path: root/lib/sbin/
diff options
authorallen <allen@17b73243-c579-4c4c-a9d2-2d5706c11dac>2002-04-13 21:59:19 +0000
committerallen <allen@17b73243-c579-4c4c-a9d2-2d5706c11dac>2002-04-13 21:59:19 +0000
commit0c169eb0f6519cb133618dedf5a856cfae6c2693 (patch)
tree9f462e9b55a212211328b44a3f1023d705f0855e /lib/sbin/
parentcff6bb76c73617ce117c95b05e5e037d098bb40e (diff)
Somewhat tidied up version of Runtest for doing testsuite checking. This
is in preparation for getting together a complete spec for and doing it properly. A lot of the internals have been changed around, so in case of problems I've left the original version there for the moment, to run the original version just edit Makefile and replace with The main differences though should be - a lot more output at the end, probably too much, would welcome any ideas on what information to display and how - better menu interface for choosing a test to run, also started adding a couple of other features. Hopefully removed all the infinite loops from the menu. - now works properly when a test with the same name is in two different thorns ... note that this meant adding an extra layer of directories in the TEST directory so if anyone uses a path to the output files in the TEST directories (like in the testsuites for IOHDF5/IOFlexIO) these will need to be changed. Should now be able to go on to fix outstanding requests in gnats for the testsuites. git-svn-id: 17b73243-c579-4c4c-a9d2-2d5706c11dac
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/sbin/')
1 files changed, 962 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/sbin/ b/lib/sbin/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5af38d04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/sbin/
@@ -0,0 +1,962 @@
+sub Configure
+ my($config) = @_;
+ my($configs_dir);
+ # Find Cactus home directory
+ $home_dir = `pwd`;
+ chomp($home_dir);
+ $home_dir =~ s,^/cygdrive/(.)/,$1:/,;
+ $home_dir =~ s,^//(.)/,$1:/,;
+ $config_data{"HOMEDIR"} = $home_dir;
+ # Find config directory is
+ {
+ $configs_dir = $ENV{"CONFIGS_DIR"};
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $configs_dir = "configs";
+ }
+ $config_data{"CONFIGSDIR"} = $configs_dir;
+ # Work out the current directory
+ $current_directory = `pwd`;
+ chop($current_directory);
+ # Stuff necessary for cygwin
+ $current_directory =~ s,^/cygdrive/(.)/,$1:/,;
+ $current_directory =~ s,^//(.)/,$1:/,;
+ $config_data{"THISDIR"} = $current_directory;
+ $config_data{"SEPARATOR"} = "/";
+ $config_data{"CONFIG"} = $config;
+# $config_data{"TOLERANCE"} = 13;
+ return %config_data;
+sub MissingThorns
+ my($active,$allthorns) = @_;
+ my(@at,$th,$foundit,$thornpart,$nmissing,$missing);
+ @at = split(' ',$active);
+ $nmissing = 0;
+ $missing = "";
+ foreach $th (@at)
+ {
+ $th = "\U$th";
+ $foundit = 0;
+ foreach $tthorn (split(" ",$allthorns))
+ {
+ $thornpart = "\U$tthorn";
+ if ($thornpart eq $th)
+ {
+ $foundit = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$foundit)
+ {
+ $missing .=" $th";
+ $nmissing++;
+ }
+ }
+ return($nmissing,$missing);
+sub ParseParFile($thorn,$parfile,%config_data)
+ my($thorn,$parfile,%config_data) = @_;
+ my($line,$file,$processing_active);
+ my($active,$desc);
+ $file = "arrangements/$thorn/test/$parfile";
+ open (IN, "<$file") || die "Can not open $file";
+ $processing_active = 0;
+ # Give a default test name in case non is specified in the parameter file.
+ $desc = "$thorn/test/$t";
+ while (<IN>)
+ {
+ $line = $_;
+ if($processing_active == 1)
+ {
+ if($line =~ m/(.*)\"/)
+ {
+ $active .= $1;
+ $processing_active = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $active .= $line;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ m/^\s*\!\s*DESC(RIPTION)?\s*\"(.*)\"\s*$/i)
+ {
+ $desc = $2;
+ }
+ elsif ($line =~ m/^\s*ActiveThorns\s*=\s*\"(.*)\"/i)
+ {
+ $active = $1;
+ }
+ elsif($line =~ m/^\s*ActiveThorns\s*=\s*\"(.*)/i)
+ {
+ $active = $1;
+ $processing_active = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ close IN;
+ return($active,$desc);
+sub ParseTests
+ my(%config_data) = @_;
+ my($stratch_dir);
+ $config = $config_data{"CONFIG"};
+ $configs_dir = $config_data{"CONFIGSDIR"};
+ $sep = $config_data{"SEPARATOR"};
+ if (!open (AT, "< $configs_dir${sep}$config${sep}ThornList"))
+ {
+ print "Can't open $scratchdir/ThornList - no thorn tests";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ chdir "arrangements";
+ $testdata{"FULL"} = "";
+ while (<AT>)
+ {
+ next if (m:^\s*$:);
+ next if (m:^\#:);
+ next if (m:^\!:);
+ $name = $_;
+ $name =~ s/\#(.*)$//g;
+ $name =~ /^\s*([^\s]*)\s*/;
+ $T = $1;
+ $testdata{"FULL"} .= "$T ";
+ $T =~ m:^.*/([^\s]*)\s*:;
+ $testdata{"THORNS"} .= "$1 ";
+ $T =~ m:^\s*([^\s]*)/:;
+ if ($testdata{"ARRANGEMENTS"} !~ m:\s$1\s:)
+ {
+ $testdata{"ARRANGEMENTS"} .= "$1 ";
+ }
+ $number = 0;
+ if (-d "$T${sep}test")
+ {
+ $testdata{"$T PARFILESDIR"} = $config_data{"HOMEDIR"}.${sep}."arrangements/$T/test";
+ $thisdir = `pwd`;
+ chop($thisdir);
+ chdir "$T${sep}test" || die "Unable to chdir to $T${sep}test";
+ while ($file=<*.par>)
+ {
+ $file =~ m:^(.*)\.par$:;
+ $filedir = $1;
+ if (-d $filedir)
+ {
+ $testdata{"$T $filedir DATAFILES"} .= &FindFiles($filedir);
+ $testdata{"$T $filedir NDATAFILES"} = scalar(split(" ",$testdata{"$T $filedir DATAFILES"}));
+ $testdata{"$T PARFILES"} .= "$file ";
+ $testdata{"$T NUMBER"}++;
+ }
+ }
+ chdir "../../.." || die "Unable to chdir to $thisdir";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+# print "No tests for $T\n";
+ }
+ }
+ chdir "..";
+ }
+ return %testdata;
+sub ParseExecutable
+ my(%config_data) = @_;
+ $config = $config_data{"CONFIG"};
+ $dir = $config_data{"THISDIR"};
+ $sep = $config_data{"SEPARATOR"};
+ # Check the name and directory of executable
+ $defns = "$dir${sep}configs${sep}$config${sep}config_data${sep}make.config.defn";
+ $defexename = "cactus_$config";
+ if (-e "$defns")
+ {
+ open(DEFNS,"<$defns");
+ while(<DEFNS>)
+ {
+ if (/EXE\s*=\s*([\w-_]+)/)
+ {
+ $defexename = $1;
+ }
+ if (/EXEDIR\s*=\s*([\w-_]+)/)
+ {
+ $defexedirname = $1;
+ }
+ }
+ close(DEFNS);
+ }
+ $executable = &defprompt(" Enter executable name (relative to Cactus home dir)","exe$sep$defexename");
+ if (! (-e $config_data{"HOMEDIR"}.${sep}.$executable))
+ {
+ if (-e $config_data{"HOMEDIR"}.${sep}.${executable}.".exe")
+ {
+ $executable .= ".exe";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ die "Cannot locate $executable";
+ }
+ }
+ return $config_data{"HOMEDIR"}.${sep}.$executable;
+sub defprompt
+ my ($pr, $de) = @_;
+ my ($res);
+ print "$pr [$de] \n";
+ print " --> ";
+ $res = <STDIN> if ($prompt eq "yes");
+ if ($res =~ m/^$/)
+ {
+ $res = $de;
+ }
+ elsif ($res =~ m/^ $/)
+ {
+ $res = "";
+ }
+ $res =~ s/\n//;
+ print "\n";
+ return $res;
+sub ParseExtras
+ my(%config_data) = @_;
+ my($mpi,$dir,$sep,$extradir);
+ $dir = $config_data{"THISDIR"};
+ $sep = $config_data{"SEPARATOR"};
+ $config = $config_data{"CONFIG"};
+ $extradir = "$dir${sep}configs${sep}$config${sep}config_data${sep}cctk_Extradefs.h";
+ $mpi = 0;
+ if (-e "$extradir")
+ {
+ open(EXTRA,"<$extradir");
+ while(<EXTRA>)
+ {
+ if (/\#define CCTK_MPI/)
+ {
+ $mpi = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ close(EXTRA);
+ }
+ return $mpi;
+sub InitialiseTestData
+ my(%testdata);
+ $testdata{"TOLERANCE"} = 13;
+ $testdata{"NFAILED"} = 0;
+ $testdata{"NNODATAFILES"} = 0;
+ $testdata{"NRUNNABLE"} = 0;
+ $testdata{"NUNRUNNABLE"} = 0;
+ $testdata{"RUNNABLETHORNS"} = "";
+ $testdata{"UNRUNNABLETHORNS"} = "";
+ $testdata{"RUNNABLEARRANGEMENTS"} = "";
+ return %testdata;
+sub PrintDataBase
+ my(%database) = @_;
+ my($field);
+ foreach $field ( sort keys %database )
+ {
+ print "$field has value $database{$field}\n\n";
+ }
+sub CleanDir
+ my($dir) = @_;
+ opendir (DIR, $dir);
+ @list = (grep (/.+\..+/, readdir (DIR)));
+ foreach $entry (@list)
+ {
+ unlink "$dir/$entry";
+ }
+ closedir (DIR);
+sub RunCactus
+ my($testname,$command) = @_;
+ my($retcode);
+ printf " Issuing $command\n";
+ $retcode = 0;
+ open (CMD, "$command |");
+ open (LOG, "> $testname.log");
+ while (<CMD>)
+ {
+ print LOG;
+ if( /Cactus exiting with return code (.*)/)
+ {
+ $retcode = $1 + 0;
+ }
+ }
+ close LOG;
+ close CMD;
+ $retcode = $? >> 8 if($retcode==0);
+ return $retcode;
+sub fpabs
+ my ($val) = $_[0];
+ $val > 0 ? $val:-$val;
+sub PrintHeader
+ print <<EOT;
+ -------------------------------
+ Cactus Code Test Suite Tool
+ -------------------------------
+sub FindFiles
+ my ($dir) = @_;
+ my ($files, @tmp);
+ $files="";
+ opendir (DIR, $dir);
+ @tmp = grep (/\..+l$/, readdir (DIR));
+ foreach $f (@tmp)
+ {
+ $files .= " $f";
+ }
+ closedir (DIR);
+ return $files;
+sub PrintDataBase
+ my (%db) = @_;
+ foreach $key (sort keys %db)
+ {
+ print "$key\n $db{\"$key\"}\n";
+ }
+sub WriteFullResults
+ my (%testdata) = @_;
+ $separator = "==========================================================\n\n";
+ $show_warnings = 1;
+ if ($show_warnings)
+ {
+ print $separator;
+ print " Warnings for configuration $config\n --------\n";
+ # Missing thorns for tests
+ $message = " Tests missed for lack of thorns:\n\n";
+ $missingtests = 0;
+ foreach $thorn (split(" ",$testdata{"UNRUNNABLETHORNS"}))
+ {
+ foreach $parfile (split(" ",$testdata{"$thorn UNRUNNABLE"}))
+ {
+ $message .= "\n ".$parfile." in ". $thorn."\n";
+ $message .= " (". $testdata{"$thorn $test DESC"}.")\n";
+ $message .= " Missing: ".$testdata{"$thorn $parfile MISSING"}."\n";
+ $missingtests++;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($missingtests > 0)
+ {
+ print "$message\n";
+ }
+ # Different numbers of test files
+ $message = " Tests with different number of test files:\n\n";
+ $extratests = 0;
+ foreach $thorn (split(" ",$testdata{"RUNNABLETHORNS"}))
+ {
+ foreach $parfile (split(" ",$testdata{"$thorn RUNNABLE"}))
+ {
+ if ($testdata{"$thorn $parfile NFILEEXTRA"}>0)
+ {
+ $extratests++;
+ $message .= " $thorn ($parfile)\n";
+ $message .= " Test created $testdata{\"$thorn $parfile NFILEEXTRA\"} extra files: $testdata{\"$thorn $parfile FILEEXTRA\"}\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($extratests > 0)
+ {
+ print "$message\n";
+ }
+ }
+ print $separator;
+ print " Testsuite Summary for configuration $config\n";
+ print " -----------------\n\n";
+ print " Suitable testsuite parameter files found in:\n\n";
+ $tested = 0;
+ $nottested = "";
+ foreach $thorn (split(" ",$testdata{"FULL"}))
+ {
+ $num = scalar(split(" ",$testdata{"$thorn RUNNABLE"}));
+ if ($num > 0)
+ {
+ print " $thorn [$num]\n";
+ $tested++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $nottested .= "\n $thorn";
+ }
+ }
+ print "\n";
+ print " Details:\n\n";
+ foreach $thorn (split(" ",$testdata{"FULL"}))
+ {
+ $num = scalar(split(" ",$testdata{"$thorn RUNNABLE"}));
+ if ($num > 0)
+ {
+ print " $thorn:\n";
+ foreach $test (split(" ",$testdata{"$thorn RUNNABLE"}))
+ {
+ print " $test\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ print "\n";
+ if ($nottested)
+ {
+ print " Thorns with no valid testsuite parameter files:\n";
+ print "$nottested\n\n";
+ }
+ print $separator;
+ print " Run details for configuration $config\n\n";
+ foreach $thorn (split(" ",$testdata{"RUNNABLETHORNS"}))
+ {
+ if ($testdata{"$thorn RUNNABLE"} !~ m:^\s*$:)
+ {
+ foreach $test (split(" ",$testdata{"$thorn RUNNABLE"}))
+ {
+ print " $thorn: $test\n $testdata{\"$thorn $test SUMMARY\"}\n";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print " No tests available\n";
+ }
+ }
+ print "\n";
+ print $separator;
+ print " Summary for configuration $config\n\n";
+ $total = $testdata{"NUNRUNNABLE"}+$testdata{"NRUNNABLE"};
+ print " Total available tests -> $total\n";
+ print " Unrunnable tests -> $testdata{\"NUNRUNNABLE\"}\n";
+ print " Runnable tests -> $testdata{\"NRUNNABLE\"}\n";
+ print " Total number of thorns -> ".scalar(split(" ",$testdata{"FULL"}))."\n";
+ print " Number of tested thorns -> $tested\n";
+ print " Number of tests passed -> $number_passed1\n";
+ print " Number failed -> $testdata{\"NFAILED\"}\n";
+ if ($testdata{"NFAILED"})
+ {
+ print "\n Tests failed:\n\n";
+ foreach $thorn (split(" ",$testdata{"FULL"}))
+ {
+ foreach $file (split(" ",$testdata{"$thorn FAILED"}))
+ {
+ print " $file (from $thorn)\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ print "\n";
+ print $separator;
+sub ChooseTest
+ my ($choice,%testdata) = @_;
+ my ($count,$arrangement,@myarrs,$arrchoice,$thorn,$mythorns,$mytests);
+ my ($testcount,$test,$thornchoice);
+ if ($choice =~ m:^A:i)
+ {
+ print " No runnable testsuites in arrangements: ";
+ print "$testdata{\"UNRUNNABLEARRANGEMENTS\"}\n\n";
+ print " Arrangements with runnable testsuites:\n";
+ $count = 1;
+ foreach $arrangement (split(" ",$testdata{"RUNNABLEARRANGEMENTS"}))
+ {
+ printf (" [%2d] $arrangement\n",$count);
+ $myarrs[$count] = "$arrangement";
+ $count++;
+ }
+ $arrchoice = &defprompt(" Choose arrangement by number:"," ");
+ print " No runnable testsuites in thorns: ";
+ foreach $thorn (split(" ",$testdata{"UNRUNNABLETHORNS"}))
+ {
+ if ($thorn =~ m:^$myarrs[$arrchoice]/:)
+ {
+ print "$thorn ";
+ }
+ }
+ print "\n\n";
+ print " Thorns in $myarrs[$arrchoice] with runnable testsuites:\n";
+ $count = 1;
+ foreach $thorn (split(" ",$testdata{"RUNNABLETHORNS"}))
+ {
+ if ($thorn =~ m:^$myarrs[$arrchoice]/(.*):)
+ {
+ printf (" [%2d] $1\n",$count);
+ $mythorns[$count] = "$thorn";
+ $count++;
+ }
+ }
+ $thornchoice = &defprompt(" Choose thorn by number:"," ");
+ $testcount = 1;
+ foreach $test (split(" ",$testdata{"$mythorns[$thornchoice] RUNNABLE"}))
+ {
+ printf (" [%2d] $test\n",$testcount);
+ print " $testdata{\"$mythorns[$thornchoice] $test DESC\"}\n";
+ $mytests[$testcount] = "$test";
+ $testcount++;
+ }
+ $testchoice = &defprompt(" Choose test:"," ");
+ }
+ elsif ($choice =~ m:^T:i)
+ {
+ $count = 1;
+ foreach $thorn (split(" ",$testdata{"RUNNABLETHORNS"}))
+ {
+ printf (" [%2d] $thorn\n",$count);
+ $mythorns[$count] = "$thorn";
+ $count++;
+ }
+ if ($count > 1)
+ {
+ $thornchoice = &defprompt(" Choose thorn:"," ");
+ $testcount = 1;
+ foreach $test (split(" ",$testdata{"$mythorns[$thornchoice] RUNNABLE"}))
+ {
+ printf (" [%2d] $test\n",$testcount);
+ print " $testdata{\"$mythorns[$thornchoice] $test DESC\"}\n";
+ $mytests[$testcount] = "$test";
+ $testcount++;
+ }
+ $testchoice = &defprompt(" Choose test:"," ");
+ }
+ }
+ return ($mytests[$testchoice],$mythorns[$thornchoice]);
+sub RunTest
+ my ($test,$inthorn,%testdata) = @_;
+ my ($test_dir);
+ my ($retcode);
+ $inthorn =~ m:/(.*)$:;
+ $mythorn = $1;
+ $current = `pwd`;
+ chop($current);
+ # Directory for output
+ $test_dir = "$current${sep}TEST${sep}$config${sep}${mythorn}";
+ mkdir (TEST,0755);
+ mkdir ("TEST${sep}$config",0755);
+ mkdir ($test_dir,0755);
+ $parfile = $test.".par";
+ # Clean the output directory for this test
+ &CleanDir("$test_dir${sep}$test");
+ # Run the test from the test thorn directory
+ chdir ($test_dir);
+ $cmd = "$command $executable $testdata{\"$inthorn PARFILESDIR\"}${sep}$parfile";
+ $retcode = &RunCactus($test,$cmd);
+ chdir $current;
+ # Deal with the error code
+ if($retcode != 0)
+ {
+ print "Cactus exited with error code $retcode\n";
+ print "Please check the logfile $test_dir$sep$test.log\n\n";
+ $testdata{"$inthorn FAILED"} .= "$parfile ";
+ $testdata{"NFAILED"}++;
+ }
+ return %testdata;
+sub CompareTestFiles
+ my ($test,$inthorn,%testdata) = @_;
+ my ($test_dir,$file);
+ $inthorn =~ m:/(.*)$:;
+ $mythorn = $1;
+ $current = `pwd`;
+ chop($current);
+ $test_dir = "$current${sep}TEST${sep}$config${sep}${mythorn}";
+ # Add output files to database
+ $testdata{"$inthorn $test TESTFILES"} = &FindFiles("$test_dir${sep}$test");
+ $blewit = 0;
+ $reallyblewit = 0;
+ # Compare each file in the archived test directory
+ foreach $file (split(" ",$testdata{"$inthorn $test DATAFILES"}))
+ {
+ $newfile = "$test_dir$sep$test$sep$file";
+ $oldfile = "$testdata{\"$inthorn PARFILESDIR\"}${sep}${test}${sep}$file";
+ if ( -e $newfile)
+ {
+ open (INORIG, "<$oldfile") || print "Warning: Archive file $oldfile not found";
+ open (INNEW, "<$newfile") || print "Warning: Test file $newfile not found";
+ $nblow = 0;
+ $nrealblow = 0;
+ $numnans=0;
+ while ($oline = <INORIG>)
+ {
+ $nline = <INNEW>;
+ # Now lets see if they differ.
+ if (!($nline eq $oline))
+ {
+ # Check against nans
+ if ($nline =~ /nan/i)
+ {
+ $numnans++;
+ $nblow ++;
+ $nrealblow ++;
+ }
+ # Check against inf
+ elsif ($nline =~ /inf/i)
+ {
+ print "****CAUGHT INF in $newfile****\n";
+ $nblow ++;
+ $nrealblow ++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # This is the new comparison (subtract last two numbers)
+ ($t1,$v1) = split(' ', $nline);
+ ($t2,$v2) = split(' ', $oline);
+ # Make sure that floating point numbers have 'e' if exponential.
+ $v1 =~ s/[dD]/e/;
+ $v2 =~ s/[dD]/e/;
+ $vdiff = abs($v1 - $v2);
+ if ($vdiff > 0)
+ {
+ # They diff. But do they differ strongly?
+ $nblow ++;
+ $exp = sprintf("%e",$vdiff);
+ $exp =~ s/^.*e-(\d+)/$1/;
+ if (!$testdata{"$inthorn $test TOLERANCE"})
+ {
+ $tolerance = $testdata{"TOLERANCE"};
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $tolerance = $testdata{"$inthorn $test TOLERANCE"};
+ }
+ unless ($exp >= $tolerance)
+ {
+ $nrealblow++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } # if
+ } #while
+ if ($nblow != 0)
+ {
+ $blewit ++;
+ $stripfile = $newfile;
+ $stripfile =~ s:^.*${sep}(.*)$:$1:;
+ if ($nrealblow == 0)
+ {
+ print " $stripfile differs at machine precision (which is OK!)\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $reallyblewit ++;
+ print " Substantial differences detected in $stripfile\n";
+ print " $newfile $oldfile\n";
+ if ($numnans)
+ {
+ print " Caught $numnans NaNs in $stripfile\n";
+ print " Differ strongly on $nrealblow lines!\n";
+ }
+ $tmp = $nblow - $nrealblow;
+ if ($tmp)
+ {
+ print " Differ weakly on $tmp lines!\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print " $newfile not there for comparison\n";
+ $reallyblewit++;
+ $blewit++;
+ }
+ }
+ # Give a warning if there were different files created
+ # Look for files created by test not in archive
+ # (Note this is not so bad)
+ foreach $file (split (" ",$testdata{"$inthorn $test TESTFILES"}))
+ {
+ if ($testdata{"$inthorn $test DATAFILES"} !~ m:\b$file\b:)
+ {
+ print " $file not in thorn archive\n";
+ $testdata{"$inthorn $test NFILEEXTRA"}++;
+ $testdata{"$inthorn $test FILEEXTRA"} .= " $file";
+ }
+ }
+ # Look for files in archive which are not created in test
+ # (Note this is bad)
+ foreach $file (split (" ",$testdata{"$inthorn $test DATAFILES"}))
+ {
+ if ($testdata{"$inthorn $test TESTFILES"} !~ m:\b$file\b:)
+ {
+ print " $file not created in test\n";
+ $testdata{"$inthorn $test NFILEMISSING"}++;
+ $testdata{"$inthorn $test FILEMISSING"} .= " $file";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($blewit == 0)
+ {
+ $summary = "Success: $testdata{\"$inthorn $test NDATAFILES\"} files identical";
+ printf("\n $summary\n");
+ $number_passed1++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ($reallyblewit == 0)
+ {
+ $summary = "Success (to $tolerance figures): $testdata{\"$inthorn $test NDATAFILES\"} compared, $blewit files differ in the last digits";
+ printf "\n $summary\n";
+ $number_passed1++;
+ $number_passed2++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $summary = "Failure: ".
+ "$testdata{\"$inthorn $test NDATAFILES\"} files compared, $blewit differ, $reallyblewit differ significantly";
+ printf "\n $summary\n";
+ $testdata{"$inthorn FAILED"} .= "$test ";
+ $testdata{"NFAILED"}++;
+ }
+ }
+ $testdata{"$inthorn $test SUMMARY"} = $summary;
+ printf ("\n");
+ return %testdata;
+sub ResetTestStatistics
+ my(%testdata) = @_;
+ foreach $thorn (split(" ",$testdata{"FULL"}))
+ {
+ $testdata{"$thorn TESTED"} = 0;
+ }
+ return %testdata;
+sub ParseAllParameterFiles
+ my(%testdata) = @_;
+ # Collect thorns needed for each testsuite
+ foreach $thorn (split(" ",$testdata{"FULL"}))
+ {
+ $thorn =~ m:^(.*)/:;
+ $arr = $1;
+ foreach $test (split(" ",$testdata{"$thorn PARFILES"}))
+ {
+ $test =~ m:^(.*)\.par$:;
+ $testbase = $1;
+ # Set ActiveThorns and Description for this Test
+ ($active,$desc) = &ParseParFile($thorn,$test,%config_data);
+ $testdata{"$thorn $test ACTIVE"} = $active;
+ $testdata{"$thorn $testbase DESC"} = $desc;
+ # Find any missing thorns for this test
+ ($nmissing,$missing) =
+ &MissingThorns($testdata{"$thorn $testbase ACTIVE"},
+ $testdata{"THORNS"});
+ # Set whether test is runnable or not
+ if($nmissing == 0)
+ {
+ $testdata{"$thorn RUNNABLE"} .= "$testbase ";
+ $testdata{"NRUNNABLE"}++;
+ $testdata{"$thorn TESTED"} = 1;
+ $testdata{"$thorn NRUNNABLE"}++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $testdata{"$thorn UNRUNNABLE"} .= "$testbase ";
+ $testdata{"$thorn $test MISSING"} .= "$missing";
+ $testdata{"NUNRUNNABLE"}++;
+ $testdata{"$thorn NUNRUNNABLE"}++;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($testdata{"$thorn NRUNNABLE"} > 0)
+ {
+ $testdata{"RUNNABLETHORNS"} .= "$thorn ";
+ if ($testdata{"RUNNABLEARRANGEMENTS"} !~ m:[\s^]$arr\s:)
+ {
+ $testdata{"RUNNABLEARRANGEMENTS"} .= "$1 ";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $testdata{"UNRUNNABLETHORNS"} .= "$thorn ";
+ }
+ }
+ # Last look for arrangements with no runnable tests
+ foreach $arr (split(" ",$testdata{"ARRANGEMENTS"}))
+ {
+ if ($testdata{"RUNNABLEARRANGEMENTS"} !~ m:[\s^]$arr\s:)
+ {
+ $testdata{"UNRUNNABLEARRANGEMENTS"} .= "$arr ";
+ }
+ }
+ return %testdata;