******************************** Welcome to the Cactus Code Version 4.0 ******************************** The Cactus Code as a meta code that provides multiple computational tools and applications in different scientific areas is (c) Copyright by the Authors listed in the respective README and source files that you will find scattered thru the directory structure of all the thorns contained in the arrangements directory. This is a truly collaborative development project that benefits from input of many people worldwide and we try our best to give credit to every contribution. The cactus code web page at http://www.cactuscode.org contains an extensive list of contributors to all the thorns that are part of the Cactus Code project. This web page contains a description of the features of the current version and lots of information that we hope you find useful. The flesh of the Cactus Code and the design of the project is (c) Copyright 1997-99 by Gabrielle Allen, Tom Goodale, Joan Masso and Paul Walker from the Numerical Relativity group of the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Gravitationphysik / Albert Einstein Institute (http://www.aei-potsdam.mpg.de). The Cactus Code is distributed under the GNU general public license version 2 which is available in the file COPYING. All thorns in the arrangements directory follow this license unless it is explicitly stated otherwise in the corresponding README files. Please, take a look at the documentation in the doc directory or check the cactus web page for instructions on how to run the code, report bugs, give feedback, etc. Thanks for using cactus. We hope you find it useful. Love it or hate it, please let us know what you think. - The Cactus Team cactus@cactuscode.org