% /*@@ % @file Appendices.tex % @date 27 Jan 1999 % @author Tom Goodale, Gabrielle Allen, Gerd Lanferman, Thomas Radke % @desc % Appendices for the Cactus User's Guide % @enddesc % @version $Header$ % @@*/ \begin{cactuspart}{Appendices}{$RCSfile$}{$Revision$} \label{part:Appendices} \renewcommand{\thepage}{\Alph{part}\arabic{page}} Note that these appendices appear (identically) in both the Cactus Users' Guide and the Cactus Reference Manual. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Glossary} \label{sec:glossary} \begin{Lentry} \item[alias function] See \textit{function aliasing}. \item[AMR] \textit{Automatic Mesh Refinement} \item[analysis] \item[API] \textit{Applications Programming Interface}, the interface provided by some software component to programmers who use the component. An API usually consists of subroutine/function calls, but may also include structure definitions and definition of constant values. The Cactus Reference Manual documents most of the Cactus Flesh APIs. \item[arrangement] A collection of thorns, stored in a subdirectory of the Cactus \verb|arrangements| directory. See Section~\ref{sec:arrangements}. \item[autoconf] A GNU program which builds a configuration script which can be used to make a Makefile. \item[boundary zone] A boundary zone is a set of points at the edge of a grid, interpreted as the boundary of the physical problem, and which contains boundary data, e.g.\ Dirichlet conditions or von Neumann conditions. (See also \textit{symmetry zone}, \textit{ghost zone}.) \item[Cactus] A green fleshy plant with lots of thorns, usually inflicting pain if touched. \item[CCTK] \textit{Cactus Computational Tool Kit} (The Cactus Flesh and computational thorns). \item[CCL] The \textit{Cactus Configuration Language}, this is the language that the thorn configuration files are written in. See Section~\ref{sec:Appendix.ccl}. \item[configuration] The combination of a set of thorns, and all the Cactus configure options which affect what binary will be produced when compiling Cactus. For example, the choice of compilers (Cactus \verb|CC|, \verb|CXX|, \verb|F77|, and \verb|F90| configure options) and the compiler optimization settings (\verb|OPTIMISE|/\verb|OPTIMIZE| and \verb|*_OPTIMISE_FLAGS| configure options) are part of a configuration (these flags change what binary is produced), but the Cactus \verb|SILENT| and \verb|WARN| configure options aren't part of a configuration (they don't change what binary will be produced). See Section~\ref{sec:configurations}. \item[checkout] Get a copy of source code from CVS. See Section~\ref{sec:checkout}. \item[checkpoint] Save the entire state of a Cactus run to a file so that the run can be restarted at a later time. See Sections~\ref{sec:checkpointing}, \ref{chap:cp_recovery_methods}. \item[computational grid] A discrete finite set of spatial points in $\Re^n$ (typically $1 \le n \le 3$). Historically Cactus has required these points to be uniformly spaced (we say the grid is uniformly spaced), but we are now starting to add support for non-uniform spacings (we say the grid is non-uniformly spaced). The grid consists of the physical domain and the boundary and symmetry points. See \textit{grid functions} for the typical use of grid points. \item[convergence] Important, but often neglected. \item[CST] The \textit{Cactus Specification Tool}, which is the set of Perl scripts which parse the thorns' \texttt{.ccl} files and generates the code that binds the thorn source files with the Flesh. \item[CVS] The \textit{Concurrent Versions System} is the favoured code distribution system for Cactus. See Sections~\ref{sec:checkout}, \ref{sec:Appendix.cvs}. \item[domain decomposition] The technique of breaking up a large computational problem into parts that are easier to solve. In Cactus, refers especially to a decomposition wherein the parts are solved in parallel on separate computer processors. \item[driver] A special kind of thorn which creates and handles grid hierarchies and grid variables. %Drivers are responsible for memory management for grid variables, and for all parallel operations, in response to requests from the scheduler. See Section~\ref{sec:parallelisation}. \item[evolution] An iteration interpreted as a step through time. Also, a particular Cactus schedule bin for executing routines when evolution occurs. \item[Flesh] The Cactus routines which hold the thorns together, allowing them to communicate and scheduling things to happen with them. This is what you get if you check out Cactus from our CVS repository. \item[friend] Interfaces that are \textit{friends} share their collective set of protected grid variables. See Section~\ref{subsec:interface_ccl}. \ref{sec:Appendix.interface}. \item[function aliasing] The process of referring to a function to be provided by an interface independently of which thorn actually contains the function, or what language the function is written in. The function is called an \textit{alias function}. See Section~\ref{sec:function_aliasing}, \ref{subsec:Appendix.interface.function_aliasing}. \item[GA] Shorthand for a \textit{grid array}. \item[GF] Shorthand for a \textit{grid function}. \item[gmake] GNU version of the {\tt make} utility. \item[ghost zone] A set of points added for parallelisation purposes to a block of a grid lying on one processor, corresponding to points on the boundary of an adjoining block of the grid lying on another processor. Points from the boundary of the one block are copied (via an inter-processor communication mechanism) during synchronization (see) to the corresponding ghost zone of the other block, and vice-versa. In single processor runs there are no ghost zones. Contrast with symmetry or boundary zones. See Section~\ref{sec:ghost_size}. \item[grid] Short for \textit{computational grid}. \item[grid array] A \textit{grid variable} whose global size need not be that of the computational grid; instead, the size is declared explicitly in an \verb|interface.ccl| file. \item[grid function] A \textit{grid variable} whose global size is the size of the computational grid. (See also \textit{local array}.) From another perspective, \textit{grid functions} are functions (of any of the Cactus data types (see section~\ref{sect-ThornWriting/DataTypes}) defined on the domain of grid points. Typically grid functions are used to discretely approximate functions defined on the domain $\Re^n$, with \textit{finite differencing} used to approximate partial derivatives. \item[grid hierarchy] A \textit{computational grid}, and the \textit{grid variables} associated with it. \item[grid point] A spatial point in the \textit{computational grid}. \item[grid scalar] A \textit{grid variable} with index zero, \textit{i.e.} just a number on each processor. \item[grid variable] A variable which is passed through the Flesh interface, either between thorns or between routines of the same thorn. This implies the variable is related to the computational grid as opposed to being an internal variable of the thorn or one of its routines. \textit{grid scalar}, \textit{grid function}, and \textit{grid array} are all examples of \textit{grid variables}. See Sections~\ref{sec:cactus_variables-groups}, \ref{subsec:Appendix.interface-variables} \item[GNATS] The GNU program we use for reporting and tracking bugs, comments and suggestions. \item[GNU] \textit{GNU's Not Unix}: a freely-distributable code project. See \url{http://www.gnu.org/}. \item[GV] Shorthand for \textit{grid variable}. \item[handle] A signed integer value $>= 0$ passed by many Cactus routines and used to represent a dynamic data or code object. \item[HDF5] \textit{Hierarchical Data Format} version~5, an API, subroutine library, and file format for storing structured data. An HDF5 file can store both data (for example Cactus grid variables), and meta data (data describing the other data, for example Cactus coordinate systems). See Section~\ref{subsec:hdf5}, also \url{http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/HDF5/}. \item[implementation] Defines the interface that a thorn presents to the rest of a Cactus program. See Section~\ref{sec:implementations}. \item[inherit] A thorn that \textit{inherits} from another implementation can access all the other implementation's public variables. See Section~\ref{subsec:interface_ccl}. \ref{sec:Appendix.interface}. \item[interface] \item[interpolation] Given a set of grid variables and interpolation points (points in the grid coordinate space which are typically distinct from the grid points) interpolation is the act of producing values for the grid variables at each interpolation point over the entire grid hierarchy. (Contrast with \textit{local interpolation}.) \item[local array] An array that is declared in thorn code but not declared in the thorn's \verb|interface.ccl|, as opposed to a \textit{grid array}. \item[local interpolation] Given a set of grid variables and interpolation points (points in the grid coordinate space which are typically distinct from the grid points) interpolation is the act of producing values for the grid variables at each interpolation point on a particular grid. (Contrast with \textit{interpolation}.) \item[Makefile] The default input file for \texttt{make} (or \texttt{gmake}). Includes rules for building targets. \item[make] A system for building software. It uses rules involving dependencies of one part of software on another, and information of what has changed since the last build, to determine what parts need to be built. \item[MPI] \textit{Message Passing Interface}, an API and software library for sending messages between processors in a multiprocessor system. See Sections~\ref{subsec:Compilation-Available_Options}, \ref{subsubsec:Compiling-MPI}. \item[multi-patch] \item[mutual recursion] See \textit{recursion, mutual}. \item[NUL character] The C programming language uses a ``NUL character'' to terminate character strings. A NUL character has the integer value zero, but it's useful to write it as \verb|'\0'| to emphasize to human readers that this has type \verb|char| rather than \verb|int|. \item[null pointer, NULL pointer] C defines a ``null pointer'' (often (slightly incorrectly) called a ``NULL pointer'') which is guaranteed not to point to any object. You get a null pointer by converting the integer constant 0 to a pointer type, e.g.\ \verb|int* ptr = 0;|.%%% \footnote{%%% Note that if you have an expression which has the value zero, but which isn't an integer constant, converting this to a pointer type is \emph{not} guaranteed to give a NULL pointer, e.g.:\\ {\tt int i = 0;}\\ {\tt int* ptr = i; /* ptr is NOT guaranteed to be a NULL pointer! */}\\ }%%% Many programmers prefer to use the predefined macro \verb|NULL| (defined in \verb||, \verb||, and possibly other system header files) to create null pointers, e.g.\ \verb|int* ptr = NULL;|, to emphasize to human readers that this is a null \emph{pointer} rather than ``just'' the integer zero. Note that it is explicitly \emph{not} defined whether a null pointer is represented by a bit pattern of all zero bits --- this varies from system to system, and there are real-world systems where null pointers are in fact \emph{not} represented this way. For further information, see the section ``Null pointers'' in the (excellent) {\tt comp.lang.c FAQ}, available online at \url{http://www.eskimo.com/~scs/C-faq/top.html}. \item[parallelisation] The process of utilising multiple computer processors to work on different parts of a computational problem at the same time, in order to obtain a solution of the problem more quickly. Cactus achieves parallelisation by means of \textit{domain decomposition}. \item[parameter] A variable that controls the run time behaviour of the Cactus executable. Parameters have default values which can be set in a \textit{parameter file} (See Chapter~\ref{chap:Cactus_parameters}). The Flesh has parameters; thorn parameters are made available to the rest of Cactus by describing them in the thorn's {\tt param.ccl} file (See Appendix~\ref{sec:Appendix.param}). \item[parameter file] (Also called \textit{par file}.) A text file used as the input of a Cactus program, specifying initial values of thorn parameters. See Section~\ref{sec:Parameter_File}. \item[processor topology] \item[PUGH] The default driver thorn for Cactus which uses MPI. See Section~\ref{sec:required_software}. \item[PVM] \textit{Parallel Virtual Machine}, provides interprocessor communication. See Section~\ref{sec:required_software}. \item[recursion, mutual] See \textit{mutual recursion}. \item[reduction] Given a set of grid variables on a computational grid, \textit{reduction} is the process of producing values for the variables on a proper subset of points from the grid. \item[scheduler] The part of the Cactus Flesh that determines the order and circumstances in which to execute Cactus routines. Thorn functions and schedule groups are registered with the Flesh via the thorn's {\tt schedule.ccl} file to be executed in a certain schedule bin, before or after another function or group executes, and so forth. See Chapter~\ref{chap:scheduling}, and Section \ref{sec:Appendix.schedule}. \item[schedule bin] One of a set of special timebins pre-defined by Cactus. See Section \ref{sec:Appendix.schedule_bins} for a list. \item[schedule group] A timebin defined by a thorn, in its {\tt schedule.ccl} file (see Appendix \ref{sec:Appendix.schedule}). Each schedule group must be defined to occur in a Cactus schedule bin or another schedule group. See Chapter~\ref{chap:scheduling}, \ref{scheduling:schedule_bins}. \item[shares] An implementation may \textit{share} restricted parameters with another implementation, which means the other implementation can get the parameter values, and if the parameters are steerable, it can change them. See Section~\ref{subsec:param_ccl}. \ref{sec:Appendix.param}. \item[staggering] See Section~\ref{sec:staggering}. \item[steerable parameter] A parameter which can be changed at any time after the program has been initialised. See Section~\ref{sec:Cactus_parameters.steerable}. \item[symmetry operation] A grid operation that is a manifestation of a geometrical symmetry, especially rotation or reflection. \item[symmetry zone] A set of points laying at the edge of the computational grid and containing data obtained by some symmetry operation from another part of the same grid. (Contrast with \textit{boundary zone}, \textit{ghost zone}.) \item[synchronisation] The process of copying information from the outer part of a computational interior on one processor to the corresponding ghost zone (see) on another processor. Also refers to a special Cactus timebin corresponding to the occurrence of this process. See Section~\ref{sec:ghost_size}. \item[TAGS] See Section~\ref{sec:Appendix.tags}. \item[target] A \textit{make target} is the name of a set of rules for \texttt{make} (or \texttt{gmake}). When the target is included in the command line for \texttt{make} the rules are executed, usually to build some software. \item[test suite] See Sections~\ref{sec:testing}, \ref{sec:adding_test_suite}. \item[thorn] A collection of subroutines defining a Cactus interface. See Chapters~\ref{chap:thorn_concepts}, \ref{chap:thorn_anatomy}. \item[ThornList] A file used by the Cactus CST to determine which thorns to compile into a Cactus executable (see Section~\ref{sec:gmtafobuanadco}, \ref{sec:cointh}). Can also be used to determine which thorns to check out from CVS (see Section~\ref{sec:checkout}). A ThornList for each Cactus configuration lies in the configuration subdirectory of the Cactus {\tt configs} directory. \item[time bin] A time interval in the duration of a Cactus run wherein the Flesh runs specified routines. See \textit{scheduler}, \textit{schedule bin}. \item[time level] \item[timer] A Cactus API for reporting time. See Section~\ref{sec:timers}. \item[trigger] \item[unigrid] \item[WMPI] \textit{Win32 Message Passing Interface}. See Sections~\ref{subsec:Compilation-Available_Options}, \ref{subsubsec:Compiling-MPI}. \item[wrapper] \end{Lentry} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Configuration file syntax} \label{sec:Appendix.ccl} \section{General Concepts} Each thorn is configured by three compulsory and one optional files in the top level thorn directory: \begin{itemize} \item{} {\tt interface.ccl} \item{} {\tt param.ccl} \item{} {\tt schedule.ccl} \item{} {\tt configuration.ccl} (optional) \end{itemize} These files are written in the \textit{Cactus Configuration Language} which is case insensitive. % A note on optional arguments and square brackets: If e.g.\ a variable or % include file is provided by this thorn, then the corresponding % section of the (in this case) interface.ccl is not optional. Thus % these sections are not enclosed in [] as a whole (though parts of them can of % course be enclosed in []). \section{interface.ccl} \label{sec:Appendix.interface} The interface configuration file consists of \begin{itemize} \item a header block giving details of the thorn's relationship with other thorns. \item a block detailing which include files are used from other thorns, and which include files are provided by this thorn \item blocks detailing aliased functions provided or used by this thorn \item a series of blocks listing the thorn's global variables. \end{itemize} (For a more extensive discussion of Cactus variables see Chapter \ref{chap:cactus_variables}.) \subsection{Header block} The header block has the form: \begin{alltt} implements: <\var{implementation}> inherits: <\var{implementation}>, <\var{implementation}> friend: <\var{implementation}>, <\var{implementation}> \end{alltt} where \begin{itemize} \item{} The implementation name must be unique among all thorns, except between thorns which have the same public and protected variables and global and restricted parameters. \item{} Inheriting from another implementation makes all that implementation's public variables available to your thorn. At least one thorn providing any inherited implementation must be present at compile time. A thorn cannot inherit from itself. Inheritance is transitive (if $A$ inherits from $B$, and $B$ inherits from $C$, then $A$ also implicitly inherits from $C$), but not commutative. % FIXME: Jonathan and Thomas aren't sure if this is true! % (if $A$ inherits from $B$, then $B$ can't inherit from $A$) \item{} Being a friend of another implementation makes all that implementation's protected variables available to your thorn. At least one thorn providing an implementation for each friend must be present at compile time. A thorn cannot be its own friend. % FIXME: what does "associative" mean here??? Friendship is associative, commutative % FIXME: Jonathan and Thomas aren't sure whether B *must* be declared this way % or is *implicitly* declared this way % (if $A$ is a friend of $B$, then $B$ is also a friend of $A$), and transitive (i.e.~if $A$ is a friend of $B$ and $B$ is a friend of $C$, then $A$ is implicitly a friend of $C$). \end{itemize} \subsection{Include files} The include file section has the form: \begin{alltt} USES INCLUDE [SOURCE|HEADER]: <\var{file_name}> INCLUDE[S] [SOURCE|HEADER]: <\var{file_to_include}> in <\var{file_name}> \end{alltt} The former is used when a thorn wishes to use an include file from another thorn. The latter indicates that this thorn adds the code in \texttt{<\var{file\_to\_include}>} to the include file \texttt{<\var{file\_name}>}. If the include file is described as \verb|SOURCE|, the included code is only executed if the providing thorn is active. Both default to \verb|HEADER|. \subsection{Function aliasing} \label{subsec:Appendix.interface.function_aliasing} If any aliased function is to be used or provided by the thorn then the prototype must be declared with the form: \begin{alltt} <\var{return_type}> FUNCTION <\var{alias}>(<\var{arg1_type}> <\var{intent1}> [ARRAY] <\var{arg1}>, ...) \end{alltt} The \texttt{<\var{return\_type}>} must be either \verb|void|, \verb|CCTK_INT| or \verb|CCTK_REAL|. The keyword \verb|SUBROUTINE| is equivalent to \verb|void FUNCTION|. The name of the aliased function \texttt{<\var{alias}>} must contain at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter and follow the C standard for function names. The type of each argument, \texttt{<\var{arg*\_type}>} must be a \verb|CCTK| type in \verb|INT,REAL,STRING,POINTER|. The intent of each argument, \texttt{<\var{intent*}>} must be either \verb|IN| or \verb|OUT|. An argument should only be modified if it is declared to have intent \verb|OUT|. If the argument is an array then the prefix \verb|ARRAY| should also be given. If the argument \texttt{<\var{arg*}>} is a function pointer then the argument itself (which will preceded by the return type) should be \begin{alltt} CCTK_FPOINTER <\var{function_arg1}>(<\var{arg1_type}> <\var{intent1}> <\var{arg1}>, ...) \end{alltt} Function pointers may not be nested. If an aliased function is to be required then the block \begin{alltt} REQUIRES FUNCTION <\var{alias}> \end{alltt} is required. If an aliased function is to be (optionally) used then the block \begin{alltt} USES FUNCTION <\var{alias}> \end{alltt} is required. If a function is provided then the block \begin{alltt} PROVIDES FUNCTION <\var{alias}> WITH <\var{provider}> LANGUAGE <\var{providing_language}> \end{alltt} is required. As with the alias name, \texttt{<\var{provider}>} must contain at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter and follow the C standard for function names. Currently the only supported values of \texttt{<\var{providing\_language}>} are \verb|C| and \verb|Fortran|. \subsection{Variable blocks} \label{subsec:Appendix.interface-variables} The thorn's variables are collected into groups. This is not only for convenience, but for collecting like variables together. Storage assignment, communication assignment, and ghostzone synchronization take place for groups only. The thorn's variables are defined by: \begin{alltt} [<\var{access}>:] <\var{data_type}> <\var{group_name}>[[<\var{number}>]] [TYPE=<\var{group_type}>] [DIM=<\var{dim}>] [TIMELEVELS=<\var{num}>] [SIZE=<\var{size in each direction}>] [DISTRIB=<\var{distribution_type}>] [GHOSTSIZE=<\var{ghostsize}>] [STAGGER=<\var{stagger-specification}>] [TAGS=<\var{string}>] ["<\var{group_description}>"] [\{ [ <\var{variable_name}>[,]<\var{variable_name}> <\var{variable_name}> ] \} ["<\var{group_description}>"] ] \end{alltt} % (The options {\t TYPE}, {\t DIM}, etc.\ following {\t <\var{group\_name}>} must all appear on one line.) Note that the beginning brace (\{) must sit on a line by itself; the ending brace (\}) must be preceded by a carriage return. % \begin{itemize} \item{} {\t \var{access}} defines which thorns can use the following groups of variables. {\t \var{access}} can be either {\t public}, {\t protected} or {\t private}. \item{} {\t \var{data\_type}} defines the data type of the variables in the group. Supported data types are {\t CHAR}, {\t BYTE}, {\t INT}, {\t REAL} and {\t COMPLEX}. \item{} {\t \var{group\_name}} must be an alphanumeric name (which may also contain underscores) which is unique across group and variable names within the scope of the thorn. A group name is compulsory. \item{} {\t [\var{number}]}, if present, indicates that this is a \emph{vector} group. The number can be any valid arithmetical expression consisting of integers or integer-valued parameters. Each variable in that group appears as a one-dimensional array of grid variables. When the variable is accessed in the code, then the last index is the member-index, and any other indices are the normal spatial indices for a group of this type and dimension. \item{} {\t TYPE} designates the kind of variables held by the group. The choices are {\t GF}, {\t ARRAY} or {\t SCALAR}. This field is optional, with the default variable type being {\t SCALAR}. \item{} {\t DIM} defines the spatial dimension of the {\t ARRAY} or {\t GF}. The default value is {\t DIM=3}. \item{} {\t TIMELEVELS} defines the number of timelevels a group has if the group is of type {\t ARRAY} or {\t GF}, and can take any positive value. The default is one timelevel. \item{} {\t SIZE} defines the number grid-points an {\tt ARRAY} has in each direction. This should be a comma-separated list of valid arithmetical expressions consisting of integers or integer-valued parameters. \item{} {\t DISTRIB} defines the processor decomposition of an {\tt ARRAY}. {\tt DISTRIB=DEFAULT} distributes {\tt SIZE} grid-points across all processors. {\tt DISTRIB=CONSTANT} implies that {\tt SIZE} grid-points should be allocated on each processor. The default value is {\tt DISTRIB=DEFAULT}. \item{} {\t GHOSTSIZE} defines number of ghost-zones in each dimension of an {\tt ARRAY}. %Does GHOSTSIZE default to one for a GF and zero for a GA? \item{} {\t STAGGER} defines position of grid-points of a {\tt GF} with respect to the underlying grid. It consists of a string made up of a combination {\tt DIM} of the letters {\tt M}, {\tt C}, {\tt P} depending on whether the layout in that direction is on the {\tt M}inus face, {\tt C}entre, or {\tt P}lus face of the cell in that dimension. \item{} {\t TAGS} defines an optional string which is used to create a set of key-value pairs associated with the group. The keys are case independent. The string (which must be deliminated by single or double quotes) is interpreted by the function {\t Util\_TableSetFromString()}, which is described in the ReferenceManual.\\ Currently the CST parser and the flesh do not evaluate any information passed in an optional {\t TAGS} string. Thorns may do so by querying the key/value table information for a group by using {\t CCTK\_GroupTagsTable()} and the appropriate {\t Util\_TableGet*()} utility functions (see the ReferenceManual for detailed descriptions).\\ For a list of currently supported {\t TAGS} key-value table information please refer to the corresponding chapter in the documentation of the \verb|CactusDoc| arrangement (section \ref{sec:OtherGmakeTargetsDoc} on page \pageref{sec:OtherGmakeTargetsDoc} explains how to build this documentation). \item{} The (optional) block following the group declaration line contains a list of variables contained in the group. All variables in a group have the same data type, variable type, dimension and distribution. The list can be separated by spaces, commas, or new lines. The variable names must be unique within the scope of the thorn. A variable can only be a member of one group. The block must be delimited by brackets on new lines. If no block is given after a group declaration line, a variable with the same name as the group is created. Apart from this case, a group name cannot be the same as the name of any variable seen by this thorn. \item{} An optional description of the group can be given on the last line. If the variable block is omitted, this description can be given at the end of the declaration line. \end{itemize} The process of sharing code among thorns using include files is discussed in Section~\ref{sec:includefiles}. \section{param.ccl} \label{sec:Appendix.param} The parameter configuration file consists of a list of \textit{parameter object specification items} (OSIs) giving the type and range of the parameter separated by optional \textit{parameter data scoping items} (DSIs) which detail access to the parameter. (For a more extensive discussion of Cactus parameters see Chapter \ref{chap:Cactus_parameters}.) \subsection{Parameter data scoping items} \begin{alltt} <\var{access}>: \end{alltt} The key word {\t \var{access}} designates that all parameter object specification items up to the next parameter data scoping item are in the same protection or scoping class. {\tt \var{access}} can take the values: \begin{Lentry} \item[{\tt global}] all thorns have access to global parameters \item[{\tt restricted}] other thorns can have access to these parameters if they specifically request it in their own param.ccl \item[{\tt private}] only your thorn has access to private parameters \item[{\tt shares}] in this case an {\t implementation} name must follow the colon. It declares that all the parameters in the following scoping block are restricted variables from the specified {\tt implementation}. (Note: only one implementation can be specified on this line.) \end{Lentry} \subsection{Parameter object specification items} \label{subsec:Appendix.param.specification_items} \begin{alltt} [EXTENDS|USES] <\var{parameter type}> <\var{parameter name}>[[<\var{integer}>]] "<\var{parameter description}>" [AS <\var{alias}>] [STEERABLE=] [ACCUMULATOR=<\var{expression}>] [ACCUMULATOR-BASE=<\var{parameter name}>] \{ <\var{PARAMETER VALUES}> \} <\var{default value}> \end{alltt} where the options {\t AS}, {\t STEERABLE}, etc. following {\t <\var{parameter description}>} must all appear on one line. Note that the beginning brace ({\t\{}) must sit on a line by itself; the ending brace ({\t\}}) must be at the beginning of a line followed by \var{} on that same line. \begin{itemize} \item Allowed {\t \var{parameter type}}s are \begin{Lentry} \item[{\t INT}] The specification of \var{parameter value}s takes the form of one or more lines, each of the form \begin{alltt} \var{} [::"\var{}"] \end{alltt} Here a \var{} specifies a set of integers, and has one of the following forms: \begin{alltt} * \# means any integer \var{} \# means only \var{} \var{}:\var{} \# means all integers in the range \# from \var{} to \var{} \var{}:\var{}:\var{} \# means all integers in the range \# from \var{} to \var{} \# in steps of \var{} \end{alltt} where \var{} has one of the forms \begin{alltt} \var{} \# means no lower limit * \# means no lower limit \var{} \# means a closed interval starting at \var{} (\var{} \# means an open interval starting at \var{} \end{alltt} and \var{} has one of the forms \begin{alltt} \var{} \# means no upper limit * \# means no upper limit \var{} \# means a closed interval ending at \var{} \var{}) \# means an open interval ending at \var{} \end{alltt} \item[{\t REAL}] The range specification is the same as integers, except that here, no \var{step} implies a continuum of values. Note that numeric constants should be expressed as in C (e.g.\ {\t 1e-10}). Note also that one cannot use the Cactus types such as {\t CCTK\_REAL4} to specify the precision of the parameter; parameters always have the default precision. \item[{\t KEYWORD}] Each entry in the list of acceptable values for a keyword has the form \begin{alltt} <\var{keyword value}>, <\var{keyword value}> :: "<\var{description}>" \end{alltt} Keyword values should be enclosed in double quotes. The double quotes are mandatory if the keyword contains spaces. \item[{\t STRING}] Allowed values for strings should be specified using regular expressions. To allow any string, the regular expression {\tt ""} should be used. (An empty regular expression matches anything.) Regular expressions and string values should be enclosed in double quotes. The double quotes are mandatory if the regular expression or the string value is empty or contains spaces. \item[{\t BOOLEAN}] No \var{PARAMETER VALUES} should be specified for a boolean parameter. The default value for a boolean can be \begin{itemize} \item True: {\t 1}, {\t yes}, {\t y}, {\t t}, {\t true} \item False: {\t 0}, {\t no}, {\t n}, {\t f}, {\t false} \end{itemize} Boolean values may optionally be enclosed in double quotes. \end{Lentry} \item The \var{parameter name} must be unique within the scope of the thorn. \item A thorn can declare that it {\t EXTENDS} a parameter of another thorn. This allows it to declare additional acceptable values. By default it is acceptable for two thorns to declare the same value as acceptable. \item If the thorn wants to simply use a parameter from another thorn, without declaring additional values, use {\t USES} instead. \item {\tt [\var{integer}]}, if present, specifies that this is an {\tt array} parameter. (Note that the notation used above for the parameter specification breaks down here, there must be square brackets around the given integer). The parameter is then a one-dimensional array of values of the specified type. \item \var{alias} allows a parameter to appear as a different name in this thorn than its original name in another thorn. The name as seen in the parameter file is unchanged. \item {\t STEERABLE} specifies when a parameter value may be changed. By default parameters may not be changed after the parameter file has been read, or on restarting from checkpoint. This option relaxes this restricting, specifying that the parameter may be changed at recovery time from a parameter file or at any time using the Flesh routine {\tt CCTK\_ParameterSet} --- see the Reference Guide. \item {\t ACCUMULATOR} specifies that this is an \textit{accumulator} parameter. Such parameters cannot be set directly, but are set by other parameters who specify this one as an {\tt ACCUMULATOR-BASE}. The expression is a two parameter arithmetical expression of $x$ and $y$. Setting the parameter consists of evaluating this expression successively, with $x$ being the current value of the parameter (at the first iteration this is the default value) and $y$ the value of the setting parameter. This procedure is repeated, starting from the default value of the parameter, each time one of the setting parameters changes. \item {\t ACCUMULATOR-BASE} specifies the name of an {\tt ACCUMULATOR} parameter which this parameter sets. \end{itemize} \section{schedule.ccl} \label{sec:Appendix.schedule} (A more extensive discussion of Cactus scheduling is provided in Chapter \ref{chap:scheduling}.) A schedule configuration file consists of \begin{itemize} \item{} \textit{assignment statements} to switch on storage for grid variables for the entire duration of program execution \item{} \textit{schedule blocks} to schedule a subroutine from a thorn to be called at specific times during program execution in a given manner \item {} \textit{conditional statements} for both assignment statements and schedule blocks to allow them to be processed depending on parameter values \end{itemize} \subsection{Assignment Statements} \textit{Assignment statements}, currently only assign storage. These lines have the form: \begin{alltt} [STORAGE: <\var{group}>[\var{timelevels}], <\var{group}>[\var{timelevels}]] \end{alltt} If the thorn is active, storage will be allocated for the given groups for the duration of program execution (unless storage is explicitly switched off by some call to {\tt CCTK\_DisableGroupStorage} within a thorn). The storage line includes the number of timelevels to activate storage for, this number can be from 1 up to the maximum number or timelevels for the group as specified in the defining {\tt interface.ccl} file. If the maximum number of timelevels is 1 (the default), this number may be omitted. The behaviour of an assignment statement is independent of its position in the schedule file (so long as it is outside a schedule block). \subsection{Schedule Blocks} Each \textit{schedule block} in the file {\t schedule.ccl} must have the syntax \begin{alltt} schedule [GROUP] <\var{function name}|\var{group name}> AT|IN <\var{time}> \verb|\| [BEFORE|AFTER <\var{function name}>|(<\var{function name}> <\var{function name}> ...)] \verb|\| [WHILE <\var{variable}>] [AS <\var{alias}>] \{ [LANG: <\var{language}>] [STORAGE: <\var{group}>[\var{timelevels}],<\var{group}>[\var{timelevels}]...] [TRIGGER: <\var{group}>,<\var{group}>...] [SYNCHRONISE: <\var{group}>,<\var{group}>...] [OPTIONS: <\var{option}>,<\var{option}>...] \} "\var{Description of function}" \end{alltt} \begin{Lentry} \item[{\tt GROUP}] Schedule a schedule group with the same options as a schedule function. The schedule group will be created if it doesn't exist. \item[{\tt <\var{function name}|\var{group name}>}] The name of a function or a schedule group to be scheduled. Function and schedule group names are case sensitive \item[{\tt <\var{group}>}] A group of grid variables. Variable groups inherited from other thorns may be used, but they must then be fully qualified with the implementation name. \item[{\tt AT}] Functions can be scheduled to run at the Cactus schedule bins, for example {\tt CCTK\_EVOL}, {\tt CCTK\_STARTUP}. A complete list and description of these is provided in Appendix~\ref{sec:Appendix.schedule_bins}. The initial letters {\tt CCTK\_} are optional. Grid variables cannot be used in the {\tt CCTK\_STARTUP} and {\tt CCTK\_SHUTDOWN} timebins. \item[{\tt IN}] Schedules a function or schedule group to run in a schedule group rather than in a Cactus timebin. \item[{\tt BEFORE/AFTER}] Takes a function name, a function alias, a schedule group name, or a parentheses-enclosed whitespace-separated list of these. (Any names that are not provided by an active thorn are ignored.) Note that a single schedule block may have multiple {\tt BEFORE/AFTER} clauses. See section~\ref{chap:scheduling} (``Scheduling'') in the Cactus Users' Guide for more information about {\tt BEFORE/AFTER} clauses. \item[{\tt WHILE}] Executes a function or schedule group until the given variable (which must be a fully qualified integer grid scalar) has the value zero. \item[{\tt AS}] Provides an alias for a function or schedule group which should be used for scheduling before, after or in. This can be used to provide thorn independence for other thorns scheduling functions or schedule groups relative to this one. \item[{\tt LANG}] The code language for the function (either {\tt C} or {\tt FORTRAN}). No language should be specified for a schedule group. \item[{\tt STORAGE}] List of variable groups which should have storage switched on for the duration of the function or schedule group. Each group must specify how many timelevels to activate storage for, from 1 up to the maximum number for the group as specified in the defining {\tt interface.ccl} file. If the maximum is 1 (the default) this number may be omitted. \item[{\tt TRIGGER}] List of grid variables or groups to be used as triggers for causing an {\tt ANALYSIS} function or group to be executed. Any schedule block for an analysis function or analysis group may contain a {\tt TRIGGER} line. \item[{\tt SYNCHRONISE}] List of groups to be synchronised as soon as the function or schedule group is exited. \item[{\tt OPTIONS}] List of additional options (see Section~\ref{app:allopts}) for the scheduled function or group of functions \end{Lentry} \subsubsection{Allowed Options} \label{app:allopts} Cactus understands the following options. These options are interpreted by the driver, not by Cactus. The current set of options is useful for Berger-Oliger mesh refinement which has subcycling in time, and for multi-patch simulations in which the domain is split into several distinct patches. Given this, the meanings of the options below is only tentative, and their exact meaning needs to be obtained from the driver documentation. The standard driver PUGH ignores all options. Option names are case-insensitive. There can be several options given at the same time. \begin{Lentry} \item[{\tt META}] This routine will only be called once, even if several simulations are performed at the same time. This can be used, for example, to initialise external libraries, or to set up data structures that live in global variables. \item[{\tt GLOBAL}] This routine will only be called once on a grid hierarchy, not for all subgrids making up the hierarchy. This can be used, for example, for analysis routines which use global reduction or interpolation routines rather than the local subgrid passed to them, and hence should only be called once. \item[{\tt LEVEL}] This routine will only be called once on any ``level'' of the grid hierarchy. That is, it will only be called once for any set of sub-grids which have the same \texttt{cctk\_levfac} numbers. \item[{\tt SINGLEMAP}] This routine will only be called once on any of the ``patches'' that form a ``level'' of the grid hierarchy. \item[{\tt LOCAL} (this is the default)] This routine will be called on every ``component''. \end{Lentry} When the above options are used, it is often the case that a certain routine should e.g.\ be called at the time for a \texttt{GLOBAL} routine, but should actually loop overall ``components''. The following set of options allows this: \begin{Lentry} \item[{\tt LOOP-META}] Loop once. \item[{\tt LOOP-GLOBAL}] Loop over all simulations. \item[{\tt LOOP-LEVEL}] Loop over all ``levels''. \item[{\tt LOOP-SINGLEMAP}] Loop over all ``patches''. \item[{\tt LOOP-LOCAL}] Loop over all ``components''. \end{Lentry} For example, the specification \begin{alltt} OPTIONS: global loop-local \end{alltt} schedules a routine at those time when a \texttt{GLOBAL} routine is scheduled, and then calls the routine in a loop over all ``components''. \subsection{Conditional Statements} Any schedule block or assignment statements can be optionally surrounded by conditional {\t if-elseif-else} constructs using the parameter data base. These can be nested, and have the general form: \begin{alltt} if (CCTK_Equals(<\var{parameter}>,<\var{string}>)) \{ [<\var{assignments}>] [<\var{schedule blocks}>] \}\end{alltt} Such conditionals are evaluated only at program startup and are used to pick between different static schedule options. For dynamic scheduling the {\tt SCHEDULE WHILE} construction should be used. Conditional constructs cannot be used inside a schedule block. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{configuration.ccl} \label{sec:Appendix.configuration.ccl} [{\bf NOTE:} The configuration.ccl is still relatively new, and not all features listed below may be fully implemented or functional.] A configuration.ccl file defines {\bf capabilities} which a thorn either provides or requires, or may use if available. Unlike {\bf implementations}, only one thorn providing a particular capability may be compiled into a configuration at one time. Thus this mechanism may be used to, for example: provide access to external libraries; provide access to functions which other thorns must call, but are too complex for function aliasing; or to split a thorn into several thorns, all of which require some common (not aliased) functions. A configuration options file can contain any number of the following sections: \begin{itemize} \item \begin{alltt} PROVIDES <\var{Capability}> \{ SCRIPT <\var{Configuration script}> LANG <\var{Language}> [OPTIONS [