script = $CommandLine[[-1]]; krancDir = Environment["KRANCDIR"]; $Path = Join[$Path, {krancDir <> "/Tools/CodeGen", krancDir <> "/Tools/MathematicaMisc", krancDir <> "/Tools/External"}]; Needs["Errors`"]; Needs["KrancThorn`"]; Needs["Profile`"]; If[Environment["KRANCVERBOSE"] == "yes", SetDebugLevel[InfoFull]]; SetOptions["stdout", PageWidth -> Infinity]; (* I have not found a good way to abort on the first generated message. All the attempts below are triggered on messages which have been Quieted and I don't know a way to silently skip these. Note that some built-in Mathematica functions seem to Quiet messages internally, so even though no Quieting is done in Kranc, such messages still cause an abort with the below methods. Instead, we let the computation finish after messages have been generated, and then use Check to throw an exception. *) (* ThrowMessage[text_, id1_, pat:_[_[id_, args___]]] := *) (* Module[{}, *) (* Print["text = ", text]; *) (* Print[StringForm[text,args], "Aborting due to message"]]; *) (* ThrowMessage2[args___] := *) (* Module[{}, *) (* Print["args = ", {args}]; *) (* Quit[]]; *) (* exception = Catch[Catch[ *) (* Internal`HandlerBlock[ *) (* (\* See *\) *) (* {"MessageTextFilter", ThrowMessage[#1,#2,#3] &}, *) (* Get[script];None]], _]; *) (* exception = Catch[Catch[ *) (* Internal`HandlerBlock[ *) (* (\* See *\) *) (* {"Message", Replace[#, _[_, True] :> ThrowMessage2[#]] &}, *) (* Get[script];None]], _]; *) (* Unprotect[Message]; *) (* $AbortMessage = True; *) (* Message[args___] := *) (* Block[{$AbortMessage = False}, *) (* If[{args}[[1]] =!= $Off[],Print["Message: ", args]; *) (* Message[args]]] /; $AbortMessage *) (* Protect[Message]; *) (* Quiet[Message[InverseFunction::ifun]]; *) exception = Catch[Catch[ Check[ Block[ {$RecursionLimit = Infinity}, (*{result,timers} = GetTimers[ *) Get[script](*]*)]; (* Put[timers, "timer-output-1.m"]; *) (* timers = CoalesceTimers[timers]; *) (* Put[timers, "timer-output-2.m"]; *) (* timers = ThresholdTimers[timers,0.1]; *) (* Put[timers, "timer-output-3.m"]; *) (* (\* Put[timers2, "timer-output-2.m"]; *\) *) (* PrintTimerTree[timers]; *) None, ThrowError["Messages were generated - aborted"]]], _]; If[exception =!= None, Print["Exception:"]; PrintError[exception]; Quit[1], Quit[]];