path: root/doc/latex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/latex')
1 files changed, 246 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/doc/latex/cactus.sty b/doc/latex/cactus.sty
index 29f26edd..1dc0aa41 100644
--- a/doc/latex/cactus.sty
+++ b/doc/latex/cactus.sty
@@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
% @version $Header$
\def\CA@styledate{\CA@getcvsdate $Date$}
\def\CA@styleversion{\CA@getcvsversion $Revision$}
\def\CA@getcvsdate $#1:#2/#3/#4 #5:#6:#7${#2/#3/#4}
\def\CA@getcvsversion $#1:#2${#2}
@@ -34,39 +36,58 @@
-% Check if we are under pdftex
- \CA@pdffalse % we are not running PDFLaTeX
- \pdfoutput=1 % we are running PDFLaTeX
- \CA@pdftrue
- % Add the pdftex option to a subsequent load of graphicx
- \PassOptionsToPackage{pdftex}{graphicx}
% Load in other packages.
-\parskip = 2 pt
+\parskip = 10 pt
+\parindent = 0 pt
\oddsidemargin = 0 cm
\textwidth = 16 cm
\topmargin = -1 cm
\textheight = 24 cm
% macros
\def\text#1{{\rm #1}}
+\def\q{\bf QUERY: }
+\def\t{\tt \obeylines }
+\def\nhat{{\hat n}}
+% nicely typeset "C++" (adapted from a comp.lang.C++ FAQ entry)
+\def\Cplusplus{\hbox{C\hspace{-.05em}\raisebox{.4ex}{\tiny\bf ++}}}
% MANPAGE like description setting for options, use as % \begin{Lentry}
%\item[text] text \end{Lentry} \usepackage{ifthen,calc}
@@ -93,6 +114,137 @@
+\newenvironment{CCTKsyn}{\noindent\begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}}&&\\{\bf Synopsis} \hfill&&\\}{\end{tabular}}
+% The above needs to be fixed -- sometimes it runs off the page (e.g. with cctk_complex arguments...)
+\newenvironment{CCTKpar}{\noindent\begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}}&&\\{\bf Parameters} \hfill&&\\}{\end{tabular}}
+\newcommand{\CCTKname}[1]{\noindent{\t #1}\hrule}
+\newcommand{\CCTKdesc}[1]{\vskip .3cm \noindent #1}
+%Define some saveboxes to hold data
+ {\sbox{\cctkbox}{#1}
+ \newpage
+ \noindent{\t #1}\hrule
+ \vskip .3cm \noindent #2\\
+%Clear the saveboxes - this may not be neccessary
+ \sbox{\cctkcargbox}{}
+ \sbox{\cctkfargbox}{}
+ \sbox{\cctkfargdefs}{}
+ \sbox{\cctkcsepbox}{}
+ \sbox{\cctkfsepbox}{}
+ \sbox{\cctkfdefssep}{}
+ \sbox{\cctkcprefix}{}
+ \sbox{\cctkfprefix}{}
+%A command to add an argument - takes ctype, ftype, name
+ \newcommand{\argument}[3]
+ {\sbox{\cctkcargbox}{\usebox{\cctkcargbox}\usebox{\cctkcsepbox} ##1 ##3}
+ \sbox{\cctkcsepbox}{,}
+ \sbox{\cctkfargbox}{\usebox{\cctkfargbox}\usebox{\cctkfsepbox} ##3}
+ \sbox{\cctkfsepbox}{,}
+ \sbox{\cctkfargdefs}{\noindent{}\vbox{\noindent\usebox{\cctkfargdefs}\noindent\usebox{\cctkfdefssep}\noindent {} ##2 ##3}}
+ \sbox{\cctkfdefssep}{\\}
+ }
+%Use this command if it is a subroutine, same args as \argument
+ \newcommand{\subroutine}[3]
+ {\sbox{\cctkcprefix}{##1 ##3 =}
+ \sbox{\cctkfprefix}{call}
+ \sbox{\cctkfargbox}{##3\usebox{\cctkfsepbox} \usebox{\cctkfargbox}}
+ \sbox{\cctkfsepbox}{,}
+ \sbox{\cctkfargdefs}{\noindent{}\vbox{\noindent ##2 ##3 \usebox{\cctkfdefssep}\noindent{}\usebox{\cctkfargdefs}}}
+ \sbox{\cctkfdefssep}{\\}
+ }
+%Use this command if it is a function, same args as \argument
+ \newcommand{\function}[3]
+ {\sbox{\cctkcprefix}{##1 ##3 =}
+ \sbox{\cctkfprefix}{##3 = }
+ \sbox{\cctkfargdefs}{\noindent{}\vbox{\noindent ##2 ##3 \usebox{\cctkfdefssep}\noindent{}\usebox{\cctkfargdefs}}}
+ \sbox{\cctkfdefssep}{\\}
+ }
+%Use this to display the arguments
+ \newcommand{\showargs}
+ {\noindent
+ \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}}&&\\
+{\bf Synopsis} \hfill&&\\
+\hfill {\bf C} && {\t \usebox{\cctkcprefix} \usebox{\cctkbox}(\usebox{\cctkcargbox})}\\
+\hfill {\bf Fortran} &&
+{\t \usebox{\cctkfprefix} \usebox{\cctkbox}(\usebox{\cctkfargbox} ) }\\
+%Use this to display the C arguments
+ \newcommand{\showcargs}
+ {\noindent
+ \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}}&&\\
+{\bf Synopsis} \hfill&&\\
+\hfill {\bf C} && {\t \usebox{\cctkcprefix} \usebox{\cctkbox}(\usebox{\cctkcargbox})}\\
+%Environment for describing parameters
+ \newenvironment{params}{
+ \noindent\begin{tabular}{@{}p{3cm}cp{11cm}}&&\\{\bf Parameters} \hfill&&\\}{\end{tabular}\\}
+%Command to describe a parameter, takes name and description
+ \newcommand{\parameter}[2]{
+\hfill {\t ##1} &-&##2
+%Environment for discussion
+ \newenvironment{discussion}
+ {\noindent
+ \begin{tabular}{@{}p{14cm}}
+ \\{\bf Discussion} \hfill\\
+ }
+ {
+ \end{tabular}\\
+ }
+%Environment for examples
+ \newenvironment{examples}
+ {\noindent
+ \begin{tabular}{@{}p{14cm}}
+ \\{\bf Examples} \hfill\\
+ }
+ {
+ \end{tabular}\\\\
+ }
+%Environment for describing errors
+ \newenvironment{errorcodes}
+ {\noindent
+ \begin{tabular}{@{}p{6cm}cp{10cm}}&&\\
+ {\bf Errors} \hfill&&\\}
+ {\end{tabular}\\}
+%Command to describe an errorcode, takes name and description
+ \newcommand{\errorcode}[2]{
+\hfill {\t ##1} &-&##2
+}% end of \begin{CCTKFunc} expansion
+{}% \end{CCTKFunc} expansion
@@ -312,6 +464,81 @@
}%%% % \end{FunctionDescription} expansion is empty
+% Takes three arguments - the name of the document, the revision, and
+% the date.
+% Additionally ther eis an optional first argument with the version number
+ \Huge Cactus #1\\[5mm]
+ #2
+ \Large #3 \\[3mm]
+ #4
+ \clearpage
+ \renewcommand{\thepage}{\Alph{part}\arabic{page}}
+ % Redefine the plain style
+ \fancypagestyle{plain}
+ {
+ \fancyhf{} % Clear all header and footer fields
+ \lfoot{#3}
+ \cfoot{#4}
+ \rfoot{\thepage/\pageref{lastpage:\thepart}}
+ \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0.0pt}
+ \renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0.4pt}
+ \renewcommand{\thepage}{\Alph{part}\arabic{page}}
+ }
+ % Make sure it's arabic numbering
+ \pagenumbering{arabic}
+ % Start the page counter at 1
+ \setcounter{page}{1}
+ % Start a new part
+ \renewcommand{\thepage}{\Alph{part}\arabic{page}}
+ \part{#2}
+ \setcounter{part}{#1}
+ % Redefine the page
+ % Set up fancy headings.
+ \lfoot{#3}
+ \cfoot{#4}
+ \rfoot{\thepage/\pageref{lastpage:\thepart}}
+ \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0.4pt}
+ \renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0.4pt}
+ % Remember the last page of the
+ \label{lastpage:\thepart}
+ \clearpage
%% End of cactus.sty