local gio = require("lgi").Gio local object = require("gears.object") local utils = require("utils") local Battery = {} Battery.__index = Battery setmetatable(Battery, { __call = function (cls, ...) return cls.new(...) end, }) Battery.STATUS = { UNKNOWN = 'Unknown', DISCHARGING = 'Discharging', CHARGING = 'Charging', ['NOT CHARGING'] = 'Not charging', FULL = 'Full', } function Battery:_readfile(name) local file = gio.File.new_for_path(self._path .. name) local contents = file:load_contents(nil) -- remove trailing newline if contents then contents = string.gsub(contents, "%s$", "") return string.len(contents) > 0 and contents or nil end return nil end function Battery:_readnum(name) local val = self:_readfile(name) return tonumber(val) end function Battery:update() local status = string.upper(self:_readfile('status') or '') self.status = self.STATUS[status] if self.status == nil then utils.log('Battery/' .. self.name, 'Error updating status: %s', tostring(status)) return false end self.capacity = self:_readnum('capacity') self.capacity_level = self:_readfile('capacity_level') local energy = self:_readnum('energy_now') local energy_full = self:_readnum('energy_full') local power = self:_readnum('power_now') -- try to compute remaining seconds to charge/discharge, -- if we have the information self.remaining_seconds = nil if self.status == self.STATUS.DISCHARGING then if energy and power then self.remaining_seconds = 3600 * energy / power end elseif self.status == self.STATUS.CHARGING then if energy and energy_full and power then self.remaining_seconds = 3600 * (energy_full - energy) / power end end if power ~= nil then self.power = power / 1e6 end self:emit_signal('updated') return true end function Battery.new(name) local self = object({class = Battery}) self.name = name self._path = '/sys/class/power_supply/' .. name .. '/' -- skip non-battery power supplies, we don't handle them local type = self:_readfile('type') if type ~= 'Battery' then return nil end -- build description string local desc = nil -- first try manufacturer+model local manufacturer = self:_readfile('manufacturer') local model = self:_readfile('model_name') if manufacturer or model then desc = (manufacturer or '') .. (manufacturer and ' ' or '') .. (model or '') end if not desc then local technology = self:_readfile('technology') desc = (technology or '') .. (technology and ' ' or '') .. type end self.desc = desc if not self:update() then return nil end return self end return Battery