diff options
authorjthorn <jthorn@17b73243-c579-4c4c-a9d2-2d5706c11dac>2003-01-06 13:47:09 +0000
committerjthorn <jthorn@17b73243-c579-4c4c-a9d2-2d5706c11dac>2003-01-06 13:47:09 +0000
commit903f372944fe6257526185c3a1f23c7dca533cbf (patch)
parent28599d36fc36062eef56d906e46f38d26394d7d6 (diff)
document new CCTK_InterpGridArrays() API
git-svn-id: 17b73243-c579-4c4c-a9d2-2d5706c11dac
1 files changed, 252 insertions, 240 deletions
diff --git a/doc/UsersGuide/FunctionReference.tex b/doc/UsersGuide/FunctionReference.tex
index d8abf84f..202fe609 100644
--- a/doc/UsersGuide/FunctionReference.tex
+++ b/doc/UsersGuide/FunctionReference.tex
@@ -258,17 +258,17 @@ variable in each dimension
Macro to print a single string as an information message to screen
-%notyet \item[CCTK\_InterpGridArrays]
-%notyet [\pageref{CCTK-InterpGridArrays}]
-%notyet Performs an interpolation on a list of distributed arrays,
-%notyet using a chosen interpolation operator (not implemented yet)
+ [\pageref{CCTK-InterpGridArrays}]
+ Performs an interpolation on a list of distributed arrays,
+ using a chosen interpolation operator
Performs an interpolation on a list of distributed CCTK grid variables,
using a chosen interpolation operator
-%notyet (this function is being phased out;
-%notyet it will eventually be replaced by \verb|CCTK_InterpGridArrays()|)
+ (this function is being phased out;
+ it will eventually be replaced by \verb|CCTK_InterpGridArrays()|)
@@ -2338,240 +2338,252 @@ call CCTK_INFO(message)
-%notyet \begin{FunctionDescription}{CCTK\_InterpGridArrays}
-%notyet \label{CCTK-InterpGridArrays}
-%notyet Interpolate a list of distributed grid arrays (not implemented yet)
-%notyet (This function will eventually replace \verb|CCTK_InterpGV()|;
-%notyet see the Cactus web pages ``Development'' section for further details.)
-%notyet The computation is optimized for the case of interpolating a
-%notyet number of arrays at a time; in this case all the interprocessor
-%notyet communication can be done together, and the same interpolation
-%notyet coefficients can be used for all the arrays.
-%notyet \begin{SynopsisSection}
-%notyet \begin{Synopsis}{C}
-%notyet \begin{verbatim}
-%notyet #include "cctk.h"
-%notyet int status
-%notyet = CCTK_InterpGridArrays(const cGH *GH,
-%notyet int N_dims,
-%notyet int operator_handle,
-%notyet int param_table_handle,
-%notyet int coord_system_handle,
-%notyet int N_interp_points,
-%notyet const int interp_coords_type_code,
-%notyet const void *const interp_coords[],
-%notyet int N_input_arrays,
-%notyet const CCTK_INT input_array_variable_indices[],
-%notyet int N_output_arrays,
-%notyet const CCTK_INT output_array_type_codes[],
-%notyet void *const output_arrays[]);
-%notyet \end{verbatim}
-%notyet \end{Synopsis}
-%notyet \end{SynopsisSection}
-%notyet \begin{ResultSection}
-%notyet \begin{Result}{\rm 0}
-%notyet success
-%notyet \end{Result}
-%notyet \end{ResultSection}
-%notyet \begin{ParameterSection}
-%notyet \begin{Parameter}{GH ($\ne$ NULL)}
-%notyet Pointer to a valid Cactus grid hierarchy.
-%notyet \end{Parameter}
-%notyet \begin{Parameter}{N\_dims ($\ge 1$)}
-%notyet Number of dimensions in which to interpolate.
-%notyet This must match the dimensionality of the coordinate system!
-%notyet \end{Parameter}
-%notyet \begin{Parameter}{operator\_handle ($\ge 0$)}
-%notyet \hbox{}
-%notyet Handle to the interpolation operator as returned by
-%notyet \verb|CCTK_InterpHandle()|.
-%notyet \end{Parameter}
-%notyet \begin{Parameter}{param\_table\_handle ($\ge 0$)}
-%notyet \hbox{}
-%notyet Handle to a key-value table containing additional parameters for
-%notyet the interpolator.
-%notyet \end{Parameter}
-%notyet \begin{Parameter}{coord\_system\_handle ($\ge 0$)}
-%notyet \hbox{}
-%notyet Cactus coordinate system handle defining the mapping between
-%notyet coordinates and integer grid subscripts, as returned by
-%notyet \verb|CCTK_CoordSystemHandle()|.
-%notyet \end{Parameter}
-%notyet \begin{Parameter}{N\_interp\_points ($\ge 0$)}
-%notyet \hbox{}
-%notyet The number of points at which interpolation is to be done.
-%notyet \end{Parameter}
-%notyet \begin{Parameter}{interp\_coords\_type\_code}
-%notyet \hbox{}
-%notyet One of the \verb|CCTK_VARIABLE_|* type codes, giving the data type of the
-%notyet interpolation-point coordinate arrays pointed to by \verb|interp_coords[]|.
-%notyet \end{Parameter}
-%notyet \begin{Parameter}{interp\_coords ($\ne$ NULL)}
-%notyet \hbox{}
-%notyet (Pointer to) an array of \verb|N_dims| pointers to 1-D arrays giving the
-%notyet coordinates of the interpolation points. These coordinates are with
-%notyet respect to the coordinate system defined by \verb|coord_system_handle|.
-%notyet \end{Parameter}
-%notyet \begin{Parameter}{N\_input\_arrays ($\ge 0$)}
-%notyet \hbox{}The number of input arrays to be interpolated.
-%notyet Note that if the parameter table entry \verb|operand_indices|
-%notyet is used to specify a 1-to-many mapping of input arrays to output arrays,
-%notyet only the unique set of input arrays should be given here.
-%notyet \end{Parameter}
-%notyet \begin{Parameter}{input\_array\_variable\_indices ($\ne$ NULL)}
-%notyet \hbox{}
-%notyet (Pointer to) an array of \verb|N_input_arrays| Cactus variable
-%notyet indices (as returned by \verb|CCTK_VarIndex()|) specifying the
-%notyet input grid arrays for the interpolation.
-%notyet \end{Parameter}
-%notyet \begin{Parameter}{N\_output\_arrays ($\ge 0$)}
-%notyet \hbox{}
-%notyet The number of output arrays to be returned from the interpolation.
-%notyet \end{Parameter}
-%notyet \begin{Parameter}{output\_array\_type\_codes ($\ne$ NULL)}
-%notyet \hbox{}
-%notyet (Pointer to) an array of \verb|N_output_arrays| \verb|CCTK_VARIABLE_|*
-%notyet type codes giving the data types of the 1-D output arrays pointed to by
-%notyet \verb|output_arrays[]|.
-%notyet \end{Parameter}
-%notyet \begin{Parameter}{output\_arrays ($\ne$ NULL)}
-%notyet \hbox{}
-%notyet (Pointer to) an array of \verb|N_output_arrays| pointers to the
-%notyet (user-supplied) 1-D output arrays for the interpolation.
-%notyet \end{Parameter}
-%notyet \end{ParameterSection}
-%notyet \begin{Discussion}
-%notyet This function interpolates a list of distributed grid arrays.
-%notyet The grid topology and coordinates are implicitly specified via a
-%notyet Cactus coordinate system.
-%notyet This is a collective operation, so in the multiprocessor case you
-%notyet {\em must\/} call this function in parallel on {\em each\/} processor.
-%notyet However, you may (and typically will) specify a different set of
-%notyet interpolation points on each processor's call -- you may even specify
-%notyet an empty set on some processors. The interpolation points may be
-%notyet ``owned'' by any processors (this function takes care of all
-%notyet interprocessor-communication issues), though it may be more efficient
-%notyet to have most or all of the interpolation points ``owned'' by the
-%notyet current processor.
-%notyet Details of the operation performed, and what (if any) inputs and/or
-%notyet outputs are specified in the parameter table, depend on which driver
-%notyet thorn and interpolation operator you use. See the documentation on
-%notyet individual interpolator thorns (eg.~\verb|PUGHInterp|) for details.
-%notyet One common parameter-table option, which a number of interpolation
-%notyet operators are likely to support, is \verb|order|, a \verb|CCTK_INT|
-%notyet specifying the order of the (presumably polynomial) interpolation
-%notyet (1=linear, 2=quadratic, 3=cubic, etc).
-%notyet \end{Discussion}
-%notyet \begin{SeeAlsoSection}
-%notyet \begin{SeeAlso}{CCTK\_InterpHandle()}
-%notyet Get the interpolator handle for a given character-string name.
-%notyet \end{SeeAlso}
-%notyet \begin{SeeAlso}{CCTK\_InterpGV()}
-%notyet Older API to interpolate a list of Cactus grid arrays.
-%notyet \end{SeeAlso}
-%notyet \begin{SeeAlso}{CCTK\_InterpLocal()}
-%notyet Older API to interpolate a list of processor-local arrays.
-%notyet \end{SeeAlso}
-%notyet \begin{SeeAlso}{CCTK\_InterpLocalNonUniform()}
-%notyet Interpolate a list of processor-local arrays
-%notyet which define a nonuniformly spaced data grid (not implemented yet)
-%notyet \end{SeeAlso}
-%notyet \begin{SeeAlso}{CCTK\_InterpLocalUniform()}
-%notyet Interpolate a list of processor-local arrays
-%notyet which define a uniformly-spaced data grid
-%notyet \end{SeeAlso}
-%notyet \begin{SeeAlso}{CCTK\_InterpLocalWarped()}
-%notyet Interpolate a list of processor-local arrays
-%notyet which define a curvilinearly-warped data grid (not implemented yet)
-%notyet \end{SeeAlso}
-%notyet \begin{SeeAlso}{CCTK\_InterpRegisterOpGrid()}
-%notyet Register a \verb|CCTK_InterpGridArrays()| interpolation operator.
-%notyet \end{SeeAlso}
-%notyet \end{SeeAlsoSection}
-%notyet \begin{ErrorSection}
-%notyet \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_BAD\_INPUT}
-%notyet one or more of the inputs is invalid (eg.~\verb|NULL| pointer)
-%notyet \end{Error}
-%notyet \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_NO\_MEMORY}
-%notyet unable to allocate memory
-%notyet \end{Error}
-%notyet \begin{Error}{UTIL\_ERROR\_BAD\_HANDLE}
-%notyet parameter table handle is invalid
-%notyet \end{Error}
-%notyet \end{ErrorSection}
-%notyet \begin{ExampleSection}
-%notyet \begin{Example}{C}
-%notyet Here's a simple example to do quartic 3-D interpolation of a real
-%notyet and a complex grid array, at 1000 interpolation points:
-%notyet \begin{verbatim}
-%notyet #include "cctk.h"
-%notyet #include "util_Table.h"
-%notyet #define N_DIMS 3
-%notyet #define N_INTERP_POINTS 1000
-%notyet #define N_INPUT_ARRAYS 2
-%notyet #define N_OUTPUT_ARRAYS 2
-%notyet const cGH *GH;
-%notyet int operator_handle, coord_system_handle;
-%notyet /* interpolation points */
-%notyet CCTK_REAL interp_x[N_INTERP_POINTS],
-%notyet interp_y[N_INTERP_POINTS],
-%notyet interp_z[N_INTERP_POINTS];
-%notyet static const CCTK_INT interp_coord_type_codes[N_DIMS]
-%notyet const void *interp_coords[N_DIMS];
-%notyet /* input and output arrays */
-%notyet CCTK_INT input_array_variable_indices[N_INPUT_ARRAYS];
-%notyet static const CCTK_INT output_array_type_codes[N_OUTPUT_ARRAYS]
-%notyet void *output_arrays[N_OUTPUT_ARRAYS];
-%notyet CCTK_REAL output_for_real_array [N_INTERP_POINTS];
-%notyet CCTK_COMPLEX output_for_complex_array[N_INTERP_POINTS];
-%notyet operator_handle = CCTK_InterpHandle("generalized polynomial interpolation");
-%notyet if (operator_handle < 0)
-%notyet CCTK_WARN(-1, "can't get operator handle!");
-%notyet coord_system_handle = CCTK_CoordSystemHandle("cart3d");
-%notyet if (coord_system_handle < 0)
-%notyet CCTK_WARN(-1, "can't get coordinate-system handle!");
-%notyet interp_coords[0] = (const void *) interp_x;
-%notyet interp_coords[1] = (const void *) interp_y;
-%notyet interp_coords[2] = (const void *) interp_z;
-%notyet input_array_variable_indices[0] = CCTK_VarIndex("my_thorn::real_array");
-%notyet input_array_variable_indices[1] = CCTK_VarIndex("my_thorn::complex_array");
-%notyet output_arrays[0] = (void *) output_for_real_array;
-%notyet output_arrays[1] = (void *) output_for_complex_array;
-%notyet if (CCTK_InterpGridArrays(GH, N_DIMS,
-%notyet operator_handle,
-%notyet Util_TableCreateFromString("order=4"),
-%notyet coord_system_handle,
-%notyet N_INTERP_POINTS, interp_coord_type_codes,
-%notyet interp_coords,
-%notyet N_INPUT_ARRAYS, input_array_variable_indices,
-%notyet N_OUTPUT_ARRAYS, output_array_type_codes,
-%notyet output_arrays) < 0)
-%notyet CCTK_WARN(-1, "error return from interpolator!");
-%notyet \end{verbatim}
-%notyet \end{Example}
-%notyet \end{ExampleSection}
-%notyet \end{FunctionDescription}
+Interpolate a list of distributed grid arrays
+(This function will eventually replace \verb|CCTK_InterpGV()|;
+see the Cactus web pages ``Development'' section for further details.)
+The computation is optimized for the case of interpolating a
+number of arrays at a time; in this case all the interprocessor
+communication can be done together, and the same interpolation
+coefficients can be used for all the arrays.
+#include "cctk.h"
+int status
+ = CCTK_InterpGridArrays(const cGH *GH,
+ int N_dims,
+ int param_table_handle,
+ int local_interp_handle,
+ int coord_system_handle,
+ int N_interp_points,
+ const int interp_coords_type_code,
+ const void *const interp_coords[],
+ int N_input_arrays,
+ const CCTK_INT input_array_variable_indices[],
+ int N_output_arrays,
+ const CCTK_INT output_array_type_codes[],
+ void *const output_arrays[]);
+\begin{Result}{\rm 0}
+\begin{Parameter}{GH ($\ne$ NULL)}
+Pointer to a valid Cactus grid hierarchy.
+\begin{Parameter}{N\_dims ($\ge 1$)}
+Number of dimensions in which to interpolate.
+This must be $\leq$ the dimensionality of the coordinate system defined
+by \verb|coord_system_handle|. The default case is that it's $=$; see
+the discussion of the \verb|interpolation_hyperslab_handle| parameter-table
+entry for the $<$ case.
+\begin{Parameter}{param\_table\_handle ($\ge 0$)}
+Handle to a key-value table containing additional parameters for the
+interpolation operation. For example, this could be used to specify
+that the local interpolator should take derivatives, by specifying
+const CCTK_INT operand_indices[N_output_arrays];
+const CCTK_INT operation_codes[N_output_arrays];
+\begin{Parameter}{local\_interp\_handle ($\ge 0$)}
+Handle to the local interpolation operator as returned by
+\begin{Parameter}{param\_table\_handle ($\ge 0$)}
+Handle to a key-value table containing additional parameters for
+the interpolator.
+\begin{Parameter}{coord\_system\_handle ($\ge 0$)}
+Cactus coordinate system handle defining the mapping between
+coordinates and integer grid subscripts, as returned by
+\begin{Parameter}{N\_interp\_points ($\ge 0$)}
+The number of points at which interpolation is to be done.
+One of the \verb|CCTK_VARIABLE_|* type codes, giving the data type of the
+interpolation-point coordinate arrays pointed to by \verb|interp_coords[]|.
+\begin{Parameter}{interp\_coords ($\ne$ NULL)}
+(Pointer to) an array of \verb|N_dims| pointers to 1-D arrays giving the
+coordinates of the interpolation points. These coordinates are with
+respect to the coordinate system defined by \verb|coord_system_handle|.
+\begin{Parameter}{N\_input\_arrays ($\ge 0$)}
+\hbox{}The number of input arrays to be interpolated.
+Note that if the parameter table entry \verb|operand_indices|
+is used to specify a 1-to-many mapping of input arrays to output arrays,
+only the unique set of input arrays should be given here.
+\begin{Parameter}{input\_array\_variable\_indices ($\ne$ NULL)}
+(Pointer to) an array of \verb|N_input_arrays| Cactus variable
+indices (as returned by \verb|CCTK_VarIndex()|) specifying the
+input grid arrays for the interpolation.
+\begin{Parameter}{N\_output\_arrays ($\ge 0$)}
+The number of output arrays to be returned from the interpolation.
+\begin{Parameter}{output\_array\_type\_codes ($\ne$ NULL)}
+(Pointer to) an array of \verb|N_output_arrays| \verb|CCTK_VARIABLE_|*
+type codes giving the data types of the 1-D output arrays pointed to by
+\begin{Parameter}{output\_arrays ($\ne$ NULL)}
+(Pointer to) an array of \verb|N_output_arrays| pointers to the
+(user-supplied) 1-D output arrays for the interpolation.
+This function interpolates a list of distributed grid arrays.
+The grid topology and coordinates are implicitly specified via a
+Cactus coordinate system.
+This is a collective operation, so in the multiprocessor case you
+{\em must\/} call this function in parallel on {\em each\/} processor.
+However, you may (and typically will) specify a different set of
+interpolation points on each processor's call -- you may even specify
+an empty set on some processors. The interpolation points may be
+``owned'' by any processors (this function takes care of all
+interprocessor-communication issues), though it may be more efficient
+to have most or all of the interpolation points ``owned'' by the
+current processor.
+Details of the operation performed, and what (if any) inputs and/or
+outputs are specified in the parameter table, depend on which driver
+thorn and interpolation operator you use. See the documentation on
+individual interpolator thorns (eg.~\verb|PUGHInterp|) for details.
+One common parameter-table option, which a number of interpolation
+operators are likely to support, is \verb|order|, a \verb|CCTK_INT|
+specifying the order of the (presumably polynomial) interpolation
+(1=linear, 2=quadratic, 3=cubic, etc).
+Get the interpolator handle for a given character-string name.
+Older API to interpolate a list of Cactus grid arrays.
+Older API to interpolate a list of processor-local arrays.
+Interpolate a list of processor-local arrays
+which define a nonuniformly spaced data grid (not implemented yet)
+Interpolate a list of processor-local arrays
+which define a uniformly-spaced data grid
+Interpolate a list of processor-local arrays
+which define a curvilinearly-warped data grid (not implemented yet)
+Register a \verb|CCTK_InterpGridArrays()| interpolation operator.
+one or more of the inputs is invalid (eg.~\verb|NULL| pointer)
+unable to allocate memory
+parameter table handle is invalid
+Here's a simple example to do quartic 3-D interpolation of a real
+and a complex grid array, at 1000 interpolation points:
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "util_Table.h"
+#define N_DIMS 3
+#define N_INTERP_POINTS 1000
+#define N_INPUT_ARRAYS 2
+#define N_OUTPUT_ARRAYS 2
+const cGH *GH;
+int operator_handle, coord_system_handle;
+/* interpolation points */
+ interp_y[N_INTERP_POINTS],
+ interp_z[N_INTERP_POINTS];
+static const CCTK_INT interp_coord_type_codes[N_DIMS]
+const void *interp_coords[N_DIMS];
+/* input and output arrays */
+CCTK_INT input_array_variable_indices[N_INPUT_ARRAYS];
+static const CCTK_INT output_array_type_codes[N_OUTPUT_ARRAYS]
+void *output_arrays[N_OUTPUT_ARRAYS];
+CCTK_REAL output_for_real_array [N_INTERP_POINTS];
+CCTK_COMPLEX output_for_complex_array[N_INTERP_POINTS];
+operator_handle = CCTK_InterpHandle("generalized polynomial interpolation");
+if (operator_handle < 0)
+ CCTK_WARN(-1, "can't get operator handle!");
+coord_system_handle = CCTK_CoordSystemHandle("cart3d");
+if (coord_system_handle < 0)
+ CCTK_WARN(-1, "can't get coordinate-system handle!");
+interp_coords[0] = (const void *) interp_x;
+interp_coords[1] = (const void *) interp_y;
+interp_coords[2] = (const void *) interp_z;
+input_array_variable_indices[0] = CCTK_VarIndex("my_thorn::real_array");
+input_array_variable_indices[1] = CCTK_VarIndex("my_thorn::complex_array");
+output_arrays[0] = (void *) output_for_real_array;
+output_arrays[1] = (void *) output_for_complex_array;
+if (CCTK_InterpGridArrays(GH, N_DIMS,
+ operator_handle,
+ Util_TableCreateFromString("order=4"),
+ coord_system_handle,
+ N_INTERP_POINTS, interp_coord_type_codes,
+ interp_coords,
+ N_INPUT_ARRAYS, input_array_variable_indices,
+ N_OUTPUT_ARRAYS, output_array_type_codes,
+ output_arrays) < 0)
+ CCTK_WARN(-1, "error return from interpolator!");