to point to the starting table entry \end{SeeAlso} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableItSetToNull()} set a table iterator to the "null-pointer" state \end{SeeAlso} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_BAD\_HANDLE} iterator handle is invalid \end{Error} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_TABLE\_BAD\_KEY} key contains '/' character \end{Error} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_TABLE\_NO\_SUCH\_KEY} no such key in table \end{Error} \end{FunctionDescription} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{FunctionDescription}{Util\_TableItSetToNull} \label{Util-TableItSetToNull} set a table iterator to the "null-pointer" state \begin{Synopsis}{C} \begin{verbatim} #include "util_ErrorCodes.h" #include "util_Table.h" int handle = Util_TableItSetToNull(int ihandle); \end{verbatim} \end{Synopsis} \begin{Result}{\rm 0} ok \end{Result} \begin{Parameter}{ihandle ($\ge 0$)} handle to the iterator \end{Parameter} \begin{Discussion} Note that it is always ok to call this function, regardless of whether or not the iterator is already in the ``null-pointer'' state. \NewPar It's also ok to call this function even when the iterator has been invalidated by a change in the table's contents. \end{Discussion} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableItResetToStart()} reset an iterator to point to the starting table entry \end{SeeAlso} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableItSetToKey()} set an iterator to point to a specified table entry \end{SeeAlso} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_BAD\_HANDLE} iterator handle is invalid \end{Error} \end{FunctionDescription} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{FunctionDescription}{Util\_TableQueryFlags} Queries a table's flags word \label{Util-TableQueryFlags} \begin{Synopsis}{C} \begin{verbatim} #include "util_ErrorCodes.h" #include "util_Table.h" int flags = Util_TableQueryFlags(int handle); \end{verbatim} \end{Synopsis} \begin{Result}{flags ($\ge 0$)} the flags word \end{Result} \begin{Parameter}{handle ($\ge 0$)} handle to the table \end{Parameter} \begin{Discussion} \end{Discussion} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableCreate()} create a table (flags word specified explicitly) \end{SeeAlso} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableCreateFromString()} create a table (flags word specified implicitly) \end{SeeAlso} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_BAD\_HANDLE} handle is invalid \end{Error} \begin{Example}{C} \begin{verbatim} #include #include "util_ErrorCodes.h" #include "util_String.h" #include "util_Table.h" /* compare two strings, doing the comparison with the same */ /* case-sensitive/insensitive semantics as a certain table uses */ int compare_strings(int handle, const char *str1, const char *str2) { int flags = Util_TableQueryFlags(int handle); return (flags & UTIL_TABLE_FLAGS_CASE_INSENSITIVE) ? Util_StrCmpi(str1, str2) : strcmp (str1, str2); } \end{verbatim} \end{Example} \end{FunctionDescription} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{FunctionDescription}{Util\_TableQueryValueInfo} \label{Util-TableQueryValueInfo} Queries whether or not a specified key is in the table, and optionally the type and/or number of elements of the value corresponding to this key \begin{Synopsis}{C} \begin{verbatim} #include "util_ErrorCodes.h" #include "util_Table.h" int key_exists = Util_TableQueryValueInfo(int handle, CCTK_INT *type_code, CCTK_INT *N_elements, const char *key); \end{verbatim} \end{Synopsis} \begin{Result}{\rm 1} ok (key is in table) \end{Result} \begin{Result}{\rm 0} ok (no such key in table)\\ (in this case nothing is stored in \verb|*type_code| and \verb|*N_elements|) \end{Result} \begin{Parameter}{handle ($\ge 0$)} handle to the table \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{type\_code} a pointer to where this function should store the value's type code (one of the \verb|CCTK_VARIABLE_|* constants from \verb|"cctk_Types.h"|), or a NULL pointer to skip storing this. \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{N\_elements} a pointer to where this function should store the number of array elements in the value, or a NULL pointer to skip storing this. \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{key} a pointer to the key (a C-style null-terminated string) \end{Parameter} \begin{Discussion} Unlike all the other table query functions, this function returns 0 for ``no such key in table''. The rationale for this design is that by passing NULL pointers for \verb|type_code| and \verb|N_elements|, this function is then a Boolean ``is key in table?'' predicate. \end{Discussion} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableItQueryKeyValueInfo()} perform a similar query using an iterator instead of the key \end{SeeAlso} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_BAD\_HANDLE} handle is invalid \end{Error} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_TABLE\_BAD\_KEY} key contains '/' character \end{Error} \begin{Example}{C} \begin{verbatim} #include #include #include "util_ErrorCodes.h" #include "util_Table.h" static const int data[] = {314, 159, 265}; #define N_DATA (sizeof(data) / sizeof(data[0])) CCTK_INT type_code, N_elements; /* see whether or not "key" is in table */ if (Util_TableQueryValueInfo(handle, NULL, NULL, "key")) { /* key is in the table */ } else { /* key is not in the table */ } /* put "data" in table as 3-element integer array */ Util_TableSetIntArray(handle, N_DATA, data, "data"); /* query info about "data" value */ assert( Util_TableQueryValueInfo(handle, &type_code, &N_elements, "data") == 1 ); assert( type_code == CCTK_VARIABLE_INT ); assert( N_elements == N_DATA ); \end{verbatim} \end{Example} \end{FunctionDescription} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{FunctionDescription}{Util\_TableQueryMaxKeyLength} \label{Util-TableQueryMaxKeyLength} Queries the maximum key length in a table \begin{Synopsis}{C} \begin{verbatim} #include "util_ErrorCodes.h" #include "util_Table.h" int max_key_length = Util_TableQueryMaxKeyLength(int handle); \end{verbatim} \end{Synopsis} \begin{Result}{max\_key\_length ($\ge 0$)} \quad\quad\quad The string length of the longest key in the table (this has C {\t strlen()} semantics, \ie{} it does not include a terminating null character) \end{Result} \begin{Parameter}{handle ($\ge 0$)} handle to the table \end{Parameter} \begin{Discussion} This function is useful if you're going to iterate through a table, and you want to allocate a buffer which is guaranteed to be big enough to hold any key in the table. \end{Discussion} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_BAD\_HANDLE} handle is invalid \end{Error} \begin{Example}{C} \begin{verbatim} #include #include "util_ErrorCodes.h" #include "util_Table.h" #include "cctk.h" int max_key_length = Util_TableQueryMaxKeyLength(handle); int N_buffer = max_key_length + 1; char *const buffer = (char *) malloc(N_buffer); if (buffer == NULL) { CCTK_WARN(-1, "couldn't allocate memory for table key buffer!"); abort(); /* CCTK_Abort() would be better */ /* if we have a cGH* available */ } /* now buffer is guaranteed to be */ /* big enough for any key in the table */ \end{verbatim} \end{Example} \end{FunctionDescription} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{FunctionDescription}{Util\_TableQueryNKeys} \label{Util-TableQueryNKeys} Queries the number of key/value entries in a table \begin{Synopsis}{C} \begin{verbatim} #include "util_ErrorCodes.h" #include "util_Table.h" int N_Keys = Util_TableQueryNKeys(int handle); \end{verbatim} \end{Synopsis} \begin{Result}{N\_Keys ($\ge 0$)} the number of key/value entries in the table \end{Result} \begin{Parameter}{handle ($\ge 0$)} handle to the table \end{Parameter} \begin{Discussion} \end{Discussion} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_BAD\_HANDLE} handle is invalid \end{Error} \end{FunctionDescription} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{FunctionDescription}{Util\_TableSet*} \label{Util-TableSet*} This is a family of functions, one for each Cactus data type, to set the value associated with a specified key to be a specified single (1-element array) value \begin{Synopsis}{C} \begin{verbatim} #include "util_ErrorCodes.h" #include "util_Table.h" int status = Util_TableSetXxx(int handle, CCTK_XXX value, const char *key); \end{verbatim} where \verb|XXX| is one of \verb|POINTER|, \verb|FN_POINTER|, \verb|CHAR|, \verb|INT|, \verb|INT2|, \verb|INT4|, \verb|INT8|, \verb|REAL|, \verb|REAL4|, \verb|REAL8|, \verb|REAL16|, \verb|COMPLEX|, \verb|COMPLEX8|, \verb|COMPLEX16|, \verb|COMPLEX32| (not all of these may be supported on any given system) \end{Synopsis} \begin{Result}{\rm 1} ok (key was already in table before this call, old value was replaced)\\ (it doesn't matter what the old value's \verb|type_code| and \verb|N_elements| were, \ie{} these do {\em not\/} have to match the new value) \end{Result} \begin{Result}{\rm 0} ok (key was not in table before this call) \end{Result} \begin{Parameter}{handle ($\ge 0$)} handle to the table \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{value} the value to be associated with the key \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{key} a pointer to the key (a C-style null-terminated string) \end{Parameter} \begin{Discussion} The value is stored as a 1-element array. \NewPar This function invalidates any iterators for the table which are not in the ``null-pointer'' state. \end{Discussion} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableCreateFromString()} simplified interface to create a table and set \verb|CCTK_INT| and/or \verb|CCTK_REAL| values in it based on a parameter-file--like character string \end{SeeAlso} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableGet*()} get a single (1-element array) value, or more generally the first array element of an array value \end{SeeAlso} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableGet*Array()} get an array value \end{SeeAlso} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableGet*String()} get a character-string value \end{SeeAlso} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableSet*Array()} set an array value \end{SeeAlso} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableSetString()} set a character-string value \end{SeeAlso} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_BAD\_HANDLE} handle is invalid \end{Error} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_TABLE\_BAD\_KEY} key contains '/' character \end{Error} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_NO\_MEMORY} unable to allocate memory \end{Error} \begin{Example}{C} \begin{verbatim} #include #include "util_ErrorCodes.h" #include "util_Table.h" CCTK_COMPLEX16 z; int handle = Util_TableCreate(UTIL_TABLE_FLAGS_DEFAULT); Util_TableSetInt(handle, 42, "the answer"); Util_TableSetReal(handle, 299792458.0, "speed of light"); z.Re = cos(0.37); z.Im = sin(0.37); Util_TableSetComplex16(handle, z, "my complex number"); \end{verbatim} \end{Example} \end{FunctionDescription} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{FunctionDescription}{Util\_TableSet*Array} \label{Util-TableSet*Array} This is a family of functions, one for each Cactus data type, to set the value associated with a specified key to be a copy of a specified array \begin{Synopsis}{C} \begin{verbatim} #include "util_ErrorCodes.h" #include "util_Table.h" int status = Util_TableSetXxxArray(int handle, int N_elements, const CCTK_XXX array[], const char *key); \end{verbatim} where \verb|XXX| is one of \verb|POINTER|, \verb|FN_POINTER|, \verb|CHAR|, \verb|INT|, \verb|INT2|, \verb|INT4|, \verb|INT8|, \verb|REAL|, \verb|REAL4|, \verb|REAL8|, \verb|REAL16|, \verb|COMPLEX|, \verb|COMPLEX8|, \verb|COMPLEX16|, \verb|COMPLEX32| (not all of these may be supported on any given system) \end{Synopsis} \begin{Result}{\rm 1} ok (key was already in table before this call, old value was replaced)\\ (it doesn't matter what the old value's \verb|type_code| and \verb|N_elements| were, \ie{} these do {\em not\/} have to match the new value) \end{Result} \begin{Result}{\rm 0} ok (key was not in table before this call) \end{Result} \begin{Parameter}{handle ($\ge 0$)} handle to the table \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{N\_elements ($\ge 0$)} the number of array elements in \verb|array[]| \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{array} a pointer to the array (a copy of which) is to be associated with the key \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{key} a pointer to the key (a C-style null-terminated string) \end{Parameter} \begin{Discussion} Note that empty (0-element) arrays are ok. \NewPar This function invalidates any iterators for the table which are not in the ``null-pointer'' state. \end{Discussion} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableCreateFromString()} simplified interface to create a table and set \verb|CCTK_INT| and/or \verb|CCTK_REAL| values in it based on a parameter-file--like character string \end{SeeAlso} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableGet*()} get a single (1-element array) value, or more generally the first array element of an array value \end{SeeAlso} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableGet*Array()} get an array value \end{SeeAlso} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableGet*String()} get a character-string value \end{SeeAlso} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableSet*()} set a single (1-element array) value \end{SeeAlso} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableSetString()} set a character-string value \end{SeeAlso} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_BAD\_HANDLE} handle is invalid \end{Error} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_TABLE\_BAD\_KEY} key contains '/' character \end{Error} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_TABLE\_BAD\_INPUT} \verb|N_elements| $< 0$ \end{Error} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_NO\_MEMORY} unable to allocate memory \end{Error} \begin{Example}{C} \begin{verbatim} #include "util_ErrorCodes.h" #include "util_Table.h" #define N_DIGITS 5 static const CCTK_INT pi_digits[N_DIGITS] = {3, 14, 159, 2653, 58979}; int handle = Util_TableCreate(UTIL_TABLE_FLAGS_DEFAULT); Util_TableSetIntArray(handle, N_DIGITS, pi_digits, "digits of pi"); \end{verbatim} \end{Example} \end{FunctionDescription} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{FunctionDescription}{Util\_TableSetString} \label{Util-TableSetString} Sets the value associated with a specified key in a table, to be a copy of a specified C-style null-terminated character string \begin{Synopsis}{C} \begin{verbatim} #include "util_ErrorCodes.h" #include "util_Table.h" int status = Util_TableSetString(int handle, const char *string, const char *key); \end{verbatim} \end{Synopsis} \begin{ResultNote} Results are the same as all the other \verb|Util_TableSet|* functions: \end{ResultNote} \begin{Result}{\rm 1} ok (key was already in table before this call, old value was replaced)\\ (it doesn't matter what the old value's \verb|type_code| and \verb|N_elements| were, \ie{} these do {\em not\/} have to match the new value) \end{Result} \begin{Result}{\rm 0} ok (key was not in table before this call) \end{Result} \begin{Parameter}{handle ($\ge 0$)} handle to the table \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{string} a pointer to the string (a C-style null-terminated string) \end{Parameter} \begin{Parameter}{key} a pointer to the key (a C-style null-terminated string) \end{Parameter} \begin{Discussion} The string is stored as an array of \verb|strlen(string)| \verb|CCTK_CHAR|s. It does {\em not\/} include a terminating null character. \NewPar This function is very similar to \verb|Util_TableSetCharArray()|. \NewPar This function invalidates any iterators for the table which are not in the ``null-pointer'' state. \end{Discussion} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableCreateFromString()} simplified interface to create a table and set \verb|CCTK_INT| and/or \verb|CCTK_REAL| values in it based on a parameter-file--like character string \end{SeeAlso} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableGet*()} get a single (1-element array) value, or more generally the first array element of an array value \end{SeeAlso} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableGet*Array()} get an array value \end{SeeAlso} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableGet*String()} get a character-string value \end{SeeAlso} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableSetCharArray()} get an array-of-\verb|CCTK_CHAR| value \end{SeeAlso} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableSet*()} set a single (1-element array) value \end{SeeAlso} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableSet*Array()} set an array value \end{SeeAlso} \begin{SeeAlso}{Util\_TableSetCharArray()} set an array-of-\verb|CCTK_CHAR| value \end{SeeAlso} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_BAD\_HANDLE} handle is invalid \end{Error} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_TABLE\_BAD\_KEY} key contains '/' character \end{Error} \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_NO\_MEMORY} unable to allocate memory \end{Error} \begin{Example}{C} \begin{verbatim} #include "util_ErrorCodes.h" #include "util_Table.h" static const CCTK_CHAR array[] = {'r', 'e', 'l', 'a', 't', 'i', 'v', 'i', 't', 'y'}; #define N_ARRAY (sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0])) int handle = Util_TableCreate(UTIL_TABLE_FLAGS_DEFAULT); Util_TableSetString(handle, "relativity", "Einstein"); /* this produces the same table entry as the Util_TableSetString() */ Util_TableSetCharArray(handle, N_ARRAY, array, "Einstein"); \end{verbatim} \end{Example} \end{FunctionDescription} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \end{cactuspart}