/* * Copyright 2014-2016 Anton Khirnov * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /** * @file * evaluation of the solution on a grid */ #include #include #include #include #include "brill_data.h" #include "internal.h" #include "qfunc.h" static int eval_psi_radial(const BDContext *bd, const double *rho, int nb_coords_rho, const double *z, int nb_coords_z, const unsigned int diff_order[2], double *psi, unsigned int psi_stride) { BDPriv *s = bd->priv; enum BSEvalType type; double *basis_val[2][3] = { { NULL } }; double add = 0.0; int ret = 0; if (diff_order[0] == 0 && diff_order[1] == 0) add = 1.0; /* precompute the basis values on the grid points */ for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_ELEMS(basis_val[0]); i++) { posix_memalign((void**)&basis_val[0][i], REQ_ALIGNMENT(char), sizeof(*basis_val[0][i]) * s->nb_coeffs[0]); posix_memalign((void**)&basis_val[1][i], REQ_ALIGNMENT(char), sizeof(*basis_val[1][i]) * s->nb_coeffs[1]); if (!basis_val[0][i] || !basis_val[1][i]) { ret = -ENOMEM; goto fail; } } #define BASIS0 (basis_val[0][0][n]) #define DBASIS0 (basis_val[0][1][n]) #define D2BASIS0 (basis_val[0][2][n]) #define BASIS1 (basis_val[1][0][m]) #define DBASIS1 (basis_val[1][1][m]) #define D2BASIS1 (basis_val[1][2][m]) for (int i = 0; i < nb_coords_z; i++) { double *dst = psi + i * psi_stride; double zz = z[i]; for (int j = 0; j < nb_coords_rho; j++) { double ppsi = add; double rrho = rho[j]; double r = sqrt(SQR(rrho) + SQR(zz)); double phi = atan2(zz, rrho); bdi_basis_eval_multi(s->basis[0], r, basis_val[0], 0, s->nb_coeffs[0]); bdi_basis_eval_multi(s->basis[1], phi, basis_val[1], 0, s->nb_coeffs[1]); if (diff_order[0] == 0 && diff_order[1] == 0) { for (int m = 0; m < s->nb_coeffs[1]; m++) { double tmp = 0.0; for (int n = 0; n < s->nb_coeffs[0]; n++) { tmp += s->coeffs[m * s->coeffs_stride + n] * BASIS0; } ppsi += tmp * BASIS1; } } else if (diff_order[0] == 2 && diff_order[1] == 0) { for (int m = 0; m < s->nb_coeffs[1]; m++) { for (int n = 0; n < s->nb_coeffs[0]; n++) { double basis_val_20 = ((r > EPS) ? (SQR(rrho / r) * D2BASIS0 * BASIS1 + SQR(zz / SQR(r)) * BASIS0 * D2BASIS1 + (1.0 - SQR(rrho / r)) / r * DBASIS0 * BASIS1 + 2 * rrho * zz / SQR(SQR(r)) * BASIS0 * DBASIS1 - 2 * zz * rrho / (r * SQR(r)) * DBASIS0 * DBASIS1) : 0.0); ppsi += s->coeffs[m * s->coeffs_stride + n] * basis_val_20; } } } else if (diff_order[0] == 0 && diff_order[1] == 2) { for (int m = 0; m < s->nb_coeffs[1]; m++) { for (int n = 0; n < s->nb_coeffs[0]; n++) { double basis_val_02 = ((r > EPS) ? (SQR(zz / r) * D2BASIS0 * BASIS1 + SQR(rrho / SQR(r)) * BASIS0 * D2BASIS1 + (1.0 - SQR(zz / r)) / r * DBASIS0 * BASIS1 - 2 * rrho * zz / SQR(SQR(r)) * BASIS0 * DBASIS1 + 2 * zz * rrho / (r * SQR(r)) * DBASIS0 * DBASIS1) : 0.0); ppsi += s->coeffs[m * s->coeffs_stride + n] * basis_val_02; } } } else if (diff_order[0] == 1 && diff_order[1] == 0) { for (int m = 0; m < s->nb_coeffs[1]; m++) { for (int n = 0; n < s->nb_coeffs[0]; n++) { double basis_val_10 = ((r > EPS) ? (DBASIS0 * BASIS1 * rrho / r - BASIS0 * DBASIS1 * zz / SQR(r)) : 0.0); ppsi += s->coeffs[m * s->coeffs_stride + n] * basis_val_10; } } } else if (diff_order[0] == 0 && diff_order[1] == 1) { for (int m = 0; m < s->nb_coeffs[1]; m++) { for (int n = 0; n < s->nb_coeffs[0]; n++) { double basis_val_01 = ((r > EPS) ? (DBASIS0 * BASIS1 * zz / r + BASIS0 * DBASIS1 * rrho / SQR(r)) : 0.0); ppsi += s->coeffs[m * s->coeffs_stride + n] * basis_val_01; } } } else if (diff_order[0] == 1 && diff_order[1] == 1) { for (int m = 0; m < s->nb_coeffs[1]; m++) { for (int n = 0; n < s->nb_coeffs[0]; n++) { double basis_val_11 = ((r > EPS) ? (rrho * zz / SQR(r) * D2BASIS0 * BASIS1 - rrho * zz / SQR(SQR(r)) * BASIS0 * D2BASIS1 - rrho * zz / (r * SQR(r)) * DBASIS0 * BASIS1 - (1.0 - SQR(zz / r)) / SQR(r) * BASIS0 * DBASIS1 + (SQR(rrho) - SQR(zz)) / (r * SQR(r)) * DBASIS0 * DBASIS1) : 0.0); ppsi += s->coeffs[m * s->coeffs_stride + n] * basis_val_11; } } } *dst++ = ppsi; } } fail: for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_ELEMS(basis_val[0]); i++) { free(basis_val[0][i]); free(basis_val[1][i]); } return ret; } static int eval_psi_cylindric(const BDContext *bd, const double *rho, int nb_coords_rho, const double *z, int nb_coords_z, const unsigned int diff_order[2], double *psi, unsigned int psi_stride) { BDPriv *s = bd->priv; enum BSEvalType type; double *basis_val_rho = NULL, *basis_val_z = NULL; double add = 0.0; int ret = 0; /* precompute the basis values on the grid points */ basis_val_rho = malloc(sizeof(*basis_val_rho) * s->nb_coeffs[0] * nb_coords_rho); basis_val_z = malloc(sizeof(*basis_val_z) * s->nb_coeffs[1] * nb_coords_z); if (!basis_val_rho || !basis_val_z) { ret = -ENOMEM; goto fail; } switch (diff_order[0]) { case 0: type = BS_EVAL_TYPE_VALUE; break; case 1: type = BS_EVAL_TYPE_DIFF1; break; case 2: type = BS_EVAL_TYPE_DIFF2; break; } for (int i = 0; i < nb_coords_rho; i++) { double rrho = rho[i]; for (int j = 0; j < s->nb_coeffs[0]; j++) basis_val_rho[i * s->nb_coeffs[0] + j] = bdi_basis_eval(s->basis[0], type, rrho, j); } switch (diff_order[1]) { case 0: type = BS_EVAL_TYPE_VALUE; break; case 1: type = BS_EVAL_TYPE_DIFF1; break; case 2: type = BS_EVAL_TYPE_DIFF2; break; } for (int i = 0; i < nb_coords_z; i++) { double zz = z[i]; for (int j = 0; j < s->nb_coeffs[1]; j++) basis_val_z[i * s->nb_coeffs[1] + j] = bdi_basis_eval(s->basis[1], type, zz, j); } for (int i = 0; i < nb_coords_z; i++) { double *dst = psi + i * psi_stride; for (int j = 0; j < nb_coords_rho; j++) { double ppsi = add; for (int m = 0; m < s->nb_coeffs[1]; m++) for (int n = 0; n < s->nb_coeffs[0]; n++) ppsi += s->coeffs[m * s->nb_coeffs[0] + n] * basis_val_rho[j * s->nb_coeffs[0] + n] * basis_val_z[i * s->nb_coeffs[1] + m]; *dst++ = ppsi; } } fail: free(basis_val_rho); free(basis_val_z); return ret; } int bd_eval_psi(const BDContext *bd, const double *rho, int nb_coords_rho, const double *z, int nb_coords_z, const unsigned int diff_order[2], double *psi, unsigned int psi_stride) { BDPriv *s = bd->priv; int ret = 0; if (diff_order[0] > 2 || diff_order[1] > 2) { bdi_log(bd, 0, "Derivatives of higher order than 2 are not supported.\n"); return -ENOSYS; } switch (s->coord_system) { case COORD_SYSTEM_CYLINDRICAL: ret = eval_psi_cylindric(bd, rho, nb_coords_rho, z, nb_coords_z, diff_order, psi, psi_stride); break; case COORD_SYSTEM_RADIAL: ret = eval_psi_radial(bd, rho, nb_coords_rho, z, nb_coords_z, diff_order, psi, psi_stride); break; } return ret; } int bd_eval_metric(const BDContext *bd, const double *rho, int nb_coords_rho, const double *z, int nb_coords_z, int nb_comp, const enum BDMetricComponent *comp, const unsigned int (*diff_order)[2], double **out, unsigned int *out_strides) { const int nb_coords = nb_coords_rho * nb_coords_z; double *psi[9] = { NULL }, *q[9] = { NULL }; int ret = 0; /* check the parameters for validity */ for (int i = 0; i < nb_comp; i++) { if (comp[i] >= 9 || comp[i] < 0) { bdi_log(bd, 0, "Invalid component %d: %d\n", i, comp[i]); return -EINVAL; } if (diff_order[i][0] + diff_order[i][1] > 2) { bdi_log(bd, 0, "At most second order derivatives are supported.\n"); return -ENOSYS; } } /* evaluate the conformal factor and its derivatives as necessary */ for (int i = 0; i < nb_comp; i++) { if (comp[i] != BD_METRIC_COMPONENT_RHORHO && comp[i] != BD_METRIC_COMPONENT_ZZ && comp[i] != BD_METRIC_COMPONENT_PHIPHI) continue; for (int j = 0; j < ARRAY_ELEMS(psi); j++) { if (psi[j]) continue; if (j / 3 + j % 3 > 2) continue; if (!(j % 3 <= diff_order[i][0] || j / 3 <= diff_order[i][1])) continue; psi[j] = malloc(nb_coords * sizeof(*psi[j])); if (!psi[j]) { ret = -ENOMEM; goto fail; } ret = bd_eval_psi(bd, rho, nb_coords_rho, z, nb_coords_z, (unsigned int[2]){ j % 3, j / 3 }, psi[j], nb_coords_rho); if (ret < 0) goto fail; q[j] = malloc(nb_coords * sizeof(*q[j])); if (!q[j]) { ret = -ENOMEM; goto fail; } ret = bd_eval_q(bd, rho, nb_coords_rho, z, nb_coords_z, (unsigned int[2]){ j % 3, j / 3 }, q[j], nb_coords_rho); if (ret < 0) goto fail; } } /* evaluate the requested metric components */ for (int i = 0; i < nb_comp; i++) { bdi_eval_metric(bd, rho, nb_coords_rho, z, nb_coords_z, comp[i], diff_order[i], psi, q, out[i], out_strides[i]); } fail: for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_ELEMS(psi); i++) free(psi[i]); for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_ELEMS(q); i++) free(q[i]); return ret; } int bd_eval_q(const BDContext *bd, const double *rho, int nb_coords_rho, const double *z, int nb_coords_z, const unsigned int diff_order[2], double *out, unsigned int out_stride) { BDPriv *s = bd->priv; int diff_idx; if (diff_order[0] > 2 || diff_order[1] > 2) { bdi_log(bd, 0, "Derivatives of higher order than 2 are not supported.\n"); return -ENOSYS; } diff_idx = diff_order[1] * 3 + diff_order[0]; for (int i = 0; i < nb_coords_z; i++) { double *dst = out + i * out_stride; for (int j = 0; j < nb_coords_rho; j++) *dst++ = bdi_qfunc_eval(s->qfunc, rho[j], z[i], diff_idx); } return 0; }