# /*@@ # @file FAQ # @date Thu Jun 24 11:06:01 1999 # @author Tom Goodale # @desc # Some useful info. # @enddesc # @version $Header: /mnt/data2/cvs2svn/cvs-repositories/Cactus/doc/FAQ,v 1.3 1999-08-24 15:47:22 goodale Exp $ # @@*/ 1) The make system says "Checking status of libXXX.a" and then just sits there. What can I do ? The first thing to do whenever a problem arises from the make system is to run with the "SILENT=no" option. In this case, 'though, first check that the clocks on the machine on which you are editing files and the clock on the machine you are compiling on are synchronised. If the compilation machine's clock is slow, then the newly made dependency files will still be `older' than the file you edited, and the system will loop until this situation changes. 2) I get identifier "DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS" is undefined DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS ^ Why ? You have to include the header: #include "cctk_parameters.h" 3) I get 'g77: cannot specify -o with -c or -S and multiple compilations' when compiling with the Pacific VAST90 compiler. If the libvast90.a library is in the same directory as your F90 script, F90 passes -lvast90 to the underlying G77 compile, which is of course only a valid switch when linking. The solution is to seperate these files, e.g. into bin and lib directories.