diff options
3 files changed, 1125 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 63bea3eb..c3711b27 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
# @enddesc
-# @version $Id: Makefile,v 1.131 2002-04-08 09:48:56 tradke Exp $
+# @version $Id: Makefile,v 1.132 2002-04-13 21:59:18 allen Exp $
# @@*/
@@ -772,7 +772,7 @@ ifneq ($strip($(CONFIGURATIONS)),)
$(addsuffix -testsuite,$(CONFIGURATIONS)):
@echo Running test suite $(@:%-thornlist=%)
- if [ -r $(CONFIGS_DIR)/$(@:%-testsuite=%)/ThornList ] ; then $(PERL) lib/sbin/ $(PROMPT) $(@:%-testsuite=%) ; fi
+ if [ -r $(CONFIGS_DIR)/$(@:%-testsuite=%)/ThornList ] ; then $(PERL) -s lib/sbin/ $(PROMPT) $(@:%-testsuite=%) ; fi
diff --git a/lib/sbin/ b/lib/sbin/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d936672d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sbin/
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+#!/bin/perl -s
+# Test Suite tool
+# Version: $Header$
+require "lib/sbin/";
+$prompt = shift;
+$prompt =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+$config = shift;;
+# Set up RunTest configuration
+%config_data = &Configure($config);
+$sep= "/";
+# Look to see if MPI is dfined
+$mpi = ParseExtras(%config_data);
+# Get the executable
+$executable = ParseExecutable(%config_data);
+if ($mpi)
+ $numprocs = &defprompt(" Enter number of processors","2");
+ $command = &defprompt(" Enter command to run executable","mpirun -np $numprocs ");
+ $command = &defprompt(" Enter command to run executable"," ");
+# Initialise testdata database
+%testdata = &InitialiseTestData();
+# Find test parameter files
+%testdata = &ParseTests(%config_data);
+# Parse test parameter files
+%testdata = &ParseAllParameterFiles(%testdata);
+# Reset/Initialise Test Statistics
+%testdata = &ResetTestStatistics(%testdata);
+# Print database
+$loop = 1;
+$run = 1;
+$tests = &defprompt(" Run All tests or go to Menu","All");
+while ($loop == 1)
+ if ($tests =~ /^A/i)
+ {
+ # Run all parameter files
+ foreach $thorn (split(" ",$testdata{"RUNNABLETHORNS"}))
+ {
+ foreach $test (split(" ",$testdata{"$thorn RUNNABLE"}))
+ {
+ print " Test $thorn: $test \n";
+ print " \"$testdata{\"$thorn $test DESC\"}\"\n";
+ if ($run)
+ {
+ %testdata = &RunTest($test,$thorn,%testdata);
+ }
+ %testdata = &CompareTestFiles($test,$thorn,%testdata);
+ }
+ }
+ # Write results of all tests
+ &WriteFullResults(%testdata);
+ $loop = 0;
+ }
+ elsif ($tests =~ /^M/i)
+ {
+ undef($thorn);
+ undef($test);
+ undef($choice);
+ while (!($choice =~ /^[EOQ]/i) )
+ {
+ print "\n --- Menu ---\n\n";
+ print " Choose test from [T]horn or [A]rrangement\n";
+ print " Rerun previous test [R]\n";
+ print " Run entire set of tests [E]\n";
+ print " Compare all files in the test output directories [O]\n";
+ print " Customize testsuite checking [C]\n";
+ print " Quit [Q]\n\n";
+ $choice = &defprompt(" Select choice: ","T");
+ if ($choice =~ /^[ATC]/i)
+ {
+ ($test,$thorn) = &ChooseTest($choice,%testdata);
+ %testdata = &RunTest($test,$thorn,%testdata);
+ %testdata = &CompareTestFiles($test,$thorn,%testdata);
+ }
+ elsif ($choice =~ /^R/i)
+ {
+ if ($thorn && $test)
+ {
+ print " Running $thorn: $test \n";
+ print " \"$testdata{\"$thorn $test DESC\"}\"\n";
+ %testdata = &RunTest($test,$thorn,%testdata);
+ %testdata = &CompareTestFiles($test,$thorn,%testdata);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print " No previous test has been run\n";
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($choice =~ /^C/i)
+ {
+ print " Options for customization\n";
+ if ($test)
+ {
+ print " Change tolerance for this run ($test) [R]\n";
+ }
+ print " Change tolerance from $testdata{\"TOLERANCE\"} for all further runs [T]\n";
+ $choice = &defprompt(" Select choice: ","");
+ if ($choice =~ /T/i)
+ {
+ $testdata{"TOLERANCE"} = &defprompt(" New tolerance: ","$testdata{\"TOLERANCE\"}");
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($choice =~ /^Q/i)
+ {
+ $loop = 0;
+ }
+ elsif ($choice =~ /^E/i)
+ {
+ $tests = "A";
+ }
+ elsif ($choice =~ /^O/i)
+ {
+ $tests = "A";
+ $run = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print " Choice not recognized, try again!\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($tests =~ /^Q/i)
+ {
+ $loop = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print " Choice not recognized, try again!\n";
+ }
+ print "\n";
diff --git a/lib/sbin/ b/lib/sbin/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5af38d04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sbin/
@@ -0,0 +1,962 @@
+sub Configure
+ my($config) = @_;
+ my($configs_dir);
+ # Find Cactus home directory
+ $home_dir = `pwd`;
+ chomp($home_dir);
+ $home_dir =~ s,^/cygdrive/(.)/,$1:/,;
+ $home_dir =~ s,^//(.)/,$1:/,;
+ $config_data{"HOMEDIR"} = $home_dir;
+ # Find config directory is
+ {
+ $configs_dir = $ENV{"CONFIGS_DIR"};
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $configs_dir = "configs";
+ }
+ $config_data{"CONFIGSDIR"} = $configs_dir;
+ # Work out the current directory
+ $current_directory = `pwd`;
+ chop($current_directory);
+ # Stuff necessary for cygwin
+ $current_directory =~ s,^/cygdrive/(.)/,$1:/,;
+ $current_directory =~ s,^//(.)/,$1:/,;
+ $config_data{"THISDIR"} = $current_directory;
+ $config_data{"SEPARATOR"} = "/";
+ $config_data{"CONFIG"} = $config;
+# $config_data{"TOLERANCE"} = 13;
+ return %config_data;
+sub MissingThorns
+ my($active,$allthorns) = @_;
+ my(@at,$th,$foundit,$thornpart,$nmissing,$missing);
+ @at = split(' ',$active);
+ $nmissing = 0;
+ $missing = "";
+ foreach $th (@at)
+ {
+ $th = "\U$th";
+ $foundit = 0;
+ foreach $tthorn (split(" ",$allthorns))
+ {
+ $thornpart = "\U$tthorn";
+ if ($thornpart eq $th)
+ {
+ $foundit = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$foundit)
+ {
+ $missing .=" $th";
+ $nmissing++;
+ }
+ }
+ return($nmissing,$missing);
+sub ParseParFile($thorn,$parfile,%config_data)
+ my($thorn,$parfile,%config_data) = @_;
+ my($line,$file,$processing_active);
+ my($active,$desc);
+ $file = "arrangements/$thorn/test/$parfile";
+ open (IN, "<$file") || die "Can not open $file";
+ $processing_active = 0;
+ # Give a default test name in case non is specified in the parameter file.
+ $desc = "$thorn/test/$t";
+ while (<IN>)
+ {
+ $line = $_;
+ if($processing_active == 1)
+ {
+ if($line =~ m/(.*)\"/)
+ {
+ $active .= $1;
+ $processing_active = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $active .= $line;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ m/^\s*\!\s*DESC(RIPTION)?\s*\"(.*)\"\s*$/i)
+ {
+ $desc = $2;
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ m/^\s*ActiveThorns\s*=\s*\"(.*)\"/i)
+ {
+ $active = $1;
+ }
+ elsif($line =~ m/^\s*ActiveThorns\s*=\s*\"(.*)/i)
+ {
+ $active = $1;
+ $processing_active = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ close IN;
+ return($active,$desc);
+sub ParseTests
+ my(%config_data) = @_;
+ my($stratch_dir);
+ $config = $config_data{"CONFIG"};
+ $configs_dir = $config_data{"CONFIGSDIR"};
+ $sep = $config_data{"SEPARATOR"};
+ if (!open (AT, "< $configs_dir${sep}$config${sep}ThornList"))
+ {
+ print "Can't open $scratchdir/ThornList - no thorn tests";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ chdir "arrangements";
+ $testdata{"FULL"} = "";
+ while (<AT>)
+ {
+ next if (m:^\s*$:);
+ next if (m:^\#:);
+ next if (m:^\!:);
+ $name = $_;
+ $name =~ s/\#(.*)$//g;
+ $name =~ /^\s*([^\s]*)\s*/;
+ $T = $1;
+ $testdata{"FULL"} .= "$T ";
+ $T =~ m:^.*/([^\s]*)\s*:;
+ $testdata{"THORNS"} .= "$1 ";
+ $T =~ m:^\s*([^\s]*)/:;
+ if ($testdata{"ARRANGEMENTS"} !~ m:\s$1\s:)
+ {
+ $testdata{"ARRANGEMENTS"} .= "$1 ";
+ }
+ $number = 0;
+ if (-d "$T${sep}test")
+ {
+ $testdata{"$T PARFILESDIR"} = $config_data{"HOMEDIR"}.${sep}."arrangements/$T/test";
+ $thisdir = `pwd`;
+ chop($thisdir);
+ chdir "$T${sep}test" || die "Unable to chdir to $T${sep}test";
+ while ($file=<*.par>)
+ {
+ $file =~ m:^(.*)\.par$:;
+ $filedir = $1;
+ if (-d $filedir)
+ {
+ $testdata{"$T $filedir DATAFILES"} .= &FindFiles($filedir);
+ $testdata{"$T $filedir NDATAFILES"} = scalar(split(" ",$testdata{"$T $filedir DATAFILES"}));
+ $testdata{"$T PARFILES"} .= "$file ";
+ $testdata{"$T NUMBER"}++;
+ }
+ }
+ chdir "../../.." || die "Unable to chdir to $thisdir";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+# print "No tests for $T\n";
+ }
+ }
+ chdir "..";
+ }
+ return %testdata;
+sub ParseExecutable
+ my(%config_data) = @_;
+ $config = $config_data{"CONFIG"};
+ $dir = $config_data{"THISDIR"};
+ $sep = $config_data{"SEPARATOR"};
+ # Check the name and directory of executable
+ $defns = "$dir${sep}configs${sep}$config${sep}config_data${sep}make.config.defn";
+ $defexename = "cactus_$config";
+ if (-e "$defns")
+ {
+ open(DEFNS,"<$defns");
+ while(<DEFNS>)
+ {
+ if (/EXE\s*=\s*([\w-_]+)/)
+ {
+ $defexename = $1;
+ }
+ if (/EXEDIR\s*=\s*([\w-_]+)/)
+ {
+ $defexedirname = $1;
+ }
+ }
+ close(DEFNS);
+ }
+ $executable = &defprompt(" Enter executable name (relative to Cactus home dir)","exe$sep$defexename");
+ if (! (-e $config_data{"HOMEDIR"}.${sep}.$executable))
+ {
+ if (-e $config_data{"HOMEDIR"}.${sep}.${executable}.".exe")
+ {
+ $executable .= ".exe";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ die "Cannot locate $executable";
+ }
+ }
+ return $config_data{"HOMEDIR"}.${sep}.$executable;
+sub defprompt
+ my ($pr, $de) = @_;
+ my ($res);
+ print "$pr [$de] \n";
+ print " --> ";
+ $res = <STDIN> if ($prompt eq "yes");
+ if ($res =~ m/^$/)
+ {
+ $res = $de;
+ }
+ elsif ($res =~ m/^ $/)
+ {
+ $res = "";
+ }
+ $res =~ s/\n//;
+ print "\n";
+ return $res;
+sub ParseExtras
+ my(%config_data) = @_;
+ my($mpi,$dir,$sep,$extradir);
+ $dir = $config_data{"THISDIR"};
+ $sep = $config_data{"SEPARATOR"};
+ $config = $config_data{"CONFIG"};
+ $extradir = "$dir${sep}configs${sep}$config${sep}config_data${sep}cctk_Extradefs.h";
+ $mpi = 0;
+ if (-e "$extradir")
+ {
+ open(EXTRA,"<$extradir");
+ while(<EXTRA>)
+ {
+ if (/\#define CCTK_MPI/)
+ {
+ $mpi = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ close(EXTRA);
+ }
+ return $mpi;
+sub InitialiseTestData
+ my(%testdata);
+ $testdata{"TOLERANCE"} = 13;
+ $testdata{"NFAILED"} = 0;
+ $testdata{"NNODATAFILES"} = 0;
+ $testdata{"NRUNNABLE"} = 0;
+ $testdata{"NUNRUNNABLE"} = 0;
+ $testdata{"RUNNABLETHORNS"} = "";
+ $testdata{"UNRUNNABLETHORNS"} = "";
+ $testdata{"RUNNABLEARRANGEMENTS"} = "";
+ return %testdata;
+sub PrintDataBase
+ my(%database) = @_;
+ my($field);
+ foreach $field ( sort keys %database )
+ {
+ print "$field has value $database{$field}\n\n";
+ }
+sub CleanDir
+ my($dir) = @_;
+ opendir (DIR, $dir);
+ @list = (grep (/.+\..+/, readdir (DIR)));
+ foreach $entry (@list)
+ {
+ unlink "$dir/$entry";
+ }
+ closedir (DIR);
+sub RunCactus
+ my($testname,$command) = @_;
+ my($retcode);
+ printf " Issuing $command\n";
+ $retcode = 0;
+ open (CMD, "$command |");
+ open (LOG, "> $testname.log");
+ while (<CMD>)
+ {
+ print LOG;
+ if( /Cactus exiting with return code (.*)/)
+ {
+ $retcode = $1 + 0;
+ }
+ }
+ close LOG;
+ close CMD;
+ $retcode = $? >> 8 if($retcode==0);
+ return $retcode;
+sub fpabs
+ my ($val) = $_[0];
+ $val > 0 ? $val:-$val;
+sub PrintHeader
+ print <<EOT;
+ -------------------------------
+ Cactus Code Test Suite Tool
+ -------------------------------
+sub FindFiles
+ my ($dir) = @_;
+ my ($files, @tmp);
+ $files="";
+ opendir (DIR, $dir);
+ @tmp = grep (/\..+l$/, readdir (DIR));
+ foreach $f (@tmp)
+ {
+ $files .= " $f";
+ }
+ closedir (DIR);
+ return $files;
+sub PrintDataBase
+ my (%db) = @_;
+ foreach $key (sort keys %db)
+ {
+ print "$key\n $db{\"$key\"}\n";
+ }
+sub WriteFullResults
+ my (%testdata) = @_;
+ $separator = "==========================================================\n\n";
+ $show_warnings = 1;
+ if ($show_warnings)
+ {
+ print $separator;
+ print " Warnings for configuration $config\n --------\n";
+ # Missing thorns for tests
+ $message = " Tests missed for lack of thorns:\n\n";
+ $missingtests = 0;
+ foreach $thorn (split(" ",$testdata{"UNRUNNABLETHORNS"}))
+ {
+ foreach $parfile (split(" ",$testdata{"$thorn UNRUNNABLE"}))
+ {
+ $message .= "\n ".$parfile." in ". $thorn."\n";
+ $message .= " (". $testdata{"$thorn $test DESC"}.")\n";
+ $message .= " Missing: ".$testdata{"$thorn $parfile MISSING"}."\n";
+ $missingtests++;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($missingtests > 0)
+ {
+ print "$message\n";
+ }
+ # Different numbers of test files
+ $message = " Tests with different number of test files:\n\n";
+ $extratests = 0;
+ foreach $thorn (split(" ",$testdata{"RUNNABLETHORNS"}))
+ {
+ foreach $parfile (split(" ",$testdata{"$thorn RUNNABLE"}))
+ {
+ if ($testdata{"$thorn $parfile NFILEEXTRA"}>0)
+ {
+ $extratests++;
+ $message .= " $thorn ($parfile)\n";
+ $message .= " Test created $testdata{\"$thorn $parfile NFILEEXTRA\"} extra files: $testdata{\"$thorn $parfile FILEEXTRA\"}\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($extratests > 0)
+ {
+ print "$message\n";
+ }
+ }
+ print $separator;
+ print " Testsuite Summary for configuration $config\n";
+ print " -----------------\n\n";
+ print " Suitable testsuite parameter files found in:\n\n";
+ $tested = 0;
+ $nottested = "";
+ foreach $thorn (split(" ",$testdata{"FULL"}))
+ {
+ $num = scalar(split(" ",$testdata{"$thorn RUNNABLE"}));
+ if ($num > 0)
+ {
+ print " $thorn [$num]\n";
+ $tested++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $nottested .= "\n $thorn";
+ }
+ }
+ print "\n";
+ print " Details:\n\n";
+ foreach $thorn (split(" ",$testdata{"FULL"}))
+ {
+ $num = scalar(split(" ",$testdata{"$thorn RUNNABLE"}));
+ if ($num > 0)
+ {
+ print " $thorn:\n";
+ foreach $test (split(" ",$testdata{"$thorn RUNNABLE"}))
+ {
+ print " $test\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ print "\n";
+ if ($nottested)
+ {
+ print " Thorns with no valid testsuite parameter files:\n";
+ print "$nottested\n\n";
+ }
+ print $separator;
+ print " Run details for configuration $config\n\n";
+ foreach $thorn (split(" ",$testdata{"RUNNABLETHORNS"}))
+ {
+ if ($testdata{"$thorn RUNNABLE"} !~ m:^\s*$:)
+ {
+ foreach $test (split(" ",$testdata{"$thorn RUNNABLE"}))
+ {
+ print " $thorn: $test\n $testdata{\"$thorn $test SUMMARY\"}\n";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print " No tests available\n";
+ }
+ }
+ print "\n";
+ print $separator;
+ print " Summary for configuration $config\n\n";
+ $total = $testdata{"NUNRUNNABLE"}+$testdata{"NRUNNABLE"};
+ print " Total available tests -> $total\n";
+ print " Unrunnable tests -> $testdata{\"NUNRUNNABLE\"}\n";
+ print " Runnable tests -> $testdata{\"NRUNNABLE\"}\n";
+ print " Total number of thorns -> ".scalar(split(" ",$testdata{"FULL"}))."\n";
+ print " Number of tested thorns -> $tested\n";
+ print " Number of tests passed -> $number_passed1\n";
+ print " Number failed -> $testdata{\"NFAILED\"}\n";
+ if ($testdata{"NFAILED"})
+ {
+ print "\n Tests failed:\n\n";
+ foreach $thorn (split(" ",$testdata{"FULL"}))
+ {
+ foreach $file (split(" ",$testdata{"$thorn FAILED"}))
+ {
+ print " $file (from $thorn)\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ print "\n";
+ print $separator;
+sub ChooseTest
+ my ($choice,%testdata) = @_;
+ my ($count,$arrangement,@myarrs,$arrchoice,$thorn,$mythorns,$mytests);
+ my ($testcount,$test,$thornchoice);
+ if ($choice =~ m:^A:i)
+ {
+ print " No runnable testsuites in arrangements: ";
+ print "$testdata{\"UNRUNNABLEARRANGEMENTS\"}\n\n";
+ print " Arrangements with runnable testsuites:\n";
+ $count = 1;
+ foreach $arrangement (split(" ",$testdata{"RUNNABLEARRANGEMENTS"}))
+ {
+ printf (" [%2d] $arrangement\n",$count);
+ $myarrs[$count] = "$arrangement";
+ $count++;
+ }
+ $arrchoice = &defprompt(" Choose arrangement by number:"," ");
+ print " No runnable testsuites in thorns: ";
+ foreach $thorn (split(" ",$testdata{"UNRUNNABLETHORNS"}))
+ {
+ if ($thorn =~ m:^$myarrs[$arrchoice]/:)
+ {
+ print "$thorn ";
+ }
+ }
+ print "\n\n";
+ print " Thorns in $myarrs[$arrchoice] with runnable testsuites:\n";
+ $count = 1;
+ foreach $thorn (split(" ",$testdata{"RUNNABLETHORNS"}))
+ {
+ if ($thorn =~ m:^$myarrs[$arrchoice]/(.*):)
+ {
+ printf (" [%2d] $1\n",$count);
+ $mythorns[$count] = "$thorn";
+ $count++;
+ }
+ }
+ $thornchoice = &defprompt(" Choose thorn by number:"," ");
+ $testcount = 1;
+ foreach $test (split(" ",$testdata{"$mythorns[$thornchoice] RUNNABLE"}))
+ {
+ printf (" [%2d] $test\n",$testcount);
+ print " $testdata{\"$mythorns[$thornchoice] $test DESC\"}\n";
+ $mytests[$testcount] = "$test";
+ $testcount++;
+ }
+ $testchoice = &defprompt(" Choose test:"," ");
+ }
+ elsif ($choice =~ m:^T:i)
+ {
+ $count = 1;
+ foreach $thorn (split(" ",$testdata{"RUNNABLETHORNS"}))
+ {
+ printf (" [%2d] $thorn\n",$count);
+ $mythorns[$count] = "$thorn";
+ $count++;
+ }
+ if ($count > 1)
+ {
+ $thornchoice = &defprompt(" Choose thorn:"," ");
+ $testcount = 1;
+ foreach $test (split(" ",$testdata{"$mythorns[$thornchoice] RUNNABLE"}))
+ {
+ printf (" [%2d] $test\n",$testcount);
+ print " $testdata{\"$mythorns[$thornchoice] $test DESC\"}\n";
+ $mytests[$testcount] = "$test";
+ $testcount++;
+ }
+ $testchoice = &defprompt(" Choose test:"," ");
+ }
+ }
+ return ($mytests[$testchoice],$mythorns[$thornchoice]);
+sub RunTest
+ my ($test,$inthorn,%testdata) = @_;
+ my ($test_dir);
+ my ($retcode);
+ $inthorn =~ m:/(.*)$:;
+ $mythorn = $1;
+ $current = `pwd`;
+ chop($current);
+ # Directory for output
+ $test_dir = "$current${sep}TEST${sep}$config${sep}${mythorn}";
+ mkdir (TEST,0755);
+ mkdir ("TEST${sep}$config",0755);
+ mkdir ($test_dir,0755);
+ $parfile = $test.".par";
+ # Clean the output directory for this test
+ &CleanDir("$test_dir${sep}$test");
+ # Run the test from the test thorn directory
+ chdir ($test_dir);
+ $cmd = "$command $executable $testdata{\"$inthorn PARFILESDIR\"}${sep}$parfile";
+ $retcode = &RunCactus($test,$cmd);
+ chdir $current;
+ # Deal with the error code
+ if($retcode != 0)
+ {
+ print "Cactus exited with error code $retcode\n";
+ print "Please check the logfile $test_dir$sep$test.log\n\n";
+ $testdata{"$inthorn FAILED"} .= "$parfile ";
+ $testdata{"NFAILED"}++;
+ }
+ return %testdata;
+sub CompareTestFiles
+ my ($test,$inthorn,%testdata) = @_;
+ my ($test_dir,$file);
+ $inthorn =~ m:/(.*)$:;
+ $mythorn = $1;
+ $current = `pwd`;
+ chop($current);
+ $test_dir = "$current${sep}TEST${sep}$config${sep}${mythorn}";
+ # Add output files to database
+ $testdata{"$inthorn $test TESTFILES"} = &FindFiles("$test_dir${sep}$test");
+ $blewit = 0;
+ $reallyblewit = 0;
+ # Compare each file in the archived test directory
+ foreach $file (split(" ",$testdata{"$inthorn $test DATAFILES"}))
+ {
+ $newfile = "$test_dir$sep$test$sep$file";
+ $oldfile = "$testdata{\"$inthorn PARFILESDIR\"}${sep}${test}${sep}$file";
+ if ( -e $newfile)
+ {
+ open (INORIG, "<$oldfile") || print "Warning: Archive file $oldfile not found";
+ open (INNEW, "<$newfile") || print "Warning: Test file $newfile not found";
+ $nblow = 0;
+ $nrealblow = 0;
+ $numnans=0;
+ while ($oline = <INORIG>)
+ {
+ $nline = <INNEW>;
+ # Now lets see if they differ.
+ if (!($nline eq $oline))
+ {
+ # Check against nans
+ if ($nline =~ /nan/i)
+ {
+ $numnans++;
+ $nblow ++;
+ $nrealblow ++;
+ }
+ # Check against inf
+ elsif ($nline =~ /inf/i)
+ {
+ print "****CAUGHT INF in $newfile****\n";
+ $nblow ++;
+ $nrealblow ++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # This is the new comparison (subtract last two numbers)
+ ($t1,$v1) = split(' ', $nline);
+ ($t2,$v2) = split(' ', $oline);
+ # Make sure that floating point numbers have 'e' if exponential.
+ $v1 =~ s/[dD]/e/;
+ $v2 =~ s/[dD]/e/;
+ $vdiff = abs($v1 - $v2);
+ if ($vdiff > 0)
+ {
+ # They diff. But do they differ strongly?
+ $nblow ++;
+ $exp = sprintf("%e",$vdiff);
+ $exp =~ s/^.*e-(\d+)/$1/;
+ if (!$testdata{"$inthorn $test TOLERANCE"})
+ {
+ $tolerance = $testdata{"TOLERANCE"};
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $tolerance = $testdata{"$inthorn $test TOLERANCE"};
+ }
+ unless ($exp >= $tolerance)
+ {
+ $nrealblow++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } # if
+ } #while
+ if ($nblow != 0)
+ {
+ $blewit ++;
+ $stripfile = $newfile;
+ $stripfile =~ s:^.*${sep}(.*)$:$1:;
+ if ($nrealblow == 0)
+ {
+ print " $stripfile differs at machine precision (which is OK!)\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $reallyblewit ++;
+ print " Substantial differences detected in $stripfile\n";
+ print " $newfile $oldfile\n";
+ if ($numnans)
+ {
+ print " Caught $numnans NaNs in $stripfile\n";
+ print " Differ strongly on $nrealblow lines!\n";
+ }
+ $tmp = $nblow - $nrealblow;
+ if ($tmp)
+ {
+ print " Differ weakly on $tmp lines!\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print " $newfile not there for comparison\n";
+ $reallyblewit++;
+ $blewit++;
+ }
+ }
+ # Give a warning if there were different files created
+ # Look for files created by test not in archive
+ # (Note this is not so bad)
+ foreach $file (split (" ",$testdata{"$inthorn $test TESTFILES"}))
+ {
+ if ($testdata{"$inthorn $test DATAFILES"} !~ m:\b$file\b:)
+ {
+ print " $file not in thorn archive\n";
+ $testdata{"$inthorn $test NFILEEXTRA"}++;
+ $testdata{"$inthorn $test FILEEXTRA"} .= " $file";
+ }
+ }
+ # Look for files in archive which are not created in test
+ # (Note this is bad)
+ foreach $file (split (" ",$testdata{"$inthorn $test DATAFILES"}))
+ {
+ if ($testdata{"$inthorn $test TESTFILES"} !~ m:\b$file\b:)
+ {
+ print " $file not created in test\n";
+ $testdata{"$inthorn $test NFILEMISSING"}++;
+ $testdata{"$inthorn $test FILEMISSING"} .= " $file";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($blewit == 0)
+ {
+ $summary = "Success: $testdata{\"$inthorn $test NDATAFILES\"} files identical";
+ printf("\n $summary\n");
+ $number_passed1++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ($reallyblewit == 0)
+ {
+ $summary = "Success (to $tolerance figures): $testdata{\"$inthorn $test NDATAFILES\"} compared, $blewit files differ in the last digits";
+ printf "\n $summary\n";
+ $number_passed1++;
+ $number_passed2++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $summary = "Failure: ".
+ "$testdata{\"$inthorn $test NDATAFILES\"} files compared, $blewit differ, $reallyblewit differ significantly";
+ printf "\n $summary\n";
+ $testdata{"$inthorn FAILED"} .= "$test ";
+ $testdata{"NFAILED"}++;
+ }
+ }
+ $testdata{"$inthorn $test SUMMARY"} = $summary;
+ printf ("\n");
+ return %testdata;
+sub ResetTestStatistics
+ my(%testdata) = @_;
+ foreach $thorn (split(" ",$testdata{"FULL"}))
+ {
+ $testdata{"$thorn TESTED"} = 0;
+ }
+ return %testdata;
+sub ParseAllParameterFiles
+ my(%testdata) = @_;
+ # Collect thorns needed for each testsuite
+ foreach $thorn (split(" ",$testdata{"FULL"}))
+ {
+ $thorn =~ m:^(.*)/:;
+ $arr = $1;
+ foreach $test (split(" ",$testdata{"$thorn PARFILES"}))
+ {
+ $test =~ m:^(.*)\.par$:;
+ $testbase = $1;
+ # Set ActiveThorns and Description for this Test
+ ($active,$desc) = &ParseParFile($thorn,$test,%config_data);
+ $testdata{"$thorn $test ACTIVE"} = $active;
+ $testdata{"$thorn $testbase DESC"} = $desc;
+ # Find any missing thorns for this test
+ ($nmissing,$missing) =
+ &MissingThorns($testdata{"$thorn $testbase ACTIVE"},
+ $testdata{"THORNS"});
+ # Set whether test is runnable or not
+ if($nmissing == 0)
+ {
+ $testdata{"$thorn RUNNABLE"} .= "$testbase ";
+ $testdata{"NRUNNABLE"}++;
+ $testdata{"$thorn TESTED"} = 1;
+ $testdata{"$thorn NRUNNABLE"}++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $testdata{"$thorn UNRUNNABLE"} .= "$testbase ";
+ $testdata{"$thorn $test MISSING"} .= "$missing";
+ $testdata{"NUNRUNNABLE"}++;
+ $testdata{"$thorn NUNRUNNABLE"}++;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($testdata{"$thorn NRUNNABLE"} > 0)
+ {
+ $testdata{"RUNNABLETHORNS"} .= "$thorn ";
+ if ($testdata{"RUNNABLEARRANGEMENTS"} !~ m:[\s^]$arr\s:)
+ {
+ $testdata{"RUNNABLEARRANGEMENTS"} .= "$1 ";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $testdata{"UNRUNNABLETHORNS"} .= "$thorn ";
+ }
+ }
+ # Last look for arrangements with no runnable tests
+ foreach $arr (split(" ",$testdata{"ARRANGEMENTS"}))
+ {
+ if ($testdata{"RUNNABLEARRANGEMENTS"} !~ m:[\s^]$arr\s:)
+ {
+ $testdata{"UNRUNNABLEARRANGEMENTS"} .= "$arr ";
+ }
+ }
+ return %testdata;