% /*@@ % @file Procedures.tex % @date Fri May 11 11:18:04 2001 % @author Tom Goodale % @desc % Various procedures % @enddesc % @version $Header$ % @@*/ \begin{cactuspart}{2}{Procedures}{$RCSfile$}{$Revision$} \renewcommand{\thepage}{\Alph{part}\arabic{page}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Use of CVS} Version control in Cactus is maintained by the use of the CVS software. This software allows one to trace any change to a file from the creation of a file to the present version, and provides an automatic notification system to alert interested parties of changes to files. In order to make effective use of the system, the following commit procedure is recommended as a guideline \begin{Lentry} \item[{\em Only make one change at a time}] Don't make a commit which changes several distinct things at once, as it is difficult then for people tracing changes back to distinguish which bit was changed for which reason. See the note on commit messages below. \item[{\em Run the test suite}] This makes sure the code compiles, runs, and produces the correct results. \item[{\em Know which files you are going to commit}] Always check what you are about to commit by use of the {\tt cvs -n -q update} command. This ensures that you know which files have been modified, which files have been removed and which files have been added, and provides a useful reminder to use the {\tt \verb.cvs add.} and {\tt \verb.cvs remove.} commands. \item[{\em Know what has changed}] The use of the {\tt cvs diff} command on each modified file is a good check that you are not just committing an accidental keystroke or a debug statement. Moreover it is a good reminder of what has changed and needs to be mentioned in the commit message. \item[{\em Provide clear and meaningful and relevant commit messages}] The commit message should explain what has changed and why, for details people can use {\tt \verb.cvs diff.}, however the commit message should be clear enough for people to have a good idea of what is going on. This is strongly coupled to the item about making only one change listed above - if two distinct things have been changed, they should be committed separately, with relevant commit messages. If the change resulted from a {\tt Problem Report} (PR) the PR number should be noted in the commit message. \end{Lentry} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Use of GNATS} Bug tracking in Cactus is maintained by use of the GNATS software. This software provides audit trails of the status and all correspondence concerning any problem report (PR). Each problem is given a unique number and assigned a responsible person. \begin{Lentry} \item[{\em Correspondence}] All correspondence with the author of the PR should be copied to {\tt \verb,bugs@cactuscode.org,} with the subject line assigned by Gnats. This ensures that the correspondence is entered into the audit trail. \item[{\em Responsiblity}] When a PR comes in, it is assigned a responsible person. If another person wishes to tackle the problem they should check with the responsible person, and then assign themselves as the responsible person. \item[{\em Initial auditing}] The responsible person should review the PR and check that the user supplied fields are sensible. I particular the {\tt Synopsis} should be an accurate reflection of the problem, and the {\tt Priority} and {\tt Severity} fields should be set to the correct levels. If the {\tt Release} field is badly filled out, attempts should be made to determine the relase version used by the PR submitter. If it is a duplicate of a previous PR it should be marked as {\tt Duplicate}. \item[{\em Analysing the PR}] Once the responsible person has had a chance to review the PR, they should either seek further information from the submitter and mark the PR state as {\tt Feedback}, or they should seek to determine the cause of the problem and mark it as {\tt Analysed}. \item[{\em Closing a PR}] Once a problem is fixed, the PR state should be changed to the current version number of Cactus. The {\tt Fix} field should be filled out with what was done, and {\tt CVS} version numbers for the changed files should be noted. Any miscellaneous comments about the problem should be noted in the {\tt Release-Note} field. \end{Lentry} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chapter{Release procedure} In the beta release cycle, Cactus is maintained in two CVS repositories - the `stable' \verb./cactus. and the development \verb./cactusdevcvs.. The stable version is the last beta release and no commits should ever be made to it - it is for people who do not want to worry about things breaking from day to day. The development version is the tree used for developing the next beta release. Making a beta release consists of copying the cvs modules from the development repository to the stable repository. The following procedure is used: \begin{Lentry} \item[{\em Notify committers of start of release procedure}] This ensures that no commits are made during the following procedure. If it is impossible, for some reason, to notify a person of the start of the procedure, that person's commit rights should be revoked during the procedure to prevent accidents. \item[{\em Check the code on all supported architectures}] The code should be checked out (in a fresh place), compiled and the test-suites run on all suppported architectures. Problems found should be fixed or noted in the release notes. This is an iterative procedure, as any commits made to fix problems need to be checked on all other architectures. \item[{\em Tag the code}] Tag the code with the latest release tag and update the {\tt LATEST} and {\tt STABLE} tags. The easiest way to do this is from a clean checkout. \begin{verbatim} cd /Cactus cvs -q update -d # To check for any missing/not up-to-date files. cvs tag Cactus_4_0_Beta_X cvs tag -F LATEST cvs tag -F STABLE \end{verbatim} \item[{\em Log into cvs machine as cactus\_admin}] All repository maintanence should be done as the cactus admin user. \item[{\em Store old module files}] A directory should be made in the stable repository, and all releaseable modules should be moved into that directory. This will temporarily break checkouts/updates from that repository. A suggested command is of the form \begin{verbatim} cd /cactus mkdir betaX mv Cactus{,Base,Connect,Einstein,X,X,X} betaX \end{verbatim} \item[{\em Copy new module files}] e.g. \begin{verbatim} cp -r /cactusdevcvs/Cactus{,Base,Connect,Einstein,X,X,X} . \end{verbatim} \item[{\em Fix permissions on new module files}] \begin{verbatim} find Cactus{,Base,Connect,Einstein,X,X,X} -type d -exec chmod 777 \; Setperms.pl public Cactus{,Base,Connect,Einstein,X,X,X} \end{verbatim} \item[{\em Update CVS {\tt modules} file for new modules}] The stable repository's {\tt modules} file should be updated with any new module information added. \item[{\em Check that checkout/update works}] A fresh checkout should be made as a double check that all permissions have been set correctly. \item[{\em Update version of development tree}] Update the version in {\tt Makefile} and commit it to the development tree. \item[{\em Re-enable commit access}] People whose commit access was removed in the first part of this procedure should have access re-enabled. \item[{\em Notify people}] The relase notes should be sent out to the cactus mailing lists and any other relevant places such as linux-announce and Freshmeat. \item[{\em Update web page}] The release should be noted in the news section of the web page. Additionally the html versions of the documentation should be updated. \item[{\em Close PRs}] Any problem reports which were closed in the beta relase should be audited for correct entries in the {\tt Fix} field and then their state should be marked as {\tt closed}. \end{Lentry} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \end{cactuspart}